Healthy Action of the Week: Self-Care Ritual

Video: Finding Your Inner BlissHi Gang,

I’m starting a weekly call to healthy action to get you thinking about various aspects of your health. Hoping that these will assist you in not just learning about new nutrients or supplements, but actually start to make changes day-to-day. For the first healthy ritual I challenge you to pick a self-care activity you feel you need the most and do it daily. Whether it be meditation, long walks, or taking a long bath, find a way to take care of you in a way that makes your heart sing. As we prioritize ourselves and establish rituals, we fill up our well of goodness we have to bring to our work, families, and life in general.Next week I will give you a template you can use to make your personally tailored self-care plan. I hope you will complete it or give it some thought! Here’s to loving a lot on YOU this week! -Xo Raw Girl 

4 Responses to Healthy Action of the Week: Self-Care Ritual

  1. Micheline says:

    Thankhs Sis!

  2. JoAnn says:

    I did take a long bath last night after a challenging day at work. Then. I went to bed early and woke up rested!

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