Tag Archives: anti-paristic foods

Awesome Benefits of Detox Superfood Chlorella

Awesome Benefits of Detox Superfood ChlorellaIf you are an avid reader of this blog, you know by now how much I love to rave about the health benefits of green algae. Algae and other superfoods can transform your health because they allow you to consume an astounding amount of nutrition in one serving. Spirulina has always been my go-to-green algae because of it’s amazing nutritional profile, protein, ability to boost your energy, maintain a healthy weight, and support high levels of fitness. It’s cousin in the algae world chlorella was always on my list but I never really experimented with taking it regularly unless it was in my smoothie powders. I’ll admit, I kind of compared the two and figured spirulina was giving me the most green bang for my buck. What I have recently discovered is that I have been completely missing out on the wonders of chlorella, and how amazing taking it ALONG with spirulina can be for your body.

Chlorella is a fresh water single cell algae which like spirulina, has a nutritional profile that also catapults it into the category of a superfood. It is high in protein (around 60%), essential fatty acids, 18 amino acids, and more than 20 vitamins and minerals including potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorous, B Vitamins, vitamin C, D,E, and K. The biggest differences between chlorella and spirulina are that chlorella contains some additional nutrients like vitamin K and phosphorous, a whole lot of antioxidants, and one of the highest forms of chlorophyll. Chlorella also works to synergistically balance and normalize body functions, and has strong detoxification properties which aid the body in removing heavy metals, waste, parasites and other toxins. In addition to being a super detoxifier, chlorella has been shown to stop the development of cancerous cells, can rebuild nerves in the brain after serious nerve damage, strengthen the intestinal wall lining, eliminate constipation, and help to build up the amount of good bacteria in the body which aids in treating digestive and colon related diseases.

Awesome Benefits of Detox Superfood ChlorellaAll that said, I’m sure you see that chlorella’s got it going on just like it’s cousin. If you’ve never tried it, taking chlorella and spirulina together actually is a powerhouse combination because you get the benefits of detoxifying the body, and also continue to build muscle and boost your energy. Chlorella can be taken in pill or powder form; because I already consume spirulina in powder form I decided to go for the pill option. You can also find really awesome grass powders that include both, along with a bunch of other groovy nutrients. Do whatever works for you, but makes sure to get a good dose of chlorophyll by any means necessary. That essential building block for life is essential for cultivating and keeping your raw vegan superpowers strong. -XoXo Raw Girl 

Check out this past article which includes more about chlorella and it’s ability to detox heavy metals

The Anti-Parasite Diet: Foods that Make Parasites Run for Cover

Embarking on a parasite cleanse can be extremely frustrating. You are dying to get those critters out of you, but have to work against the fact that a lot of times, parasites dictate your cravings.  Another frustrating point is that different parasites feed on different foods to thrive. So in order to really do some damage, a general parasite cleanse can be a great help but its also necessary to consume a wide range of foods that irritate parasites to ensure you have killed the various types.

As I continue on my parasite cleanse for this year, I have done a great deal of research on what foods and herbs people say assist the body in killing worms. This is the list of foods and herbs that I have compiled thus far and have incorporated in my diet, in order to really whip out a gangsta can of  Raw Girl whoop-ass and rid my body of parasites.

1. Raw Garlic – One of the number one ways to kill parasites. All effective parasite cleanses always include garlic.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar – Increase stomach acids with Apple Cider Vinegar  prior to your meals. This will keep the stomach free of parasites and  will also ensure that you will kill off any larvae you inadvertantly eat with your meals.

3. Pumpkin Seeds – Can help to get rid of tapeworms.

4. Pineapple – Contain an enzyme bromelain, that is anti-parisitic. A couple sources claim that a three day pineapple fast will kill tape worms.

5. Cranberry Juice (unsweetened) or  Carrot Juice & Carrots – Cranberry juice can be diluted in water. Carrots the juice or the veggie eaten plain kills em as well.

6. Coconut Oil – Contains lauric acid which is found in coconut products. Coconut oil is about 50% comprised of this  saturated fat which after converted by the body creates a substance that efficiently kills parasites, yeasts, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

7. Fennel Seed Tea – Is a mild laxative and can be an irritant to certain types of parasites.

8. Herbs: Cloves,Wormwood, Black walnut hull and husks – These herbs are always incorporated into an effective parasite cleanse and should be among the ingredients listed in the capsules you take daily from parasite cleanses that can be bought in health food stores. Cloves kills the parasite eggs that may be lingering in the intestinal tract. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill the adult and developmental stages of around 100 different types of parasites. All three are essential.

9. Pungent Spices – Spices such as: turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, chilis, horseradish, and cayenne, all make parasites run for cover.

10. Probiotics/ Fermented Foods – Some options that can be made at home include: sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) or drinking rejuvelac (a drink made from fermented grains such as wheat berries). You can also take probiotic supplements. These help to replenish good bacteria and kill the bad.

Once again, if you didn’t know, you can get parasites a myriad of ways:  from your pets, your loved ones—or anyone you kiss, also from shaking hands (washing hands regularly is key). So if you de-worm yourself and your partner does not, you’ll be back in the boxing ring with the parasites again sometime soon. Armed with my parasite cleanse, incorporating this list of foods into my diet, avoiding sugar, and consuming a lot of greens, I am determined to knock them out in this second round. Check out my newly published book  Parasites, Be Gone! for more in depth info and a 14 Day Cleanse with original recipes. Take precautions and get to cleansing!

– XoXo Raw Girl

Parasite Book_Banner

Natural Beauty Highlight: Khepera Fleming

A dear friend and mother of three who has mastered the art of looking youthful (she doesn’t really have to try), and raising healthy (not to mention insanely talented) vegan children, Khepera Fleming is a beautiful soul residing in the Brooklyn area.  If you’re wondering if her picture is airbrushed, that answer is no–that’s how stunning she is live and in the flesh.  I caught up with her to find out how she stays on track with her diet and to glean advice that may be helpful for parents to hear about raising children on a vegan diet.

How long have you been a vegan? If you were a meat eater previously what made you decide to change your diet?  What were some of the benefits spiritual mental or physical you received by changing your diet?I have been vegan for 18 years.  As a child I suffered with constipation and poor digestion due to a diet of heavy starches and my inability to digest animal protein.  In my teenage years I was very lethargic, consistently depressed and suffered painful menses. I became sick and tired of being sick and tired so I began a search which brought me to Chinese Herbalogy, I purchased and took a 14 day cleanse that shifted my paradigm. I was renewed with crystal clear understanding that I could not go back to my old eating habits. I realized my diet was killing me.  For many years I felt imprisoned in a body that caused me a great deal of stress and as I removed the animal proteins, the denatured grains and introduced juicing and more living foods I emerged from the fires with joy, energy, conscious awareness of self in relationship to the plant animal kingdom and great deal of spiritual strength knowing that the power to heal myself is within me. There is wisdom in the phrase “Heal Thyself Know Thyself.”

What are staples in your diet? What are vegan dishes your kids enjoy? Greens of all sorts are a main staple, quinoa, sea vegetables.  My children love lentils and beans. They love all the fabulous dishes that one can make with beans and lentils. Bean burritos or tacos with lots of veggies brown rice and plenty of guacamole. Chick pea or lentil patties, kale salad with seaweed, Tofu, whole grain pancakes with fresh fruit, power shakes with sea moss, spirulina, veg protein.

What supplements do you use regularly, if any?

Flaxseed oil, B-complex, Spirulina

What crucial advice would you give to mothers who want to raise their children vegan? Do your research and stay away from processed foods.  There are a variety of vegan-packaged foods, which are quite inviting but are loaded with sodium, sugars and preservatives. You will have to put time and energy into food preparation and meals should be made from whole foods giving precedence to organic.  You must keep in mind that children are growing and it is my belief that whole foods are best and if given a variety you don’t need lots of supplements.  In our modern world we have come to rely on fast foods, which include packaged foods, and microwavable foods and both are deadly to the growing children as they are simply denatured. Keep it simple plenty of dark leafy vegetables, root vegetables, lots of seasonal fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts (watch out for allergic reaction to some) oils, etc.  Most importantly teach your children so they carry the legacy of eating well and they do not succumb to peer pressure.  Also, remember food is medicine so as a mother you’re also the healer in the family especially if you’re responsible for the meals so the healthier the meals the healthier the children.

Were you vegan during all of your pregnancies? How did your diet or supplementation change during this time? I was vegan throughout all three pregnancies with no cravings for animal protein. I always get asked that.  The only difference is I ate more because my body demanded it. I ate basically the same but I included a prenatal vitamin and I increased my greens and liquid intake to increase my energy and flush my system.

Is it difficult for your kids to interact with the other children who have S.A.D. (Standard American) diets? Their interaction can be difficult because my children’s views on animal consumption involve a conscious understanding of their relationship between themselves and the plant and animal kingdom.  They can become physically ill if they watch friends or family members consume animal products.  Holidays can be tough, although now we are thought of and something vegan is prepared for us.  I’ve come to find that many of their friends eventual try and end up truly loving vegan food.  My 9-year-old daughter, Ajahee, who is a model and aspiring actress, is very vocal with her friends about her vegan lifestyle and she says she never feels indifferent about it. She loves it.

What is your beauty/skin care regimen like?
For years I used products from the health food store just whatever appealed to my senses.  Most recently I was introduced to a skin care line that promised definite results so I tried it and fell in love with Arbonne International, which is now my home based business; I am an independent consultant and district manager in the New York area. Arbonne’s 450 products are botanically base, pure and beneficial.  I use the NutriminC re9 system, which is the best product I ever used on my skin. It gives hydration, luster and youthful skin. I love it.

I love the Arbonne natural foundation I bought from you! It’s so light and enhances natural glow. How do you define natural beauty? I feel natural beauty comes from ones soul.  It’s a great feeling when you meet a pure soul I always walk away saying he/she is beautiful.  Usually that person’s lifestyle explains their inner beauty; maybe they’re truly growing their souls through conscious eating, meditation, yoga, giving, loving but whatever it is it shows.  Natural beauty defines itself there’s a certainty that whatever is good comes from nature (Neter) God/Goddess.

How long ago did you do a parasite cleanse and what did you do to cleanse? I contracted a severe parasitic infection upon moving to NYC and working long hours in Manhattan eating most of meals out even though I chose healthy meals. I did a parasite cleanse over 10 years ago. I was referred to a Naturopath in my area who put me a series of herbal flushes, a kidney liver flush every morning, followed by herbal tea concoction three times a day, followed by weekly colonic irrigation. I followed a strict diet of fresh squeezed green veg juices, whole grains, steamed vegetables and salads.  I stuck it out for 30 days and was healed. I now maintain my body system with herbal bitters so I am not so susceptible.

What were your symptoms prior to cleansing?If you have never had one pray you never get one.  Parasites rob your life force. I became lethargic, my skin broke out severely, I craved sugar, probably to increase my energy, my thinking was cloudy and I had itching in personal body parts. Not a pretty sight. I was IRRITABLE all the time.

I agree, it really is not pretty! How long did it take you to see improvements in your health?Following the protocol I saw results in two weeks and by months end I was completely healed. It’s not easy I had a great supportive friend at the time that helped through the rough periods. I remember taking relaxing baths and just seeing myself healed.

Fabulous Vegan-in-Training

One of Khepera’s daughters: Ajahee, an insanely talented nine-year old who acts, models, dances, sings, and writes her own music and screenplays! Watch out world, this little vegan-in-training is going to be fabulous when she grows up.

Ajahee is currently represented by Product Model Management in New York.

Interested in finding out more about Arbonne? You can email Khepera at: ksekkm@yahoo.com.

Taking a raw girl vacay to start work on another film. Back on Monday with videos on sprouting, raw pancakes (yum!), and other goodies. Stay tuned!

– XoXo Raw Girl