Author Archives: rawgirl

Juice! Romaine Cucumber Cleanser

Juice! Romaine Cucumber Cleanser

Romaine Cucumber Cleanser

1 head of Romaine Lettuce

1-2 Cucumbers

4-5 stalks of Celery

1 apple

1 lemon

Run all ingredients through a juicer. Strain, serve, enjoy!

When you think of romaine you may automatically assume it doesn’t have much nutrition to offer because it doesn’t have the deep green coloring of other super greens like kale. Do not be deceived, romaine lettuce actually does have some great nutritional benefits! Not only does romaine consist of 17% protein, it is a complete protein and contains all 8 essential amino acids! It also has 21% of your recommended daily allowance of calcium. Add it to a green smoothie with papaya, another calcium rich fruit and you’ll have a smoothie with way more calcium than in a glass of milk. Romaine also has 167% the daily recommended value of vitamin C. My favorite nutritional benefit of romaine that I never knew until now is that it has around 44% the daily allowance of omega-3 fatty acids which are crucial to our balancing our diets that tend to be high in omega-6′s, minimizing stress, and preventing inflammation related diseases.  In addition to all this, throw in super servings of vitamin A & K, and minerals like magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Every veggie has its place, and romaine is definitely not a green vegetable to discard as useless. If you’ve relegated your romaine to wimpy salads or ignored it all together, I challenge you to give it another chance. It’s high water content also makes it a nice hydrating addition to juices and smoothies as a base. You’ll find a few more juices I’ve put together in the past with romaine as a main ingredient if you search the blog archives. Happy Juicing! -XoXo Raw Girl 


The H2O Debate: Finding the Best Quality Water

Finding the Best Quality WaterH2O is the most important nutrient we need to thrive. If we don’t get enough of it, dehydration can cause serious problems. The thing is, these days, finding a basic necessity like water could have you standing in a grocery store isle perusing hundreds of brands for an hour, and still leaving with a purchase not knowing if that was the best or safest choice. When you are focused on optimal health, you must get concerned about your water source! I’m so finicky about my water that when I see people drinking from public water fountains I literally shudder. If you missed the memo, most bottled water these days is glorified tap, and tap water in many states can contain everything from chlorine, fluoride, volatile organic chemicals, heavy metals, endocrine disrupting chemicals, parasites, and pharmaceutical drugs. If you live in New York City, you better bless your tap in the name of whoever you pray to before you drink it because  in 2010 they found small crustaceans swimming around in the water source in addition to other things you do not want in your body. So, where does one begin?

First off you need to understand the different kinds of water available, and the water filtration processes so that you can make the best choice for you. There’s vapor distilled, reverse osmosis, tap water, various types of filtered water, spring water,  bottled water (some of which have been put through the reverse osmosis or distilled process), and alkaline water. Below is a low down on the various types of agua available out there, excluding tap. I’m not even considering tap an option, and if you are dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle neither should you. -XoXo Raw Girl

Distilled Water. When water is distilled, it means that the water is boiled, and then the steam is condensed into a clean container. Distilled water is considered “soft water”  free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Some studies validate the benefits of drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system for short periods of time. Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure.  It tends to be harsher on the body, less hydrating, and is stripped of minerals, but during the distillation process most impurities in the water are removed.

Spring Water. The benefit of drinking spring water is that it contains natural minerals like lithium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. However, spring water can be dangerous depending on the source. If the spring is polluted, drinking the water regularly could lead to a host of health issues or expose you to unwanted toxins. It’s important to know the source and have it tested or at the very least do some research if you are regularly drinking from a spring.

Bottled Water. If you are going to drink bottled water, know your brands and check the source of their water. A lot of bottled water as I said is glorified tap, and also the plastic bottles can leech additional contaminants into the water. It’s always better and more environmentally friendly if possible to have your own water source and reusable bottles that you can take on the go. When buying bottled water you can find brands that claim to be distilled, reverse osmosis, or even alkaline. Those may be the best of the options, but you should still do your research.

In-Home or Basic Filters. With filtered water, like the common pitcher filters people buy in their homes, you can reduce the amount of chlorine in the water but you do not remove volatile chemicals, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors (these chemicals mimic or interfere with the hormones in your body and can wreak havoc), parasites, or fluoride. The other in-home carbon filtration systems that usually hook up to your sink can remove volatile chemicals and pesticide residue but do not remove bacteria or heavy metals. Obviously this is not the most effective at reducing many contaminants, but if it’s what you have to work with, it is most certainly better than nothing.

R.O. The reverse osmosis process involves the use of a technology that uses a semi-permeable membrane to extract most impurities from the water. This process makes it possible to remove salt from sea water. Usually most reverse osmosis water goes through several stages which may include: a sediment filter, an activated carbon filter to remove volatile organic chemicals and chlorine, a reverse osmosis filter, a second carbon filter, and finally a UV lamp which sterilizes and kills any left over cooties that survived the process. Many impurities are removed with reverse osmosis including chlorine, fluoride, metals, and parasites/microorganisms. This process may not remove some volatile organic chemicals and some pesticides, but all in all it’s pretty effective at tackling a wide range of impurities. This is the kind of water I drink most often because its easy to find and purchase cheaply by the gallon at some health food stores. You can save a great deal by buying three or five gallon jugs and filling them up regularly to get your clean water fix.

Alkaline Water. This is water that is ionized and has a pH greater than 7. Kangen Water was one of the most well known makers of a portable alkaline water machine which in its origins was used for medical purposes. Alkaline water is very powerful and if you are dealing with a serious condition can help to rapidly accelerate your healing process because of it’s ability to detoxify the body. If you are in my favorite sunny state, California, you can probably find an alkaline water store or somewhere to easily access it and buy it by the gallon. If you live in a less enlightened area of the country you may have to purchase an alkaline water system in order to have access to the water regularly. The thing is regular use, as in beyond a serious detox and healing process, may not be the healthiest thing. There really is no scientific evidence that shows that drinking water with a high pH longterm improves your health. Some believe that just like drinking water or liquids that are too acid, drinking alkaline water long term can throw the bodies’ flora out of balance and possibly inhibit nutrient absorption. Moderation in everything is key, and so it would see safe to say, drinking water at a more balanced pH is probably the best thing, with occasional splurges on alkaline water if you are detoxing. Thing to remember is that just because it’s alkaline does not mean it is filtered! You have to pay attention to what filter is used in the process before it’s ionized, to ensure you aren’t getting really un-unpure water with ions slapped onto it.

Juicing Beets to Cleanse the Blood & Promote Healthy Skin

Crimson Cleanser

Crimson Cleanser from my 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss, & Rejuvenation

Beets are packed full with nutrients that are essential for healthy glowing skin! They are blood and liver cleansers, and if you have read my e-book The Acne-Free Diet, you know that when curing skin conditions cleansing your  blood is key. Beets are very powerful and potent so its best to never use an entire beet in one juice. Their potency comes from the oxalic acid in them which helps to dissolve inorganic (bad) calcium deposits in the body. Because of this, consuming raw beet juice can help with the reversal of diseases like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, eye problems, varicose veins etc. which are all related to calcification–the accumulation of calcium salts in a body tissue. To sum it up: beets are very powerful. When calcium deposits are dissolved in the body, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and even viruses are released, so it’s important to use the power of beets in moderation.

If you have oxalate-containing kidney stones or have had them, do not drink juices with beets. Beets are anti-inflammatory veggies that are rich in iron, potassium, niacin, copper and Vitamin C, in addition to manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, folic acid. Each of these nutrients are essential for beauty. Beets are very rich in iron, containing around 14% of the RDA and can help with the reversal of anemia, detoxifying the liver, combating high blood pressure, and lowering bad cholesterol. Not bad for a root veggie, huh? The best way to harness the power of beets is to consume them raw or juice them in combination with other veggies. You should never drink beet juice alone. I recommend sticking with a half of a large beet or juicing one small beet so you do not O.D. and overwhelm your body. If you prefer not to juice beets they are also great sliced or grated into salads. Whatever method you choose, keep beets in mind when you are detoxing, they are one of the veggies I pull out of my vegan superhero arsenal when things get serious. -XoXo Raw Girl 

For more powerful beauty boosting juice recipes, check out my 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss, and Rejuvenation.

#MoveThatBody Inspiration from Jack LaLanne

#MoveThat Body Inspiration from Jack LaLanne“I train like I’m training for the Olympics or for a Mr. America contest, the way I’ve always trained my whole life. You see, life is a battlefield. Life is survival of the fittest. How many healthy people do you know? How many happy people do you know? Think about it. People work at dying, they don’t work at living. My workout is my obligation to life. It’s my tranquilizer. It’s part of the way I tell the truth — and telling the truth is what’s kept me going all these years.” ~Jack LaLanne

Sometimes I come across women or men that inspire me to take my level of fitness or eating habits to the next level. A couple weeks ago I came across a great article on Jack LaLanne “The Godfather of Fitness” that was really inspiring. Besides the fact that he opened the first real gym in 1963 and is the reason why we have a lot of the machines available in gyms today, he was the driving force behind the fitness movement in America with his national television show The Jack LaLanne Show that encouraged people to get moving daily and offered fitness and exercise tips.  By the 1980’s he had over 200 health clubs in the U.S. which he eventually licensed to Bally Total Fitness. Jack was also a vegetarian for some part of his life and was a champion for vegetable juicing when he started selling his brand nationwide. He was about a whole foods diet and warned against the dangers of processed foods, so even later in his life he was a pescatarian but ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. His basic rules for nutrition? “If man made it, don’t eat it”, and “if it tastes good, spit it out.” Not only did he preach the gospel of proper diet and regular exercise, he practiced what he preached. He worked out every single day of his natural life for two hours a day. Talk about devotion. Hearing about the incredible physical feats that he accomplished throughout his life due to his super strength, definitely will have you wondering why it is you can’t seem to make it to the gym at least once a week.

Here’s a brief list via Wikipedia:

  • 1954 (age 40): swam the entire 8,981 feet (2,737 m) length of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Franciscounder water, with 140 pounds (64 kg; 10 st) of air tanks and other equipment strapped to his body; a world record.
  • 1955 (age 41): swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco while handcuffed. When interviewed afterwards he was quoted as saying that the worst thing about the ordeal was being handcuffed, which significantly reduced his chance to do a jumping jack.
  • 1956 (age 42): set what was claimed as a world record of 1,033 push-ups in 23 minutes on You Asked For It, a television program hosted by Art Baker.
  • 1957 (age 43): swam the Golden Gate channel while towing a 2,500-pound (1,100 kg; 180 st) cabin cruiser. The swift ocean currents turned this one-mile (1.6 km) swim into a swimming distance of 6.5 miles (10.5 km).
  • 1959 (age 45): did 1,000 jumping jacks and 1,000 chin-ups in 1 hour, 22 minutes, to promote The Jack LaLanne Show going nationwide. LaLanne said this was the most difficult of his stunts, but only because the skin on his hands started ripping off during the chin-ups. He felt he couldn’t stop because it would be seen as a public failure.
  • 1974 (age 60): For the second time, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf. Again, he was handcuffed, but this time he was also shackled and towed a 1,000-pound (450 kg; 71 st) boat. 
  • 1975 (age 61): Repeating his performance of 21 years earlier, he again swam the entire length of the Golden Gate Bridge, underwater and handcuffed, but this time he was shackled and towed a 1,000-pound (450 kg; 71 st) boat.
  • 1976 (age 62): To commemorate the “Spirit of ’76”, United States Bicentennial, he swam one mile (1.6 km) in Long Beach Harbor. He was handcuffed and shackled, and he towed 13 boats (representing the 13 original colonies) containing 76 people.
  • 1979 (age 65): towed 65 boats in Lake Ashinoko, near Tokyo, Japan. He was handcuffed and shackled, and the boats were filled with 6,500 pounds (2,900 kg; 460 st) of Louisiana Pacific wood pulp.
  • 1980 (age 66): towed 10 boats in North Miami, Florida. The boats carried 77 people, and he towed them for over one mile (1.6 km) in less than one hour.
  • 1984 (age 70): handcuffed, shackled, and fighting strong winds and currents, he towed 70 rowboats, one with several guests, from the Queen’s Way Bridge in the Long Beach Harbor to the Queen Mary, 1 mile.

To add in another fun fact, when he was 54, he beat the then 21-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger “badly” in an informal body building contest! Jack eventually passed in 2011 at the age of 96. When asked why he did all those crazy unimaginable things he said “to show that anything is possible.” There really are no excuses; our human bodies are designed to move, and Jack Lalanne’s legacy is great example of the fact that we can use our minds to transcend what we think is possible. Are you inspired yet? It’s important to remember that diet is only one piece of the puzzle and that in order for us to truly thrive we must, must, #MoveThatBody. -XoXo Raw Girl

Kale is the New Beef

Kale is the New BeefKale is the New Beef

Kale is such a staple in my diet, that I often forget to sing its praises. A friend asked the other day, “So what’s the big deal with kale, anyway?” After going through the laundry list of health benefits and nutrients, and ending with the declaration that kale is one of the most nutrient dense leafy greens on the planet, I realized I needed to show kale some public love. Apparently I am not the only one. Have you seen all the t-shirts and stickers available on the web for you to express your infatuation with kale?  I used to work as a fashion designer, it seems ages ago, and black was the staple color that you compared everything to. One season grey may be the new black, the next it was red. Well in the old paradigm food world, beef and animal products were the standards, leaving all of us hippie veggie lovers on the outskirts like the weird kids in class. But times are a changing! Just like those popular kids in high school who were really cool back in the day but are now overweight and boring, those who preach the gospel of animal protein are starting to look shabbier than all the lean, energized, and bright-eyed vegetable eaters. Yeah, we were once the weird kids in class, but now we’re totally hot and our sexiness is way more sustainable. As a part of this shift, kale is becoming what beef was, a staple. Although I sometimes still go through the checkout line and have to explain to the person ringing me up what Lacinato (also called Dino kale) or green kale is, more and more people are singing the gospel of kale because, frankly, it’s awesome. Below are a couple of reasons you may want to join the new cool kids and learn more about purple, green, and dino kale and how you can incorporate them into your diet. If your already on team kale, I salute you. -XoXo Raw Girl 

Supports Weight Loss. Kale is incredible low in calories, high in fiber, and has zero fat. Unlike a slab of steak on your plate, eating kale isn’t going to add anything to your waistline. In fact the fiber and nutrients will promote better digestion and proper elimination, all  while providing you with some essential nutrition.

Potent Anti-Inflmmatory Food. Kale is a power green leafy vegetable which solves a major issue that is plaguing the majority of people with chronic diseases or common skin issues: inflammation. Kale is an incredibly effective anti-inflammatory food and  its  omega-3 content adds to its anti-inflammatory properties. One cup of kale has 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids which is a key missing ingredient in standard modern diets leading to arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and other health problems.

Relieves Constipation. For those who have never incorporated kale into your diet, one of the first things you’ll notice is that kale will get waste moving out of the body and induce a bowel movement fairly quickly. Why is this great? Because most people are full of s&%$# thus leading to chronic health problems, skin issues, and other conditions that could have been solved by getting waste moved out of the colon.

Nutritional Powerhouse.  Kale is an excellent source of nutrition including vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, calcium, beta-carotene, phosphorous, iron, copper, magnesium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and the carotenoid lutein. This cruciferous veggie is one of the richest sources of lutein which has been proven by research to be effective in protecting the skin from UV rays. The vitamin A content promotes the repair and maintenance of the skin, maintains healthy vision, and protects against lung and oral cancers.

The A Word. You  cannot claim to be devoted to living a healthy, disease-free, and youth maintaining lifestyle if you are not getting enough foods with antioxidants. Kale is full of antioxidants which protect against cancers, fights free radicals, and promote youthfulness. 

Kale Takes the Prize for Iron & Calcium. The next time a meat-eater taunts you for loving on your veggies you may want to serve up these facts to make them consider spending a little more time in the produce isle. Kale is high in calcium, in fact, kale has more calcium per calorie than milk and helps to prevent bone loss, osteoporosis, and maintain a healthy metabolism. So much for those “got milk” ads! That’s why I always say “got chlorophyll?” In addition to this kale has more iron per calorie than beef! Although most people think of veggie lovers as being anemic, more and more meat eaters are becoming anemic and could probably use a little kale in their lives. Iron is important because it is necessary for cell growth, the formation of hemoglobin, transporting oxygen throughout the body, and more.

7 Natural Ways to Replenish Electrolytes Post Workout

Natural Ways to  Replenish Electrolytes Post WorkoutI’m sure you’ve heard through the grapevine that if you engage in strenuous exercise that makes you sweat often, you should take care to replenish your electrolytes post-workout. So what’s all the fuss about electrolytes? Well to keep it basic, electrolytes are found in your blood and cells and are essential for physical activity because they regulate our bodily fluids. If out of whack your energy and future athletic performance can be compromised, and if untreated the condition can actually be life threatening. Sodium and chloride help to maintain normal blood pressure and support normal muscle functioning, calcium aids with muscle contractions, magnesium, and potassium and chloride help to regulate the bodies pH balance. Add to that bicarbonate and sulfate and you’ve got your whole electrolyte team that keeps you geared to go.

Why it’s important to make sure you don’t lose too many of these essential players is that as the body loses electrolytes, an imbalance can cause muscle cramps,  fatigue, nausea, and even mental confusion. There are tons of energy drinks on grocery store shelves claiming to provide you with exactly what you need to restore balance, but all of these sport drinks also usually contain a bunch of chemicals, preservatives, and artificial sugars that do more harm than good. Did you know that Pepsi-Co makes Gatorade, and that the Coca-Cola company makes Powerade? These soft drink companies may change the labels with sports drinks but they are still selling you the same sugar laden liquids that do absolutely nothing for your long-term health. A British Medical Journal investigation and study reported that most of these sport drinks companies hired sponsored scientists years ago when marathon running increased to market to the public from a young age this idea that hydration in the form of sports drinks is necessary. Absolutely bananas and goes to show that it’s always better to not believe the hype!

Below’s a list of nature approved electrolyte restorers that you can consume without any extra toxic ingredients. Eat them alone or combine some of these ingredients in smoothies after you have your sweat session for the day. Generally if you have a balanced diet that provides your body with adequate nutrition, you should be fine to maintain proper electrolyte levels. If you are like me and sweat three or more times a week, in vigorous workout sessions, paying attention to refueling is necessary. In addition to all of these tips, don’t forget to hydrate with the purest water you have at your disposal. If you usually don’t feel so cute after a good sweat, trust me, you’ll feel even more haggard if you are sweaty and dehydrated, so get in that H2O.  -XoXo Raw Girl 

Drink Coconut Water. Fresh coconut water is the perfect electrolyte tonic post workout, no preservatives or added sugar necessary. Coconut water is even more hydrating than water and will replenish your body of any electrolytes you lost during your power sweat session. You can drink coconut water alone, or for additional potency use it as a base and blend in other fruit and veg to make a smoothie. For instance a green smoothie with coconut water, banana, pineapple, and kale or spinach packs in additional potassium and magnesium. For additional protein toss in some chia seeds or spirulina to boost your energy.


Drink Celery Juice or Add Celery to a Smoothie. Celery juice is a pretty powerful tonic, I have written about it before in this post: The Power of Celery Juice. Drinking celery juice or using it as a base with additional greens added in will do a great job of restoring your body back to balance. For a great but basic post workout tonic try celery, apple, and lemon juice. The celery has a natural source of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphorus. Apple provides additional potassium and natural sweetness. Lemon is the highest electrolyte containing citrus fruit. If you want to get fancy throw in some kale or another leafy green and get an additional dose of magnesium. You can also take one or two celery stalks and dice them up and blend them in your smoothie.

Drink Cucumber Juice or Add Cucumber to a Smoothie. Just like celery juice, cucumber juice is known the world over for being great for rehydration. It’s great to add cucumber to a smoothie or use as the base for a vegetable juice due to their high potassium content. Want to add more potency to your post workout tonic? Juice celery and cucumber together apple, lemon, and/or any mineral rich leafy green vegetables.


Eat Your Leafy Greens. Spinach, kale, collards, and mustard greens all have a nice amount of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Try juicing any of these with celery or cucumber and adding coconut water for a slightly sweet but incredibly effective electrolyte tonic. Or blend some spinach or kale into a green smoothie using coconut water as a base. Whatever method you choose, you can never go wrong by harnessing the power of greens.

Get Your Daily Fruit & Veg. In addition to leafy greens, limes, lemons, oranges, sweet potatoes, artichokes, squash, and tomatoes all have minerals that will replenish electrolytes. You can add citrus to smoothies, eat them alone, or make your own natural version of V-8 using tomatoes and get the benefits of an electrolyte boost along with all the other lovely nutrients they have to offer.

Grab a Handful of Nuts.  Mixed nuts in general have minerals that will also help bring you back to one. Raw cashews, almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc. or raw nut butters with apples or celery are a great snack. Almonds and almond milk with a little Himalayan sea salt added are also great post workout smoothie ingredients that can be blended with banana for more potassium and other fruits.

A Pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt, can go a long way. Unlike refined salt, Himalayan salt still has all of the wonderful minerals in tact that can be used by the body to restore balance. You can add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to your juice or smoothie or try drinking this simple Apple Cider Vinegar Electrolyte Tonic; mix pure water, pinch of sea salt, and one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar.


DC Raw/Vegan Spot: Everlasting Life


DC Raw/Vegan Spot: Everlasting Life CafeLast weekend went with some friends again to Everlasting Life Cafe, which was named Best Vegan Restaurant in DC for 2013. The food is really flavorful and well seasoned;  good enough that you may excuse your customer service experience there which may be less than ideal. Every trip to Everlasting seems comes with its own amusing anecdotes that you can tell your friends about later. For this most recent trip we had checked what time they closed online because our last visit resulted in us squeezing in an order at the last minute. Their website said 9 pm, but when we arrived, friends noted that their sign said 8:30 pm. Determined to still get some grub we headed in the restaurant around 8 pm. Glad we did that because we ended up staying well past 9 pm and they had no signs of closing shop when we finally left. When we arrived to order we were told to wait a bit and then we explained to our friends how to make their plates from the hot or cold bar, which was confusing on the first visit. This was my first time staying in the restaurant to eat the food, and besides the good grub I also enjoyed the playlist of early 90’s R&B which was the soundtrack for our meal.

Despite the fact that you may or may not make it in time to get some food depending on whether or not they choose to close earlier or later, and that there are no signs on the food and so you have to point to things and ask the server (who hopefully knows) for certain dishes, going through the drama of getting food on your plate becomes worth it when you finally can sit down and eat. There aren’t too many raw options, but there are really good salads in the cold bar and they also make juices and smoothies. The vinaigrette kale is to die for, love the artichoke salad, garlic spinach with sesame seeds, cucumber tomato salad, curried chickpeas, and black beans. The hot bar has cooked vegan food and friends tried and gave two thumbs up to their veggie “steak” with mushroom gravy, collards, cornbread (which looked amazing), mac n’ cheese,  and vegan carrot cake. Everything is super affordable and you get large portion sizes; enough sometimes to save a little food for the next day. I enjoy the food, but still yearn for at least one raw or vegan spot in DC that has excellent customer service, sit down dining, and a slightly upscale ambience. Until then, Everlasting Life Cafe is definitely on my list of places to dine occasionally, and if you are in DC I recommend you give them a visit and try it. -XoXo Raw Girl

For more details on the location and menu offerings on their website:


The Art of Being Social While Staying Vegan

The Art of Being Social While VeganSometimes going veg can be the easiest part of the journey. You’ve finally taken that leap and cut meat, dairy, or processed foods out of your diet. You feel great, but you start to realize your old environments and old friends don’t mesh with your new lifestyle, or that it’s just more difficult to hang out with your favorite partners in crime. In the worst case scenarios you may even receive resistance from friends and family who don’t get while you’re so veg crazy and energetic all of the time. A lot of times people we love can’t adjust or make the extra effort to take into consideration our new passion for all things green and organic, and so we may get invites to a local steak or fast food joint. When this happens we may as well have vegan tattooed on our foreheads because we find ourselves the only one at the table nibbling on a scary looking bed of lettuce or a plate of steamed veggies that still has butter on it because the waitress didn’t realize that vegan means, no butter. Although it can be tough, getting through these social growing pains can be the final test that determines whether or not you will have the stamina to go the distance. Below are a few tips I brainstormed from my personal arsenal, that may assist you in still finding social balance. Sometimes you may have to compromise, but the goal should be to never completely forego your dietary requirements just for the sake of pleasing others. When you take a stand for your choices longterm, and keep bringing those yummy veg dishes to gatherings potluck style, you’ll be surprised, everyone may eventually start eating off of your plate. -XoXo Raw Girl

  • BYOV: Bring Your Own Veggies.  This is a golden rule, especially at family gatherings, and even to parties or potlucks. If you are going to someone’s home and there will be food, BYOV. It can be a dessert, a salad, whatever, as long as its something you enjoy and can have on your plate if there are no other vegan options available. It’s always essential to over prepare, because you don’t want to be stranded with no vegan rations in sight, and have to hungrily watch everyone else eat full plates of food. It may disrupt your joie de vivre and leave you cranky.
  • Go Ethnic. The hardest places to find veg options are all American restaurants, fast food joints, or restaurants that are clearly dedicated for meat lovers. If the place has a giant smiling pig on the sign out front, beware. When and if you have to brave eating out at places like that, I would recommend going with veggie plates that are cooked, because you never know how their greens are handled or if they are cross contaminated with meat products. I avoid places like these altogether or eat beforehand and just enjoy the company. Most of the salad options will also include meat and cheese, so you may be able to piece together a salad but you’ll probably have to be that chick that asks the waitress to hold everything but the romaine. Ethnic is always the way to go for more veg options unless you are going to a restaurant that has vegan options. I usually go for Thai, Japanese, or Mexican because in restaurants like these I know I may be able to piece together a salad or get some seaweed.
  • Take Charge of the Venue. This is the most fun because you can take your friends or fam to a veg certified spot where you know you can stuff your face with yummy organic raw or vegan goodness. It will also give your skeptical friends a chance to try some gourmet veg dishes that may leave them so satisfied they stop making fun of you, permanently.
  • Prepare Your Protein Speech. If you’re a hardcore vegan, I know you already got this covered. For the newbies, get ready to answer this question. Some days you may want to roll your eyes when you get asked where you get your protein yet again, but hopefully you’ll be so blissed out from your morning green juice you’ll just smile and recite your speech. It’s essential to be able to defend your choices in group social situations so you don’t feel pressured to cave in, and it also gives others the opportunity to learn that it is possible to get adequate protein on a vegan diet and thrive.
  • Eat Before You Leave Home. Cyber stalk or call whatever restaurant you are going to and find out what options or substitutions are available. If you know they have absolutely nothing plan ahead, eat at home before you leave so your stomach isn’t growling later.

Juice! Carrot Lemon Blast & Benefits of Juicing Lemons

The Power of Juicing Lemon

Carrot Lemon Blast

Carrot Lemon Blast

6-7 carrots

1/2 head of celery

2 Lemons

1 pear

1 apple

Juice all ingredients. Serve, strain, enjoy!

Why is it never a bad idea to O.D. on lemons? Lemons are powerful citrus fruits that are effective as a food and as medicine. Ancient Egyptians believed that consuming lemons and lemon juice protected them from poisons and toxic substances. Although it’s easy to disregard lemons because they are so readily available, like that good old friend from back in the day, you always can call upon a lemon when you need it to combat a virus, a cold, ease digestion, and more. They contain vitamin C, citric acid, and B vitamins. The benefits relevant to clearing your skin include purifying the blood, cleansing the kidneys, and assisting in elimination of toxins. Lemon juice is one of the most highly antioxidant juices so drinking it helps to slow aging and deactivate free radicals. Lemon juice applied directly on the skin (would need to be diluted for sensitive skin) can help to reduce scarring, age spots, and gently exfoliates and removes dead skin cells. Need to get more lemon juice in your diet? Add lemons to your daily vegetable juice, squeeze lemon over your green salad, or start the day with a tonic of filtered water with lemon juice squeezed in. -XoXo Raw Girl

Need a spring cleaning? More awesome recipes with power ingredients and a full regimen in Raw Girl’s 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss, & Rejuvenation.

Core Power Yoga: The One Stop Yoga Shop

Core Power YogaSince late March, I’ve been getting a weekly dose of yoga at Core Power Yoga Georgetown.  Core Power Yoga has studios all of the country and offers power yoga classes in a variety of styles from beginner to more advanced levels. What makes the classes so special? I love that besides the fact that there are a range of styles to choose from including: Hot Power Fusion, Yoga Sculpt, C1, and C2 classes, all of the classes include core work so you won’t have to worry about neglecting your six-pack in favor of yoga arms. Hot Power Fusion has more standing sequences, is reminiscent of Bikram (with slightly less heat), and incorporates more flow into the practice.  Yoga Sculpt is an awesome challenging class that mixes yoga with free weights and cardio and can save strength training junkies from having to leave the yoga studio to get their fix. C1 and C2 are the vinyasa flow style classes that are for beginners and intermediate yogis. All Core Power classes are in a heated room, and are also set to music, with the playlists varying depending on the instructor. Unlike many yoga studios where you can get stuck in a rut, the variety of classes at Core Power allow you to challenge yourself each week, break a sweat, and change up your routine.

Yesterday I got an insanely awesome and intense workout with back to back Hot Power Fusion and Yoga Sculpt taught by Sihnuu, one of my favorite teachers at Core Power Yoga Georgetown. Her classes are simply a revelation. If you need a challenge and have already practiced yoga for some time, her C2 and Yoga Sculpt classes will push you to your limits to a really great soundtrack. Also look on the Georgetown schedule for another favorite teacher of mine, Adeoye, he teaches a really wonderful and energizing Hot Power Fusion and a Yoga Sculpt class that’ll whip you into shape.

For more info on Core Power, or to check if there is a studio near you visit If you are in the DC area Core Power Yoga has the studio in Georgetown and also one in Bethesda. Check them out for free for the first week and when you do tell them Esosa E. A.K.A. Raw Girl sent you! You can also email me at if you would like to take class together. Come prepared to sweat. Namaste.  -XoXo Raw Girl

Read this past post for more on The Benefits of Hot Yoga.