Yoga: Utkatasana or Chair Pose

Utkatasana A.K.A. Chair Pose / Powerful Fierce Pose

Chair PoseBenefits

Strengthens back, thighs, spine, ankles. Reduces flat feet. Stretches shoulders Boost immune system.


1. Begin in Tadasana (mountain pose) with arms lifted and fingers sparked. Engage all of your bandhas and bring length to spine lifting up and out of the pelvis

2. On the inhale lift your toes and activate the legs

3. Exhale and lower your hips as if you are getting ready to sit in a chair.

4. Look down and see all 10 of your toes. If you do not see your toes work to send your knees closer to the back wall

5. Continue to lengthen your sacrum downward sending your belly button toward your spine to prevent over arching.

6. Reach out through the fingertips and draw your shoulders away from your ears.

7. Send your gaze forward keeping your chin parallel to your mat.

8. Allow your inhales to bring length and your exhales to sink you deeper into your hips.


Those with hip or knee problems use caution and try entering the pose with the back agains the wall or a block between the thighs.

~ Namaste, Sihnnu

You can find Sihnuu on Instagram @yogasihnuu

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