It continues to astound me every day how many people in our world have terminal diseases or are sick to the point of debilitation. Part of the power of raw foods and incorporating the vegan lifestyle is taking charge of your own health. We cannot continue to be slaves to a medical system that mostly slaps us with prescriptions to stop our discomforts without allowing our bodies to truly heal.
This new segment will feature links to articles that focus on a range of ailments and diseases and highlight natural ways to cure them. I was inspired to start this because I meet people or have friends/relatives/colleagues with severe conditions and wanted to somehow help by providing information that they can use to support their medical care through lifestyle change. Please pass the information on if you know anyone with these conditions. Here’s to everyone getting sick and tired of BEING sick and tired! -XoXo Raw Girl
Click Below to Read the Full Article on Dermatomyositis:
“I was inspired to start this because I meet people or have friends/relatives/colleagues with severe conditions and wanted to somehow help by providing information that they can use to support their medical care through lifestyle change. Please pass the information on if you know anyone with these conditions.”
How much is realistic?