Recipe! Banana Chips


Bananas anyone? Eating high raw requires you step yo snack game up to a new level. It’s always great to have something to take with you on-the-go. But time is money, and sometimes we get lazy about preparation. These banana chips take no time at all to prepare. Just stick them in the dehydrator, go about your business, and by the end of the day you’ll have a yummy snack ready. -Xo Raw Girl 



Lemon Juice

Spice Mix: 1- 2 Tablespoons Cinnamon, Dash of Cardamom, Dash of Nutmeg


Peel and slice to about a ¼ – inch thickness.

Dip banana slices into a bowl of lemon juice. This lessens the browning of the banana chip. (optional)

Shake off extra lemon juice. Put spices onto a small plate or bowl and dip banana chip into spices.

Can dip half or all of the chip. Then lay the banana slices on the dehydrator tray.

Dehydrate at 140 degrees F for 1 hour

Turn the temperature down to 115 degrees F, dehydrate 8 hours.

Half way through, stop the dehydrator and flip over all the banana slices. The slices are easy to peel off the dehydrator tray when they are warm, and turning ensures dryness.

If the banana chips are leathery to crisp, they are done.

Cool the banana chips for a few hours in the dehydrator before removing them. Pack the dried chips into a Ziploc bag when they are cool. Store at room temperature.

Other Variations:

Make Plain

Dip banana slices into chopped nuts or dried coconut flakes prior to drying.

Sprinkle with cinnamon only.

Sprinkle with Celtic sea salt

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