At the end of my transformative program StayingAgless 30+ my students put together their “Glow-Up” story. This helps them to measure how far they’ve come since the beginning of class. Me and my team measure the success of my program my the number of people who have a legitimate #GlowUp because my desire is to get results for every client.
Here’s a story from one of my rockstar students who did the work and was willing to share! I’m sharing more success stories all week on Instagram and in my newsletter.
Glow Up Story
I’m able to maintain enough energy to power through the day and go to bed restfully.
I‘ve lost 10 pounds (now 12 from date of this post!).
My skin is clearing up and is a lot less dry.
I’m able to move around and be active without the usual aches and pains.
I have been working out consistently for the first time since college.
I feel an overall sense of calm. The endorphins from my workouts and the amount of nutrient dense foods I’m eating now has really gone a long way to changing my overall mood and well being.
It’s only been a few weeks, and I haven’t been perfect with implementing my rituals. However, I have tried to be as consistent as possible and I look forward to building on my progress. – Angela F.
I’m beyond excited that my online transformational program Staying Ageless 30+ is coming back just in time to help you too—to get your glow up this summer! Official enrollment for the class, which begins May 19th starts NOW 🙂 Excited for all the ladies who pre-enrolled and are ready for transformation!
If you are a woman 30+, struggling to create consistent healthy rituals, not sure about the right diet or exercise for your body, and are ready to invest in staying fly until your are 99 or close to it…I’d love to chat with you.
I’ve just opened up my calendar for the next two weeks to take one-on-one calls 🙂
To get on my calendar please book your twenty minute Meet & Greet HERE:
XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl