How Understanding Your Metabolic Type Can Boost Your Health 









As a practitioner seeing thousands of clients, you quickly learn that one diet does not fit all. Bio-individuality is the belief that each individual has unique dietary needs dictated by genetics, ancestral diet, environment, and also any deficiencies and chronic conditions. Although it can be hard to lay down hard and fast dietary rules that apply to all, not consuming too much sugar, salt, processed foods, dairy, and gluten is a generally great rule for anyone to reduce inflammation, maintain weight, and remain disease-free. To take it a step further and consume a diet that is tailored to your unique needs and helps to build muscle and shed fat is an entirely different challenge. Metabolic typing is one way to gain insight into how to do this effectively. In short, its another tool that can help you #liveyourbestlife. There are three metabolic types: 

  1. Fat & Protein Efficient
  2. Carbohydrate Efficient
  3. Dual Metabolism 

Fat and protein efficient individuals often have a family history of diabetes or alcoholism as this is the only type that can contract those health conditions. Fat & protein efficient types do better with lower carb diets and ensuring that their intake of refined sugar, refined carbs, and alcohol are minimal. This type fits the majority of people, and should feel amazing on more protein and fat, and a minimal amount of carbs. Ideal macros are  around 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. 

If you are carbohydrate efficient your body runs more effectively on carbs as fuel. So a diet higher in good quality non-refined carbs with moderate amounts of protein and fat would be more ideal for you. Many people who feel amazing on plant-based diets are carbohydrate efficient as vegan and vegetarian diets usually incorporate more whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and more moderate amounts of protein. The ideal macronutrient ratio for this type is around 68% carbs, 20% protein, and 12% fat.

Last but not least, Dual Efficient metabolic type folks are usually professional athletes or highly athletic individuals. These types can consume a completely balanced intake of fat, protein, and carbs and stay optimal so macros can be 33.3% fat, protein, and carbs. Their bodies’ can thrive on any kind of fuel.

Fat and protein types usually have ancestors that lived in colder climates, while carb efficient types may come from tropical or warmer climates. The most accurate way to determine your metabolic type is through blood screening and evaluation of a full lipid panel. Once you have your type, it’s important to consume enough calories to keep your metabolism high, and eat high quality whole foods, especially if you have any chronic conditions. For best results, removing dairy and gluten is advised. 

-XO Raw Girl


PS Interested in transforming your health and working me to get clarity on the best diet and exercise for you? My calendar is open for the next two weeks for FREE one on one calls. Secure your spot HERE.


Goglia, P. (2003). Turn up the heat: Unlock the fat-burning power of your metabolism. New York: Penguin.

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