Bitter Foods Presentation

Raise your hand if you struggle with sugar addiction? 

Chile, I’m a recovered sugar addict; it has been twelve years off that processed stuff so I feel you if you raised your hand.

I’m baaaaack, like I never left! 🙂 And while I was gone, I gave a live presentation with some doc friends on why Bitter is B.E.T.T.E.R. and how consuming bitter foods can help you: beat sugar addiction, enhance brain functioning, trim belly fat, tend to heart health, enhance digestion, and reduce blood sugar levels and appetite. 

Every culture in the world incorporates bitter foods as staples – but the standard American diet avoids them and even actively removes bitter flavor from foods. This causes an imbalance and leads to health problems. 

For those who raised your hands, this presentation is giving you a REAL and tangible way to outsmart your sweet tooth and stop the sugar cravings – besides just trying not to eat it. I put my clients on bitter foods all the time, and it works like a charm to change their palettes. The presentation is now up on my YouTube page. Watch it HERE

If you watch to the end, a link is also provided to download my FREE Bitter Foods handout so you can get started freeing yourself from sugar addiction ASAP. Drop me a line or DM me on Instagram if you notice your palette has changed after you try it. More on this coming soon 🙂  -XO

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