Hormone Balancing Academy


When I was a teenager I had crazy cramps, migraines, and PMS that was unbearable. I had to miss school at times, and was told that this was normal and to grin and bear it. My intuition led me to change my diet on my own, and luckily all of those symptoms gradually went away the more I learned about my body. 

It wasn’t until years later, once I became a nutritionist, that I realized how many women are struggling with hormonal conditions that can be prevented. Instead of dealing with the root cause we are told to deal with it, suffer in silence, or take hormonal birth control. Rarely does anyone bother to assess our diet and lifestyle to see what factors could be contributing.

Sistren, I have a dream… that women can live pain-free and symptom-free from hormonal related illness. That we have all the tools to understand our bodies, Aunt Flow, and master our hormonal balance at every stage of life. And once we master it, we pass on this legacy to our daughters, and they will pass it on again. We really do have the power to raise a new generation of empowered women who do not wait for a horrifying diagnosis, but instead live preventively, and intuitively hear what our bodies are trying to tell us.

After working with clients with hormonal conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, PCOS, and menopause who have no more pain during PMS, whose periods normalized within a few short months, whose hot flashes and menopausal symptoms disappeared, and who are now free from mood swings, I know that the power of holistic interventions is real and more women need to know about them. 

Using the protocols I have created for my clients over the past two years, I’m excited to be launching a NEW six month online program: Raw Girl’s Hormone Balancing Academy. If you or a woman you know is ready to transform your health, sign up to chat with a member of my team via THIS LINK. XO

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