One of my major #Goals for 2021 is to help hundreds of women balance hormonally. Raw Girl’s Hormone Balancing Academy is designed for women like you who need to:
- Transform your lifestyle to reset your hormones
- Heal PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts PCOS or get rid of menopausal symptoms
- Reclaim your energy and vitality so you can live your best life
- Educate and equip yourself about your body and how your hormones work
In this six-month comprehensive hormonal balancing program, you will receive the tools and knowledge about your body and hormones that will allow you to take your health back.
In the first month, you will learn what your symptoms mean, determine your root cause, and master the diet, lifestyle and stress management tools that you need to heal. From month two to five, you will meet with me and a supportive community once a month and a Holistic Nutritionist twice a month who will offer recommendations to further your progress. During the final month, you will take an optional saliva hormone test to assess improvement of your hormone levels during your cycle.
Chile, on top of all this, you can go through the curriculum of this program from the comfort of your own home AND it is so informative and easy-to-follow. If you, or a woman you know, is ready to transform your health, sign up for a call with our team via this link. -XO