Food is information… that can turn on and turn off certain genes.
You may be aware that your genes somewhat determine the health hand you have to deal with in life — if your grandparents or parents had heart disease, diabetes, hypertension etc. this can leave you more susceptible to getting the same conditions. ESPECIALLY if you choose to eat and live a lifestyle that is identical to your predecessors!
You also may have heard the famous quote: “Your genetics loads the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger.” For me this was also confirmed by interviewing men and women who have achieved extraordinary longevity that had family histories of disease, but because of their diet and lifestyle choices, they were able to change their personal health outcomes.
Nutrigenomics studies the interaction between your diet, lifestyle and genes, especially regarding the prevention and treatment of disease. Each of us has a unique body chemistry determined by our genes. DNA serves as the blueprint for everything about us, from our hair color to our susceptibility to disease, our health potential and our ability to manage our weight.
Nutrigenomics in its simplest element says: the nutrients in your food interact with your genes. Which means you can use nutrition to affect your genes and you are no longer at the mercy of your DNA.
But not only food matters… Lifestyle factors also affect gene expression.
Your gene expression can change based on how you move, your thoughts, feelings and social connections, toxin exposure, general state of mind, exposure to diseases, exercise, and more.
When you take into consideration these factors and also are aware of the hand you are dealt (YOUR GENES) then you can create a truly personalized diet and lifestyle.
That’s why I am super excited to integrate nutrigenomics into my eight week transformative longevity program Staying Ageless 30+. For those who join as VIP’s we will be using DNA testing to help each woman determine which foods may be the best to include in her diet. Sign up for a call via this link! XO