Slow Aging, Reduce Belly Fat & Beat Sugar Cravings With Bitter Foods

Sis, this week on the Staying Ageless Podcast, we are talking about the many benefits of incorporating bitter foods in your diet. Tune in to this episode to discover what foods and herbs have bitter compounds, how these compounds affect appetite and inflammation in the body, and how bitter foods can help those with low stomach acid as well as those who want to curb their sugar cravings. 

In this show I will go into the five flavors that should be part of every meal (including bitter), and later will speak to Dr. Jennifer Stagg, an author, Naturopathic Physician, and the founder and medical director of Whole Health Wellness Center. 

Grab a cup of green tea, get comfy, and learn:

  • Where bitter compounds are found
  • How the American diet is altered to include less bitter compounds
  • The ways in which bitter foods improve metabolic and digestive health, which in turn slows the aging process
  • How bitter foods affect appetite and inflammation in the body, which ultimately helps reduce belly fat
  • How to boost stomach acid production and beat sugar cravings with bitter foods
  • The influence an expecting mother’s diet has on her baby
  • How to start incorporating bitter foods in your diet 

Listen to the FULL episode HERE.  -XO


Check out Dr. Jennifer Stagg’s website:

Find Dr. Jennifer Stagg on Instagram: @jenstagg and on Facebook: Dr. Jennifer Stagg

Read Dr. Jennifer Stagg’s book: “The Bitter Prescription: Engineering Your Diet, Digestion, and Hormones After 35.”

Download my free bitter foods handout here.

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