Election Day 2020

It’s #ElectionDay and stress is high across America right now. But individually, we have the opportunity to lean on a higher power to trust that the flow of life is going to take us to our destination without strain, stress, or struggle. I personally lean daily on #JesusChrist to find my center, and I am praying for the future of this country. Having a place to release your fears, anxiety, and cast your cares is essential to maintaining balance. 

Despite the tension of this moment, I hope that we remember to show up with love. It’s really easy right now to judge, to dismiss, and write people off. It’s also easy to let the memes, soundbites, and headlines drive us off our center. Stop yourself today anytime you feel anger, tension, or fear arising. Before you react or respond, take a deep breath and shift your focus to anything you can be grateful for. Breathe that in, and sit in silence with it. And don’t forget, you can always protect your peace by unplugging from social media altogether. -XO

Here is a meditation mantra from @yogasihnuu 

“On my mat I inhale and I am present. I exhale and I am empty. Here on my mat I am light. I am open to what comes up for me in flow. I explore spaces within my being that need healing and I send love there. I am not my past. I don’t concern myself with the future. I am here and now. I am synchronicity in breath and movement. I surrender and take flight. – Namaste, Sihnuu

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