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Author Archives: rawgirl
How to Make Resolutions that Stick in 2021
Who else is ready for 2021?! You say you want to make changes come January, but then what? By mid-February your resolve to stick with that new diet or workout regimen is gone. Here are six ways to make healthy resolutions that stick in 2021:
1) Use whatever word works for you. I prefer to set “goals” or create “visions” instead of creating “resolutions.” For me, having a goal or a vision is more activating than having a resolution. Figure out what word motivates you to make something happen, rather than just dream about it.
2) Make the goals measurable. Avoid the tendency to set vague intentions. Use numbers, use a time limit if you want, just make sure your goal can be easily quantified.
3) Find someone to hold you accountable, and don’t pick that friend or cousin who will let you off the hook. It’s much easier to fall off the bandwagon if you have a goal that no one else knows about. Having someone hold you accountable is key to pushing through when you want to give up. Why? We generally don’t want to lose face in front of others!
4) Have a strategic plan. Write down in detail what you need to do daily and weekly to see your goal through, and be willing to seek the advice of someone more seasoned in whatever area you are trying to change if you need pointers to save you time and money. Just be sure to remain flexible.
5) Write it down and visualize it. There is magic in writing stuff down – it starts the process of creation. By just holding the intention for your goal, you might find that you run into the right people or situations that will point you to your final destination. However, that can only happen when you have a clear, written objective. Besides writing it down – consider making a vision board and post it somewhere you can see it daily.
6) Track your progress. Our brain needs rewards especially for habits that may have long term benefits but may be annoying to do in the immediate. Tracking is one way to trigger the reward center of the brain. Depending on what you want to track, there are tons of apps, devices, and of course the good ol’ fashioned pen/paper method. Find what works for you and have fun! -XO
Merry Christmas 2020!
Happy holidays from all of us at Raw Girl Coaching!
For me #Jesus is truly the reason for the season. This month marks one year since I was baptized (again) and committed to deepening my relationship with Christ. I traveled all the way to @wearetransformation in Tulsa, OK to support a friend who had decided to give their life to God, and was really there for moral support. But in my heart of hearts I am so grateful that I was baptized that weekend too because God knew that I needed it.
Acknowledging Jesus as your savior is where it begins, baptism is a physical demonstration of being born again, and then walking in relationship and in obedience to God is what unlocks #KingdomBlessings I am grateful to have matured into a believer in Christ who is not perfect but who has been tried and tested. And I will never turn back.
As I look back on this unprecedented year, I truly count my blessings. At the beginning of the year, I received my CNS credential and began all over again from scratch with literally one client. I’ve now ended up with hundreds of clients and an amazing God sent team. It has been an honor to share my tips, knowledge, and insights with all of you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your wellness journey and thank you to our amazing clients! We are privileged to serve you.
We have some exciting things to come in 2021 so stay tuned! 🙂 Wishing you a happy holiday season of reflection, peace, and good health!
PS I know the holidays are not always merry for all. If you are going through a tough time, feel free to DM me on Instagram if you need a prayer or words of encouragement. -XO
Mindful Nutrition with Be Well, Sis Podcast
Thank you @bewellsis_podcast for having me on your show! In this episode of the Be Well, Sis Podcast we dove into uterine fibroids, why the motives behind our eating are just as important as what we eat, how our diet affects our skin, and so much more! Give it a listen HERE.
Over the past two years I have helped my clients reduce their fibroid size, clear up their acne, and normalize their periods. I am deeply gratified to help these women. Lady, if you are struggling with these things know that I see you! I know your struggles all too well and I am here to help you begin your health journey.
If you need to balance hormonally, heal PMS, acne, fibroids, endometriosis or PCOS, or need to get rid of menopausal symptoms, then my new Hormone Balancing Academy may be right for you.
We’re launching the course on January 3rd, so Chile, don’t delay! To learn more, sign up for a free 20 minute call via this link. Share this post with someone that you love who needs to know about it too. -XO
Daily Meditation or Prayer Practice
Did you know that your girl is a featured voice on the Daily Meditations on the @shine app? It’s been awesome to hear from some of you who have listened to the meditations I voiced and felt some relief.
A University of Utah study found that mindfulness training, like meditation, helps people sleep better at night. Have you ever experienced an inability to sleep because of the “monkey mind” that can’t stop making to-do lists and generally stressing about whatever happened that day? Well meditation quiets the busy thoughts long enough for you to get adequate rest and wake up feeling refreshed.
Another benefit that goes hand-in-hand with meditation and more sleep is an improved mood. In general, meditation helps to balance out emotions and moods, and has been shown in numerous studies to reduce the risk of depression and psychological distress, and improve brain functioning.
Meditation really not only changed my life, but I would say it slowly saved my life. I went through my own journey of trying many different techniques, but what I landed on and practiced for many years was to just to simply sit in silence daily for 20-30 minutes. Now, I still occasionally practice silent meditation, and engage in prayer for an hour each day. It’s amazing how this simple task has such an impact on my day. Do you have a daily mindfulness practice that helps you set the tone for your day? Let me know in the comments! -XO
Why You Need Sleep
Chile, come for my sleep and we are going to have problems. I am serious about getting a good night’s rest. Why? Sleep is the foundation of healthy living. I’m sure y’all have heard the saying and maybe even said, “They sleep, we grind!” The problem with this mentality is that we often believe that we have to sacrifice our sleep in order to be successful and thus, we do not make it a priority. Anyone out here often sleep deprived?
Why you need sleep…
- Research has shown that one night of sleep deprivation induces insulin resistance in multiple metabolic pathways in healthy subjects.
- Long term sleep deprivation has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
- Every time we are sleep deprived it influences the hormones that dictate our cravings decreasing leptin which regulates our satiety, increasing ghrelin our hunger hormone – and our brain wants glucose ASAP so we often begin to crave refined carbohydrates or refined sugar.
- We need adequate sleep for proper immune functioning and keep Aunty Rona and the common cold at bay. One study showed that people who got less than seven hours of sleep were three times more likely to develop a cold.
- Sleep deprivation strongly impairs human brain functioning and judgment
I personally became obsessed with good sleep as an intervention when I found that most of my weight loss clients who hit a plateau were under-sleeping. A study at Columbia University showed that getting less than 4 hours of sleep makes us 73% likely to be overweight, 5 hours makes us 53% more likely to be overweight, and 6 hours makes us 23% more likely to be overweight. Sleep enhances our memory, productivity, and is essential for weight loss and for healing of any sort of chronic condition. There are many things that interfere with sleep, including a wide range of medications, poor sleep hygiene, stress, too much exposure to our devices late at night, magnesium deficiency, and much more.
To read more about sleep I recommend you check out my favorite book on the topic: Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson @shawnmodel. While you’re at it, also cop his latest book which I’ve already preordered, Eat Smarter. I am a huge fan of this brother who is out here breaking barriers in health and wellness. -XO
#WCW Chef Babette
This week’s #WCW goes out to @chefbabette – a world-class vegan chef, fitness expert and motivational speaker. She runs an amazing restaurant @stuffieat_inglewood in downtown Inglewood, California. On top of all this, she is still looking absolutely fly at 71 years old. Talk about #Ageless inspiration!!
She started her vegan journey in 1990 when she met her current husband, who prepared her first vegan meal for her. She says: “It intrigued me, and I knew I had to learn to prepare meals this way. I learned to cook great vegan food first by playing with products to create dishes that I was used to eating and enjoyed so much in this new way. I just kept at it. I threw away a lot, but was persistent. I loved recipe books that offered pictures and I began gaining a lot of vegan product knowledge which assisted me in creating really great vegan meals.”
Chef Babette was diagnosed with severe asthma and suffered many digestive related disorders as a child. As an adult, she made the conscious decision to eat for the sake of nutrition and now her passion lies in inspiring and exposing individuals who may not otherwise be acquainted with healthier lifestyles due to environmental and economic barriers, or the simple lack of knowledge.
If you are a woman 30+ interested in staying fly until you’re 99 or close to it, and creating lasting healthy rituals in 2021 we would love to have you join our #AgelessTribe. Our epic eight week program Staying Ageless 30+ which has helped women lose up to 30 lbs, reverse hypertension, balance hormonally, get rid of digestive issues, boost their energy, achieve glowing skin and more, will be back again in February so start planning now or message us to get on the waitlist so you are the first to know when spots are open. Keep in mind that we do accept HSA and FSA payments! -XO
The Importance of Cultural Foods
In case you were unaware, I’m Nigerian, first generation born in the US and my tribe is Edo. My name Esosa, means “a gift from God.” My last name Edosomwan means “the Edo land is greater than the individual.” Before this pandemic hit one of my favorite things to do was travel and explore the healing herbs and traditions in other cultures. One of my favorite cities to date was Salvador de Bahía. My next dream destination is Zanzibar in Tanzania.
I didn’t realize that my love for traveling would become an asset as a nutritionist, but it has. When I first started seeing clients at a clinic I had a very diverse clientele roster who hailed from all over the world and I was able to tailor recommendations for each client with the understanding of their cultural foods. I made Indian meal plan templates, was able to tailor different recommendations for my Asian clients, and my African clients finally felt like somebody understood them because I knew what fufu was LOL. More health practitioners need to get hip to the importance of understanding cultural differences, because it’s impossible to truly give diet recommendations or advise anyone about their health unless you understand the cultural nuances and potential barriers to change.
Eating foods from your native culture is important. Most of the time, those foods are the ones that feed our soul because they are linked to memories of home and family. Where we have to adjust is when some of our cultural foods do not support our health goals. The great news is, you can make any dish health-supporting by changing the ingredients. From my culture I occasionally get a craving for egusi soup, and I make it vegan by omitting the meat and subbing mushrooms. It’s still lit. I also love akara, which is a fried bean cake, and my mother made a version using red lentils that I love. If I make them I fry them in coconut oil to avoid consuming excess rancid oils. Plantains can be boiled instead of fried. Instead of overdosing on rice, you can sub quinoa for some dishes and get a protein boost in the process. What cultural foods do you love? Shout them out in the comments below. -XO