Author Archives: rawgirl

Episode 3: The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Girl, do you feel like there are cycles repeating in your personal life over and over? Or are you someone who feels like whenever you try to make a change in specific areas of your life you self-sabotage or hit a roadblock? Tune in to this episode to get insight on how your subconscious programming may be preventing you from getting the live, love, career, and health you desire.  

In this show I’m going to give you a few tips about how daily mindfulness can help you rewire your subconscious mind and increase longevity, and later we’ll be chatting with our expert Bianca DeGroat who is a a Los Angeles-based Clinical hypnotherapist, Advanced Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner, and Past-Life Regression Therapist who is in the business of clearing blocks and improving lives.

Get your best cup of tea to sip on, get comfy, and learn: 

  • How becoming aware of your subconscious programming and deep rooted beliefs can get you the life, career, and health you desire
  • What is hypnotherapy and how it can be leveraged to break addictive behaviors
  • The power of releasing attachment from traumatic events to spark healing
  • What is rapid transformational therapy and how it differs from traditional therapy
  • Rules of the mind and how beliefs can cause health conditions
  • The power of meditation and mindfulness to rewire your subconscious mind and increase longevity

Listen to the full episode HERE:

To check out Bianca’s practice visit:

Find the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stiticher, Deezer, and more. If you like what you hear please subscribe, tell a friend, and leave a review on apple podcasts. XO

Episode 2: How Dairy is Aging You & Racial Bias in U.S. Dietary Guidelines

Hey y’all.

I’m sending you a virtual hug this morning. I hope that despite the uncertainty, you are taking care of YOU during this intense time and still have peace. It is at moments like this that we are divinely forced to slow all the way down, take stock of what is really important, and be still. I have used the extra time to extend my meditation and prayer sessions, and I intend to keep creating content by any means necessary. Thankful that podcasting still allows for #socialdistancing while creating powerful connections.

Episode 2 of Staying Ageless podcast is here, and I got to speak to Dr. Milton Mills. You may have seen him on the documentary that made everybody and their mama consider going vegan – “What the Health?” and also recently in a video that went viral with him talking about the inherent racism of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. We chat about How Dairy is Aging You and Racial Bias in the US Dietary Guidelines. 

It’s a good one, so grab your #quarantine snacks ready, get comfy,  and learn: 

  • Why dairy is addictive and can be really hard to stop eating
  • The diseases that dairy can cause after long term consumption
  • Is dairy needed in order to get adequate vitamin D3 and calcium
  • The difference between animal milk vs. human milk 
  • How dairy can affect your hormonal balance and lead to disease
  • Why consuming dairy causes accelerated aging
  • Racial bias in US Dietary Guidelines why it exists and how you can get involved

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Deezer and more. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe and leave a review for the show on Apple Podcasts – means the world to me to get feedback!

I have amazing new episodes coming for you each Saturday, and I’d love to hear from you about topics or guests you’d like to see on the show. Email me or DM me on Instagram @therawgirl and let me know if there’s something health related you’d like me to cover, or if you know a licensed health practitioner that I can have as a guest. Also message me if you have any questions you’d like to have answered on the show.


Esosa E., MS, CNS, LDN


Staying Ageless Podcast is HEEERRE!

Hey lady hey! I’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a a reboot of my podcast 🙂 I’m excited to let you know its HEEEERRRE! And I’ll be releasing weekly episodes on Saturdays featuring interviews with amazing health experts.

Staying Ageless is a health and wellness podcast that will equip you with major keys to achieve extraordinary longevity. Tune in for a fun and engaging look at food & lifestyle choices, hear from experts as well as living examples, and learn how to personalize your nutrition and exercise regimen and boost your energy so you can stay fly til you’re 99, or close to it. To subscribe and listen to episode one search for the show in Apple Podcasts or visit the show’s website: The show will also be available on Spotify, Deezer,, Pandora, Stitcher, and many more soon.

This podcast wouldn’t exist without so many who inspired me, nurtured me, taught me about nutrition, helped me through my own healing crises, hired me to produce radio when I knew nothing, or lent their time, talent, & resources to help me over the past ten years.

I must say THANK YOU to: Maryland University of Integrative Health, all of my current clients who trust me with their healing process, Dr. Laila Afrika, Dr. Sebi, Queen Afua, Khepra, Dr. Natural, Eleanor Gafton, CNS, Jenny Libkhen, CNS, Amy Bronzi, BS, NDTR, Sue Roselle, CNS, Chris Bacon, Dunori (thank you double bro), my Dad & last but never least my Executive Producer Jesus.

I have amazing new episodes coming for you each Saturday, and I’d love to hear from you about topics or guests you’d like to see on the show. Email Me at and let me know if there’s something health related you’d like me to cover, or if you know a licensed health practitioner that I can have as a guest.


Esosa E., MS, CNS, LDN


Please subscribe and leave reviews on Apple Podcasts if you like what you hear!

My Ultimate #Coronavirus Survival Plan

Chile, as if I need anything else to worry about besides finding truly organic veggies, and sticking to my intense JLo fit before 50 workout regimen, the coronavirus is spreading the way veganism did after people saw “What the Health?”

What is coronavirus and how does it spread? It’s a virus that appears to mostly affect the upper respiratory tract that currently has no treatment, vaccine, or specific medication used for treatment although in China they are testing an anti-HIV drug called Kaletra on infected patients. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It does this through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes which can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Thus far these countries have reported widespread community transmission: China, Iran, Italy, Japan, South Korea with new cases popping up in other countries by the day.

I’ve received several messages from followers and family over the past weeks and have finally put together my personal game plan to survive this or any virus of that matter. Besides staying prayed up, here are the six things I think are essential for preparation. 


  1. Don’t stress about it. Anxiety and stress lower your immunity and will actually make you more susceptible to any disease. Stop watching the news which may increase your anxiety, and catch up on the latest through articles or other means. Pray, meditate, breathe deep, and woosah daily to make sure you remain calm. Sleep is also essential and a major KEY in keeping your immunity up, so get enough of it every night. 
  2. Boost Your Immunity by megadosing Vitamin C daily from whole food sources. Vitamin C works best BEFORE you are sick but in therapeutic doses can help with recovery from just about anything. My favorite sources are acerola cherry powder and camu camu powder. Add to your smoothies or juice and drink up!
  3. Get Yo’ Gut Together. Our gut is the seat of our immunity and if our gut is comprised – leaky – or overrun with bad bacteria our bodies become a breeding ground for a wide range of pathogens or viruses, including corona. If your gut is leaky you may need to start taking L-glutamine or consuming a lot of cabbage (a natural source of it) for repair.. If you have ongoing serious gut issues, don’t panic, just start working with someone to repair it now. 
  4. Eat Real Whole Food. If you need a life or death reason to start eating healthy, #coronavirus is it. Eating processed and fast foods will lower your immunity. 
  5. Practice Sanitation – Instead of hand sanitizers, wash your hands with soap and water, and make your own sanitizer by moisturizing your hands afterwards with a carrier oil that has added essential oils with antiviral properties to it. (Create Your own Blend by mixing in some of these: Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Pine, Tea Tree, Lemon Balm or check out doTERRA On Guard, which has a decent mix of these) 
  6. Get acquainted with and stock up on powerful natural antiviral herbs. There are many you can choose from but these are my personal go-to’s: 
  • Blackseed Oil, Powder, or Extract is jokingly called “the cure-all for everything except death.” I’ll personally be taking this daily as a preventative measure. There is research that was conducted in Nigeria and an article published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine which describes an HIV patient who experienced a complete recovery after undergoing treatment with a black seed extract, for a six months period.
  • Astragalus Root is a Chinese adaptogenic herb I take in tincture form for it’s longevity properties and ability to calm the central nervous system, but was pleasantly surprised that this herb that keeps on giving has potent antiviral and immune enhancing properties. In fact, it has been shown in studies to combat herpes viruses, hepatitis C, and avian influenza H9 virus. 
  • Oil of Oregano  in oil or pill form is potent and should not be taken for more than 2 weeks continuously without a break. This is different and not as harsh as oregano oil, but still very powerful. Also a great way to clear out the gut in tandem with other herbs before reseeding if you have candida or parasites. Wild oregano oil has been tested against aggressive germs, including the cold, flu and even bird flu viruses and always emerges victorious so corona doesn’t stand a chance. 
  • Elderberry has been used in herbal traditions for centuries and use can be traced all the way back to Hippocrates, who is considered by certain populations to be the father of medicine. He referred to Sambucus nigra elderberry as his “medicine chest” because he believed it to be so useful in treating a wide variety of ailments. Elderberry has been found to promote a balanced immune response and is a great one to have on-hand to boost immunity or combat illness. It comes in a myriad of forms – syrups, lozenges, general supplements. 

You can also add basil, garlic, turmeric and other herbs to your food regularly to increase anti-viral properties. If you are taking medication, do not begin taking herbs without consulting with a health practitioner to ensure there are no negative interactions. -XO



Brochot A, Guilbot A, Haddioui L, Roques C. Antibacterial, antifungal, and

antiviral effects of three essential oil blends. Microbiologyopen. 2017 Aug;6(4).

doi: 10.1002/mbo3.459. Epub 2017 Mar 14. PubMed PMID: 28296357; PubMed Central

PMCID: PMC5552930.


Gilling DH, Kitajima M, Torrey JR, Bright KR. Antiviral efficacy and

mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol

against murine norovirus. J Appl Microbiol. 2014 May;116(5):1149-63. doi:

10.1111/jam.12453. Epub 2014 Feb 12. PubMed PMID: 24779581.


Onifade AA, Jewell AP, Adedeji WA. Nigella sativa concoction induced sustained

seroreversion in HIV patient. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2013 Aug

12;10(5):332-5. eCollection 2013. PubMed PMID: 24311845; PubMed Central PMCID:



Yimer EM, Tuem KB, Karim A, Ur-Rehman N, Anwar F. Nigella sativa L. (Black

Cumin): A Promising Natural Remedy for Wide Range of Illnesses. Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med. 2019 May 12;2019:1528635. doi: 10.1155/2019/1528635.

eCollection 2019. Review. PubMed PMID: 31214267; PubMed Central PMCID:



Signs and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

Signs you need to #DetoxYourLife: Candida Overgrowth. 

What is Candida? We all have it – it’s a type of yeast necessary for our gut ecosystem that normally lives in small amounts in places like your mouth and belly, or on your skin without causing any problems, but when the veggie hits the fan and we get imbalanced it can multiply and grow out of control. 

Signs you may have Candida overgrowth:

  • Fatigue
  • Chronic yeast infections
  • Recurring urinary tract infections
  • Nail / toe fungus 
  • White coating on tongue 
  • Sugar cravings 
  • Sinus infections: Common symptoms include a runny nose, nasal congestion, loss of smell and headaches. A study by the Mayo Clinic looked at a group of 210 individuals with chronic sinus infections and found that 96% of them had fungi in their mucus. Yikes!
  • Digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, nausea, gas, cramps and bloating. Studies indicate that overgrowth of Candida is also associated with several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
  • Skin rashes or acne that flares up in response to consuming sugar 

Things to note about clearing up Candida overgrowth:

You must find out the root cause to effectively address it. For me it was mercury poisoning. For others it may be a poor diet, or even an imbalance caused by medication. Steroid drugs like Prednisone can actually promote Candida overgrowth. And undergoing the process of antibiotic therapy, steroid therapy, or chemotherapy also increase the chance of a candida overgrowth. 

Know this: If you are on a no sugar diet for years you are approaching it wrong! It took me a month and a half of targeted detox to clear it up. You do need a period of restricting sugars – Absolutely no refined sugar or flour should be allowed –  but low glycemic index fruit can be fine in moderation.

Don’t try to use probiotics as a bandaid. There’s a place for them in gut healing but we have to clear out the core issue first and then “reseed” or repopulate the gut with good bacteria. In addition to a regular probiotic, a strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii is particularly effective against Candida.

If you or someone you know thinks you may have candida, holla at your girl. There’s testing that you need to do to confirm it’s presence, and getting a detox protocol that is tailored to your situation is ideal. -XO

Healing Fibroids Naturally

Sis, Let’s talk about #fibroids.
Chilllle fibroids, #endometriosis, and #PCOS are conditions I see in my practice weekly, and every time I go live someone asks about fibroids so I want to make sure to address some general holistic health considerations if you or someone you know and love is struggling.
Surgery is not a cure. Up to 33% of women who have surgery will need a repeat procedure. I’ve had clients who turned to me after having surgery because their fibroids just grew right back. That is because without a change to diet and lifestyle the internal environment that created the fibroids still exists! If you and your practitioner determine you need surgery make sure you do it in tandem with transforming your lifestyle.
Stress must be minimal. Remember the body cannot heal when it is in fight or flight mode. In order to heal your parasympathetic nervous system needs to be activated. You can do this by taking a chill pill, sleeping, removing yourself from stressful or toxic work environments, practicing mindfulness: prayer, meditation, walking in nature etc. ideally, find something you can do daily.
Remove animal products & toxins from diet & lifestyle. Vegan  & Organic only please should be your new mantra! If you are unwilling to go all in with plant-based the safest meat to consume to keep your diet anti-Inflammatory would be wild caught fish. The most common pesticide is Roundup and it is an endocrine disruptor which can mimic estrogen and is sprayed on most conventional produce.  Dairy including milk, cheese, and eggs will introduce hormones that will further promote your imbalance as estrogen dominance.
Avoid drinking out of plastic bottles as well and opt for BPA-free containers. BPA is another endocrine disruptor that can mimic or interfere with the function of estrogen & other hormones.
Last but not least – you need to resolve any and all nutritional deficiencies. Many women with fibroids are also low or deficient in iron due to heavy bleeding. Make sure you work with a practitioner who can address any deficiencies through diet and supplements if needed.
If you know a woman who needs this message; share this post. -XO

New Year, New Credential!

Happy 2020! Just in time for Christmas, I got the best present EVER and learned that I passed my CNS exam. In short: your girl is now a Certified Nutrition Specialist! YASSSSS! Check the receipts below 🙂 If you follow me on Instagram or are subscribed to my newsletter you may have seen the post already, or saw my stories where I couldn’t stop the waterworks when I got the news.

Getting that email was such an overwhelming relief because I realized I have spent 10 years of learning to reach this point. It means so much to me to culminate this decade of learning about wellness to becoming a full fledged professional nutritionist with the ability to help you get REAL results.

I’ve been quiet over the holidays and early this year planning next steps and resting. I also have been making amazing progress with one on one clients who are working to re-balance hormonally, have come off of birth control with my help, improved their energy, had their hair growing back for the first time in years, and achieved nutritional balance. Besides helping others, I had to get myself back to one and did what I call: “Detoxing My Life!” More on this journey next week.

In my next chapter as a Nutritionist, I’m looking forward to creating some amazing content for you all, and I’ll still be seeing private clients. Those who are already working with me know my practice has a new look! I now have a client portal for us to communicate, for you to track your food and lifestyle goals, and also can write scripts for supplements at a discount! Woop 🙂

I want to hear what goals you are working on in 2020, so feel free to email me HERE: and let me know if you are making progress.

My goal this year: Become a Healthy Living Superhero – and be the strongest in mind, body, spirit that I have ever been.

If you are with me, and interested in having someone partner with you to reach your health goals, I’ve just launched an affordable consultation package, that will allow you to work with me every month for the entire year! There is an option to pay in full or join a monthly payment plan. If you are serious and need a breakthrough in your health, sign up for a a free call with me HERE to learn more.

To read testimonials from clients who have worked with me check out my Website Testimonial Page or my business profile on Alignable.


Esosa E., MS, CNS


B Vitamins for Balanced Energy – Part 2

In case you had no idea, B vitamins are water soluble and therefore have to be consumed every single day. Because B vitamins are coenzymes (or helpers) in important metabolic pathways, they are essential to maintain many functions in the body, for proper brain functioning, and for the daily the optimal conversion of food to energy. There are eight B vitamins (including B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B9,B12), and it is essential to get a multivitamin that includes all of them or take an additional B-complex. In this second part of my two part series, is a short guide to the remaining B vitamins and why each of them should be an essential part of your daily supplementation. Consuming whole food sources is also ideal, but supplementation can help fill the gaps when your diet is less than optimal. 

B6 or Pyridoxine is converted into a more active form which is essential for protein and amino acid metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, immune system function, the synthesis of hormones, heme synthesis and more. Bioavailability of B6 is reduced by general food processing, too much or excess dietary fiber, oral contraceptives, dyes, drugs, and engaging in these while consuming large amount of alcohol. Food sources that have a good amount of vitamin B6 include: Brewer’s yeast, organ meats, eggs, wheat germ, nuts, legumes, avocados, bananas, carrots and peas. When your body is deficient in vitamin B6 you may experience insomnia, fatigue, dermatitis, irritability, nervousness, tingling in the hands and feet, convulsions, and abnormal brain waves. People who struggle with anorexia are also deficient in B6. Like B12 and folate, B6 can also reduce homocysteine levels in the body – which is an amino acid in your blood that is mostly derived from animal products. When high, homocysteine levels can increase risk for heart disease.  The RDA for B6 is 1.3-1.5 mg per day. 

If you are interested in having long healthy hair or skin that is poppin’ you may have heard about biotin. B7 or Biotin is commonly known for improving the health of hair, skin, and nails but it does so much more. Biotin is needed for the metabolism of carbs, fat, and protein and is synthesized in the body by bacteria in the gut. Intestinal issues may interfere with the absorption of biotin and cause other health issues. If you have taken many rounds of antibiotics or consume a high amount of alcohol you can reduce its’ bioavailability in your body. High doses of biotin can also improve glucose tolerance and therefore be useful for diabetes or to improve crashes in energy due to insulin dysregulation. When your body is deficient in biotin you may experience dry scaly skin nausea, anorexia, hair loss or alopecia, or sebhorrea. Some excellent food sources include: chicken, lamb, brewers yeast, soybeans, milk, cheese, salt water fish. Biotin should not be taken with anti-seizure medications or antibiotics as it interacts with these medications. There is no upper limit for biotin consumption or known toxicity. The adequate intake or AI for biotin in 25-30 mcg per day.

B9 or Folate is important for pregnant women, as lack of this vitamin can cause neural tube defects in babies. It is a cofactor for red blood cell production and reduces homocysteine levels – which as I mentioned with B6– increases risk for heart attack, stroke, dementia, and Alzheimers.  In some individuals with depression, folate can be beneficial and has shown positive recovery results. It is also essential for maintaining energy as it is required for carbohydrate metabolism. Some good food sources include: yeast, liver, chicken, alfalfa, dark leafy greens, spinach,legumes, asparagus, avocado, fortified products. RDA is 400 mcg per day in adults, 500 mcg in pregnant women, and 600 mcg for women who are breastfeeding.

B12 also known as cobalamin is critical for plant-based eaters, as vegans especially can easily become deficient with a limited amount of dietary sources. Vitamin B12 is vital for healthy blood formation and nervous system functioning. It is also critical for DNA synthesis, cell division, and red blood cell differentiation. When the intestines do not produce an adequate amount of intrinsic factor this limits B12 absorption. Good food sources include: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, organ meats. Chronic B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia, can impair the nervous system, depression, confusion, memory loss, moodiness, folate deficiency, and more. There is no upper safe limit for B12 and large amounts may be useful to treat anxiety, depression, and anemia. The RDA for B12 is 2.4 mcg per day for both men and women. 



Guilliams, T. G. (2014). Supplementing dietary nutrients: a guide for healthcare professionals. Stevens Point, WI: Point Institute.

B Vitamins Essential for Balanced Energy – Part 1

B vitamins are water soluble and therefore have to be consumed daily. Because B vitamins are coenzymes in important metabolic pathways, they are essential to maintain many functions in the body, for proper brain functioning, and for the daily the optimal conversion of food to energy. There are eight B vitamins (including B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B9,B12), and it is essential to get a multivitamin that includes all of them or take an additional B-complex. In this two part article, is a short guide to each of the B vitamins and why each of them should be an essential part of your daily supplementation. Consuming whole food sources is also ideal, but supplementation can really help fill the gaps when your diet is less than optimal. If you are plant-based, you’ll notice many sources are from animal products, but you can also consume adequate amounts of: 

  • Dark, leafy green vegetables   
  • Citrus fruits   
  • Avocados   
  • Nuts and seeds   
  • Legumes 

In addition to consuming a well balanced plant-based diet, a supplement with the adequate amount of B vitamins is ideal, or taking a seperate B-complex every day. 

B1 or Thiamine, is incredibly important for blood sugar control. In fact, most people with pre-diabetes along with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are B1 deficient. B1 is the main cofactor for enzymes needed for carbohydrate and glucose metabolism and is essential for several metabolic pathways to function. Consumption of this vitamin supports the myelin sheath, the protective lining on our nerves. If we are deficient in thiamine, this can cause eyesight issues, edema, sleep apnea, issues with the autonomic nervous system. Severe deficiencies can lead to wet or dry beri beri, megoblastic anemia, and when combined with alcoholism Korsakoff syndrome or Wernicke’s disease, both of which involve mental confusion, delusions and even amnesia. Some good food sources of thiamine include: nutritional yeast, wheat germ, rice bran, legumes, eggs, poultry, fish. The RDA for B1 is 1.0 -1.2 mg per day. 

B2 or Riboflavin is essential for the proper development of skin, maintaining healthy blood cells, and is essential for the breakdown of carbs, protein, ketones, and fats as it is a key vitamin needed for proper functioning of the TCA cycle. Consuming adequate amounts can help with blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, memory loss or Alzheimers, migraines, reduce cardiovascular risk and more. Deficiency can lead to preeclampsia in pregnant women, cause dermatitis, migraines, glossitis or swelling and enlargement of the tongue, blurred vision or myopia, eczema on the face or genitalia. Good food sources include: green leafy vegetables, eggs, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fortified foods, organ meats. The RDA for B2 is 1.0 -1.3 mg per day.

B3 or Niacin is incredibly essential for metabolic pathways and a coenzyme or essential vitamin needed for proper carb metabolism, DNA metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, lipolysis, lipogenesis, cholesterol metabolism, vitamin metabolism, thyroxine or thyroid hormone creation, hormone production and more. Vitamin B3 can be helpful with treatment of high blood sugar levels, osteoarthritis, regulating digestion, and lowering cholesterol levels as it will lower bad LDL and VLDL in larger doses while increasing good HDL cholesterol. If you are deficient in niacin you may have depression, digestive issues, skin issues, pellegra which includes dermatiti, diarrhea, dementia, and finally death.  Sources: eggs, meat, fish, dairy, potatoes, corn, legumes, peanuts, cereal.  The RDA for women is 14 mg and for men is 16 mg per day. 

B5 or Pantothenic Acid is critical in the utilization of fats and carbs for energy and is also a precursor to stress hormones. Pantothenic acid is converted by intestinal cells, so if you have leaky gut or gut issues overall you may have trouble with absorption. Have issues with recovery after workouts? B5 actually reduces lactic acid accumulation and also increases oxygen utilization which will help you perform better and recover faster. When you are deficient in this vitamin you may experience fatigue, nausea, burning feet syndrome, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, and acne or skin issues. Some good food sources include: yeast, whole grains, egg yolks, organ meats, cauliflower, avocado, legumes, mushrooms, salt water fish.  The RDA is 5 mg per day. 


Guilliams, T. G. (2014). Supplementing dietary nutrients: a guide for healthcare professionals. Stevens Point, WI: Point Institute.

Iodine: An Essential Mineral for Reproductive Health 

Although diabetes is officially an epidemic that most of us associate with difficulty regulating blood sugar levels, insulin resistance is far more common with more than 3 million cases in the U.S. alone each year. Most people suffering from insulin resistance are unaware, and this can also be tied to specific conditions. In women, very often conditions that involve estrogen dominance including fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS come with insulin resistance and cravings for sweets, refined carbs and sugar in general. These are issues that plague many of my clients. Because an increased intake of sugar can increase estrogen levels, this leads to worsening of those conditions and a continuous downward spiral of sugar addition, fatigue, irritability, horrible periods, growth of cysts or worsening of their condition and more.

Iodine is involved in stabilizing blood sugars because it reduces the need for insulin. Iodine is a trace mineral not readily discussed as a solution to these issues because it is thought of as being essential only for thyroid health, but it also can regulate the amount of sex hormones in the body. Iodine is indeed needed to make T4 and  T3, two important hormones for the regulation of metabolism and thyroid health. When it comes to the health of the female reproductive system, iodine is essential as there are receptors for it in the salivary glands, breasts, eyes, stomach, brain, cervix, and even the arteries. In men iodine also supports the testicles and prostate. When dealing with fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts, and cancers of those regions, iodine is usually deficient. Radiation, smoking, stress or high levels of cortisol, liver damage, lack of bile, endocrine disruptors like pesticides or insecticides, and high levels of estrogen from birth control pills or excessive hormone consumption in diet  all can block absorption of iodine.

Some symptoms of iodine deficiency include: weight gain, brain fog,  fibrocystic breasts, prostate enlargement, depression, cysts on the ovaries, slow thyroid, goiter, menstrual cycle issues, PCOS, dry eyes or dry salivary glands, migraines, thyroid nodules, miscarriages or still born pregnancies. Its ideal to take iodine with a blend of other trace minerals or from a whole food source like sea kelp or seaweeds daily.  Beware of where tou source your sea vegetables to avoid heavy metals. If taking in isolation, using a tincture or supplement can work. The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg per day, which some practitioners consider too low, especially when treating long term deficiencies. However, when supplementing iodine, balance is key as too much can cause toxicity symptoms such as: burning of the mouth, throat, and stomach, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a weak pulse, cyanosis, and coma. These symptoms are rare and require excessive intake, so as long as you are supplementing in moderation under the supervision of a health practitioner, you should be fine. -XO Raw Girl 


Guilliams, T. G. (2014). Supplementing dietary nutrients: a guide for healthcare professionals. Stevens Point, WI: Point Institute.