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Author Archives: rawgirl
Things You Should Know About Taking Vitamin C
Vitamin C is not only necessary to boost your immunity it’s also essential for beauty as it supports the production of collagen. Anyone else trying to avoid Botox? If so, Vitamin C is your friend. Below are a few additional things to know when choosing to supplement Vitamin C.
- Generally there is no difference in the bioavailability of synthetic vs. non-synthetic vitamin C; but research has shown that the bioavailability from natural sources with flavonoids may have greater bioavailability than synthetic forms.
- Vitamin C may increase the absorption of aluminum
- Vitamin C enhances the bodies’ absorption of non-heme iron
- Quercitin and rutin have been shown to inhibit the oxidation of vitamin C in vitro.
- Vitamin C may decrease the availability of selenium for absorption. Selenium is a trace mineral that our body needs so if you were deficient, excess vitamin C supplementation could make the issue worse
Want to skip the pills?
Camu Camu are nutrient-dense berries that are considered a superfood and contain an awesome amount of vitamin C and flavonoids. I discovered them years ago when I started to consume superfoods regularly. Cam Camu berries are actually considered by many to be the most vitamin C rich fruits on the earth. One teaspoon of camu camu powder contains 1180 percent of RDA for vitamin C. I personally would chose camu camu powder in a morning smoothie if I wanted to consume something that would replace the supplement and meet my daily vitamin C requirements.
Aldrich, N. (n.d.). Module 11 Lecture: Vitamin C. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from https://learn.muih.edu/courses/4673/pages/vitamin-c?module_item_id=108363
Coles, T. (2014, January 23). 11 Things You Need To Know About Camu Camu. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/07/25/camu-camu-benefits-_n_3644392.html
Camu camu: An incredible source of vitamin C and flavonoids. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from http://www.naturalnews.com/039810_camu_flavonoids_vitamin_C.html
Ross, A. C., Caballero, B. , Cousins, R. J., Tucker, K.L. & Ziegler, T. R. (2014). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. (11th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
4 Mindfulness Techniques That Can Reduce Binge Eating
- Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice. Finding a meditation practice that works for you and practicing consistently can greatly reduce your need to binge. Why meditation? Studies on binge eaters have shown that meditation and mindfulness exercises as a whole, had a positive effect on bingeing and also may help us get more present with our emotions. A simple 5 minute meditation is enough to start, and you can increase as you feel more comfortable.
- Journaling. As a survivor of binge eating disorder, I am very aware that emotions play a HUGE role in bingeing. In fact, the food is usually a way to stop us from experiencing negative emotions like stress or sadness. When you journal around your feelings in social and solitary situations that cause bingeing, you can discover what your triggers are. Once you know your triggers you can work alone or with a practitioner to find interventions to use to stop the cycle of bingeing.
- Stopping in Between Bites: One to two times per week try eating a meal and stopping in between bites. I know it sounds a little crazy but the pause in between bites in which you must put your fork down, causes you to savor your food and have a better handle on your satiety or hunger level. Most of us shove food down our throats quickly and discover minutes in that we are overstuffed. Slowing way down can be maddening at first, but for someone who is used to eating large amounts of food very quickly like most do who binge, it will be a great exercise in re-training you to hear your bodies’ cues that you are full. You can also journal about your experiences.
- No Eating While Upset. If you are a binge eater it’s important to start allowing yourself to feel the feelings that come up before a binge. The act of bingeing numbs the emotions and replaces with a temporary feel good from the food, and then bad feelings of shame and guilt come after so it becomes a vicious cycle. It may be extremely difficult at first, but if you can work on turning to journaling, calling a friend, or other activities that allow you to express how you arefeeling, a healthier cycle and way of dealing with her emotions will replace the bingeing habit. -Xo Raw Girl
Niacin. (2017). AHFS Consumer Medication Information, 1.
Prousky, J. E. (2010). Vitamin B3 for Depression: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal Of Orthomolecular Medicine, 25(3), 137-147.
Have you checked out my new online classes yet? In my new course, Staying Ageless 30+ you will learn about Diet Basics, Lifestyle Factors, and elements of Longevity that promote an ageless way of life. Over the course of three modules you learn what to eliminate from your diet to stay ageless, how to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition, powerful detox rituals you can incorporate to increase your longevity, beauty remedies that will leave you glowing, and how to exercise effectively and get results. In addition you will learn health lessons directly from renowned longevity and health experts that will equip you to transform your lifestyle. You can still enroll! Check out the class HERE to preview the curriculum our save your seat! -Xo
Sexy Food in Capetown: Benefits of Fermented Foods
To check out Sex Food visit their website or Instagram: sexfood.co.za or @sexyfoodsa
-Xo Raw Girl
Healthy Action of the Week: Try An Exotic Fruit or Vegetable
This week’s healthy action is about breaking out of those “food ruts.” What’s a food rut? You know how sometimes life gets us in those predictable routines? Well a food rut occurs when because we are busy, lazy, tired, or somewhere in between all of the above we find ourselves eating the same combinations of foods day in and day out. Not this week! I challenge you to take your gorgeous self over to the grocery store and pick one fruit or vegetable you have never tried before and make a meal of it. Google up on its nutritional benefits and possible recipes. Who knows? You may find a new veggie love in the process. -Xo Raw Girl
Have you checked out my new online classes yet? In my new course, Staying Ageless 30+ you will learn about Diet Basics, Lifestyle Factors, and elements of Longevity that promote an ageless way of life. Over the course of three modules you learn what to eliminate from your diet to stay ageless, how to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition, powerful detox rituals you can incorporate to increase your longevity, beauty remedies that will leave you glowing, and how to exercise effectively and get results. In addition you will learn health lessons directly from renowned longevity and health experts that will equip you to transform your lifestyle. You can still enroll! Check out the class HERE to preview the curriculum our save your seat! -Xo
Santosha: Practicing The Art of Contentment
Santosha (skt. संतोष saṃtoṣa, santōṣḥ) literally means “contentment, satisfaction.” Other meanings include: acceptance of one’s circumstances, being comfortable with what is. Considering the popular tune “I can’t get no satisfaction,” most of us could use a little santosha in our lives. Shout out to my instructor Yoga Sihnuu for teaching me about this ethical concept in Indian philosophy, particularly Yoga, and is included as one of the Niyamas by Patanjali. To possess or achieve santosha means you are in a place where you do not crave or desire. Sounds cray cray right? We all know what it is like to crave or want something so badly, and what happens when we get it? We are temporarily blissed out, (some people for a matter of minutes), and then we go off again craving something else.
In my recent study of mindful eating, we discussed “Craving at the end of Craving,” an audio made by the Center for Mindful Eating. In the audio, the practitioner describes this cycle of craving, and then craving more. The only way to break the cycle, which is natural to us as humans, is to develop the ability to sit with your cravings and not act on them. To realize that if we do not get what we are craving we can still be happy, or content. Why is santosha important for our lives right now? These days we have waytoo much in popular culture that promotes the opposite of santosha; we want what the Kardashians have, and with one scroll through our Facebook or Instagram feed we may be left feeling our life as it is, isn’t as fabulous as we thought it was. In my interviews with amazing people who have achieved extraordinary longevity, I have noticed that all of them seemed to have achieved santosha in some way or another. They practice gratitude, mindfulness, and stress the importance of a positive outlook. Contentment can keep us from depression, stress, and foster a deeper sense of peace.
Assess your life today. How can you practice santosha or contentment? What can you be grateful for today? -Xo Raw Girl
Healthy Action of the Week: Embrace the Wisdom of the Seasons
We need nothing more than a simple shift in season to confirm that change is a constant in our world. As we cycle through the four seasons, it isn’t just the weather that changes, our diets evolve with seasonal availability of some foods, and we may choose to hibernate more indoors during fall and winter, or frolic out into the open air more often in spring and summer. In the context of healing, the seasons can remind us to accept change as a constant and see our healing process as a process of unfolding, happening in stages. In fact everything in our lives can be linked to this sort of seasonal change. You can be in one phase in one area & different phase in another. For instance, we may be in a winter season in our relationships, but in our career or professional life be going through spring and reaping the benefits of hard work we’ve put in over time.
Did you know the seasons also correspond to personality traits? Yep, just like horoscopes tell us a great deal about possible personality quirks, humans have character traits, emotions, and virtues linked with seasons and the elements. Below is a little more insight into what qualities correspond with each season. The five seasons include: winter, spring, summer, late summer, & autumn. Why is it useful to understand this and ruminate on how we align personally with the seasons? Just by understanding this concept it can help us to better relate with people and environments wherever they are on the spectrum. Fall is upon us soon, so it’s a wonderful time to take stock of what you can prune or release from your life to prepare for what’s next. Take a moment to reflect on what season you are in personally, professionally, and spiritually. Journal about any insights you receive from looking at your life from this lens. –Xo Raw Girl
(FYI: Interpretation I used breaks into 5 seasons adding “late summer”).
- Winter: Water
- Spring: Wood
- Summer: Fire
- Late summer: Earth
- Fall: Metal
WINTER – human traits include: charming, sensitive, compassionate, flexible, intuitive, persuasive, fluid, intelligent. Emotions: fear, virtue, will.
SPRING – quickened pace of life; rapid growth; new life from past seeds. Personality traits – generous, confident, explorative, persuasive, busy, loyal. Emotions: anger, virtue, benevolence.
SUMMER – growth of spring matures, spontaneous bursts of energy. Personality traits: love, adventure, excitement, competitive, hypersensitive, extroverted. Emotions: joy, virtue, propriety, decency.
LATE SUMMER – transition between summer & fall; a moment to take pause or reflect. Personality traits: steady, patient, reliability, logical, methodical, good planners, disciplined. Emotions: sympathy, virtue, faithfulness.
AUTUMN – nature moves inward; pruning necessary for new life to come; it’s a season of letting go. Personality traits: tenacious, self reliant, reserved, orderly, clean, balanced, solitude. Emotions: grief, virtue, righteousness.
Simply Flavorful Fruit Salad – Recipe
Who knew fruit could taste so good? (Raises hand). I whipped this up so quick with fruit I had left over, and the flavor was so unexpectedly amazing I had to share. The spices really take this combo which could be a normal fruit salad and make it into a meal that gives your taste buds and brain some feel good action. If you need more fruit, free to add other types of fruit you like to make it more hearty if you choose. I made one small serving for one person, add more fruit and spices to make in bulk. -Xo Raw Girl
1-2 bananas
2-3 kiwis
7 strawberries
dash of cardamom
several dashes cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon coconut palm sugar
hemp seeds to top
Lightly mix in spices. Serve & Enjoy!
Things You Can Eliminate to #StayAgeless!
You can still enroll in our class, Staying Ageless 30+! To find out more and preview the curriculum click HERE.
How to Create a Self-Care Plan
Self-care is completely essential to thriving and feeling at your best. Some people think of self-care as selfish, but it really is not. In order for you to be out in the world at your best, and also give to others, you must do that from a full place. Self-care helps us to fill “our well” so that we are not showing up for others from a depleted place, which can lead to resentment and anger. Before we take care of our kids, jobs, work, we must take care of ourselves.
Self-care involves areas such as the need to connect with our tribe or closest friends and family; taking care of our physical and psychological health; managing and reducing stress; intuitively listening for and honoring our emotional and spiritual needs; sustaining healthy relationships; and achieving balance across personal, school, and work commitments.
Each and every one of us is different, so it’s important that our self-care be tailored to our unique needs, wants, and preferences! Below is a template with some sample answers that you can use to create your own self-care plan with a few minutes of reflection. Once you go through this process, schedule into your calendar a few of the tasks you would like to try that will feed your mind, body, or spirit. If you don’t already have a plan I encourage you to sit down and create one today. So much ends up on our to-do list from day-to-day so if you fail to plan, you will fail at taking care of the most important person in your life, YOU. –Xo Raw Girl
Self-Care Dimension
Current Practices
(List all that you currently do) |
Frequency |
Physical | · Gym/ Exercise with Trainer
· At least three times per week |
Intellectual | · Reading a new book
· Social media fast
· Weekly
· Once a week I shut down all social media |
Emotional |
· Meditation |
· Daily meditation |
Spiritual |
· Meditation · Prayer · Church
· Daily meditation & prayer, Church once sometimes twice per week
Social | · Church Group
· Once every two weeks and ongoing |
Self-Care Dimension
New Practices
(List all practice you are COMMITTING to doing on a regular basis) |
(How often do you commit to doing these) |
Physical | · Try Capoeira as a new form of movement
· Once a week |
Intellectual | · Write in my journal
· Listen to my favorite music · Schedule regular thinking time
· 2-3 times per week
· at least twice a week · at least once per week |
Emotional | · go for reflective walk
· Connect with a good friend |
· once a week
· at least once a week |
Spiritual | · go for reflective walk
· once a week |
Social | · Call one friend and schedule something fun
· Once per week |
What can you let go of? What is no longer serving you?
What do you do now for self-care or to manage your stress that no longer serves you? Answer in the space to the right.
How will you eliminate obstacles to your self-care plan? Answer in the space below.
Have you checked out my new online classes yet? In my new course, Staying Ageless 30+ you will learn about Diet Basics, Lifestyle Factors, and elements of Longevity that promote an ageless way of life. Over the course of three modules you learn what to eliminate from your diet to stay ageless, how to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition, powerful detox rituals you can incorporate to increase your longevity, beauty remedies that will leave you glowing, and how to exercise effectively and get results. In addition you will learn health lessons directly from renowned longevity and health experts that will equip you to transform your lifestyle. You can still enroll! Check out the class HERE to preview the curriculum our save your seat! -Xo