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Author Archives: rawgirl
Make an Epic Comeback! 4 Ways to Boost Your Resilience & Health
When life gives you lemons…Bounce Back!
Have you noticed some people can endure breakups, deaths in the family, unexpected mayhem at work, and somehow come out of the storm looking like Olivia Pope, strutting in a room, glowing and repeating her classic mantra: “It’s handled.” There’s a part of all of us that wants to be Olivia Pope in those crazy crisis situations in our lives, but the reality is that when the veggie hits the fan, it can feel like the world is coming to an end!
Resilience is the key to our epic come-back, and is also in my opinion one of the greatest markers of health. We know bad things happen in life, it’s more a matter of whether or not you can weather the storm and how quickly you recover and get back in the game. The textbook definition of resilience is successful adaptation and swift recovery after experiencing life adversities. In shrink language: secure attachment (especially in childhood), experiencing positive emotions and having a purpose in life are three important psychological building blocks of resilience. Resilience can help protect you from various mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Resilience can also help offset factors that increase the risk of mental health conditions, such as being bullied or previous trauma. If you have an existing mental health condition, being resilient can improve your ability to cope. Below are a few ways you can boost your resilience and make an epic comeback from life’s challenges that will cause your friends and fam’s jaws to drop. If you are going to go through hell, may as well look like a goddess emerging from the flames! Xo Raw Girl
- Heal Your Inner Child. For those of us (raises hand) who may have had crazy childhoods that left deep emotional wounds, part of creating resilience is to deal with our past trauma and rebuild our self-worth and self-esteem. For years I thought my traumas were resolved only to find out there were patterns repeating in my life that were a result of some past wounds that were still affecting me subconsciously. How do you work through this? Journaling is great, seeing a therapist can help to. If you can’t afford a therapist check out the book Self-Therapy by Dr. Jay Earley which can help you work through the same process on your own at a fraction of the cost.
- Keep Your Immunity Up! When crisis hits, we immediately become more susceptible to disease or illness. That’s why its imperative we do not wait before the veggie hits the fan to take care of our daily vitamins and immune boosters. Vitamin C is essential, and taking a daily multivitamin can go a long way. Want more on the importance of vitamins? Check out this PAST POST.
- Practice a Daily Mindfulness Ritual. Mindfulness has been show to decrease stress, reduce the likelihood of contracting a host of diseases, and can also assist with keeping the mind positive in times of crisis. When things get rough it’s easy to slip into that downward spiral of thinking, and what mindfulness can do is help us to pay less attention to that negative chatter that keeps us in negative Nancy mode. Some practices that can work wonders: daily meditation, yoga, Qi gong, walking meditations in nature.
- Connect to a Higher Power. The Practice of organized religion is slowly becoming scarce in our modern world, as people seem to feel they don’t have time. The amazing thing about faith however, is that it can provide some assurance during times of crisis. Church communities or spiritual organizations with like minded believers can provide essential support when weathering life’s storms. In addition to this, many people fid that when they can give their problems over to God, stress reduces, and a deeper sense of peace and positive expectation emerges.
Staying Ageless on TV & FREE Webinar Replay with Bonuses!
If you missed us live you can watch our health segment HERE.
We also had an amazing webinar this week with renowned vegan author Victoria Moran! We chatted it up with her about plant-based diets, aging well, and her secrets to staying ageless over the years. You can check it out HERE.
Pre-enrollment for Staying Ageless 30+ ends tomorrow, Friday at midnight. If you pre-enroll before tomorrow at midnight you get the class at the discounted rate of $197 or 4 payments of $50, and 2 BONUSES! You will receive a free ebook copy of my book Got Veg? How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet, and a hardcopy of Victoria Moran’s book: The Good Karm Diet, Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, and Age in Slow Motion. Don’t miss out, because after the 12th the price to enroll increases to $249. To enroll or preview the curriculum visit: http://rawgirl.teachable.com/p/stayingageless/
-XO Raw Girl
Healthy Action of the Week: Self-Care Ritual
I’m starting a weekly call to healthy action to get you thinking about various aspects of your health. Hoping that these will assist you in not just learning about new nutrients or supplements, but actually start to make changes day-to-day. For the first healthy ritual I challenge you to pick a self-care activity you feel you need the most and do it daily. Whether it be meditation, long walks, or taking a long bath, find a way to take care of you in a way that makes your heart sing. As we prioritize ourselves and establish rituals, we fill up our well of goodness we have to bring to our work, families, and life in general.Next week I will give you a template you can use to make your personally tailored self-care plan. I hope you will complete it or give it some thought! Here’s to loving a lot on YOU this week! -Xo Raw Girl
Dangerously Delicious Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Nut Muffins
Hi gang!
Posted on Instagram a week ago that I made some pretty amazing banana nut muffins for Father’s Day. I love this recipe because if you never told your family or friends these muffins were gluten and dairy-free they may never figure it out! They are super delicious, quick and easy to make and don’t have too many ingredients that are hard to find. You mix wet ingredients together, dry together, then combine. Because my body is so sensitive I can’t do much flour, but for those who can you’ll love these. Recipe below. If you try it, shoot me a message and let me know how yours turned out.
-XO Raw Girl
- 1 cup walnuts (crispy walnuts are best)
- 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup apple juice
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 3)
Preheat oven to 375˚F. Oil or line 12 standard muffin tins or 24 mini muffin tins with paper. (I like bigger muffins so I used the 12 muffin tin.)
Spread the walnuts on a baking sheet and toast for 5 minutes, until fragrant. Alternatively, toast the walnuts in a dry, heavy-bottomed skillet until slightly flecked with brown, about 5 minutes.
Transfer the nuts to a food processor and grind with some of the flour so as not to turn the nuts into paste. You can also transfer the nuts to a cutting board and finely chop.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, walnuts, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl, whisk the juice, syrup, oil, and vanilla until thoroughly combined.
Pour the wet into the dry, mixing with a spatula or spoon until the dry ingredients are completely absorbed. Fold the bananas into the batter.
Pour the batter into the muffin tins. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the muffins comes out clean. Cool 15 minutes before removing from the mold. Store at room temperature for up to 4 days. Freeze for up to 1 month.
XO Raw Girl
FREE Webinar: 7 Tips That Will Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less!
Don’t you have it when you try beauty remedies that give you ZERO results, or take forever to see progress? I do too! THIS WEEK! On June 29th at 11 AM PST or 1 PM EST I will be hosting a free webinar with my Ageless partner in crime Khaleeqa of Paparoxi called : 7 Tips to Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less; where you can get some tips about staying ageless and learn what the E-Course is all about. We are excited about giving you some of the best tips in our beauty arsenals that will give you tangible results! Sign up HERE to reserve your seat! XO Raw Girl
In Staying Ageless 30+ @paparoxi and I have teamed up to give you the information and techniques you need to preserve your health, look flawless, and drop it like its hot for decades to come. 😉 Preview the curriculum or sign up for the course today on www.rawbeautyinabox.com.
New Online Course! Staying Ageless 30+
Hi gang! I am beyoooond excited to share that Khaleeqa, Fonder of Paparoxi.com and I have come together to collaborate on an online course called Staying Ageless 30+ hosted on my brand spanking new course site Raw Beauty in a Box, which combines our passion for creating a lifestyle that encourages optimal health. We both noticed a marked changed in our bodies when we turned thirty and want to help others successfully navigate that change.
In this course you will learn about Diet Basics, Lifestyle Factors, and elements of Longevity that promote an ageless way of life. Over the course of three modules you learn what to eliminate from your diet, how to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition, powerful detox rituals, how to exercise effectively and get results and more. In addition you will hear firsthand from renowned longevity and health experts who walk the talk. More info to come, but you can sign up or preview the curriculum starting today on rawbeautyinabox.com or click the course tab in the Raw Girl Store!
We also have FREE webinar you can sign up for now, 7 Tips That Will Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less! Will happen next week on June 29th at 1pm EST or 11 AM PST. Reserve your seat here: https://therawgirl.lpages.co/webinar-reg-june-2017/
Coffee Enemas to Clear Skin, Get Rid of Parasites, & Heal Disease!
***Disclaimer: This post is not designed to offer medical advice, I am not a medical doctor. Although I am soon to be a Holistic Nutritionist, you should check with your doctor before heeding any advice or tips in this post. This is not an attempt to market any product.*** Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let me tell you about my most recent health obsession: coffee enemas. I have heard about people doing them, and always felt it was a bit extreme. Like really? Inserting a Starbucks latte up my rear end is going to make my skin glow or get rid of parasites? Recently my colon hydrotherapist asked if I would like to take one. Since then, I’ve been hooked and fascinated by the number of people who have joined #teamcoffeeenema and are experiencing astounding results. Now before you get all in your feelings about how gross that sounds, let me break down a bit of the history around them.
Coffee enemas have been practiced as far back as Ancient Egypt, where Pharaoh’s had special “colon doctors” who would ensure their colons were clean as they were aware of how important colon cleansing was for health. Fast forward to 1924 when Dr. Gerson, a German born American physician and health pioneer was able to cure migraines, cancer, skin tuberculosis, and literally a laundry list of conditions using his program which included detox of the body using the coffee enema. He discovered that coffee when taken into the body rectally and held for up to 15 minutes, forced the liver to release pent up toxins in the body. Combining the coffee enema with fresh organic vegetable juices and a primarily vegetarian diet, he was able to heal cancer patients. In fact, the US Government was very close to passing a bill that would provide full support for his cure for cancer, when pharmaceutical companies sabotaged it. There was even a reporter who did a lengthy segment on Dr. Gerson’s claim on ABC, who was fired, after pharma companies withdrew millions of dollars of support from ABC. So as you can see, greed and the bottom line prevailed, leaving us in these modern times to resort to prescriptions and chemo, when there is a viable alternative that has proven results to completely heal the body. Just a note, coffee enemas are just one aspect of Gerson’s therapy that offer health benefits. If you are interested in following the full protocol, there are many resources online and elsewhere.
To take a coffee enema you use organic coffee in purified water with no additives at room or body temperature. You need 2-3 Tablespoons of ground, organic light roast cofeee boiled for 15 minutes and strained of any grinds. You add water and ensure that the temperature is cool enough for the body to take in. No scalding your booty with hot coffee! It’s a good idea to take them first thing in the morning and flush your system out first with a water enema. Word of warning: don’t go HAM. Pace yourself, and try one or two enemas a week max to see how you feel. Some people get gung ho and and one a day, but you don’t want to overdo it unless your body is super toxic. Experiment and listen to your body. If you still think I’ve lost my mind and prefer to stick to good old water enemas only I understand. As many people say they have had incredible healing experiences, there are always natural healing naysayers who believe that they are dangerous to your health. And of course propaganda planted from companies’ who would rather see you spend your hard earned money on medication. Check out the videos below and do some research for yourself about the countless people who have lost weight, gotten rid of parasites, cleared hormonal acne, cured their cancer, dissolved tumors, healed eczema and more, and you might think twice about making a coffee run. XO Raw Girl
This next video is really long, but really great and goes in depth on the history and results achieved by coffee enemas. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, skip ahead to 1:19 and watch for 5-10 minutes to see some of the results achieved by people who have taken coffee enemas regularly.
Food for Thought: Living in the Challenge Zone!
A couple years ago, I remembered a quote from Steve Harvey, the comedian, who signed off his daily radio show with a powerful message: “Never, ever think you have arrived,” he said forcefully. “When you believe you have arrived, you’ve reached a dangerous place, because you stop growing.” He then emphasized that there are different “zones” one can inhabit. The Challenge Zone, the Comfort Zone, and the Coasting Zone.
People in the Challenge Zone, are men and women with visions, who continue to strive for their dreams, attack new obstacles, and have the faith to step out and take action in spite of fear. We all know too well, the Comfort Zone, this is where you go day to day doing only what you’ve already done and fully know you are capable of. No risks, no surprises. The last zone, the Coasting Zone, is where a lot of people live, and don’t even realize it. People in this zone, don’t even do what they know that they can do or have done in the past. This is the zone, where you gave up or didn’t follow through even through you knew you had talent or an exciting prospect, but you convinced yourself it was too hard to try and have settled comfortably into giving the bare minimum.
This conversation was incredibly powerful to me, because I have seen it at work in my life. It is astounding that when I do something that scares the living crap out of me, it always leads to greater and greater success. Success is most definitely NOT a destination, it is more like a dynamic evolution. Nothing about true success is static…yes, positive habits can be formed to make success a way of life, but at the end of the day true success is being willing to truly live your life on the edge. That means taking risks, jumping full-fledged into your passions, having the grace to be a beginner again and again, and harnessing the power of a vision.
Food for thought today: What zone are you living in?
-XO Raw Girl
The Many Reasons to Love Avocado
If I had to profess my undying love to any particular fruit or veggie, it would be a hard call between avocados and coconuts. What is not to love about this amazing creamy fruit that can be combined with both sweet and more bitter meals. Plus I can make yogurt or pudding with it, smoothies, and add it to salads. Since I have long been rescued from the hell that is processed food addiction, I would say avocados do for me what ice cream or yogurt does for die hard dairy lovers. The creamy texture, literally makes my heart sing, and ears perk up when I hear someone say the lovely name avocado. Oh, and the joy of cutting one open and it being completely perfect! I could go on and on. I know I’m tripping, but I really love them that much. They are also on my list of aphrodisiacs, so perhaps (***clears throat and bats eyelashes***), avocados are exciting for me in more ways than one. For grown folks only: the name avocado comes from the Aztec word ‘ahuacatl’ which, um, literally, um, means testicle (I don’t like that word, hence the hesitation). I assume you can guess that avocados got the name from the way they look. So beyond just eating avocados, you also have the option to make some dirty jokes about them. LOL.
So what groovy benefits do you get from eating avocado, which is also known as ‘alligator pear’? Well, they happen to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet! Avocados contain 25 essential nutrients including vitamin A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, protein, phytochemicals, and fiber. You would actually need to eat at least two bananas to get the amount of potassium in one avocado. Avocados have a large fat content, almost twenty times the amount of fat in other fruits but they are extremely good-for-you monounsaturated fats. People often worry that because of this avocados will make you gain weight. Not the case, I’ll get to that in another post soon. If you eat avocados from Florida which are huge, note that they have 50% LESS fat than the Haas kind, so they are sort of the “low-fat” brand of avocados.
Onto the long list of fabulous things the wonderful fruit named avocado can do for you. Some key benefits include: maintains a healthy heart and reduce risk of heart disease, efficiently lowers bad cholesterol and can boost good cholesterol, helps to regulate blood pressure levels, has anti-inflammatory properties that help ward off inflammation related diseases, promotes eye health and prevents macular degeneration, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of stroke because of high levels of folate, protects against breast cancer and has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer, contains glutathione which fights free radicals in the body, boosts immune system, slows aging, and encourages a healthy nervous system. If all of those benefits alone were not a mouthful add to that the fact that avocados are known the world over for boosting the health and natural glow of your skin.
My challenge this week is: How many ways can you eat an avocado? While I go off to work on that, I hope you have now been convinced that avocados are an awesome food to add to your diet. As much as I would love to keep my love for them all to myself, I know there’s more than enough love to go around so you can count on me to continue spreading the gospel. -XoXo Raw Girl