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Author Archives: rawgirl
6 Reasons to Love Irish Moss
Irish moss is a seaweed packed with nutrients that can be soaked and used to create a powerful and nutritional gel. It is pretty much colorless and tasteless which makes it great to add to a wide range of dishes for nutritional value or just as a thickener. You can add irish moss gel or paste to smoothies, soups, desserts, and even as a partial replacer for some fattier foods like nuts or avocados in certain recipes to reduce the fat content. I was recently reminded of this moss’s superpowers when speaking to someone who may be having surgery soon. After a car accident a few years back that severely affected my lower back, I made smoothies with irish moss, and found that it helped to speed my recovery.
Like many other seaweeds, irish moss has an extensive nutritional profile which includes vitamins A, B, C, D, E K, B-vitamins, sulfur, protein, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, zinc, and pectin. As nature’s only plant based source of thyroid hormones, it can help to balance out thyroid related issues and speed up metabolism. It has been reported to be effective against everything from cancer, radiation poisoning, obesity, and cholesterol build-up. Sometimes I.M. gets a bad rap because it is the seaweed that carrageenan is extracted from (which causes inflammation and is used as a stabilizer in things like nut milks); but truthfully they are not the same. In its whole form and taken with proper moderation irish moss can boost your overall nutrition. Jamaicans have been known to consume irish moss or sea moss because of its reported abilities to boost male libido and increase sperm count. Below are some additional perks that come with incorporating irish moss into your diet. -XoXo Raw Girl
Accelerates Recovery. Irish Moss is great for strengthening connective tissues which makes it excellent for recovery from strenuous exercise, or even more extreme injuries, surgeries, or invasive procedures.
Promotes Gorgeous Skin. On the beauty front, irish moss can deliver a serious beauty boost because of its high sulfur content. You can apply the gel directly to your skin for a mini face lift, or consume it as a food and allow the nutritional boost to up your pretty factor. Irish moss can help to rehydrate dry skin, and leave it feeling smooth and supple. It is also effective on a number of severe skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, bad sunburns, and rashes.
Encourages Healthy Digestion & Elimination. The fiber content in Irish moss makes it a mild and effective laxative; simultaneously it soothes inflamed tissues of the intestinal tract which provides relief for intestinal disorders. In regard to promoting good digestion, Irish moss’s demulcent properties soothe the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the gelatin-like content helps to ease gastritis, dyspepsia, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and can be used to prevent vomiting.
Helps to Drop Those Extra Pounds. Irish moss is thought to help reduce the appetite by virtue of its ability to absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract with a bulking-type material, increasing the feeling of fullness and also aiding in the elimination process of waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the moss improves thyroid function because of it’s iodine content, which in turn boosts metabolism, increases energy, and can help accelerate weight loss.
Cure for Coughs, Respiratory Issues, & the Common Cold. Because Irish moss is an expectorant it can break up mucus and help clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold, alleviate inflammation of the nasal passages, ease sore throat or dry coughing, and also can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and even pneumonia. It is especially effective for pulmonary (lung) complaints with its ability to absorb liquid and eliminate it from the body.
Assist with Healing of Radiation Poisoning & Cancer. Irish moss has been found to be very helpful with the recovery of radiation poisoning and cancer. Apparently it can actually absorb toxins from the bowel and this gangsta seaweed literally draws radiation poisoning out of the body.
Help Raw Girl Get a Makeover!
It’s about that time…Raw Girl needs a makeover, and I need your help to make it happen. Some of you may remember how excited I was about the new website?! Well, I ran into some serious technical difficulties, and was left without a functioning site after coughing up a nice chunk of money. My vision for Raw Girl is to keep expanding and in order to that I need to move this lovely blog off of the wordpress.com platform. I would like to add more video, downloadable products, skincare, podcasting and more.
For the past three going on four years this blog has been a complete labor of love. If you have been informed, inspired, enriched, or led to any sort of AHA moment, please support this campaign! All of the perks I am offering are all new products, including a mini juice & smoothie book with new recipes, mp3’s, and a 14 Day Parasite Cleanse. Because it is a fixed campaign, if I don’t reach my goal, you get 100% of your money back. Check out the video below, and to visit the campaign and DONATE, CLICK HERE: Raw Girl’s Indiegogo Campaign. Every single dollar counts, THANK YOU for giving what you can. ~ XoXo Raw Girl
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the elements that will be in the new site, the design will change but this will give you a decent idea:
Yoga Pose: Crescent Lunge
Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)
Opens the hips, cultivates balance, strengthens knees, stretches hamstrings, quads, and groin. (Great for yogis prepping for hanumanasana (the splits)
How To
1. Begin in low lunge with your right foot forward and drop your back knee to the mat. (Feel free to use a blanket for cushion if you need more support.) The top of your left foot should be resting on the back of the mat
2. Place your hand on your right knee and your right knee directly over you ankle.
3. On your next inhale lift your arms to frame your ears and draw your shoulders away from your ears. Take steeple grip with your hands
4. As you exhale sink deeper in your hips bring length to your back leg and keep your back foot straight.
5. Once you are ready, take a gentle backbend, tracing your gaze from the ceiling to the back wall as you shine your heart forward.
If you feel pain in the front knee lift the hips a bit more.
Lower hands to either side of the mat for more support or for more of a shoulder opening.
~Namaste, Sihnuu
6 Reasons to Go Gluten-Free
At one point the term gluten-free was something only people with celiac disease were well acquainted with. Now almost everyday I seem to run into someone who is all about gluten-free living, and grocery stores have entire sections dedicated to gluten-free products. Last year gluten-free sales soared to over two billion dollars in revenue, and it’s not just people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance that are purchasing these products. Gluten is a binding protein found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and cross hybrids of these grains that gives baked goods their “fluffiness.” Research shows that there are actually over one hundred and fifty diseases and symptoms that are linked to gluten sensitivity and difficulty digesting gluten-filled foods. Celiac disease, the most commonly known gluten-related condition affects about three million people, and is a disorder where the immune system attacks the small intestine when you consume gluten. Other serious conditions that can improve once gluten is eliminated from the diet include Crohn’s disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
If you are a raw vegan, or a vegan who avoids processed foods, you are by default be gluten-free anyway and just call it something else. I remember personally how long it took me to kick my bread cravings to the curb, and how much better I felt once I made it through the withdrawal period. All this said, gluten-free living doesn’t automatically equate with a healthier lifestyle. If you are still eating the processed products marketed to gluten-free disciples that are heavily stocked in grocery stores, you’re are missing the point. Many of these products are made with potato, soy, and corn, and loaded with refined carbs and simple sugars that can still have negative effects on your health longterm. Just because it is a gluten-free cupcake, that doesn’t mean that it is by default guilt-free. However if you eat more fruit and veg based meals and/or opt for one hundred percent whole grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat, or amaranth you’ll be playing the game right and reap the benefits. Some of the perks of going gluten-free the right way include:
Shedding Excess Weight. When you eliminated many processed foods that include bagels, cookies, cereals etc. of course you are going to lose weight! Gluten is also found in a bunch of products you may not expect like salad dressings, maple syrups, yogurt, and even some meat products.
Boost Digestion & Elimination. A lot of people notice immediately that cutting out gluten eases any digestive problems. You may have less indigestion, less bloating or cramps, and better bowel movements. Part of the reason why this improves is because a lot of people’s bodies’ have a hard time digesting gluten to being with.
Clear Up Skin Issues. If you’ve read my e-book The Acne-Free Diet, you’d know that very often acne is the bodes way of releasing waste that couldn’t be released via bowel movement because the colon is backed up or the body is overloaded with toxins. Those with acne issues may also find relief by going gluten-free because sans the gluten your body is able to eliminate waste easier.
Decrease Inflammation. Many times when people get into a disease state, they may be asked to eliminate gluten, partly because it decreases the amount of inflammation in their bodies and can relieve pain. Even if you are not suffering from a disease but experience regular aches and pains or stiffness, going gluten-free may help you relieve your symptoms.
Increase in Energy. When your body is not weighed down or having to work overtime to process gluten, you may find that you have additional energy, less fogginess, and are able to get more done in a day.
Get Happy, Stay Happy. For some people consuming gluten does not only affect their bodies, it affects their emotions. I know for me, consuming gluten sometimes creates emotional “lows.” If you are suffering from depression or generally find yourself extra irritable, check your diet and monitor how you feel after eating certain foods. Getting rid of gluten may help you sustain a more stable dose of happy throughout the day.
Meditation: “Create More Than You Consume.”
While out taking some yoga pics in Georgetown saw this quote on the wall and loved it. “Create More Than You Consume.” I really feel like that is the inner mantra for my life. When you spend more time tapping into your inner essence and tuning into plant energy via your diet, it really can enhance your creativity and joie de vivre! We are all meant to blossom and live out our true passion and purpose. Part of what clean eating does is free our bodies of toxicity so that we have more vitality, and become a clearer channel for brilliant creative ideas. When you are freed up from sickness, disease, and bodily concerns you have the luxury of channeling your energy towards something greater. In addition, practicing meditation and mindfulness helps us weed through and release our programmed emotional reactions, and work towards our purpose with more clarity, peace, and non-attachment. The more we release our attachments and desperation for something outside of ourselves, the more we come into vibrational alignment with our desires and attract opportunities, people, and things to help us along our journey. Take a moment today and ask yourself: “Do I create more than I consume?” If not, how can you tap deeper into your creativity? What dreams, aspirations, or skills have you neglected lately? It’s a new day, and if you have the honor of being alive there’s still time to create what your heart truly desires. ~Namaste, Raw Girl
Juice! Lean Green Soother
I’ve been having a lot of fun lately adding melons into my summer juice variations. It’s a great way to hydrate post workout and also to add sweetness to a green juice. Here’s another recipe you can try. For more on the benefits of juicing melons check out my past post: Juice! Carrot Melon Soother & Benefits of Juicing Melon -XoXo Raw Girl
1/2 Head of Celery
1 Cucumber
1/2 Cantaloupe
1/2 Lemon
Juice all ingredients, strain, serve, enjoy!
21 Day Meditation Challenge
Need a boost in your meditation practice? Or perhaps you have never meditated and would like to experiment with how it can improve your quality of life? Today is Day 2 of Deepak Chopra’s online meditation challenge called “Miraculous Relationships.” I have completed the past three 21 day challenges he has done in partnership with Oprah online and can attest to the fact that they are fantastic. Not only do the meditations delivered daily to your inbox keep you grounded, they also keep you accountable to your practice and can help you get back on the meditation bandwagon if you’ve fallen off. Late last year, I did one of Deepak’s first challenges, and ever since then I have managed to keep my resolution for 2013 and be very consistent with my daily meditation. If you missed Day 1 no worries, they archive all of the past posts. All you have to do is sign up online via https://chopracentermeditation.com/ ! Who’s in? -XoXo Raw Girl
Meditation: Uniting Body, Mind, & Spirit
As you all know I’m a yoga and meditation junkie…can’t get enough of it. In addition to the regular Raw Girl posts I’ve enlisted a dear friend and talented yoga teacher, Sihnuu, to contribute some poses and brief meditations on the blog. I may jump right on in and add some of my own thoughts. More to come. Please show your love by clicking the like button.
When practicing the healing art of yoga, it is through the art of “yoking”, or uniting, that we reach that state of eternal bliss we so desire. When developing a union between the mind, body, and spirit we are able to reap the full benefits of life itself. We learn to become masters of our mind creating a calm and tranquil space so that we are able to successfully utilize the body as a tool in order to explore our inner essence: the source of true self. ~Namaste, Sihnuu
Exploring this inner essence can then in turn feed us in our daily lives, where we learn to breathe through our emotions and stressful situations. Remember that cultivating your bliss isn’t just for those moments on your mat, you can always reach for your inner essence throughout your day by simply remembering to BREATHE. -XoXo Raw Girl
You can find Sihnuu on Instagram @YogaSihnuu
Juicing Parsley for Flawless Skin
Perhaps parsley doesn’t get much attention because it is used frequently as a garnish. Despite the fact that a lot of people think if it as side fare, this power herb can do more wonders for improving your health and giving you a radiant glow than your main course. Parsley is rich in vitamin A which is a power beauty vitamin, and helps to clear blemishes and maintain an even skin tone while also cleansing the urinary tract, liver, and kidneys. It has a high vitamin C content which helps to stimulate the production of collagen and reduces fine lines, scars, blemishes, and pore size, all at a severely discounted price compared to Botox. Parsley also has high levels of vitamin K which can improve skin elasticity and speed up the wound healing process and is extremely chlorophyll-rich which increases blood flow and metabolizes oxygen in the body. Like many raw vegetables and fruits parsley is rich in antioxidants which rid the body of free radicals and slow the aging process. Not bad for a garnish, huh? One of the best ways to harness the power of parsley is to juice it in combination with other veggies. Several of the recipes in my detox plans contain parsley because of its super power ability to cleanse and boost beauty. If you have not yet tried juicing parsley I highly recommend you experiment with different combinations and find variations you love. -XoXo Raw Girl
For 21 awesome original juice recipes, a detox calendar, a detox guide, and shopping list, check out my 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss, & Rejuvenation.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Raw Cacao
Who doesn’t love chocolate? One of the most addictive foods on the planet, chocolate has been widely used in all kinds of foods and desserts to add a feel good feeling. The widely available processed chocolate is not the best thing for you because of the added stimulants, sugar, and fat that come along with it and enhance its already potent addictive qualities. Raw cacao, however, which is chocolate in its raw form, is not only great for you, it’s considered a superfood because of a lengthy antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral profile. Cacao beans are grown on trees that originate in Mexico called Theobroma cacao, which in Greek literally means “food of the gods.” Each pod on the trees yields anywhere from 40-60 cacao seeds. To make the processed chocolate that we know and love, cacao beans are roasted to form cocoa and of course combined with ample amounts of sugar and fat. The roasting process is what strips cacao of its nutrients and minimizes the natural health benefits by reducing the levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals readily available. Raw Cacao contains magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, manganese, polyphenols or flavanoids (which have antioxidant properties), along with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, and E. Add to all of this a little protein, fiber, and oleic acid, a monosaturated fat that is essential for heart health and you’ve got yourself a bonafide superfood. Below are some potential benefits of eating raw cacao, all of which can be used to justify your raw chocolate cookie monster like cravings. -XoXo Raw Girl
Got Magnesium? Chocolate contains more magnesium than any other food, which is great to note especially because deficiencies in magnesium are so common. Magnesium is one of the most powerful stress relieving minerals, so if your stressed and craving chocolate, your body is right on target to get what it needs.- Beauty Food That Can Slow Aging. Raw Cacao has more antioxidants than any food tested. In fact it has four to six times the antioxidants of roasted cacao, goji berries, acai berries, blueberries, dark processed chocolate, wine, and black and green teas. Antioxidants help to repair and resist damage from free radicals, and reduce signs of aging. Cacao is also high in the beauty mineral sulfur, which builds healthy nails and hair, promotes beautiful skin, detoxifies the liver, and supports a healthy pancreas.
- Get Your Happy Fix. Cacao raises the level of serotonin in the brain; thus acts as an anti-depressant, helps reduce PMS systems, promotes a sense of well-being, and helps increase focus and alertness. It also stimulates the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasurable sensation similar to the “runner’s high” a jogger feels after running several miles. (Note: This is not an excuse to opt out of your morning run and indulge in chocolate instead.) Add to all of this phenylethylamine, which is found in chocolate, and also created within the brain and released when we are in love.
- Protects Your Heart. Studies have shown that chocolate offers protection from heart disease and stroke, and can assist in reducing blood pressure. Consuming cacao also helps dilate bloods vessels, reduce blood clotting, improve circulation, help regulate heartbeat, and lowers LDL cholesterol.
- Boosts Recovery Time. Studies have shown that cacao may help lower the oxidative stress of strenuous activities which helps athletes to recover. Which means that adding a bit of cacao powder to your post-workout shake is never a bad idea.
P.S. Thank you for your patience! The website was down last week, due to technical issues behind the scenes. Please forgive me, hope to have a smoother transition in the future.