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Author Archives: rawgirl
Neti Pot for Seasonal Allergy Relief
Just in case you aren’t aware, this years allergy season is supposed to be one of the worst ever. Spring is here, and in addition to a much needed detox, your nasal passageways may need a little extra TLC to deal with the high pollen levels. Last week when with a dear friend at a health food store, she stopped to buy neti salt, and told me that her intense seasonal allergies which used to have her popping tons of medications have completely ceased to exist just by using a neti pot religiously. Apparently this was a divine encounter, because the following day, I had an allergy attack which included the not so awesome highlights of sneezing every few seconds, itchy eyes, and feeling like I was walking around in a purple haze. On my slightly delirious trip to the health food store to get some homeopathic allergy meds, I remembered the neti pot and decided to give it a try. After using it twice that day, nothing really happened, but the following day I might as well have thrown a mucus releasing party. By day three things calmed down and the sneezing had stopped altogether.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies and have not considered using a neti pot, give it a try. The reason why it works is that allergic reactions which include sneezing, coughing etc. are usually your bodies’ response to a completely benign element like pollen which can accumulate in your nasal passages. Using a neti pot is almost like doing a regular colonic or enema, in that it is preventative and keeps your nasal passages free and clear of debris that could accumulate and cause reactions. It also may free you from having to take any medications, because you are getting rid of the problem. Below is a video that I found online that illustrates how to use a neti pot for any newbies like I was. They come in various shapes and sizes and are made from various materials like ceramic or plastic. Go with whatever works for you and follow the directions. The key is to also make sure you are regularly cleaning your neti pot and that you use filtered water to avoid contaminating your body with any organisms or germs that will wreak additional havoc on your system. -XoXo Raw Girl
View How to Use a Neti Pot on Howcast
Juicing Bell Peppers for Beauty
Are you in a juicing rut? You know you are if you are juicing the same thing day in and day out, and have not added any new interesting combinations to your arsenal. It’s always great to shake things up a bit and try a new veggie in your morning cup of greens, for the sake of your taste buds and also to ensure that you get well-rounded nutrition. Bell Peppers are great for achieving that natural glow because they are antioxidant rich and also high in natural silicon which beautifies hair, nails, and skin. They are also a good source of necessary nutrition for beauty including vitamin A, C, E, B vitamins, potassium, thiamine, manganese, copper, and zinc.
In addition to providing a superior source of vitamin C, even more so than oranges, bell peppers have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can aid in healing and protect the body from illness. Juicing bell peppers gives you natural medicine that can assist in fighting cancer, lowering blood pressure, decreasing the advancement of heart conditions, alleviate gastrointestinal disorders, and help to heal respiratory issues and lung infections like asthma or emphysema. And like all power packed raw veggies, the phytochemicals in bell peppers decrease inflammation in the body, fight free radicals, and help to reduce the signs of aging.
Because of these wonderful aforementioned benefits, when crafting Raw Girl’s 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss, & Rejuvenation, I made sure to include a juice with bell peppers. If you need a spring beauty boost, more awesome juice recipes with power ingredients for beauty and skin are included along with a 7 Day schedule and shopping list. -XoXo Raw Girl
Smoothie! Mango Citrus Cooler
The best part of waking up? A fruit smoothie in your cup! A great way to get more fruit in your diet, especially in the spring and summer months is to blend up some yummy concoctions. They don’t have to be fancy to taste amazing, and are way better for you than store bought smoothies which in most cases are pasteurized, contain harmful preservatives, and even indigestible fibers (Naked juice was found guilty of this). It takes no time at all to put some fruit frozen or fresh in the blender add a little water and start a smoothie party at any time of the day. What I love about fruit is that unlike refined sugar, you get sweetness with substance in the form of nutrients and fiber. This weekend my smoothie was all about mangoes. If you need some good reasons to love mangoes, check out this past blog post: 6 Reasons to Get Down With Mangoes, The King of Fruit. -XoXo Raw Girl
Mango Citrus Cooler
3-4 cups frozen Mango
2 bananas
2 oranges (peel and remove seeds)
1 cup filtered water
Blend all ingredients, serve, enjoy!
Juice! Broccoli Blast
Have you ever tried juicing broccoli? Although I love eating broccoli raw it is also a great addition to your daily dose of greens! Broccoli comes from the gangsta family of cruciferous vegetables with includes cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and the almighty kale. It has an awesome amount of calcium and vitaminK, in addition to vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, and iron. Juicing broccoli can be useful for any sort of digestive disorder including indigestion, gastritis, or ulcers. It is also beneficial in preventing breast cancer because it helps to rid the body of excess estrogen, and has a high level of antioxidants which of course slow the aging process and prevent macular degeneration. -XoXo Raw Girl
Broccoli Blast
2 Large Stalks of Broccoli
1 Head of Celery
3-4 Kale Leaves
1 Apple
Run all ingredients through a juicer. Serve, strain, enjoy!
Sweet n’ Scrumptious Summer Salad w/ Orange-Strawberry Dressing
Spring is here, and hopefully summer is around the corner real soon. This weekend in honor of the beautiful weather outside, I decided to whip up a delicious summer salad. If you are a raw foodie or not, it’s always great to lighten up your diet a bit when the weather gets warmer. For those not on the raw bandwagon, spring and summer is a lovely time to incorporate more raw foods into your diet, while also soaking in the wonderful energy of the sun. This salad was AMAZING, took no time at all to prepare, and the dressing was so tasty on it’s own, it doubled as dressing and smoothie. Below is the recipe, feel free to have fun with your versions and add in whatever fruit strikes your fancy. -XoXo Raw Girl
Sweet n’ Scrumptious Summer Salad w/ Orange-Strawberry Dressing
Salad Ingredients:
Green Kale, Spinach, & other Mixed Greens
1/ 2 Mango
8-9 Strawberries
Dried Cranberries
Orange Wedge
Sea Salt
Wash and dice all ingredients however you prefer them. Add all greens into salad bowl, add two capfuls of extra virgin olive oil, squeeze wedge of orange onto greens, and add a few pinches of sea salt to taste. Massage greens. Layer over greens all your toppings.
2 Oranges
4 Basil Leaves
8 Strawberries
2 Tablespoons Agave or 3-4 Pitted Dates
Blend the ingredients together, pour over salad and enjoy! Remember this by itself makes a pretty awesome smoothie. Will experiment with other versions of this, but adding in a cucumber works well. -XoXo Raw Girl
Dandelion Greens for Glowing Skin
Dandelion has been used since ancient times to achieve a natural glow. It’s official name is “Taraxacum Officinale” which means official remedy for disorders, a well fitting name for a very powerful plant. Dandelion juice is a good detoxifier, diuretic, stimulant, and anti-oxidant. These four properties make it a great treatment for acne. Dandelion root and leaves are very powerful diuretics, meaning they stimulate urinary function and rid the body of excess fluid. This also makes it great for PMS and water weight gain. What makes Dandelion an awesome acne-fighter is that it is a blood purifier and protects, nourishes, and detoxifies the liver which the body uses to get rid of toxins, including those that are causing your blemishes! Dandelion juice can also help regulate proper secretion of hormones, increase sweating and widen up pores to facilitate removal of toxins through sweating. Dandelion greens contain a great deal of awesome nutrients including Vitamins A, B2, C, D, and minerals like potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorous, iron. It is also natures richest green vegetable source of beta-cartone. Adding this juice and variations of green juices with dandelion with give your skin a major boost and also helps with conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Beyond improving the quality of your skin, dandelion also can assist in weight reduction, relieve constipation, prevent and lower high blood pressure, prevent or even cure anemia, lower your cholesterol, and help control diabetes. When you juice dandelion greens, they have a bitter taste, and they are also very powerful so you don’t want to juice too much in one sitting. A small handful or less is a good rule of thumb. When combined with other veggies and maybe an apple to sweeten, you can easily mask the bitter taste and still get the beauty boosting benefits. -XoXo Raw Girl
Recipe for the Dandelion Kale Acne Fighter & many other juices to help you get that natural glow in The 3 Day Acne-Free Detox Plan!
Smoothie! Cilantro Rejuvenator
4-5 Kale Leaves
1/4 Green Melon
1-2 Cucumbers
1 Banana
Organic Pineapple Juice
(preferable if you run pineapple through the juicer, but you can also use store bought if you like)
Put all ingredients in the blender, blend, serve, enjoy!
-XoXo Raw Girl
7 Reasons to Meditate: The Benefits of Mindfulness
Meditation is sometimes seen as a woo-wooey practice reserved for new age hippies, actors who are “spritual”, self-help gurus, and hardcore yogis, but the truth is meditation is for everyone. Just like yoga, which brings the body in alignment with the mind and helps to quite that incessant babbling of thoughts we have going daily that frequently get in the way of our true happiness, meditation cleans house. It’s like setting the reset button for a few minutes daily, that allows you to truly go with the flow, promotes inner peace, feelings of oneness with others, empathy, service, and even boosts creativity. I have experienced firsthand regular daily meditation can be a catalyst for amazing things happening in your life. As you practice and get deeper in the flow of life, synchronicity or seeming miracles became normal every day occurrences.
Going back to daily practice has re-awakened my love and appreciation for meditation as a scientific tool. Every single time you to sit to practice, you are literally rewiring your brain, and tapping further into THE SOURCE of all. As a result of this you may find yourself extremely calm in usually stressful situations, generally happier, optimistic, and attracting people and things that help you achieve your dreams, effortlessly. There are a bunch of meditation naysayers out there who feel like it’s quackery, or object to meditation because they are afraid it contradicts with their religion. This is not the case. Meditation and mindfulness practices have been practiced and incorporated by every major religion. In the Bible it says, “Be still and know that I am God.” My favorite Deepak Chopra quote is: “Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening.” Indeed the silence speaks volumes. Creativity can increase and intuition begins to guide daily decisions more strongly. It sounds like a gimmick until you try it. The only way for you to feel the shift in yourself is to sit down and meditate and stick with it consistently. It does not take weeks to start to feel a shift. Each day, you will begin to notice little things. Oh meditation, mediation, how I love thee! Let me count the ways. Below are seven of many reasons (backed by scientific research) why sitting down in silence daily is good for you. Don’t take my word for it, try it yourself. Namaste. -XoXo Raw Girl
- Stay in the Stress-Free Zone. The journal of health psychology published research that not only does meditation make you feel less stressed, it actually reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
- Rewire Bad Habits. One of the first thing I noticed was that when I kept up with regular meditation it started to shift my emotional responses to situations that were previously aggravating. Going within helps us require bad habits as well as observe our actions and reactions in a way we may have never done before and make conscious adjustments.
- Boosts Your Mental Performance. Research conducted at the University of California, Santa Barbara found that college students trained in mindfulness performed better on verbal reasoning sections on the GRE and also had improvements in retention of material. The outcome of the study suggested that mindfulness improves overall cognitive function.
- Can Keep You From Going Cray-Cray. Mental illness and emotional wellness are two issues that are usually highly medicated when you visit a doctor to address them. Well, according to researchers from the University of Oregon, mediation techniques in the form of integrative body and mind training can result in brain changes which protect against mental illness. Due to meditation practice protective tissue increases as well as signaling connections in the brain.
- Sleep Like a Baby. A University of Utah study found that mindfulness training helps people sleep better at night. You know how sometimes you can’t sleep because of the “monkey mind” that can’t stop making to-do lists and generally stressing about whatever happened that day? Well meditation shuts the monkey up long enough for you to get adequate rest and wake up feeling refreshed.
- Gives You a Major Dose of Happy. In general meditation helps to balance out emotions and moods, and has been shown in numerous studies to reduce the risk of depression. It’s great for pregnant women struggling with post-pardom, teens, and really anyone of any age.
- Boosts Your Immunity. By now you should know that optimal health has to do with emotional, physical, and mental wellness. Just paying attention to your diet alone may still leave you at risk for major terminal diseases if you do not manage your emotions and stress in a healthy way. Meditation and mindfulness practices calm you the heck down, so that you can avoid toxic emotions that may cause disease later on.
7 Slightly Silly Spring Workouts
If you are a workout junkie like myself, it’s easy to get into routines over time that stop challenging your body. A great way to break out of a workout rut and have a little fun to boot is to try adding a workout that is slightly silly to your routine. Spring is here, and this opens up greater possibilities for fun outdoor and indoor workouts. Below is a list of a few silly ways to exercise that will also challenge your body. -XoXo Raw Girl
Jump That Rope. Remember back in the day double dutch? I do. Jumping rope was one of my favorite recess activities and me and my friends used to have informal double dutch competitions on the playground that sometimes got really serious. Even you didn’t go full out and double dutch but you probably have jumped rope a couple times in your life. Jumping rope is a great way to get a workout and can be fun too. It is an awesome full body workout that works the legs, abs, arms, heart, and mind. Although this exercise can also be silly it helps to build your strength, agility, speed, timing, and rhythm. The best part about jumping rope is that you can do it anywhere, and your rope is easily transported, even if you are traveling. You won’t get bored either because once you become a jumping expert you can start showing off and doing variations like the one-hop, arms-cross, running in place and whatever else suits your fancy. You can increase your fitness challenge and get greater results by incorporating intervals into your routine. For example: thirty seconds of more intense jumping followed by one minute of light jumping, and repeat.
Be a Latin Dance Diva…In The Pool. If you already a fan of Zumba, try making your workout a little sillier and with more resistance by trying Aqua Zumba. Aqua Zumba dancing happens in the shallow end of a pool and you follow along to dance routines in impact-absorbing, resistance-promoting water. If attempting to do salsa inspired moves and splashing around in the water seems silly to you, you may be singing a different tune after you try it. In addition to being generally fun and slightly silly, this workout is also challenging.
Jump Around! Rebounding is a fancy name for jumping up an down on a mini trampoline. Remember as a kid how jumping up and down on things was enough to give you pleasure? Well rebounding can take you back to that silly space while at the same time delivering an effective workout. It’s a no impact exercise that can be a great cardio workout and in some cases also help you tone, strengthen, and slim your body, depending on the workout. In addition to all of this, rebounding helps to boost your circulation, stimulate your lymphatic system which boosts your metabolism, and improve cell function.
Do The Hula Hoop Dance. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) conducted a research study that found that hooping is a cardiovascular (aerobic) workout. Their small study looked at “intermediate to advanced” female hoopers and showed that when the subjects followed a 30-minute hooping video that included seven different hooping “dances,” their heart rates elevated significantly–near 85% MHR, which is high-intensity aerobic exercise for sure. In thirty minutes the hoopers burned about 210 calories which is around 420 calories per hour, around the amount you would burn in a traditional fitness class. Hopping is also a great way to challenge your core and focus your mind while being slightly silly of course.
Pretend You are a Stripper for a Day. Pole Fitness is a new fitness trend that you’ll find in high-end fitness clubs, dance studios, and home gyms alike. Taking a pole fitness class will give you a great combination of cardio, strength-building exercises and flexibility as well as build skills and coordination that’ll be useful in your daily life as well as (**clears throat and winks**) your bedroom. To get started you can take a pole fitness classes or buy a DVD that teaches the basic skills.
Blade it Out. Inline skating or rollerblading is an excellent aerobic activity that improves endurance and strength, and produces aerobic benefits similar to running and biking. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, a 160 pound person can burn 913 calories in a single hour of rollerblading, compared to 584 calories jogging, or 277 calories walking. The side to side movement exercises your inner and outer thighs, and compared to running rollerblading is lower impact and will not shock the joints as much.
Dance Like a Maniac. Last but not least, who says you need a club to par-tay? If you want to work up a sweat, make your playlist and get down in your bedroom or living room all by yourself or have friends join in on the fun. Some of my best workouts have happened on the dance floor loosing track of time. Not only will you get a great workout, you’ll feel rejuvenated, relieve stress, improve your strength, muscle tone, manage weight, and increase your coordination. Depending on how serious you get down, dancing socially or alone can burn as many calories as walking or riding a bike and contribute to cardiovascular conditioning. There’s also the option to build new skills and take a class in a dance form that interests you. Nowadays there are so many options to choose from jazz, ballet, modern, hip-hop, african dance, belly dancing (my favorite), Bollywood dancing, latin dancing, and more.
Recipe! Mediterranean Salad with Cilantro Goddess Dressing
Salads can get boring quickly especially if you stick to the romaine and lettuce model, so it’s imperative for a serious veggie lover to try new combinations and pack them full of a variety of textures and flavors that will leave you feeling satiated. I love a good Mediterranean Salad so I made one the other day and experimented with my own raw version of goddess dressing. Goddess dressing is my all time favorite but if I choose to consume a brand from the grocery store I immediately start sneezing because of the preservatives! To avoid the unnecessary toxins and keep it raw, below’s a version of the easy recipe you can whip up that worked really well. I used cilantro, which is a great detoxifier and added a lovely freshness to the salad, but you can also use parsley in it’s place and it will taste equally as good. -XoXo Raw Girl
Mediterranean Salad
Ingredients: Green Kale, Arugula, Mixed greens, Kalamata Olives, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Cucumber.
Wash all ingredients, dice up olives, tomatoes, cucumber, and add to salad bowl. For additional flavor-fulness add hummus and/or avocado on the side.
Raw Girl’s Cilantro Goddess Dressing
1/2 cup Raw Tahini or (regular tahini if vegan)
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Filtered Water
2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
6 Tbsp Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Tsp Sea Salt
Small Handful of Cilantro
Add all ingredients to your blender. Blend, and pour over salad. Enjoy!