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Author Archives: rawgirl
Got Chlorophyll? The Benefits of Eating Your Greens
A couple weeks ago I stumbled upon a few of those “got milk?” ads and a light bulb went off in my head. I wanted to create an ad that promoted greens and their true healing power. So much of the information that is fed to us by the media has more to do with weight loss fads and corporations meeting their bottom line. Since I was a little girl I’ve been lactose intolerant, so I never felt that milk did my body good. In fact it was quite the opposite. I felt bloated, cramped, lethargic, or even nauseous after drinking milk. Later when I became a vegan and cut out absolutely all dairy, it was like a fog had lifted. My allergies decreased and I felt lighter, clearer, and healthier.
I’m all for each person finding the right diet for them, but we must start championing the power of fresh fruits and vegetables by any means necessary. These are essentials that should be a large part of any diet. Our country is at a crossroads and it’s up to us to take control of our personal health and demand that good wholesome foods be readily available and affordable to anyone willing to consume them. Below are benefits of getting your daily dose of chlorophyll. Just in case you don’t know what chlorophyll is, it’s the molecule that gives green plants their pigment. During the process of photosynthesis chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight. Without this essential ingredient green leafy vegetables would loose their life force and power and wouldn’t be able to convert sunlight into the energy they need to grow.
If you are sold on the benefits, be sure to eat or drink your green leafy vegetables every day if possible. To get a mega-dose of chlorophyll start adding a liquid chlorophyll supplement, chlorella, or spirulina to your diet. Chlorella and spirulina can be bought in pill or powder form and blended into smoothies. Please share this post and the ad, like it, love it, talk about it. Let’s keep pushing the GREEN movement! More to come…-XoXo Raw Girl
Some benefits of chlorophyll found in green vegetables include:
- Increases the functioning of the heart
- Improves the health and wellness of the intestines
- Cleanses the liver
- Improves the overall health of the vascular system
- Maintains healthy bones and strong muscles
- Protein. Yes! Greens have protein
- Lowers or maintain healthy blood pressure
- Helps body to detox and cleanse of impurities naturally
- Improves the quality of your skin
- Can increase the quality and quantity of your red blood cells because the compound has a chemical composition very similar to hemoglobin
- Can lower your risk for developing certain types of cancer
***Warning: eating a larger amount of green vegetables may accelerate healing or cause an increase in joie de vivre, sexiness, youthfulness, and overall magnetism. Heed this advice at your own risk.****
Juice! : Green Pineapple Zinger
If you’re a frequent juicer, you know there is a science to making great fresh juice. It’s always good to have some sort of water based veggie like cucumbers or celery as a base, and then add additional greens, and maybe a little something to sweeten or not. My go-to’s to add a little sweetness to juice if I want it are apples or coconut water. If I’m getting a little fancy pear or pineapple. If you’ve never tried pineapple, give it a chance, it has a nice flavor! -XoXo Raw Girl
2 Cucumbers, 5-6 leaves of Kale, 2 Collard Green leaves, 1 generous wedge of Pineapple, Ginger
Vote for Raw Girl in Natural Beauty Contest!!!
Hi Veggie Lovers! I’m interrupting my normal blogging updates to ask for your vote. I’m a finalist in a Natural Beauty Contest for Munaluchi Bride Magazine and voting started yesterday. I woke up this morning and a lot of people have already put in their vote for me so THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Right now I have the most votes but the competition ends on Tuesday. If you haven’t voted, please do, and if you have, apparently you can do so again!
TO VOTE, via facebook visit this link: http://a.pgtb.me/c06P
First you have to like the magazine page, and then you should see a ballot with my name, Esosa E. and the pic in this post. Winner will get a photo shoot and some lovely natural products from Carol’s Daughter! Hope you all have a lovely weekend! -XoXo Raw Girl
Thoughts on Mayor Bloomberg’s Obesity Intervention
If you haven’t heard Mayor Bloomberg has decided to employ another tactic to fight obesity in New York City. He’s proposing a ban on all soft drinks/ sodas over 16 ounces in stores, restaurants, and even movie theaters. This would still allow someone to purchase another drink if they like, but would reduce the serving to no more than 16 ounces at a time. His reasoning, which I feel is correct, is that people tend to eat the portion size given to them. If you cut the serving, you may help a lot of people curb obesity and disease.
According to an ABC news report on this issue: “If you have just one 20 ounce soda a day and you cut that out of your diet, you can lose 25 pounds in one year!” That’s pretty astounding, and I believe worthy of action. I am all for allowing people the freedom to make their own choices, but enabling the American population to become obese and strung out on pharmaceuticals has got to stop! Fast food is a drug. If one of your parents or siblings was strung out on cocaine, would you not eventually have to intervene and show some tough love? A hard drug addiction is not that different from fast foods. There have been many documented scientific studies that prove that fast foods are as addictive as heroine or cocaine and produce similar responses in the brain. I also don’t think that if you leave it up to the consumers—who are strung out like crack addicts on sugar, salt, etc. that is making them fatter and sicker—that they will necessarily make the right choice.
The fact is companies spend all this money on these manufactured, factory made foods that are DESIGNED to make you want to eat more and more, and give you no nutrition. Our bodies need minerals, vitamins, and high quality nutrients to thrive. When you choose to eat fast food you are essentially feeding your body absolutely nothing of substance and therefore you can remain hungry and overeat large portions. On top of that the sugars, the salts, and the manufactured flavors added will keep you coming back for more. If the portion sizes of most fast food items were changed, labeling of foods was more transparent, and laws were in place to discourage consumption of disease inducing foods and encourage companies to sell life rather than death for the sake of profit our society would be a much healthier place.
Some people argue that the government may be going too far. That to me is a moot point. There are plenty of people serving in our government profiting from the subsidizing of corn and all the high fructose corn syrup laden drinks and foods that are making Americans sick. At this point I think the government along with companies peddling these fast foods have a duty to apologize, intervene, and stop the trajectory of obesity and disease. Why not make the cost of eating real, healthier foods the most affordable so even people with low incomes have the means to choose health? I shouldn’t be able to pay less money for a box full of fake chemicals and industrial materials that will in turn make me sick and strung out. It is time for a shift. If things continue as they are, it’s about to get very serious in America and the healthcare system is not going to be prepared for it. The veggie will definitely hit the fan, and I won’t be happy to say I called it.
That said, if Mayor Bloomberg wants to wage an intervention on the obese population in the Big Apple via cutting out soda consumption, I applaud him for it. The issue Mr. Bloomberg, is that if you want to tackle obesity for real, you can’t propose to cut down on soda consumption and then go and support National Donut Day. I’m pretty sure some of those same people who guzzle sodas over 16 ounces get down with a Krispy Kreme every now and then. It’s all or nothing Mr. Bloomberg, and the only way you will earn respect from the masses is if you commit fully. I say EAT TO LIVE. -XoXo Raw Girl
To read more on the issue check out this article:
How to Design Your Own Fast
“Fast and your light will break forth like morning…[and your] healing shall spring forth speedily.” – Isaiah 58: 6-11
One of the coolest things I’ve ever learned about fasting I read in Gabriel Cousen’s book Spiritual Nutrition. He mentions that when you fast, your body turns on a “youthing gene,” and that it has been scientifically proven that our genes revert to an earlier expression of themselves when in fasting mode. In other words you begin to get younger, rather than older! Which is why long-term, adding the habit of regular fasting into your lifestyle literally adds years onto your life. Besides living longer, fasting, especially on fresh vegetable juices can speed your healing process, cleanse your body, boost your energy, revive your skin, and enhance your general joie de vivre.
You may be sold on the idea but have no idea where to start? No fear, it’s not as daunting as it seems. Most people like to have a program to follow and a schedule so they can stick to something and not fall off after one day of fasting. The first day and sometimes even the second can be the hardest. Preparation is definitely key when fasting, as well as motivation. You want to be clear on your motivation and fuel it, so that when the going gets rough you can stick with it to the finish line.
I fast for a number of reasons. Sometimes I feel like my skin is looking dull and I’ve had too much cooked food, so I’ll juice fast for a while to cleanse and get my vegan glow back, and other times it’s more of a spiritual thing. I’m sure that other avid fasters can attest to the fact that fasting can also put you in a heightened state of receptivity, and/or force you to listen and be more aware if you are seeking guidance on a major decision or waiting for something awesome to manifest in your life. There’s a reason so many spiritual leaders and sages have engaged in fasting. In the Bible alone there are several stories that are awesome commercials for fasting, from David to Jesus himself, which illustrate how fasting can unleash supernatural power.
There are plenty of fasts you can follow in books or even online, but I highly recommend creating something yourself that works for your personal goals. If you’ve never embarked on a fast I would recommend no more than three days. Also, be sure to consult with a doctor or holistic practitioner if you have any preexisting medical conditions. Below are five simple steps you can take to create your own fast. Hope this post is helpful, if you have more questions feel free to post or message me via Facebook. -XoXo Raw Girl
- Find & fuel your motivation. Whether it be for cleansing/detox, clarity, spiritual insight etc. figure out your reason to begin. If you are doing longer fasts up to 10 days, you should be prepared with daily reading, quotes, or whatever works for you to keep you focused on your intention. If it’s a spiritual fast, or even if it is not, you may want to make time daily for prayer, meditation, or just reflection.
- Set the parameters. Decide whether or not this is a 3 day fast or longer. Choose your method: are you fasting on green juices, veggie juices, water, raw foods? Fasting just means that you are committing to abstain from something. You could do a vegan fast or a raw fast. You could even be a meat eater who decides to abstain from meat for awhile. But for cleansing purposes if you want results, juice fasting with mostly if not all green vegetables is definitely the way to go. If you are incorporating other sweet veggies like carrots and beets make sure you balance it by getting in some green juices daily as well. If you have a specific ailment you are nursing, you can actually look up recipes online or in holistic health books that will cater to that dis-ease. I don’t recommend you do a water fast unless it’s supervised. Make sure whatever method you use that you also consume large amounts of water during your fasting period. There is no set rule to how many juices you consume a day. Make sure you have enough on hand to get your fill. Some days you may need more juice than others. Go with the flow.
- Relax your schedule & plan ahead. Make sure you’ve got enough groceries and recipes for juices or whatever method of fast you choose. Even with die-hard commitment when the veggie hits the fan if you are juice fasting and can’t get your fix you may leave yourself vulnerable to eating other foods that happen to be around and breaking your fast the wrong way. Your fridge should be stocked with more than enough veggie ammo to survive your cravings. During this time respect your cleansing process and try to relax your schedule as much as possible. It’s possible to exercise while fasting, but for beginners and even veteran fasters, you may opt for much gentler workouts during your cleansing period. My favorite exercise while fasting (not exactly gentle) is hot yoga, because I get to sweat more toxins out.
- Commit to some sort of colon cleansing for the duration of the fast. This is a HUGE must. I recommend you also read my past post Tips For a Stress Free Fast which elaborates on this point even more. Fasting accelerates the bodies process of eliminating toxins, and if you do not support this process you could end up feeling sick during your fast. To avoid this you are going to need to incorporate enemas or colonics in your process. You will feel incredible if you do this. Some people say daily enemas, I say feel out your body and do what works for you, but do not skip this step.
- Have a plan for breaking the fast. Alright you made it to Day 3, and you are salivating because you want to bite something! Slow down. Make sure that you spend at least half of the time you fasted coming down off the fast. So for a three day, at least a day and a half coming down off the fast. Introduce solids very slowly. Veggie broths, fruit juices, and raw fruit can be great and not jarring. Eating things like nuts would throw your system into shock and may cause constipation so start with lighter foods.
** Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Listen to your body, consult w/ yr doc if need be, and take my advice at your own risk. Side effects may include general joie de vire, a spiritual awakening, or an increase in magnetism & overall sexiness.***
Check out this past post Tips for a Stress-Free Fast: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2009/11/18/tips-for-a-stress-free-fast/
Smoothie! Sweet Popeye
Remember Popeye? He was a dedicated vegan cartoon character who got all his energy and robust muscles from regularly gulping down cans of spinach. I’ve posted a recipe for a drink in the past that I call sweet popeye. I had a plain “popeye” smoothie at a raw restaurant that was awesome awhile ago that had only coconut water, coconut meat, and spinach. I loved it and when I got home I tried a couple of my own versions. Sometimes I add pineapple. This lovely version has one banana and some spirulina as well. I’m sure mango would be a fun addition as well. This version I like because the spirulina really does give you an extra super heroine boost. I also enjoy drinking it sometimes after workouts. If you try your own versions post them on the Facebook page! -XoXo Raw Girl
1 Thai coconut (water & meat)
1 banana
1 medium to large handful of spinach
1 Tablespoon of Spirulina
Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Serve & Enjoy!
Raw Girl’s 10 Favorite Snacks On-The-Go
Thank you to the lovely reader who messaged me via the Facebook page and asked about snacks. When you’re working hard for your money at a nine to five, I know it’s hard sometimes to keep your stomach from grumbling in between breakfast and your lunch break. If you are not well equipped when you leave your home you will definitely be vulnerable to temptations, or just plain hungry and cranky. No one likes a cranky vegan.
I’ve experienced that low blood sugar cranky vegan meltdown, which is why I try as much as possible to plan ahead. The world is getting more conscious and veg friendly but we still have a long way to go. If you’re a vegan and you get caught in the wrong city or rest stop, all you may have is a McDonald’s to run into and God knows any self-respecting veggie lover wouldn’t be caught dead eating a fast food salad. We have needs. We want our greens organic, we want them fresh, and sometimes we want them local. Catch a veggie diva in the wrong town or at work with no snacks, and you could be walking on eggshells.
How do you avoid the meltdown? You prepare. Find some snacks to bring along with you that you love and find satiating. Although nothing can replace a good solid meal, a snack can usually save you from reaching the brink of veggie desperation. I’m not really a huge snacker except for when I’m on film sets. On a normal day I usually eat only twice a day and maybe have some fruit or handful of nuts in between. If I workout hard I may get the munchies and eat more or add in additional liquid meals. When you start the day with superfood smoothies, veggie juice, or drinks that give you a lot of nutrients, you will definitely feel less hungry later on.
Below are ten “snacks” I like. Just because I love them doesn’t mean you should eat them! Find snacks that work for you, and prepare in advance when you know you’re going to need that extra energy boost. If you work at an office, leave snacks in bulk, so that you are pleasantly surprised when you need them. Remember you may not be hungry when you think you are. Learn to read your bodies’ signs. Sometimes dehydration is mistaken for hunger. And don’t underestimate, good old, plain fruit. We’ve been programmed to feel like it’s not a snack unless it’s in a package. In this world of lovely vegan bars and treats, grabbing a piece of fruit may seem old school, but sometimes it’s the best way to go. – XoXo Raw Girl
- Bananas – This is my number one snack on the go. Why? First off they are quick and easy to eat. And if you didn’t already know, bananas are packed with nutrients like potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and more. All these lovely ingredients make for a snack that will give you a sufficient energy boost if you have a lag in your day, if you’re on-the-move, or even as a pre-workout meal.
- Nori – I have nori or dulse (another sea vegetable) at least once a day. It’s now a staple in many of my salads. This sea vegetable which can also be eaten alone provides the body with Vitamin A, folate, iron, calcium, and protein. If you are vitamin or mineral deficient eating more sea vegetables will greatly assist in helping your body get the nutrition it needs to thrive.
- Coconut Flakes – My mother got me hooked on this! We found these packages of dried coconut flakes, not the tiny shredded coconut but larger flakes. They aren’t sweetened or anything but for whatever reason chewing on them can be a bit addictive. They quickly became a staple of mine that I carry around in case I need a snack, if of course they can last long enough in my purse before I eat them all!
- Seedless Grapes – I personally think grapes are a severely underrated snack. I love them because you can take them on the go and they are mess-free especially when you compare them to fruits you have to peel. The other great thing about grapes is that they contain a large number of health boosting phytonutrients. One among these is Resveratrol, which studies have shown to increase expression of genes related to longevity.
- Goji Berries, Nuts, Seeds – It’s very rare to hear about a raw foodie who has never taken a raw trail mix on the go with an assortment of nuts and seeds. It’s a great, mess-free snack that can be somewhat filling, but I also always remind myself not to overdose on the nuts. Grab a few of your favorite nuts and seeds, soak them and dehydrate them or you can buy the packs that are already live in the grocery store.
- Raw Bars – There are so many “raw” bars to choose from nowadays. I won’t name any names because I really don’t like plugging brands too much. Some have nuts and seeds that are not soaked, so make sure you know what kind of bar you are eating, especially if your very sensitive to nuts.
Kale Chips – These are so good, and can satisfy a craving for something chip-like. Be economical and make them yourself in a dehydrator and use nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy kick or buy them in the store.
- Raw Chocolate – On rare occasions, I treat myself to some raw chocolate, and I’m never disappointed. You can always make yourself feel better after having chocolate because it has all those lovely antioxidants. Obviously bingeing on chocolate will have you bouncing around, but in moderation every now and then a good cacao high will get you through the day.
- Kombucha – I call this a snack because I drink Kombucha very often. It almost feels like a meal to me, because I feel full and energized after I drink it. My favorite kind has spirulina in it, so it’s a great pick me up if I happen to be drowsy.
- Raw Macaroons – I heart Macaroons, and they are so incredibly easy to make in a dehydrator. Besides the fact that they can be a nice light dessert, they are also great on-the-go. You can try vanilla, cacao etc. and there are brands you can purchase in health food stores, but you’ll save a decent amount of cash if you make the time to prepare them yourself.
Vegan #RealTalk: All Vitamin B12 Supplements Are Not Made Equal
Yesterday I went to pick up some supplements from the health food store and got a lesson that all vitamin B12 is not made equal. Standing in front of the B12 section I felt overwhelmed by the many options to choose from. A kind store clerk saw me trying to weed through the various options (in typical Libra fashion) and offered to save me from my indecision. I had a particular bottle already in my hand to purchase, but after I explained that I was vegan, he picked up another bottle.
The bottle I had in my hand, similar to the majority of brands on the shelf supplied B12 in cobalamin form. The nice store clerk explained to be that cobalamin usually doesn’t get easily absorbed by the body and what little that does won’t make a big difference. He looked around for another brand and pulled one from the shelf. “You want this one, it’s methylcobalamin. ” I then of course asked what was the difference. Apparently methylcobalamin is the easiest absorbed form of B12 for the body, and it is retained by the body in higher amounts. Upon doing further research I discovered that B12 in the form of cobalamin is not a natural substance occurring in nature. To top that off it contains a cyanide molecule (poisonous substance), which as any dunce would guess, does not do your body good!
B12 is a big MUST for vegans, and whenever I fall off of my supplementation I start to feel a big difference and see changes in my skin. Just in case you forgot, Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails, maintains a healthy digestive system, converts carbs to glucose to boost energy and decrease fatigue, and regulates the nervous system which reduces depression, stress, and brain shrinkage. Who does not need all these things? In addition B12 in the methylcobalamin form can help to normalize your circadian rhythm leading to better sleep, or even needing less sleep.
Most people, even meat-eaters don’t get enough B12, but us veggie lovers are at greater risk. I’ve experienced first hand what B12 depletion feels like and it’s not pretty. I’ve also seen self-proclaimed “health experts” or vegan experts who look like they are dying, probably because they are missing out on some crucial supplementation. Make sure to find the best supplement you can and stay current. It’ll do wonders for keeping onlookers basking in your vegan glow. Shine on! -XoXo Raw Girl
JUICE! Lemon Pear Refresher
3 Pears
1 Lemon
6-7 Stalks of Celery
4-5 Carrots
Juice, strain, and serve. Enjoy the blissful buzz, and don’t forget to share the love. -XoXo Raw Girl
****Warning: Drinking fresh juice may cause weight loss, get rid of acne, boost your energy, and increase your overall sexiness and magnetism. Drink at your own peril!****
Anti-Aging SHE-ROE #11: Annette Larkins
The picture to the left is what introduced me to Annette Larkins years ago. If you’ve read my past posts you know that I am a coconut fiend! I would have one a day if I could. So when I saw this photo of a FAB woman sipping on coconut water, I needed to know who she was immediately. I had been meaning to get around to writing a post on her, but it slipped my mind until recently a friend messaged me the video of her below, and a reader posted a comment on the blog about her.
Who would not want to be in their seventies and have youthfulness and vitality that surpasses that of some in their thirties? The woman has had NO PLASTIC SURGERY, and often times gets mistaken for the daughter of her husband who is around her age! When I imagine my ideal self at seventy I look at someone Annette Larkin for inspiration to fuel the dream. Yes, I plan to be that size four wearing, head turning grandmother who still gets cat called in the streets. Annette began her journey as a vegetarian, while her husband owned a meat shop! She then transitioned into raw and has been 100% for over 20 years. As you will see in the video she eats primarily from her own garden, and drinks rain water. That I thought was super cool and interesting. She has authored a two-part booklet series called Journey to Health that can be found on her website via the link below.
The power of the RAW vegan lifestyle is real, and stories like this continue to reinvigorate my inspiration for leading this lifestyle. It can be tough when people constantly question your choices or simply taunt you for being a vegetable lover. Know that if you choose this path, just like Annette, you will have the last laugh, although by then it may not be too funny. Annette’s husband who now regrets not joining her on her health quest years ago now lives with the help of medication. There’s nothing funny about watching loved ones and friends suffer from diseases or lack of mobility as they get older, but we each have one life to live. What you do with yours, is your choice. EAT TO LIVE. -XoXo Raw Girl
To learn more about Annette, please visit her website: http://www.annettelarkins.com/