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Tag Archives: beauty
Practicing Contentment
Want to enroll or find out more about our class: Yoga for Radiance & Beauty? Visit rawbeautyinabox.com. -Xo Raw Girl
Things You Can Eliminate to #StayAgeless!
You can still enroll in our class, Staying Ageless 30+! To find out more and preview the curriculum click HERE.
FREE Webinar: 7 Tips That Will Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less!
Don’t you have it when you try beauty remedies that give you ZERO results, or take forever to see progress? I do too! THIS WEEK! On June 29th at 11 AM PST or 1 PM EST I will be hosting a free webinar with my Ageless partner in crime Khaleeqa of Paparoxi called : 7 Tips to Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less; where you can get some tips about staying ageless and learn what the E-Course is all about. We are excited about giving you some of the best tips in our beauty arsenals that will give you tangible results! Sign up HERE to reserve your seat! XO Raw Girl
In Staying Ageless 30+ @paparoxi and I have teamed up to give you the information and techniques you need to preserve your health, look flawless, and drop it like its hot for decades to come. Preview the curriculum or sign up for the course today on www.rawbeautyinabox.com.
New Online Course! Staying Ageless 30+
Hi gang! I am beyoooond excited to share that Khaleeqa, Fonder of Paparoxi.com and I have come together to collaborate on an online course called Staying Ageless 30+ hosted on my brand spanking new course site Raw Beauty in a Box, which combines our passion for creating a lifestyle that encourages optimal health. We both noticed a marked changed in our bodies when we turned thirty and want to help others successfully navigate that change.
In this course you will learn about Diet Basics, Lifestyle Factors, and elements of Longevity that promote an ageless way of life. Over the course of three modules you learn what to eliminate from your diet, how to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition, powerful detox rituals, how to exercise effectively and get results and more. In addition you will hear firsthand from renowned longevity and health experts who walk the talk. More info to come, but you can sign up or preview the curriculum starting today on rawbeautyinabox.com or click the course tab in the Raw Girl Store!
We also have FREE webinar you can sign up for now, 7 Tips That Will Boost Your Beauty in 30 Days or Less! Will happen next week on June 29th at 1pm EST or 11 AM PST. Reserve your seat here: https://therawgirl.lpages.co/webinar-reg-june-2017/
15 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Detox
The word detox is thrown around so often nowadays in health and celeb-watching lingo, I’m sure most of us are used to hearing about the latest fad. Unfortunately, the focus in our popular culture tends to be on fast weight loss and getting so-and-so’s abs with the new fat flush diet, rather than achieving optimal health. Although you may have heard about the latest detox fad, do you really know what detox means? Detoxification is a key function of the body which happens naturally that involves elimination of metabolic waste and toxins via our bodies’ major eliminatory organs: our skin, kidneys, colon, lymph, lungs, and liver. Toxins in our bodies’ are in the form of the toxic by-products of our own metabolism, the foods, drinks, and drugs we choose to consume which includes alcohol, cigarettes, prescription and recreational drugs, our household cleaning products, environmental pollution, and the effects of emotional stress and mental pollution.
We live in a toxic world, so obviously encouraging detoxification is a good thing, and keeps the body light, renewed, and refreshed. Our SAD (Standard American Diets) leave the majority of us overloaded with animal protein, saturated and trans fats, and all the other aforementioned toxins. In our natural state the body is designed to be able to flush out unwanted substances. But due to the toxic overload, the bodies’ natural ability dampens, and toxins end up getting stored in our tissues. To counteract this our bodies’ surround this toxic waste with mucous (which later can become dis-ease) and guess what, FAT. Which is why when you opt for a diet that is cleansing the weight or “waste” seems to just fall off. Detox diets are designed to encourage, support, and facilitate the toxin elimination process. Some examples of regimens that encourage detoxification are juicing, juice fasting, and the raw food diet. The removal of cooked and processed foods from your diet for a period time, or the absence of solid food altogether, gives your body a chance to rejuvenate and flush out old waste.
Below are some of the awesome reasons why you should consider incorporating a regular yearly detox into your lifestyle. And…available for purchase beginning March 11th on a blog near you is Raw Girl’s 7 Day Detox. I’m excited about sharing this plan with you, which will include a power juice guide with recipes and nutritional benefits of ingredients, a shopping list and budget, a detox schedule which you can follow daily for a full week, and a manual which includes tips to make your cleanse stress-free. If seven days is too long for you to handle, a shorter 3 Day Detox Plan will also be available as a starter to The Acne Free Diet. Stay tuned! -XoXo Raw Girl
Benefits of a Detox:
- Releases addictions to processed foods
- Flushes out toxins from the body
- Balances hormones
- Boosts energy levels and increases circulation
- Improves digestion
- Strengthens immune system
- Lowers risk of dis-ease
- Improves concentration
- Improves quality of sleep
- Clears skin problems and acne
11. Encourages regular bowel movements
12. Detoxifies the organs
13. Reduces stress
14. Boosts libido/ Increases sex drive
15. Encourages weight loss and maintaining healthy weight
Anti-Aging SHE-ROE #11: Annette Larkins
The picture to the left is what introduced me to Annette Larkins years ago. If you’ve read my past posts you know that I am a coconut fiend! I would have one a day if I could. So when I saw this photo of a FAB woman sipping on coconut water, I needed to know who she was immediately. I had been meaning to get around to writing a post on her, but it slipped my mind until recently a friend messaged me the video of her below, and a reader posted a comment on the blog about her.
Who would not want to be in their seventies and have youthfulness and vitality that surpasses that of some in their thirties? The woman has had NO PLASTIC SURGERY, and often times gets mistaken for the daughter of her husband who is around her age! When I imagine my ideal self at seventy I look at someone Annette Larkin for inspiration to fuel the dream. Yes, I plan to be that size four wearing, head turning grandmother who still gets cat called in the streets. Annette began her journey as a vegetarian, while her husband owned a meat shop! She then transitioned into raw and has been 100% for over 20 years. As you will see in the video she eats primarily from her own garden, and drinks rain water. That I thought was super cool and interesting. She has authored a two-part booklet series called Journey to Health that can be found on her website via the link below.
The power of the RAW vegan lifestyle is real, and stories like this continue to reinvigorate my inspiration for leading this lifestyle. It can be tough when people constantly question your choices or simply taunt you for being a vegetable lover. Know that if you choose this path, just like Annette, you will have the last laugh, although by then it may not be too funny. Annette’s husband who now regrets not joining her on her health quest years ago now lives with the help of medication. There’s nothing funny about watching loved ones and friends suffer from diseases or lack of mobility as they get older, but we each have one life to live. What you do with yours, is your choice. EAT TO LIVE. -XoXo Raw Girl
To learn more about Annette, please visit her website: http://www.annettelarkins.com/
The Miracle that is COCONUT OIL
My coconut craze phase has gone on for quite some time. I eat them several times a week and love consuming all parts of the coconut. At this point I’m a life long coconut fanatic…but I had yet to really test the long-term benefits of using coconut oil. For the past three months or so I starting using extra virgin coconut oil on my skin daily. It works wonders!
Coconut oil has been used since the dawn of history as food and medicine. In Polynesia, it is used cosmetically to maintain soft and smooth skin, and also medically to relieve stiffness of the joints, and rheumatism and back pain by rubbing on a specific area. Polynesians also mixed coconut oil with turmeric to treat sick newborns and apparently also massaged coconut oil on the abdomen on pregnant women to move a baby from breach in to normal position. In India, coconut oil has been used in their healing system Ayurveda for thousands of years as well. In Ayurveda, when used as food, coconut oil is known to nourish the body tissues, improve sexual health, improve intelligence, support respiratory and urinary systems, and calm Vata and Pitta. It is also applied to the scalp to improve length, shine, texture, and overall length of hairs. It is also applied topically on skin and wounds, and also heated with herbs which strengthens the healing properties and benefits of the herb.
Coconut oil is a saturated fat that mostly contains chain fatty acids which have amazing health giving benefits. The various fatty acids give coconut oil its immune boosting properties because they have anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal qualities. Coconut oil actually contains no cholesterol and when consumed regularly can help to lower your cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels, and it doubles your body’s ability to use omega three fatty acids. Because of its amazing health benefits, and its fabulous ability to moisturize dry skin, and add luster to hair, coconut has been used in a wide array of beauty products including lip balm, shampoos, conditioners, face creams, lotions, body scrubs, and more. But the best part about coconut oil is that it can be used alone as a multi-purpose beauty aid.
Now for a few beauty remedies you can try at home. Make sure that you purchase extra virgin coconut oil to get the nutritional and beauty benefits. First off, you can actually use coconut oil as an all-body moisturizer, as it is safe to use on skin, hair, and scalp. As I said earlier, use directly on the skin can actually fade or prevent stretch marks, wrinkles, age spots, and acne if used consistently over time. It also will assist in improving any skin conditions such as keratosis–which involves rough skin and bumps on the back and other areas of the body. For dark under eye circles, you can increase circulation in the area by using a small amount of coconut oil to massage under the eyes and keep the skin from wrinkling. For a leave in conditioner, simply melt coconut oil, apply to scalp and leave hair in a shower cap over night. This is also an effective treatment for those with dandruff. To top all of this off, don’t forget you can eat it! Coconut oil is the best oil for cooking because it does not turn rancid like other oils. If you aren’t yet convinced that you must have some coconut oil in your life, check back for the next post which will feature ten ways coconut oil can be used for beauty. -XoXo Raw Girl
Anti-Aging SHE-RO #8
My next Anti-Aging She-ro is supermodel Carol Alt. Despite being at the height of her career in her thirties, Carol found herself lethargic, depressed and looking for a road to optimal health. She found raw foods and never turned back. Having a modeling career that has spanned 27 years, and branching out to authoring books, acting and even directing, this raw renaissance woman has manage to retain her vitality and beauty at the age of 50.
Carol is not a vegan, as she does eat animal products, but her diet is raw. Most raw followers avoid meat and dairy, but Carol apparently eats sashimi (raw seafood), carpaccio (thinly sliced raw beef, veal, or tuna), and raw milk cheeses. I think she’s a great example that different bodies require different diets. Incorporating raw foods does promise vitality, but how one goes about it is a unique journey. Carol said in an interview published online that she found out through a holistic doctor, what her “type” was and ate accordingly.
Carol’s venture into the raw lifestyle caused her to branch out with authoring several Raw Food books including: Eating in the Raw and The Raw 50, and most recently launching Raw Essentials, a line of raw skin care products made with absolutely no chemicals (I am definitely going to test out this product). At the age of 48, she posed nude in Playboy, which she called a platform to show how raw foods have kept her body young. In the article she was quoted: “I believe God wants me to speak about this like I’m a born-again Christian…and I needed a platform, which is why I’m in Playboy. Nobody loves the female form like Playboy, and there’s no better way to show women you don’t have to live with getting old.”
In another interview she discussed that her doctor told her that her skin was too thin to ever get a face lift, and since then she’s been committed to keeping her skin youthful naturally. I’ll pass on a bare-it-all shoot in Playboy, but I am definitely down for NEVER going under a knife, so more power to her for being living proof in this age of Botox-fixes-it-all that youthfulness can be achieved at any age through the raw lifestyle. – XoXo Raw Girl
For more about Carol visit her site:
For more about her skin care line, Raw Essentials, visit: