Tag Archives: exercise

7 Slightly Silly Spring Workouts

7 Slightly Silly Spring WorkoutsIf you are a workout junkie like myself, it’s easy to get into routines over time that stop challenging your body. A great way to break out of a workout rut and have a little fun to boot is to try adding a workout that is slightly silly to your routine. Spring is here, and this opens up greater possibilities for fun outdoor and indoor workouts. Below is a list of a few silly ways to exercise that will also challenge your body. -XoXo Raw Girl 

 Jump That Rope. Remember back in the day double dutch? I do. Jumping rope was one of my favorite recess activities and me and my friends used to have informal double dutch competitions on the playground that sometimes got really serious. Even you didn’t go full out and double dutch but you probably have jumped rope a couple times in your life. Jumping rope is a great way to get a workout and can be fun too. It is an awesome full body workout that works the legs, abs, arms, heart, and mind. Although this exercise can also be silly it helps to build your strength, agility, speed, timing, and rhythm. The best part about jumping rope is that you can do it anywhere, and your rope is easily transported, even if you are traveling. You won’t get bored either because once you become a jumping expert you can start showing off and doing variations like the one-hop, arms-cross, running in place and whatever else suits your fancy. You can increase your fitness challenge and get greater results by incorporating intervals into your routine. For example: thirty seconds of more intense jumping followed by one minute of light jumping, and repeat.

Be a Latin Dance Diva…In The Pool. If you already a fan of Zumba, try making your workout a little sillier and with more resistance by trying Aqua Zumba. Aqua Zumba dancing happens in the shallow end of a pool and you follow along to dance routines in impact-absorbing, resistance-promoting water. If attempting to do salsa inspired moves and splashing around in the water seems silly to you,  you may be singing a different tune after you try it. In addition to being generally fun and slightly silly, this workout is also challenging.



Jump Around! Rebounding is a fancy name for jumping up an down on a mini trampoline. Remember as a kid how jumping up and down on things was enough to give you pleasure? Well rebounding can take you back to that silly space while at the same time delivering an effective workout. It’s a no impact exercise that can be a great cardio workout and in some cases also help you tone, strengthen, and slim your body, depending on the workout. In addition to all of this, rebounding helps to boost your circulation, stimulate your lymphatic system which boosts your metabolism, and improve cell function.

Do The Hula Hoop Dance. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) conducted a research study that found that hooping is a cardiovascular (aerobic) workout. Their small study looked at “intermediate to advanced” female hoopers and showed that when the subjects followed a 30-minute hooping video that included seven different hooping “dances,” their heart rates elevated significantly–near 85% MHR, which is high-intensity aerobic exercise for sure. In thirty minutes the hoopers burned about 210 calories which is around 420 calories per hour, around the amount you would burn in a traditional fitness class. Hopping is also a great way to challenge your core and focus your mind while being slightly silly of course.

7 Slightly Silly Spring WorkoutsPretend You are a Stripper for a Day. Pole Fitness  is a new fitness trend that you’ll find in high-end fitness clubs, dance studios, and home gyms alike.  Taking a pole fitness class will give you a great combination of cardio, strength-building exercises and flexibility as well as build skills and coordination that’ll be useful in your daily life as well as (**clears throat and winks**) your bedroom. To get started you can take a pole fitness classes or buy a DVD that teaches the basic skills.

Blade it Out. Inline skating or rollerblading is an excellent aerobic activity that improves endurance and strength, and produces aerobic benefits similar to running and biking. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, a 160 pound person can burn 913 calories in a single hour of rollerblading, compared to 584 calories jogging, or 277 calories walking. The side to side movement exercises your inner and outer thighs, and compared to running rollerblading is lower impact and will not shock the joints as much.

7 Slightly Silly Spring WorkoutsDance Like a Maniac. Last but not least, who says you need a club to par-tay?  If you want to work up a sweat, make your playlist and get down in your bedroom or living room all by yourself or have friends join in on the fun. Some of my best workouts have happened on the dance floor loosing track of time. Not only will you get a great workout, you’ll feel rejuvenated, relieve stress, improve your strength, muscle tone, manage weight, and increase your coordination. Depending on how serious you get down, dancing socially or alone can burn as many calories as walking or riding a bike and contribute to cardiovascular conditioning. There’s also the option to build new skills and take a class in a dance form that interests you. Nowadays there are so many options to choose from jazz, ballet, modern, hip-hop, african dance, belly dancing (my favorite), Bollywood dancing, latin dancing, and more.

The Supernatural Strength Building Benefits of Pilates

PilatesIf you had to imagine what exercises someone with supernatural or superhuman strength would practice on a regular basis what would you guess? Probably a lot of weight training, and maybe some intense cardio. The truth of the matter is that if Superman was alive and flying through our skies, he probably would be doing Pilates on his off days because of its incredible abilities to generate strength, prevent injuries, and encourage movement control.

I broke up with Pilates about a year and a half ago. It got me through hard times, as I had to practice it order to rehabilitate myself from a car accident that wreaked havoc on my lower back. Pilates not only got me back to one, I was left feeling taller, longer, and leaner because of it. Here’s the thing, I hated every minute of it!  It was like taking medicine that’s so foul you have to plug your nose to get through it. Recently I’ve been cultivating my super vegan powers, and I decided to  hook up with Pilates again. After learning the story of its founder, I’m seeing it in a completely different light.

Pilates was created by German born Joseph Pilates, who as a child was incredibly sick and struggled with rickets, asthma, and rheumatic fever. Because of his sickly childhood he developed an obsession and determination to strengthen his body and achieve superior health, which lead him to study and master a wide range of exercise disciplines until he finally created his own system. During World War II, he was able to use Pilates to rehabilitate bed ridden soldiers! Even today, at most hospital rehabilitation centers Pilates is used to help patients regain strength and recover. Later he opened up a studio in New York City and began to train some of the most renowned dancers at the New York City Ballet who loved the exercise which allowed them to build incredible strength and recover from injuries more quickly. Sometime after Pilates made its way to Hollywood, and it’s been a staple in our exercise culture ever since. Cool story right? But you might still be like me and loathe getting on the mat for a class. Below are a few awesome reasons, why you should go ahead and bite the bullet. -XoXo Raw Girl

It’s a Complimentary Full Body Workout. No matter what you love to do whether it be run, bike, swim etc. integrating Pilates into your lifestyle will only enhance your performance in your other exercises disciplines. Pilates exercises train several muscle groups at once in smooth continuous movements but still allows your body to recuperate. These exercises are great for injury recovery and prevention, sports performance, good posture, and optimal health.

Stabilizes and Develops a Strong Core. If you’re in need of a little tummy tuck, you may want to skip going under the knife and get on a mat. Pilates strengthens the core muscles and abdomen like no other exercise and in doing so helps to improve your posture, and leave you feeling longer, leaner, and even taller.

You Can Do it Anywhere. Once great thing about Pilates is how accessible it is and how cheap it is to start. You can take a class at your local gym or studio, or break out a mat in your home and pop in a DVD or watch a routine on YouTube.

Guaranteed Results. The great part about this tried and true system is you don’t have to guess whether or not your body is going to change for the better. It will. All you have to do is commit to regular practice and you will begin to see positive changes in your body and feel shifts in your posture and alignment throughout your day.

Challenging Mind/Body Workout. Just like yoga, Pilates requires the use of the breath during the exercises and thus helps to integrate mind and body, and help you develop control over your movements. Doing the exercises gives support to the spine and creates space between each vertebrae which makes you appear taller and allows you to move with more ease. The other great thing about Pilates is that similar to yoga, you can never get bored. There are always modifications to make exercises easier or more challenging depending on your fitness level.

***3 DAY & 7 DAY DETOX PLANS are now available for purchase on the BLOG!!***

#MoveThatBody: The Michelle Obama Effect

If you missed Michelle Obama’s speech last night at the Democratic National Convention, I highly suggest you google it now and watch it online. Not only was it a historical moment, her speech was riveting and for me spoke to ideals that could shape a better America as we evolve and work to truly offer opportunity for anyone regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Beyond her elegance and ability to move the crowd, every time I see the first lady I am inspired by her commitment to remaining fit and healthy. She drives home the point without saying anything at all, that it would be great if more government officials spent some time staying fit rather than just focusing on haggling about the healthcare bill that has helped so many already. If our country stopped fueling the pharmaceutical industry and started forcing Americans to be responsible for our individual levels of fitness and what we choose to eat, we would save billions.

All that said, Michelle Obama’s level of fitness is inspiring. Fall is here soon. If you’ve fallen off the workout bandwagon, please get back on. There are a myriad of reasons why working out is great for you, and I’ll list some below, but one of the most important reasons for me is that I believe that exercising assists me in reaching my true potential. Who do you want to become? What are you truly capable of? Every time you push yourself physically, you are expanding your limits and widening the horizons of what is possible for you. You are also gaining the energy, focus, and discipline to set your goals in motion and live your dreams. That’s nothing to scoff at. Lets follow the example set by our first lady and get moving. It’s never about being perfect, or reaching someone else’s ideal. It’s about striving to be the best version of you, possible. I’ll be grinding hard the next couple of weeks, the birthday of my dear brother who passed a year ago, is coming up, and I am reminded by his spirit to work it out. Anyone want to join the challenge? Let’s see what fitness goals we can reach in September. -XoXo Raw Girl 

Great Reasons to #MOVETHATBODY:

*Increase Your Metabolic Rate * Reduce Blood Pressure * Improve Balance & Coordination * Sleep Better * Weight Control * Improve Focus * Boost Confidence & Self Esteem * Boost Enerfy Levels * Improve Your Mood

6 Simple Ways to Overcome Binge Eating

You are having one of those bad days. Whether it’s a break up, job loss, or just general stress, for many of us bingeing is how we cope. Add to that the determination to stay on a healthy path, and you sometimes have the tug of war between denial and gluttony. You may feel horrible about yourself, but don’t. The binge eating phenomenon is partially a product of the scary processed frankenfoods on your market today that never existed. The scientists that work on these unnatural flavorings and additives for processed foods have admitted that their goal is create tastes and flavors that make you want to eat more. That coupled with the fact that your body is craving food for nutrients and the processed foods are nutrient-less is a recipe for binge eating! You may want to stop, but your body has not gotten the nutrition it needs, and the chemicals cue you to want more. It’s a vicious cycle.

I know first hand about the dangers of extreme bingeing, because when I was in college from my sophomore to junior year I struggled with bingeing. My last year of college I finally got control of my eating issues by seeing a therapist and dealing with emotional trauma. At the time I would say I had an eating disorder, but now looking back I would say it was a combination of several things: emotional trauma from a less than perfect childhood, stress, parasites, and the inability to confront my emotions head on. When you are an extreme binger, most times you binge instead of allowing whatever emotions are arising to just be. On the more average spectrum, bingeing may be the result of restrictive dieting or cravings when transitioning from an old lifestyle to a new one.  At either extreme, I think there are several things you can do to keep yourself from overeating yourself into sickness or messing up your healthy regimen. Below are some tips from a Raw Girl who is proud to say she no longer has the urge to binge! -XoXo Raw Girl

Don’t Diet, Commit to Lifestyle Changes. If you are approaching healthy living, veganism, or raw foods as a diet, just like any fad, your zeal will come and go and all that will be left is you with indigestion and an empty tub of Haagen-dazs you said you wouldn’t eat. I’ll say it again don’t diet! Your lifestyle change should be about transitioning to healthier behaviors and taking care of yourself, emotionally, physically, spiritually. That is the only way to have lasting effective change.

Find Healthy Subsitutes for Junk Foods You Love. In the beginning and even later, it’s all about substitutes. When you are going from meat to vegan you may go the fake meat route to help you get there. I’m a sweet tooth girl, or at least I used to be in extreme (parasites!) So when I was transitioning I found raw sweets, which are even more rich and satisfying than junk food, and that did it for me. Now if I need some ice cream, I grab a small pint of raw hazelnut (YUM) icrecream that will never ever have me yearning to binge on some Breyers. It’s important to know your taste buds and what you crave most and find things that fulfill that. You may be a more crunchy/salty person, so its about raw or vegan chips, crackers, nuts. Make an effort and there’s no way you won’t find something satisfying. For every type of junk food there is in the world, there is a more satisfying and nourishing raw or vegan alternative. That I can put my money on.

Deal With Your Emotions. The rule I have had for years now, since dealing with bingeing issues is to not eat when I am stressed, angry, sad. You have to start training your body to not seek emotional relief from food. Talk it out with a friend, journal, scream, dance, find a way to release that energy without grabbing three extra portions of something you know you shouldn’t be eating. You can binge on “healthy” foods too, and even if it’s better than the junk you used to eat, you are going to be doing damage to your digestive system and your colon if you over consume in excess. Not to mention, you shorten your life span. Studies have show that eating less as we get older increases our longevity.

Find Nutritional Balance. Some cravings are the result of an addiction to the unnatural flavors, and others may be because your body is lacking well rounded optimal nutrients. When you are getting off the junk food lifestyle you have to recognize that it can be as powerful as drug addiction. So give yourself room to mess up, but continue to stick with your resolve to be healthy, find substitutes, and after some trial and error your body will get sensitive enough that it may reject the foods you once loved. No matter what you eat whether you are a meat-eater or not, you need to make sure that your meals are giving your body the nutrients it needs. To get a boost I highly recommend adding in superfoods like spirulina, maca, seaweeds, cacao etc. because they are packed with nutrients. Now, I know that at times, I crave certain vegetables and fruits because my body needs the nutrients that are in them. once you get on the healthy path, you’ll be more in tune and rather than just letting your taste buds alone guide what you eat, your body will sometimes give you cravings to resolve imbalances.

 #MOVETHATBODY & Find Your Spiritual Center. When you excercise your emotions and mood get an immediate boost from the increased levels of serotonin in your brain. Beyond a mood boost, working out is a good remedy for controlling your eating habits. Usually when you workout you feel better and are more inclined to make and sustain healthy food choices throughout the day. So get up and get moving, NO EXCUSES. Stress can also play a big part in the urge to binge. Exercise can combat this and so can mindfulness and spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, and prayer. Do what you have to do and find what works for you to help you stay calm in the midst of life storms. That way the next time a catastrophe hits, you’ll be centered enough to handle it without overeating.

Do a Parasite Cleanse. I know, I say this about everything, but seriously, if I could talk to my former self when I was dealing with this issue this would have been one of the first things I would tell the former me. Take a look at what kind of food you are binge eating. Are they mostly carbs and sugar? I have this theory that the majority of overweight people in our country that cannot stop eating are dealing with the fact that yes the foods are addictive, but also that their colon health as been further compromised by parasites from eating a bunch of junk which in turn heightens cravings. I can tell you firsthand that parasites will make you crave things to stay alive and feed off your nutrition. When you begin to eat green they are literally fighting for their lives and so suddenly although you haven’t touched bread in years, or had those cookies or whatever, the parasite inside you may drive you to feel you need that food. This is not a joke, and I wish more people were cleansing, because so many other health issues would cease from plagueing our population. Whether you think it’s parasites or not, do a cleanse anyway. Better safe and parasite-free than sorry and bingeing.

A Tribute to Dynamic Meat-less Athletes

It’s been almost two weeks since my brother passed away. He was twenty-five years old. Writing about it still seems somewhat surreal. I fell off of social media and all communication including phone and email for the past two weeks. Still in the process of dealing with this emotionally. The only thing that has kept me afloat and made me feel very close to my brother’s spirit is working out like a maniac. He was an athlete who took training seriously, and who was in the process of transitioning to a vegan diet. In the last days prior to his death I spent time with him and we really moved our bodies: Hot yoga, plyometrics workouts (which consisted of him jumping up and down a huge wall higher than above my knees), stairs, sprints, and hills (which he normally ran with a 30 pound weight vest on). After these workouts he would take Glutamine. I promised to find him a vegan version and found that there is one….Vegan L-Glutamine, which provides the body with an amino acid essential for recovery from extreme workouts and helps the muscles to rebuild and regenerate faster. Apparently large amounts of physical stress on the body can  deplete the natural source of glutamine in the body and therefore supplementation is encouraged for those exercising intensely with little to no rest in between workouts. I’m not going that hard yet, but its nice to know there are vegan options.

My brother believed in beating his body into submission through physical fitness because he knew that all battles are of the mind. As they say, “Mind over matter.” He knew that he could achieve his goals and create anything he wanted in his life if he remained fit and focused. The past week I’ve found myself working out almost everyday. I’ve been making sure to drink power smoothies and eat adequately as well. I’m in the Midwest at the moment, and yesterday after power yoga I found a trail near where I am staying that is six miles long. Just bought some new running shoes and plan to break them in by completing the six-mile run in the morning.

As I thought about my brother and the amazing athlete he was and the awesome vegan would have been (he was a star basketball player and owner/creator of a new cafe with raw and vegan options in Richmond, Virginia, called Higher Ground Wellness Cafe), I started research vegan athletes who have excelled in sport, proving that the human body can in fact handle intense physical training on a vegetable based diet. Check out the cool slide show (link below) via Treehugger which highlights ten exceptional athletes who adopted meat-less diets. There are many more, but I thought this was a nice summary. We only have a short time on this planet. We owe it to ourselves to give our body temple the best fuel and training we can so that we can live the time we have to the fullest. Move your body this week, and if you can, say a prayer for me and my family. -XoXo Raw Girl
