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Tag Archives: health
Recipe! Raw Cashew Nut Milk
My last post was about one of the dangerous ingredients in store bought nut milk, so I wanted to offer another basic recipe that you can make at home in addition to almond milk. Raw cashew milk is not only tasty, it is incredibly filling. If you’ve have never tried it, give it a go. After I made my cashew milk I had a little extra fun and made a strawberry banana smoothie. In one cup is the nut milk with some strawberry banana smoothie poured on top, and the other a plain smoothie. Have fun, get creative, and enjoy your preservative and stabilizer-free nut milk making! -XoXo Raw Girl
1 cup cashews
3 cups water
2 tablespoons agave nectar or grade B maple syrup
2 vanilla seeds or 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract (optional)
Soak cashews overnight and in the morning rinse. Add all ingredients in the blender and blend for at least one minute. If you have a mesh bag you can strain the milk. Serve & enjoy!
7 Ways to Regain Balance When the Veggie Hits the Fan
This past weekend I had one of those classic Oprah aha! moments. It was a beautiful shift that immediately led to me getting my groove back. Have any of you ever been so deep in your problems, issues, or challenges sometimes that you completely loose your joie de vivre? It’s so easy to get blindsided by our own misfortunes and forget that there is always someone who will see us as blessed; someone who may have had it worse than us to begin with. Well that’s where I was late last week, I felt like the veggie had really hit the fan and there wasn’t a light at the end of the tunnel. The mind goes over and over all the horrible things that have gone wrong and laments the new day like it’s the end of the world. I know I’m not the only one whose been there. Can I get an Amen? Whether it’s job loss, family issues, love issues, sickness or terminal illness there’s enough going on in this toxic world to cause us to really believe “The Veggie Has Hit the Fan!”
The worst part about receding into that space is that it not only effects you and how you relate to yourself, it affects others, especially the ones you truly love. Sometimes it’s not until you snap out of it, that you really see clearly through the fog and address the core of what is really bothering you. What has always inspired me about healthy living and raw foods in general is that consuming those foods, for me, puts one into direct alignment with a deep sense of peace and a natural flow where worry and chaos continuously diminishes and what is possible becomes increasingly evident. Some people may feel that from other practices or none at all…but I feel it from consuming living foods, meditation, prayer, and in the safety net that loving relationships provide when they are at their best. That’s really at the core of why I choose the lifestyle I lead.
The thing I am learning is that none of those emotions we tend to have worry, anxiety, fear, sadness, etc are ever bad. It’s how we deal with them that is important. They must be expressed or at the very least acknowledged verbally even physically sometimes in order to keep us from manifesting unhealthy habits to cope with the overflowing well of stuff we haven’t dealt with yet. Once they are released and acknowledged it’s amazing how that once looming grip looses it’s hold. All of a sudden the situation we once thought was our personal “hell” becomes our “heaven.”
Panache Desai who was a guest on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday said several profound things about emotions and vibrational energy. First off that emotions are “energies in motion” and meant to be expressed. When we don’t express them over time they build up and become density in the the body and this changes our vibration. Mindfulness practices of all kinds and deep breathing are about keeping us light and free from the density of clogged vibrational centers that can accumulate from holding onto emotions as well as the damage we do by eating a bunch of junk food! Acknowledging what you are feeling, right now in this moment, voicing it, and being fully in the anger, the fear, or whatever allows you to create space for something else in a new moment. Below are a few ideas from my book of life lessons on how you can live a more balanced emotional life that feeds optimal health. Feel free to write your own chapter and own whatever comes to you, because it’s a very personal thing. That said, I must express that I am feeling a very profound sense of gratitude for you readers and for this revelation. Namaste.-XoXo Raw Girl
- Take a Long Walk in Nature. As I write this I have that Jill Scott song running through my head. Well Jill got it right to a great degree. A long walk in the park before or after dark will help you clear your head. If you walk in nature you will receive a lovely dose of oxygen, and can get energy from marveling at the trees, the lake, the chirping birds…whatever strikes your fancy. Just walk it out and be with what your feeling. Cry as you walk if you need to. You’ll eventually stop I promise. Nature has a beautiful way of reminding us how small we are, and returning us to the harmony we desperately yearn for that sometimes seems out of our grasp. It’s all an illusion.
- Meditate or Simply Be Still. A couple weeks ago I was watching a lecture by Wayne Dyer, who I love, and I remember this funny anecdote that he threw in about Deepak Chopra, (another one of my favorite people in the world that I haven’t met personally yet but will soon). Wayne said that whenever he calls Deepak to talk to him about a situation or problem in his life, Deepak says ever time, no matter what it is: “Meditate.” I know most of us love to call our friend that we know is going to validate our opinion or our emotions, and talking through it is definitely useful. But silence is golden. Silence gives you a chance to engage with your inner sage that already knows what it needs and what you should do. It’s so easy to loose touch of that voice, just like it’s easy to stop listening to our bodies and hearing when we should stop giving it toxic fuel. Along with meditation, stillness is key. The strangest thing about this funny universe we live in is that it already has all of the answers and solutions. We are so used to making it happen, exerting, forcing, and trying so much sometimes that we can forget that simply being is what can allow the answer or solution to emerge. So take a moment to just be, and breathe.
- Engage in Random Acts of TLC. What floats your boat? Perhaps you unwind with baths (my favorite), music, being creative, running, juicing, manicures, a new hair cut, and the list goes on. What makes you feel like the best version of you? Even if you are in a bind or have a small budget there are so many little pleasures that can bring a sense of luxury into your life, and your spirit will say thank you. If you are a giver, like me, and tend to over function by giving so much to others until you are depleted, this goes to the top of your list. Give to yourself FIRST, make yourself the only priority and watch how things shift. You will feel better and also beat whatever funky mood you’re in to the punch. Who is there to take care of you but you? How you treat yourself, teaches others how to treat you. So love on you, dance with you, sing with you, and all of a sudden life will start to feel lighter.
- Seek Divine Inspiration. There are a million and one spiritual teachers, preachers, or success coaches that I can think of who inspire the heck out of me. Who gets you going? If Oprah doesn’t do it for you (like she does for me) perhaps it’s your pastor, your neighbor, your old sage grandmother. Even if you don’t believe in a higher power or God, you can silently ask the silence around your hustle and bustle to lead you or guide you to the right inspiration in any given moment. You will always be answered in divine timing.
- Get into Downward Dog. We’ve gotten so accustomed with looking at yoga as great exercise, but don’t forget it also serves a major spiritual purpose and can help align body with mind. It is one of the great vibrational practices that can immediately bring you back to state of calm, surrender, and peace. So when things get cray cray, just say namaste.
- Fast. This is one of my favorite things to remember to do when I need a shift in energy or a breakthrough. Fasting is severely underrated. This kind of fasting would not be for the purposes of losing weight or cosmetic reasons although that can happen. Its more to subtract the distraction of bodily senses so that you can pay attention to the spirit’s call. Even one day can do wonders. You can chose to drink only water, or drink only liquids like vegetable juices. You set the parameters and your intention going in and without a doubt your energy does shift.
- Create Something. I’m an artist in the purest sense in that I thrive on new ideas and on birthing a concept from start to finish whether it be a blog article, a radio episode, a character, or a film. As an artist I know that a lot of times the drama I am creating in my real life, needs to be channeled to a stage, a piece of paper, an instrument, or a camera. Creativity can be so healing. The best music or art in general that becomes timeless for its ability to touch the masses always comes from the space of a deep emotional truth that we all know. We’ve all been there in some capacity. We’ve been afraid, in love, angry, frustrated, or just plain borderline depressed. Creating something, anything, is way to facilitate your emotions or “energies in motion” into something beautiful that just may touch the lives of others. A book that I am obsessed with that encourages creative flow is Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way. You may be thinking, “Well I’m not an artist.” The truth is yes you are, each of us were made in the image of a Creator and have the ability to express our unique soul ideas into something anything. So paint, scribble, compose a silly song, sing, take that dance class; do whatever you like to express your divine soul signature.
10 Habits for Cultivating Optimal Health
As we mature the majority of us begin to value how essential having good health is for quality of life. Nowadays you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who is not plagued by a terminal illness or does not know someone in their family, friends, or acquaintances who is dealing with the consequences of bad lifestyle choices or perhaps even what seems to be a bad stroke of luck. Our bodies’ are a complex culmination of the emotional, mental, spiritual, and food choices we have made over our lifespans. It is very easy to get focused on heathy eating and forget that there is so much more that feeds disease including the mind, emotions, and spirit. Even beyond consideration of holistic wellness, optimal health should also include considerations of each of the essential body parts functioning at their best. So not only are you in great physical shape, your teeth are strong, your gums, hair, nails, feet, arms, organs etc function at their best. When anything in our bodies goes awry in just one part it’s amazing what a profound affect it can have on our general well being, livelihood, and ability to perform at our best. That is because each part of our bodies’ inform the whole and vice versa. So as you consider optimal nutrition and what is the best fuel for you, I challenge you to also pay close attention to any other signs that your body is giving you that you may require some TLC.
When you take preemptive measures it will require that you spend extra time and money to maintain a lifestyle that promotes optimal health, but remember that it’s a worthy investment. Wouldn’t you rather add extra time in for flossing that pay for expensive dental work when you have gum disease? Or modify your diet now and avoid diabetes that plagues your family rather than have a limb removed altogether later? The costs of taking your wellness for granted are steep and come with a much higher price tag when things get urgent. In addition to looking at your own habits, knowing your family history is invaluable and essential to ensuring that you stay on the path of optimal health. If you know what diseases an ailments your parents or grandparents dealt with you can take measures now to adjust your lifestyle so that you never have to worry about carrying on that disease legacy. Below are ten simple things you can do to ensure that you are living optimally. These are just suggestions, but these guidelines should help you get an adequate idea of habits you can improve or add to your daily routine. Prevent now, prosper later! -XoXo Raw Girl
- Adequate Supplementation. Eating a well rounded diet that provides your body with adequate nutrition is essential but given our hectic lifestyles we still may fall short of what our bodies’ need. One way to ensure you have all of the right fuel is to supplement using super foods or high quality supplements. If you are a veggie lover, B12 should be on your list, and you may also include a multivitamin, green algae or grass powders, probiotics, flax or algae based omega-3 supplements and others depending on your body. It’s important to get tested regularly by your doctor and rectify any imbalances you may have so that you prevent long term illness.
- Regular Exercise. This is a no brainer, but it’s amazing how quickly this habit for optimal health goes out the window. I know you feel like you don’t have time, but carving out a mere 30 minutes daily to exercise will do wonders for your health, boost your energy, and keep you younger and happier thanks to the serotonin boost. Find a way you love to move and stick to a routine that works for you. If your bored with your workout, change it up and bit and venture out to try fun alternative forms of exercise. Pole dancing, anyone? Whatever floats your boat, is great as long as you commit to #MoveThatBody.
- Practice Mindfulness A.K.A. Manage Your Emotions By Any Means Necessary. We often greatly underestimate the power our emotions have to keep us healthy. Emotional wellness is key in long term health and learning healthy ways of managing our stress keeps us from adopting unhealthy disease inducing habits like overeating, smoking, alcoholism etc. There are many ways to keep your emotions under control but they all involve a daily commitment to a practice of mindfulness. Breathing helps, as does meditation, prayer, or yoga. Find something that makes your spirit sing and commit to it as the daily food for your spirit. Your soul needs food too, and the more you feed it the more peace, health, and happiness you will find no matter what life throws your way.
- Take Care of Your Teeth. Just in case you didn’t know, the health of your teeth and gums is a huge indicator of your overall well being. If bacteria in your mouth is not kept under control in can enter your bloodstream and cause infections or even heart disease. In addition gum issues and infections may be an indicator of problems with your blood sugar levels. Loosing teeth later in life is sometimes an indicator of osteoporosis, and loosing teeth before the age of 35 may increase your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Moral of the story? Mind your mouth now, and avoid health complications later. Flossing daily, brushing your teeth, regular cleanings, and using a mouthwash are ways you can care for your teeth now and prevent health drama later.
- Eat Whole Foods and Read Your Labels. You should know this by now, but diet does play a huge factor in changing your destiny and moving your compass towards optimal health. I’ve interviewed a bunch of healthy men and women over seventy about longevity and all of them were able to completely outlive their genetic history and avoid diseases that plagued there parents and grandparents by changing their diets. We have yet to see the full implications of eating genetically modified foods, but the signs are already there that it’s taking a negative toll on lifespan and the quality of health of many people. No matter what your diet, these days you have to go out of your way to avoid anything that is not really food. Read your labels and avoid non organic meats, fruits and veg, processed and packaged foods, refined sugars and salt, and unhealthy oils whenever possible. Although the cost of your groceries may increase, there are always ways to get savvy and find a bargain. Remember that eating to live now, is a definite investment in your personal healthcare plan, and the good news is you get to reap benefits immediately.
- Schedule Regular Checkups. When you get centered on a more holistic lifestyle or GO VEG, you may find that you are sick less and less if not at all, and are able to manage health crises with your own intuition and natural cures. We get caught up sometimes in calling our primary doctors the big bad wolves, because of the prescription drugs they peddle for any ailment without dealing with the root cause. And they “the big bad wolves” think that a lot of us veggie lovers have gone completely mad with our juice making, medicine avoiding, organic loving ways. The thing is, medicine has it’s place and is still incredibly useful for all of us to assess deficiencies and catch illnesses if we commit to regular exams and checkups. You should be checking in on yourself regularly, but it is nice to get a blood test that can let you know where you may be deficient and cue some adjustments in your diet or daily health regimen. Every doctor has his or her place, so make sure even if you are like me and love the woo-woo back to nature medicine route, you still engage in regular checkups with your doctor.
- Know Your Status. Sexual health is a huge issue and continues to grow in importance as the number of people infected with sexually transmitted disease is on the rise, and a large majority of people are completely unaware of their status. It is incredibly important for you to take precautions necessary to guard your sexual health, and also ensure that you engage in regular testing. Do you know your status? If you have not been tested and are sexually active, know that by avoiding testing your are playing a very dangerous game. Also ensure that once you do know your status you take the precautions necessary to avoid STD’s. Bad news is there are tons of STD’s nowadays that can be transmitted even with use of condoms etc. so just take care, use your intuition, know the status of your partner, and engage wisely.
- Maintain Colon Health. Colon health is most likely the number one wellness issue in America today, period. The majority of diseases begin with the accumulation of waste in our colon or our “bodies’ sewage system.” When I interviewed Bernando LaPallo who is a 110 year old raw foodist and asked him what he does to maintain a healthy colon he gave a great answer which was if you eat fruits and vegetables and avoid unnatural foods, your colon health will take care of itself. It’s true that the majority of problem begin when our colons get clogged with unnatural or toxic foods that get stuck in your colons as impacted waste and slowly but surely start to cause health problems. Beyond just eating good whole foods there are other things you can do to regularly to ensure your colon is not becoming a cesspool for disease. For some ideas check out this past post: “#1 Health Issue in America: Maintaining a Healthy Colon“.
- Monitor & Value Adequate Sleep. Sleep is another precious commodity we undervalue in our culture. We are obsessed with “grinding,” getting ahead, meeting deadlines, and sacrificing vacations for promotions. It’s important to make sleep a priority so that you can be the best you everyday. Not only does sleep affect our performance, learning retention, and brain functioning, sleep plays a major role in boosting our immunity, weight loss, preventing the onset of many diseases. The best way to get adequate sleep is to attempt as much as possible to stick to a sleep schedule and go to bed and wake up around the same time daily. To learn more about sleep check out this episode of my radio show “The Power of Adequate Sleep,” in which I interviewed Dr. James Maas, an internationally renowned sleep expert.
- Engage in Regular Detoxification. Conducting regular fasts, or embarking on a detox every now and then can do wonders for your health. Your digestive system gets some time to rest, and as you detoxify your body you are taking time to rid yourself of toxins that could have later built up and caused illness and disease. Regular fasting or detox does not have to be crazy and intense, it can be yearly, monthly, or as needed, it’s just one additional way for you to pay it forward and prevent problems before they arise.
7 Steps to Pursuing Your Passion

1. Discover It.
Some people come out of the womb knowing what they are meant to do. There are countless stories of young prodigies or people who say that even as a child they showed some inclination towards a particular passion. On the other hand, there are also people who discover their passion later in life, or have absolutely no clue what their passion is.
Not knowing at all is definitely not the end of the world. If you don’t know what your passion is and you haven’t been led to it yet, you must simply cultivate the desire in yourself to find it. If you pose the question, the answer will come.
Leave yourself open to trying new things, going new places, and trusting your gut instinct no matter how silly it seems. You’ll find it, eventually, and you may also have a lot of fun stories to tell in the end.
2. Nurture It.
So now you know what your passion is? You’re excited to wake up every morning and do that particular work or expression. Now it’s time to put in the work. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.
All of the greatest artists, innovators, entrepreneurs started with their raw talent and passion but they usually found training, or got life experience that allowed them to deepen their craft and cultivate discipline. Your passion is like plant. You have to make sure it has the right nutrients and nourishment to flourish. Every person is different so figure out what works for you, and get started RIGHT NOW.
3. Make a Committment.
When things go awry or get difficult, it’s easy to throw in the towel. There are countless examples of innovators and personalities who found that passion, but then had to face years of rejection. Bestselling children’s author Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by 27 publishers. Twenty seven rejections! In a recent video entertainment mogul Tyler Perry spoke of six years in his life when he was promoting shows and no one would come.
The only way to continue following the passion even in those times when it feels like the passion for doing the work is gone, is making a commitment. You must decide now, that come what may, if the roads are smooth or rough, you will prevail. When you do this, you can surmount obstacles and rejection much easier because your eye is on the prize, the bigger vision.
4. Find Your Cheerleading Squad.
You are now super excited to be pursuing your passion and so you want to run and shout it from the mountaintop! You get there grinning, sweating profusely, panting, and full of all this positive energy and sometimes you find a really somber audien
ce staring back at you. Some of these people may be your family or even close friends. Even worse, you may have someone flat o
ut tell you that your passion is absolutely crazy and that you will never reach your goal. Your grin quickly melts to a frown, maybe even a grimace.
Every successful person needs someone that they can call on, who will be their number one fan. We all have doubts, some days we feel brilliant and others rejection may make us feel less than. The key is choosing to get back up again.Having a cheerleading squad that is genuinely excited for our triumphs and helps us put into perspective our low moments is a key element in staying the course to living a passion filled life.
5. See the Vision. Have a Game Plan.
Having a passion is one thing, but sustaining the pursuit of it can be another. In order to have a destination, you need a vision of where you are going. Not just any vision, but a specific, juicy, mouth watering, heart thumping vision that really puts you on edge. You think about achieving that thing and your heart flutters a little bit.
Once the vision is clear, then it’s time to make a plan. You’ve got to take some action. This action plan isn’t rigid at all. Depending on your type of personality “plans” may freak you out. That’s okay. I’m a firm believer that with the vision in place, you can be led and even draw the things you need to you, but you have to be open to them.
“Coincidences” surrounding your vision may happen, and you have to be there ready to notice and act on them. Perhaps that’s partly what the saying means: “luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Prepare yourself by seeing the vision, cultivating your talent, and knowing the specifics of what you want.
6. Work Hard. Persevere. Be Flexible.
Most people who love what they do say it doesn’t feel like work at all. It doesn’t feel like work and because of that they may work all the time! Working hard when you are pursuing your passion should be like breathing. It’s not something you have to force yourself to do. You become engrossed and you want to do your best because it’s what you love. Then there may be moments that are trying where you may have to call your cheerleading squad or recommit to your purpose, but you must stay the course.
You must persevere. Flexibility is key. Sometimes you are lead one way that isn’t at all the way you planned but leads you straight to your goal. Joel Schumacher, now an award-winning producer and director once upon a time ago was a costume designer who wanted to be a director. He started there, then wrote scripts, but kept his eye on his goal of directing. Sometimes to start just getting close enough to observe the thing you want is enough.
Don’t assume it’ll be hard, and don’t assume it’ll be incredibly easy either. Some paths are long highways, and others are short alley ways. Just have your vision, stay on your particular path, and enjoy the ride!
7. Celebrate the NOW. Propel Into the Future.
Accept that wherever you are right NOW is perfect. It’s exactly where you should be. It’s so easy to get sucked into the trap of comparing our journey to other people’s journeys, or holding ourselves up to cultural or societal standards that make us feel like we should be, should do, or should have done already.
Focus on the NOW, where you are, and do the best you can. Live in this moment and love what you can do today, what are doing right now, and that energy will help propel you along your path. Every passion needs revisiting and sometimes reviving.
The beauty of being alive is that each moment we have the gift of creative imagination, we have the ability to desire and pursue. If you’ve found it, don’t take your passion lightly. Treasure every single moment you get to be alive and do what you love, and you will truly LIVE.
Veggie Love: Why I’m Deeply Enamoured With Avocados
It is officially AVOCADO WEEK! If I had to profess my undying love to any particular fruit or veggie, it would be a hard call between avocados and coconuts. What is not to love about this amazing creamy fruit that can be combined with both sweet and more bitter meals. Plus I can make yogurt or pudding with it, smoothies, and add it to salads. Since I have long been rescued from the hell that is processed food addiction, I would say avocados do for me what ice cream or yogurt does for die hard dairy lovers. The creamy texture, literally makes my heart sing, and ears perk up when I hear someone say the lovely name avocado. Oh, and the joy of cutting one open and it being completely perfect! I could go on and on. I know I’m tripping, but I really love them that much. They are also on my list of aphrodisiacs, so perhaps (***clears throat and bats eyelashes***), avocados are exciting for me in more ways than one. For grown folks only: the name avocado comes from the Aztec word ‘ahuacatl’ which, um, literally, um, means testicle (I don’t like that word, hence the hesitation). I assume you can guess that avocados got the name from the way they look. So beyond just eating avocados, you also have the option to make some dirty jokes about them.
You know that saying: “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it?” Well, for a year or so I’ve had this amazing dream that I have mentioned to friends about owning a farm somewhere tropical that produced avocados, bananas, and coconuts. The reason for this is because I feel my life would elevated to a new level of bliss if I could have all of those things in unlimited amounts year round. Especially since avocados and coconuts are getting pricy these days. Well, the wish partly came true in a roundabout way. A family friend happens to have avocado trees amongst other trees growing in their backyard in Florida! And guess what? They have way too many avocados to eat. The surplus is so bad they have to give them away. So right now I have a a giant moving box FULL TO THE BRIM with huge Florida avocados. Seriously, Raw Vegan Santa must’ve answered my wish before Christmas! These aren’t the dark green small ones (Haas) we get in the grocery store. They are the mammoth avocados that are a lighter green color. Amazing right? So now, I got to figure out what to do with all these avocados! I’ve been having one a day and luckily a ton of them are still not ripe yet. I say all this to warn you, because avocados have consumed my kitchen, there are a few more avocado posts coming to the blog, but I’ll mix it up and also do a recipe or two.
So what groovy benefits do you get from eating avocado, which is also known as ‘alligator pear’? Well, they happen to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet! Avocados contain 25 essential nutrients including vitamin A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, protein, phytochemicals, and fiber. You would actually need to eat at least two bananas to get the amount of potassium in one avocado. Avocados have a large fat content, almost twenty times the amount of fat in other fruits but they are extremely good-for-you monounsaturated fats. People often worry that because of this avocados will make you gain weight. Not the case, I’ll get to that in another post soon. If you eat avocados from Florida which are huge, note that they have 50% LESS fat than the Haas kind, so they are sort of the “low-fat” brand of avocados.
Onto the long list of fabulous things the wonderful fruit named avocado can do for you. Some key benefits include: maintains a healthy heart and reduce risk of heart disease, efficiently lowers bad cholesterol and can boost good cholesterol, helps to regulate blood pressure levels, has anti-inflammatory properties that help ward off inflammation related diseases, promotes eye health and prevents macular degeneration, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of stroke because of high levels of folate, protects against breast cancer and has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer, contains glutathione which fights free radicals in the body, boosts immune system, slows aging, and encourages a healthy nervous system. If all of those benefits alone were not a mouthful add to that the fact that avocados are known the world over for boosting the health and natural glow of your skin.
So my challenge this week is: How many ways can you eat an avocado? While I go off to work on that, I hope you have now been convinced that avocados are an awesome food to add to your diet. As much as I would love to keep my love for them all to myself, I know there’s more than enough love to go around so you can count on me to continue spreading the gospel. -XoXo Raw Girl
7 Essential Tips for Going and Staying Raw for Life
I’ve been doing this whole pseudo-raw foodist thing now for four years strong, and I’ve been vegan now for over ten years. One question that always seems to come up is how do you go the distance? Especially with raw foods it can be extremely daunting at times to stay on the path, because doing so is never what is most convenient. It would be way more convenient to shove your face with processed foods, meat, dairy, and everything else widely available and cheap in our toxic world, but if we did, we would loose our sexy vegan badges quick! Besides that along with convenience comes bad skin, sour moods, and maybe even the inconvenience of a very large hospital bill years later. What you eat catches up with you. To help you stay on the sexy and raw track below I’ve listed some tips that I hope may be useful to you.
Don’t be a Raw Natzi. There are so many people out there preaching the gospel of raw like it’s a religion, and the best one at that. Please don’t let yoursellf turn into one of those preachy people. Nobody likes a Raw Evangelist anymore that they like Jehovah witnesses pounding down their doors every single day. I find the best way to make an impression on people with any ideology is to live it, not preach it. When you are preaching it a lot of times you are even trying to convince yourself. There is much more power in just doing your thing, and not feeling the need to impose your beliefs on others.
Release The Obsession With Being 100% Raw. It’s really funny how no matter who you chat with if you say you are a raw foodist they eagerly chime in “Are you 100%?” Please do not stress about this! At the end of the day your goal should be to be the healthiest version of you by any means necessary. When you are just starting just keep eliminating foods one at a time and keep increasing your amounts of raw foods. Maybe you’ll wake up one day and realize, that you are 100% raw and have no cravings for cooked food. Or perhaps you’ll end up eating 80%-90% raw foods and some cooked food and feel awesome! We all know there are benefits to eating raw and of course those benefits increase the more you eat that way, but you can be optimal without it. So, relax, please, and enjoy the process of adding living foods to your diet.
Find your SHE-ROES/ HEROS. This is something that always helps me get back on track. You don’t have to personally know a raw foodist who can mentor you or “show you the ropes” so to speak, but you can find online and through research stories of incredible people walking the path. Part of why I have the SHE-RO section on this blog is that the women I feature all inspire me to stick with it so I can see the same awesome results that they are experiencing long term. Watching a video on Annette Larkins, for example, always immediately makes me up my raw game. It’s visible proof of what is possible for you. Find those go to people and tap into their stories whenever you are feeling weak or you have fallen off the path. If other people’s stories don’t work, think about putting a visible reminder of your personal reasons for going raw on your fridge or in your kitchen. It’s all about staying in touch with your motivation long term.
Get Your Nutritional Balance Act Together. It took me a whole year of being 100% raw when I first started to realize something was starting to be out of whack with my body. The major problem was that I was not supplementing B12 and I was not eating enough superfoods to ensure well rounded nutrition. This is incredibly important. When you are doing any diet/lifestyle right, your body is getting the nutrients that it needs which makes you in turn less susceptible to craving the bad stuff you left behind.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare in Advance. If you really expect to have any success being raw and not immediately give in to cravings that come up on a whim, you need to be prepared. This is not a fly by the seat of your pants kind of diet. If you know you are going on a road trip and you pack nothing, guess what, you will be cranky, and your stomach will be growling the whole way. If you are making more elaborate raw meals, which can be fun, you need to soak things sometimes days in advance or at the very least one day. Think through your schedule every day to make sure you are never stranded without raw rations. This will save you from caving in and eating fast food or whatever processed junk is at the only convenience store you can find.
Don’t Get Hung Up on Gourmet Meals. If you are just starting out I think its awesome to experiment and create some of the more gourmet raw meals that take a great deal of time. You may start doing it and fall in love with preparing food and have the time to do it. If you are a busy body like myself, please don’t feel bad that you are not feeling up to being Raw Rachel Ray today. Go easy and have meals that are quick but pack a strong nutritional punch like smoothies, sprouts, super foods, and power-packed salads. Then when you get a little breather time you can always make something more elaborate or take your sexy vegan self out to a nice raw restaurant and experience the bliss that is gourmet raw foods.
Surround Yourself With Positive Energy. This is definitely crucial. You do not want to be in an environment where people are intentionally or maliciously trying to keep you from sticking to your raw plan! It is already tough enough to commit to a raw diet, Lord knows you don’t need additional help falling off. When you begin this path, your family and friends may not understand, that is typical. Its up to you to gradually get more comfortable in your reasons for sticking to your diet, (you may want to start rehearsing a “Where do you get your protein speech”), and also ensure that you take care of yourself at social gatherings. Bring something with you to eat, or make something over the holidays so you won’t be starving. You’ll be surprised, some family members may end up eating more off of your plate. -XoXo Raw Girl
The Amazing Wonders of Spirulina!
The word superfood is tossed around in common health lingo so often it’s hard to tell what is worth its weight in gold. Nowadays, everything seems to be deemed a “superfood” by doctors and health authorities alike. The word superfood is really an unscientific term to loosely describe and market a food or foods that offer incredibly high nutritional value. Nature is truly the body’s best healer and many fruits, vegetables, and herbs have nutritional content that is of value to anyone looking to obtain optimal health. But the word superfood, I feel, should be reserved for foods like spirulina, which when incorporated in your diet can have extremely profound affects on your energy level, nutrient intake, boost immunity, and promote healing and prevention of disease.
So what is this superfood spirulina? Spirulina is a blue green algae, a one-celled organism that gets it’s name from the Latin word helix or spiral, that has been consumed in Africa, Asia, and Mexico dating all the way back to the 9th century. It is the cousin of another algae called chlorella which is actually great for ridding the body of heavy metals like mercury but doesn’t have the same nutritional profile of super spirulina. What makes it so super? To start off spirulina has all eight essential amino acids that the body needs, with an additional bonus of ten of twelve non-essential amino acids included. For those that don’t know, whenever all eight essential aminos are available in any food, that makes it a protein powerhouse. Spirulina is 65-71% protein compared to around 22% in beef, and it’s protein is in a highly digestible form. What makes this an extremely golden plant source of protein is all the additional nutrients that come along with it. Essential minerals including potassium, calcium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, iron, and phosphorous are all in spirulina adding additional nutritional bang for your buck. Add to this nutritional profile, folic acid, niacin, B vitamins including super essential B12, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin E, carotenoids (which convert to vitamin A), and chlorophyll and you’ve got a great deal of nutrients needed to get you through your day. Chlorophyll, which has an almost identical molecular structure to human blood, is an important ingredient that gives super healing power.
Just to give you a taste of these healing powers, spirulina increases antioxidant protection, fights free radicals, slows the aging process, curbs appetite and promotes weight loss, supports healthy cardiovascular function, improves the digestion process and gastrointestinal health, creates beneficial flora in the digestive tract, and makes the body produce more red and white blood cells which kill germs and viruses. It can also relieve allergies, sinus issues, lower cholesterol, lower risk of stroke, heart disease, and risk of contracting cancer. To take it even further not only is this miracle food great for fighting candida, colds, allergies, influenza, measles and mumps, studies have shown that it can inactivate the virus associated with AIDS and HIV.
Spirulina has virtually no calories, and the small percentage of fat it contains are in the form of essential fatty acids. Due to all these amazing nutrients, spirulina can give any Plain Jane an energy boost that transforms her into Wonder Woman. Are you a working mom? Take spirulina and give some to your kids. You’ll be more energized and your kids’ immune systems will be strong enough to withstand viruses and colds that get passed around at school. Business woman and multi-tasker on-the-go? Spirulina taken at the beginning of your day can give you the energy boost you need to finish the projects on your plate. Are you addicted to caffeine to give you an energy boost? Try spirulina instead and you will feel naturally energized and get a nutrition boost that trumps any multivitamin on the market. Do you workout a lot? Spirulina can boost athletic performance. Did I mention that it can protect the body from harmful radiation? This legit superfood has a laundry list of health benefits too long to expound upon, the best way to truly know it is to try it for yourself.
You can find spirulina in powder form online or at your local health food store which can be mixed into liquids or pill form. Whatever method you choose to consume it keep in mind that the best way to take spirulina is gradually. Spirulina can have different effects on the body, one being a cleansing reaction if too much is taken too soon. In powder form, starting with as little as a teaspoon and later building up to a tablespoon or more is advised. It’s best if you slowly begin increasing over time as your body adjusts. Spirulina is great to add to smoothies or juice in the morning because it is so energizing. Take it at night and you may not be able to sleep. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, or are pregnant its smart to consult with your doctor before incorporating spirulina into your diet. If you have really severe allergies to seafood or iodine, it’s best to not consume spirulina. Whatever method and frequency you choose, I can personally vouch for the fact, that spirulina is truly a superfood that has the potential to enhance your health and boost your quality of life. -XoXo Raw Girl
Raw & Vegan Foods That Can Help Weather The Storm
I hope everyone on the East Coast is staying safe and warm. For those of you lovely followers reading from all over the world that do not know, Hurricane Sandy is headed our way, and she sounds like she means business. If you are on the East Coast I hope you have prepared! Power outages are bound to happen, and we hope and pray that the damages to homes, and the death toll is low. Things you should do to prepare include: getting a full tank of gas, removing outdoor furniture that can be easily tossed by the wind, and have on hand supplies like flashlights, candles, and a list of emergency numbers. Last but not least, you got to have food on hand in case there are days without power. Whenever a disaster like this hits, the first thing people say is stock up on canned food. For those of us who left the processed food world years ago, this just ain’t happening. Make sure if the power goes out you minimize going in and out of your fridge to keep it cool. If you have a back up cooler with ice for some food, that can help. Worst part about the power going out is letting a fridge full of greens go to waste! The good news is, there are some veg friendly foods you can stock up on to help you weather the storm if you run out of your fresh food. Some will perish sooner than others, but most will get you through more than a couple of days especially if dried or dehydrated:
Dried Fruit
Nuts & Seeds: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans etc.
Fruits w/ peels or skin: oranges, pears, apples, avocados, melons, bananas (if you buy them unripe, you’ll have them for a few days)
Fruit & nut bars, fig bars, raw or vegan energy bars etc.
Dehydrated snacks: kale chips, flax crackers etc.
Miso: great for making broth and soups and easy to prepare.
Beans & Seeds: you can always soak and cook beans, and if the ish really hits the fan, you can use water to sprout them and add to meals.
Quinoa: great complete protein thats quick to prepare and keeps you full.
Dried Superfood Powders: can come in handy and can be mixed in water or juice and give you a lot of nutrition.
Without a blender or a juicer things can get rough, so hopefully the above ideas give you something to snack on. If you get greens and other fresh produce they will only last for a little while when your power goes out. Wishing you and yours a safe week, and praying those of us in harm’s way weather this storm. I’m determined to blog even in hurricane season so I’ve scheduled posts for the blog in advance. Which means even if my power goes out you’ll still get some writing from Raw Girl. Yes, I know I’m gangsta! Sending you lots of veggie love and wishing you peace in the middle of the storm. -XoXo Raw Girl
11 AM EST Today Raw Girl on the Radio!
Today my radio show Healthy Living in a Toxic World will premiere on WKCW 1420 AM and on Blog Talk Radio simultaneously at 11 AM EST. This morning’s show focuses on Bernando LaPallo who I wrote about in the past. Bernando was 109 years old when I first interviewed him for this pilot episode, and now he is 111 years old! You can listen in via the blog talk radio link below at 11 AM, and if you miss it, the show should be archived for a few more weeks. Would love your feedback. Please post comments on the blog or Facebook or send me direct mail rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com. Twelve more incredible episodes coming soon. Below is the show schedule so you know what to look out for, on Blog Talk Radio, the show will air every Saturday at 11 AM for the next 13 weeks. -XoXo Raw Girl
Longevity Series, How to Quit Smoking Naturally, Natural Solutions for ADHD, The Power of a Plant Based Diet, Colon Health: What is a Colonic, Simple Ways to Reduce Stress, The Benefits of a Vegan Diet, Internal Parasites, Effective Exercise, The Benefits of Juicing.
- Show 101 Longevity Series. Featuring Bernando La Pallo, 109 year old raw foodist
- Show 102 The Benefits of Juicing. Cherie Calbom – The Juice Lady
- Show 103 How to Quit Smoking Naturally. Yuma Bellomee, Naturopath
- Show 104 Internal Parasites. Timothy Sehoon, Parasite Specialist
- Show 105 Effective Exercise. Mocha Lee, Celebrity& Group Fitness Trainer
- Show 106 Natural Solutions to ADHD. Alice Maher, Holistic Practitioner
- Show 107 Longevity Series. Featuring Mimi Kirk, PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian over 50
- Show 108 The Power of a Plant Based Diet. Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Researcher/Author
- Show 109 The Power of Adequate Sleep. Dr. James Maas, International Authority on Sleep
- Show 110 Colon Health: What is a Colonic? Scott W. Web, Colon Hydrotherapist
- Show 111 The Benefits of a Vegan Diet. Victoria Moran, Author/ Lifestyle Coach
- Show 112 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress. Alice Maher, Holistic Health Counselor
- Show 113 Longevity Series. Featuring Annette Larkins, “The Ageless Woman”
Veggie Love: Mung Bean Sprouts
Very recently I posted on the benefits of sprouting. I’ve been big on it every since I had a lovely conversation which you will hear soon with Annette Larkins, who is deemed “The Ageless Woman” about the benefits of sprouts. Some of you shouted out mung bean sprouts as your all time favorite, and I was particularly intrigued by these (not to playa hate on any of the other wonderful sprouts), because of their high vitamin C content that was used in ancient times to ward off disease.
The Chinese have been hip to harnessing the benefits of mung bean sprouts for over 3,000 years. So the rest of us are a little late to starting preaching the goodness of mung. This low calorie food is high in protein and fiber, and has very little to no fat. This makes them a great addition to soups, salads, and stir fries, that adds some more bulk to the meal without adding in excess fat or calories. Mung bean sprouts have pure forms of vitamin A, B, C, and E, along with K, calcium, iron, magnesium, pottassium, phosphorous, and zinc. One cup contains 1/4 the daily recommended value for vitamin C and 15% the recommended value of folic acid which is great for pregnant women because it prevents birth defects in children.
Ninety percent of what mung bean sprouts consists of is water, so eating them will boost your hydration a bit, and the fiber in them can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and decrease your risk for heart disease. Not bad for a little Chinese bean named Mung! If you decide to give these wonderful sprouts a try you can sprout them yourself or make sure you purchase sprouts that are not stringy or discolored. As fresh as you can find is always the best. If you missed the last post on The Benefits of Sprouting check it out here: http://wp.me/pHXQG-1bZ. -XoXo Raw Girl