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Tag Archives: health
Natural Remedies for the Candida Blues
Candida is a word we are hearing thrown around more often in conversations. Before I was like candi-who? It kind of sounds like a dirty word. Now I know all too well about this imbalance that is quickly becoming the least talked about health epidemic in our nation. These days pretty much all us have it or have had some symptoms, it’s about what degree from mild to severe. Candida is a group of single-celled organisms that live in our bodies and are actually good for us until our body gets out of balance because of diet, stress, or medications that throw it out of whack. Candida overgrowth is literally a “genus of yeasts” or in lamens terms a gang of fungus who have been granted permission to hang out and bring their friends en-masse anywhere in your body that’s cozy. Candida usually grows in warm moist areas of the body, and the most common candida condition is yeast infections which can affect both men and women, but also includes nail fungus, athletes foot, thrush (on the tongue), and may be the culprit with some prostate issues. In its most aggravated and full-blown state cancers especially and AIDS deal with aggressively overgrown candida. Which is why many have been able to reverse cancer and some holistic healers (namely Dr. Sebi who says all diseases are born from mucus) has been able to reverse HIV/AIDS.
When candida starts to flourish in the body it’s really like your once upon a time friend who decides to invite a bunch of unwanted guests who are now sleeping on your comfortable couch and require a fire marshal and an eviction notice to get them out of your apartment. Dealing with candida overgrowth just by wishing it away does you no good. You need to strap on some combat boots and be prepared to make some changes to get your body back in balance. Depending on the severity of the condition this is not a short-term thing, you may need to make some serious lifestyle amendments.
So you want to know how you managed to say yes and let in that frenemy name Candida who is now eating all your sweets with his buddies? Well, our bodies thrive on bacteria. I learned recently from a colon hydrotherapist who was very knowledgeable about bacteria that the metabolic waste of our good bacteria is serotonin! So part of the reason why people who are backed up or literally full of sh&% are also in a crabby mood is because the good bacteria is not present in their bodies to give them that natural happy boost. Same with candida, when yeast is overgrown there’s not enough good bacteria present in your body to give you that feel good natural serotonin.
There are numerous reasons in our modern day culture that this condition affects millions and the numbers keep growing. First off, it doesn’t help that doctors are prescribing antibiotics these days like candy at a Halloween party. Seriously, it seems to be the cure-all for anything nowadays. It may help alleviate short-term symptoms but long-term know that it wreaks havoc on most bodies’ and kills all of the good and bad bacteria in the gut leading to more problems that have to be addressed including candida. Another major factor involved is the Standard American Diet which is basically a trial that most are failing to see how long someone can last before getting ill while subsisting primarily on carbs, animal protein, frakenfoods, and sugar.
All of those things feed yeast, and your good old friend Candida basically throws a party when you consume them. The thing is you won’t feel like partying much because you may be experiencing fatigue, headaches, poor memory, or mental fogginess, and perhaps weight gain. Not exactly a reason to cut the cake. Last, but not any less important is STRESS. I forget all the time how important our emotions are for sustaining our well-being. In my own family I have seen how every single one of us is now dealing with some sort of health condition/struggle following my brother’s passing. Stress is no joke; it can kill you. Not meaning to scare you I’ll also add that in rare cases if fungus enters the bloodstream and is left unchecked, up to 50% of people affected die from this condition. Crazy!
I recently went to my doctor, who by the way is one of the best doctors on the planet. This woman should teach other doctors how to do their jobs. She can actually write me a prescription for things to treat anything that I can find in Whole Foods, and can suggest lifestyle changes or food elimination to help, but she also knows about all the typical medications prescribed. God must have sent me this woman. Anyway, to cut to the chase my consumption of brown rice in moderation the past two years has finally reared its evil grainy head. That in tandem with elevated stress in my life taking its toll. Looking back I really started to notice the slight imbalance literally a month after my brother passed. It took me awhile to figure it out, but all of this together diet issues and stress of loss has been causing ongoing yeast imbalances in my body. So, it’s time to buckle down and cut brown rice out of my diet altogether. Back to being 100% carb-free! Quinoa still doesn’t bother me, and wild rice soaked is a great raw option I plan to try. The good news is after being a drama queen and thinking it was really bad, it was a relief to discover that my case is super minor and manageable compared to a lot of people suffering out there who have it ten times worse. Thanks to my doc, and of course my own research, I’ve gotten some great lifestyle recommendations that I’m sharing:
Cut out Dairy, Meat, Processed Foods, & Sugar (including natural Sugars). I think this is self-explanatory. You just can’t have it. You want the yeast to die off right? Remind yourself in the thick of the cravings why you must stay away. They say that some low-level sugar fruits may be added like berries, grapefruits, or granny smith apples, but even these should be consumed with caution. You also need to eliminate sugary or starchy veggies like carrots, potatoes, or beets.
Incorporate More Fermented Foods & Find a Great Probiotic. I’m dying to try coconut water kefir which is a naturally fermented beverage made from young coconut water. There’s also things you can eat like fermented cabbage, namely sauerkraut and kimchi, and drinks like kombucha, brewed from the scoby organism, and rejuvelac, which is made from fermented wheat berries. All of these foods along with a good probiotic supplement are going to help you crowd in your good bacteria friends, while you starve the yeast and they die off.
Stress-Less. Back to hot yoga I go! Breathing and meditation are great. We can’t predict when those tragic things in life will happen to us, but we can try to handle them as they come with grace.
Drink Lots of Water. Staying hydrated is important and keeping the cycle of replenishing fluids and flushing out toxins going.
Exercise Every Day. This is a prescription I like! The reason this is necessary for recovery is that sweating is one of our primary sources of eliminating toxins from the body.
No Alcohol. Wine, beer, and hard liquor will all make candida worse and allow the yeast to thrive. So if you are a drinker, sorry to be the one to have to tell you to cut it out.
The thing about dealing with candida is that its very similar to battling a parasite infection. There is a withdrawal period and the yeast will create cravings for carbs and sugars because that is what keeps them alive. You may also feel irritable and extra hungry even for the green stuff you are eating to starve the yeast. As I write this I’m already feeling withdrawal and its only been a day. If you can survive a full week, the cravings should start to dissipate as the yeast dies off. Cave in and eat anything sweet, and you will be back to square one. It’s tough, but you will make it through. I will too…although I will be having vivid dreams until the end of this year about eating bananas, mangoes, and a million other things.
If you are a woman and experiencing yeast infections, a vaginal suppository that has boric acid as an ingredient is great for that. Candida suffers can also try things like consuming bitter grapefruit seed extract. Oregano oil is another one that is thrown around, but my doc says it can be very harsh on the system. I’m sure I’ll be following up with more revelations or tips as I work through this. I’m aiming for at least three months, six months would be ideal but may be impossible, of no sugar in any form (God help me besides maybe one apple in a green juice), and seeing how I feel as I go along. -XoXo Raw Girl
The Amazing Benefits of Sprouting
So for one of the radio show episodes I got the opportunity to interview Annette Larkins, one of my anti-aging SHE-ROES previously featured on this blog. If you haven’t check out the post on Annette please do, she is a clear, living example of the power of raw foods. While gleaning every nugget of information and longevity secrets from her that I could, I asked her about superfoods. She’s not a fan of superfoods, (You guys know I totally am!), and she said that if I began eating more sprouts, I may feel I need less of those superfood supplements. Well, I’m always one to take the advice that works for me and run with it. I’m keeping my superfoods, but the past week I also started sprouting again in these sprout trays and yielded a couple baggies full of sprouts that I’ve been adding into salads. After doing some research on the benefits of sprouting, I see why Annette considers sprouts a superfood.
Sprouting is literally the process of taking a dormant seed to a live plant. During this germination process, any nutrients in the seed that hinder nutritional advantages of the food are removed. An example of this is something called phytic acid, which binds calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc and makes it harder for the body to absorb and irritates your digestive system! Sprouting gets rid of this and other nutrient blockers. It also boosts the digestibility of food. If nuts or legumes cause you gas, soaking or sprouting will alleviate that and make them both able to be consumed gas-free. This is due to the fact that when you sprout beans you break down the complex sugars that would cause the gas in the first place. Beyond being easier for the body to assimilate sprouts are superfoods because during the sprouting process their nutritional value skyrockets. More so than even full-grown plants, sprouts have the greatest concentration of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, and chemo-protectants with fight toxins, stop cells from mutating, and boost immunity.
In addition to all of these jazzy reasons why sprouts are the bomb dot-com, in the 1920’s American Professor Edmond Szekely classified sprouted seeds and baby greens as the most beneficial foods, like on the planet, and recommended that 25% of daily food intake consisted of them. He called them: “life generating ‘bio-genic’ foods that offer the strongest support for cell regeneration.” Indeed sprouts can be a good source of omega-3’s, when grown to later stages when leaves are visible they have been proven to be effective in treating protein deficiency anemia, and their supply vitamin B complex and vitamin C can be increased by the process of sprouting from 100% to 2000%. Apparently the Chinese used to carry around mung beans, because of just this, and sprout them on long journey’s because the high vitamin C content in a highly absorbable form was enough to prevent scurvy. Sprouting also increases the amounts of carotene, and even just a good handful of sprouts has enough protein to ensure veggie lovers get their required protein intake without the fat, cholesterol, and calories that come with meat protein. Other nutrients available in sprouts include vitamins A,D, E, and K, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, ad zinc. If you have never tried sprouting, it is much easier than you think and you can incorporate sprouts into salads, meals, and green smoothies. You can use a mason jar, with a fancy sprouting lid if you have one, or (ghetto-fab version) use an onion bag or some sort of cheesecloth type of bag and cover top of jar by rubber banding in place. I have sprouting trays, which have various levels and allow the sprouts to be in the dark and holes to drain out water after rinsing. Among all of the options online, I couldn’t decide on a decent sprouting video, so google how to sprout, find one that you like, and get your sprout on! -XoXo Raw Girl
VOTE Raw Girl for Best Health/Wellness Blog in Black Weblog Awards
Raw Girl in a Toxic World is a nominee for Best Health/ Wellness Blog in the Black Weblog Awards. Voting goes until October 1st. You know I heart all of you and so appreciate your readership!! If this blog has provided you with any good insights, health tips, natural cures, recipes, or quality information as I have intended I would so appreciate you taking a minute to VOTE. It’s very simple. Visit the link below, you can skip all of the other sections and just go to Health/Wellness and click Raw Girl in a Toxic World. DO IT NOW, before you forget and spread the word. Thanks so much veggie lovers! -XoXo Raw Girl
Got Chlorophyll? The Benefits of Eating Your Greens
A couple weeks ago I stumbled upon a few of those “got milk?” ads and a light bulb went off in my head. I wanted to create an ad that promoted greens and their true healing power. So much of the information that is fed to us by the media has more to do with weight loss fads and corporations meeting their bottom line. Since I was a little girl I’ve been lactose intolerant, so I never felt that milk did my body good. In fact it was quite the opposite. I felt bloated, cramped, lethargic, or even nauseous after drinking milk. Later when I became a vegan and cut out absolutely all dairy, it was like a fog had lifted. My allergies decreased and I felt lighter, clearer, and healthier.
I’m all for each person finding the right diet for them, but we must start championing the power of fresh fruits and vegetables by any means necessary. These are essentials that should be a large part of any diet. Our country is at a crossroads and it’s up to us to take control of our personal health and demand that good wholesome foods be readily available and affordable to anyone willing to consume them. Below are benefits of getting your daily dose of chlorophyll. Just in case you don’t know what chlorophyll is, it’s the molecule that gives green plants their pigment. During the process of photosynthesis chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight. Without this essential ingredient green leafy vegetables would loose their life force and power and wouldn’t be able to convert sunlight into the energy they need to grow.
If you are sold on the benefits, be sure to eat or drink your green leafy vegetables every day if possible. To get a mega-dose of chlorophyll start adding a liquid chlorophyll supplement, chlorella, or spirulina to your diet. Chlorella and spirulina can be bought in pill or powder form and blended into smoothies. Please share this post and the ad, like it, love it, talk about it. Let’s keep pushing the GREEN movement! More to come…-XoXo Raw Girl
Some benefits of chlorophyll found in green vegetables include:
- Increases the functioning of the heart
- Improves the health and wellness of the intestines
- Cleanses the liver
- Improves the overall health of the vascular system
- Maintains healthy bones and strong muscles
- Protein. Yes! Greens have protein
- Lowers or maintain healthy blood pressure
- Helps body to detox and cleanse of impurities naturally
- Improves the quality of your skin
- Can increase the quality and quantity of your red blood cells because the compound has a chemical composition very similar to hemoglobin
- Can lower your risk for developing certain types of cancer
***Warning: eating a larger amount of green vegetables may accelerate healing or cause an increase in joie de vivre, sexiness, youthfulness, and overall magnetism. Heed this advice at your own risk.****
Juice! : Green Pineapple Zinger
If you’re a frequent juicer, you know there is a science to making great fresh juice. It’s always good to have some sort of water based veggie like cucumbers or celery as a base, and then add additional greens, and maybe a little something to sweeten or not. My go-to’s to add a little sweetness to juice if I want it are apples or coconut water. If I’m getting a little fancy pear or pineapple. If you’ve never tried pineapple, give it a chance, it has a nice flavor! -XoXo Raw Girl
2 Cucumbers, 5-6 leaves of Kale, 2 Collard Green leaves, 1 generous wedge of Pineapple, Ginger
Raw Girl’s 10 Favorite Snacks On-The-Go
Thank you to the lovely reader who messaged me via the Facebook page and asked about snacks. When you’re working hard for your money at a nine to five, I know it’s hard sometimes to keep your stomach from grumbling in between breakfast and your lunch break. If you are not well equipped when you leave your home you will definitely be vulnerable to temptations, or just plain hungry and cranky. No one likes a cranky vegan.
I’ve experienced that low blood sugar cranky vegan meltdown, which is why I try as much as possible to plan ahead. The world is getting more conscious and veg friendly but we still have a long way to go. If you’re a vegan and you get caught in the wrong city or rest stop, all you may have is a McDonald’s to run into and God knows any self-respecting veggie lover wouldn’t be caught dead eating a fast food salad. We have needs. We want our greens organic, we want them fresh, and sometimes we want them local. Catch a veggie diva in the wrong town or at work with no snacks, and you could be walking on eggshells.
How do you avoid the meltdown? You prepare. Find some snacks to bring along with you that you love and find satiating. Although nothing can replace a good solid meal, a snack can usually save you from reaching the brink of veggie desperation. I’m not really a huge snacker except for when I’m on film sets. On a normal day I usually eat only twice a day and maybe have some fruit or handful of nuts in between. If I workout hard I may get the munchies and eat more or add in additional liquid meals. When you start the day with superfood smoothies, veggie juice, or drinks that give you a lot of nutrients, you will definitely feel less hungry later on.
Below are ten “snacks” I like. Just because I love them doesn’t mean you should eat them! Find snacks that work for you, and prepare in advance when you know you’re going to need that extra energy boost. If you work at an office, leave snacks in bulk, so that you are pleasantly surprised when you need them. Remember you may not be hungry when you think you are. Learn to read your bodies’ signs. Sometimes dehydration is mistaken for hunger. And don’t underestimate, good old, plain fruit. We’ve been programmed to feel like it’s not a snack unless it’s in a package. In this world of lovely vegan bars and treats, grabbing a piece of fruit may seem old school, but sometimes it’s the best way to go. – XoXo Raw Girl
- Bananas – This is my number one snack on the go. Why? First off they are quick and easy to eat. And if you didn’t already know, bananas are packed with nutrients like potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and more. All these lovely ingredients make for a snack that will give you a sufficient energy boost if you have a lag in your day, if you’re on-the-move, or even as a pre-workout meal.
- Nori – I have nori or dulse (another sea vegetable) at least once a day. It’s now a staple in many of my salads. This sea vegetable which can also be eaten alone provides the body with Vitamin A, folate, iron, calcium, and protein. If you are vitamin or mineral deficient eating more sea vegetables will greatly assist in helping your body get the nutrition it needs to thrive.
- Coconut Flakes – My mother got me hooked on this! We found these packages of dried coconut flakes, not the tiny shredded coconut but larger flakes. They aren’t sweetened or anything but for whatever reason chewing on them can be a bit addictive. They quickly became a staple of mine that I carry around in case I need a snack, if of course they can last long enough in my purse before I eat them all!
- Seedless Grapes – I personally think grapes are a severely underrated snack. I love them because you can take them on the go and they are mess-free especially when you compare them to fruits you have to peel. The other great thing about grapes is that they contain a large number of health boosting phytonutrients. One among these is Resveratrol, which studies have shown to increase expression of genes related to longevity.
- Goji Berries, Nuts, Seeds – It’s very rare to hear about a raw foodie who has never taken a raw trail mix on the go with an assortment of nuts and seeds. It’s a great, mess-free snack that can be somewhat filling, but I also always remind myself not to overdose on the nuts. Grab a few of your favorite nuts and seeds, soak them and dehydrate them or you can buy the packs that are already live in the grocery store.
- Raw Bars – There are so many “raw” bars to choose from nowadays. I won’t name any names because I really don’t like plugging brands too much. Some have nuts and seeds that are not soaked, so make sure you know what kind of bar you are eating, especially if your very sensitive to nuts.
Kale Chips – These are so good, and can satisfy a craving for something chip-like. Be economical and make them yourself in a dehydrator and use nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy kick or buy them in the store.
- Raw Chocolate – On rare occasions, I treat myself to some raw chocolate, and I’m never disappointed. You can always make yourself feel better after having chocolate because it has all those lovely antioxidants. Obviously bingeing on chocolate will have you bouncing around, but in moderation every now and then a good cacao high will get you through the day.
- Kombucha – I call this a snack because I drink Kombucha very often. It almost feels like a meal to me, because I feel full and energized after I drink it. My favorite kind has spirulina in it, so it’s a great pick me up if I happen to be drowsy.
- Raw Macaroons – I heart Macaroons, and they are so incredibly easy to make in a dehydrator. Besides the fact that they can be a nice light dessert, they are also great on-the-go. You can try vanilla, cacao etc. and there are brands you can purchase in health food stores, but you’ll save a decent amount of cash if you make the time to prepare them yourself.
JUICE! Lemon Pear Refresher
3 Pears
1 Lemon
6-7 Stalks of Celery
4-5 Carrots
Juice, strain, and serve. Enjoy the blissful buzz, and don’t forget to share the love. -XoXo Raw Girl
****Warning: Drinking fresh juice may cause weight loss, get rid of acne, boost your energy, and increase your overall sexiness and magnetism. Drink at your own peril!****
So you want to GO VEG: Transitioning into Veganism
Had a blast today on Newd Radio, and looking forward to the debut of Healthy Living in a Toxic World next week, January 25th, Wednesday at 5pm EST. Hope you all will tune in to www.newdradio.com and listen!
One question asked on air this morning that I didn’t get a chance to answer was: What should one do if interested in trying the vegan lifestyle but currently is a meat-eater?
Ok so, your a meat-eater and your tired, literally all the time, and your also tired of running to fabulous non-meaters who glow, have crazy energy, and attribute all of this to their grass eating tendencies. You think you may want to go vegan, or vegetarian at the very least but it feels so far way. Don’t panic. There are two options, just like when quitting an addiction or making any sort of lifestyle change you can go cold turkey or gradually. I think what option you take really depends on your personality, but I am a big fan of gradual change. By taking your time to ease into it and eliminating certain foods step by step you are more likely to stick with it long-term and not go on eating binges because you feel deprived.
If I was a meat-eater looking to go veg, I would start by eliminating red meats like beef and chicken and perhaps continue eating fish and more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains. If you are the type who eats meat everyday, (that is really a lot for your body to handle by the way), then I would go for cutting down meat intake to only twice a week and then maybe once a week or once every two weeks, and so on. I am not a huge fan of meat substitutes but they can be a great way to transition and if prepared well, you’ll be amazed and may not miss your meat at all. If you want long-lasting health, vibrance, energy, and to live a disease-free life, you have to get out of the general “dieting” or quick-fix mode that is pushed on us daily through advertising and meal plans etc.
Commitment is key, and any positive change is going to have to become an engrained habit. You know yourself best. Some people have to go all the way or else they won’t do it all. Don’t feel rushed, take your time, and allow yourself some room to mess up. I think it took me about four months to wean myself off of bread! Crazy to think about it because now I don’t eat bread at all and if I did I would feel weighed down and generally horrible. But when I was going through the process of eliminating it, sometimes I messed up, gave in and had some, but then physically I would feel horrible. Through this process you retrain your body, and after abstaining and then having negative reactions to things you once ate, you will lose the desire to eat them again. Despite what they say, you can teach an old dog new tricks; you can cultivate your inner vegan, as long as you committed to going the distance. Here’s to going VEG! -XoXo Raw Girl
How to Make a Papaya Breeze Smoothie
It’s been gorgeous outside! When it starts to get warm I get in smoothie/juice mode, so I had a little fun in the sun and whipped up this papaya concotion. Has a very lovely and refreshing flavor. To make even cooler, add in some ice or freeze the berries before blending. – XoXo Raw Girl
1/4 large papaya, 1/2 mango, 1 banana, 8 strawberries, juice of 1 lemon
Cut up and put all ingredients in your blender and give it a whirl. Enjoy!
Anti-Aging SHE-RO #6
About two weeks ago I caught a glimpse of the one and only Sade performing live on television, and I had to do a double take, because I thought perhaps it was old footage. Nope. It was definitely, 2010. She was singing her hit single “Soldier of Love” which I immediately added to my ipod after one listen. Sade is 51 years old, and seems to age like fine wine. The best part is that even though she looks like she could out-shimmy a lot of young girls, this woman still manages to create music that keeps her at the top of the charts without resorting to any of the tired age old tricks of skin baring and booty shaking. I have no idea what Sade’s diet is like, but she’s definitely got incredible genes. If you haven’t heard the album check it out: http://www.sade.com/us/home/– XoXo Raw Girl