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Tag Archives: Living la Vida Raw
#MoveThatBody: The Michelle Obama Effect
If you missed Michelle Obama’s speech last night at the Democratic National Convention, I highly suggest you google it now and watch it online. Not only was it a historical moment, her speech was riveting and for me spoke to ideals that could shape a better America as we evolve and work to truly offer opportunity for anyone regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Beyond her elegance and ability to move the crowd, every time I see the first lady I am inspired by her commitment to remaining fit and healthy. She drives home the point without saying anything at all, that it would be great if more government officials spent some time staying fit rather than just focusing on haggling about the healthcare bill that has helped so many already. If our country stopped fueling the pharmaceutical industry and started forcing Americans to be responsible for our individual levels of fitness and what we choose to eat, we would save billions.
All that said, Michelle Obama’s level of fitness is inspiring. Fall is here soon. If you’ve fallen off the workout bandwagon, please get back on. There are a myriad of reasons why working out is great for you, and I’ll list some below, but one of the most important reasons for me is that I believe that exercising assists me in reaching my true potential. Who do you want to become? What are you truly capable of? Every time you push yourself physically, you are expanding your limits and widening the horizons of what is possible for you. You are also gaining the energy, focus, and discipline to set your goals in motion and live your dreams. That’s nothing to scoff at. Lets follow the example set by our first lady and get moving. It’s never about being perfect, or reaching someone else’s ideal. It’s about striving to be the best version of you, possible. I’ll be grinding hard the next couple of weeks, the birthday of my dear brother who passed a year ago, is coming up, and I am reminded by his spirit to work it out. Anyone want to join the challenge? Let’s see what fitness goals we can reach in September. -XoXo Raw Girl
Great Reasons to #MOVETHATBODY:
*Increase Your Metabolic Rate * Reduce Blood Pressure * Improve Balance & Coordination * Sleep Better * Weight Control * Improve Focus * Boost Confidence & Self Esteem * Boost Enerfy Levels * Improve Your Mood
Bring in the Tea Season w/ a Sting!: Nutrition Packed Nettle

A prehistoric plant that has received critical acclaim, Stinging nettle (Urtic Diocia), has been used for ages for a number of different uses. A flowering plant of the Urtica family, the stinging nettle is naturally found in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. Urtica Dioica specifically is the most commonly recognized and used species of nettle. It has been used as the material for the uniforms of German soldiers in the first world war, as well being used worldwide in many rituals and superstitions for health, luck, and protection.
Nettles have incredibly powerful and beneficial medicinal and dietary properties, and are very nutritionally dense. Not only is it very rich in chlorophyll (great for overall health), but nettles are abundant with fatty acids and amino acids. As far as minerals , nettles has calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, and zinc for a powerful combination of minerals that are vital to the body’s functions. A vitamin B powerhouse, nettles contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 along with vitamins C, E, K and folate. Nettles are packed with a host of essential phytonutrients such as lycopene, beta-carotene, caffeic acid, acetic acid, and betaine.
These naturally occurring plant compounds (phytonutrients) help prevent and treat many of the diseases in humans by preventing and reducing free-radical-induced damage to your cells and DNA. With these nutritionally powerful properties, there’s no wonder nettles carries a sharp reputation for overall good health as a dietary supplement (pun intended because they can actually sting).
There is a saying that goes: “The sting of the nettle is but nothing compared to the pains that it heals.” Indeed this herb has healing power. As a tea, nettles can be used to treat a number of diseases and inflammations of the urinary system. Nettles can be used to treat anemia, asthma, allergies such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer, diabetes, goiter, kidney problems, and malabsorption syndrome. It’s great for the kidneys, helping to expel gravel from the bladder, and dissolve kidney stones. Nettles stimulates the kidneys to excrete more water, helping to purify the blood of toxins, metabolic wastes, eliminating viruses and bacterial infections. Also, due to the decreases the tea causes in blood sugar levels, and subsequently the glycemic level, it is great as a tea for diabetics. The tea actually cleans out the entire intestinal tract, and activates the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Other uses and benefits include helping with high blood pressure, anemia, skin inflammation, and more. With all of the apparent uses for nettles, there’s no wonder why this herb is such a hit with so many people who are aware of its benefits- and even more- it tastes great! Below are a few ways you can use nettles to add great flavor and abundant health to your life one tea cup at a time. – XoXo Nicola, Signing in for Raw Girl
- Herbal tea/tisane: Soak fresh or dried nettle leaves in boiled water. For a more concentrated, infused drink, use more nettles and make sure they are finely crushed, then let them sit while covered and boiling for a good ten minutes. This can be served either hot or cold.
- Nettle Tincture: For a healthy and youthful hair and scalp, 6-7 fresh leaves or 2 spoons of dried plant in a half a liter of alcohol for 10 days will make a concoction that will revitalize your hair, eliminating dandruff and leaving hair silky and fresh. Rub this at the root of the scalp.
- Nettle Juice:For a powerful addition to your daily routine, nettle juice will provide a host of healthy and powerful benefits if added to your juicing regiment. Just take the leaves and the stem and place them in the juicer. Filter the paste that results from this process and you will be left with a juice that is to be kept cold in the fridge in a dark container. Consume a half a glass before the most important meals of the day to regulate arterial pressure and straighten the blood vessels. If you suffer from renal insufficiency and you want those kidneys to kick it back into high gear, drink one glass of this every day after waking up for 20-30 days and you’ll be feeling a major change. Drink 1-2 glasses of nettle juice every day for 2 weeks if you suffer from anemia and de-mineralization.
Omega-3’s: The Super Supplement You Need More Of
While conducting research for acne cures, I was reminded of just how important it is for everyone to supplement adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Alan C. Logan, author of the “Clear Skin Diet” asserted that the ratio of North American omega-6 to omega-3 intake is as high as 20:1 when the ideal is 2:1! This drastic increase in the supply and consumption of vegetable oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils which have omega-6 linoleic acid, and the decrease of omega-3 consumption is a sure recipe for inflammation. If you didn’t know, tons of research has made it clear that inflammation is connected to virtually ALL chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and acne. For parents struggling with children with ADHD, know that research has shown that frequently kids diagnosed have lower levels of omega-3’s along with B vitamins and magnesium, so supplementing omega-3’s could improve the negative behavioral patterns in ADHD children.
If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, you especially need to ensure proper supplementation:
- Depression
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Dry, itchy skin
- Brittle hair and nails
- Inability to concentrate
- Joint pain
- Acne
In addition to preventing the onset of some serious diseases, getting sufficient omega-3’s is going to help decrease your stress-factor. Our planet is in a constant state of stress these days, and a large majority of diseases are caused by simply being stressed out. According to a study conducted at Ohio State University, consumption of Omega 3’s will lower stress levels. Additional research has shown that this necessary super supplement may also reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and depression. It may even speed recovery after a workout. Hopefully these benefits have wowed you enough; below are some good veggie sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Along with B-12 it’s important for vegans and non-vegans alike to add omega-3 into the arsenal of can’t-live-without-supplements. -XoXo Raw Girl
Some great vegetable sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
- Chia Seeds
- Flaxseeds
- Flaxseed Oil
- Neuromins DHA (supplement from algae; highest non fish source of DHA)
- Walnuts
6 Simple Ways to Overcome Binge Eating
You are having one of those bad days. Whether it’s a break up, job loss, or just general stress, for many of us bingeing is how we cope. Add to that the determination to stay on a healthy path, and you sometimes have the tug of war between denial and gluttony. You may feel horrible about yourself, but don’t. The binge eating phenomenon is partially a product of the scary processed frankenfoods on your market today that never existed. The scientists that work on these unnatural flavorings and additives for processed foods have admitted that their goal is create tastes and flavors that make you want to eat more. That coupled with the fact that your body is craving food for nutrients and the processed foods are nutrient-less is a recipe for binge eating! You may want to stop, but your body has not gotten the nutrition it needs, and the chemicals cue you to want more. It’s a vicious cycle.
I know first hand about the dangers of extreme bingeing, because when I was in college from my sophomore to junior year I struggled with bingeing. My last year of college I finally got control of my eating issues by seeing a therapist and dealing with emotional trauma. At the time I would say I had an eating disorder, but now looking back I would say it was a combination of several things: emotional trauma from a less than perfect childhood, stress, parasites, and the inability to confront my emotions head on. When you are an extreme binger, most times you binge instead of allowing whatever emotions are arising to just be. On the more average spectrum, bingeing may be the result of restrictive dieting or cravings when transitioning from an old lifestyle to a new one. At either extreme, I think there are several things you can do to keep yourself from overeating yourself into sickness or messing up your healthy regimen. Below are some tips from a Raw Girl who is proud to say she no longer has the urge to binge! -XoXo Raw Girl
Don’t Diet, Commit to Lifestyle Changes. If you are approaching healthy living, veganism, or raw foods as a diet, just like any fad, your zeal will come and go and all that will be left is you with indigestion and an empty tub of Haagen-dazs you said you wouldn’t eat. I’ll say it again don’t diet! Your lifestyle change should be about transitioning to healthier behaviors and taking care of yourself, emotionally, physically, spiritually. That is the only way to have lasting effective change.
Find Healthy Subsitutes for Junk Foods You Love. In the beginning and even later, it’s all about substitutes. When you are going from meat to vegan you may go the fake meat route to help you get there. I’m a sweet tooth girl, or at least I used to be in extreme (parasites!) So when I was transitioning I found raw sweets, which are even more rich and satisfying than junk food, and that did it for me. Now if I need some ice cream, I grab a small pint of raw hazelnut (YUM) icrecream that will never ever have me yearning to binge on some Breyers. It’s important to know your taste buds and what you crave most and find things that fulfill that. You may be a more crunchy/salty person, so its about raw or vegan chips, crackers, nuts. Make an effort and there’s no way you won’t find something satisfying. For every type of junk food there is in the world, there is a more satisfying and nourishing raw or vegan alternative. That I can put my money on.
Deal With Your Emotions. The rule I have had for years now, since dealing with bingeing issues is to not eat when I am stressed, angry, sad. You have to start training your body to not seek emotional relief from food. Talk it out with a friend, journal, scream, dance, find a way to release that energy without grabbing three extra portions of something you know you shouldn’t be eating. You can binge on “healthy” foods too, and even if it’s better than the junk you used to eat, you are going to be doing damage to your digestive system and your colon if you over consume in excess. Not to mention, you shorten your life span. Studies have show that eating less as we get older increases our longevity.
Find Nutritional Balance. Some cravings are the result of an addiction to the unnatural flavors, and others may be because your body is lacking well rounded optimal nutrients. When you are getting off the junk food lifestyle you have to recognize that it can be as powerful as drug addiction. So give yourself room to mess up, but continue to stick with your resolve to be healthy, find substitutes, and after some trial and error your body will get sensitive enough that it may reject the foods you once loved. No matter what you eat whether you are a meat-eater or not, you need to make sure that your meals are giving your body the nutrients it needs. To get a boost I highly recommend adding in superfoods like spirulina, maca, seaweeds, cacao etc. because they are packed with nutrients. Now, I know that at times, I crave certain vegetables and fruits because my body needs the nutrients that are in them. once you get on the healthy path, you’ll be more in tune and rather than just letting your taste buds alone guide what you eat, your body will sometimes give you cravings to resolve imbalances.
#MOVETHATBODY & Find Your Spiritual Center. When you excercise your emotions and mood get an immediate boost from the increased levels of serotonin in your brain. Beyond a mood boost, working out is a good remedy for controlling your eating habits. Usually when you workout you feel better and are more inclined to make and sustain healthy food choices throughout the day. So get up and get moving, NO EXCUSES. Stress can also play a big part in the urge to binge. Exercise can combat this and so can mindfulness and spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, and prayer. Do what you have to do and find what works for you to help you stay calm in the midst of life storms. That way the next time a catastrophe hits, you’ll be centered enough to handle it without overeating.
Do a Parasite Cleanse. I know, I say this about everything, but seriously, if I could talk to my former self when I was dealing with this issue this would have been one of the first things I would tell the former me. Take a look at what kind of food you are binge eating. Are they mostly carbs and sugar? I have this theory that the majority of overweight people in our country that cannot stop eating are dealing with the fact that yes the foods are addictive, but also that their colon health as been further compromised by parasites from eating a bunch of junk which in turn heightens cravings. I can tell you firsthand that parasites will make you crave things to stay alive and feed off your nutrition. When you begin to eat green they are literally fighting for their lives and so suddenly although you haven’t touched bread in years, or had those cookies or whatever, the parasite inside you may drive you to feel you need that food. This is not a joke, and I wish more people were cleansing, because so many other health issues would cease from plagueing our population. Whether you think it’s parasites or not, do a cleanse anyway. Better safe and parasite-free than sorry and bingeing.
Importance of Adrenal Health & The Stress Factor
You’re stressed out. You cant get your day started without caffeine, and you can’t be satisfied until you get a high carb snack. This however, leaves you so wired that at the end of the day you cant even sleep. The cycle repeats. Whether it be you or someone you know (I’m sure you know a friend or two), it’s the typical profile of someone who suffers from adrenal gland issues. The adrenal glands (a.k.a. suprarenal glands) are hormonal glands that sit right on top of your kidneys on your lower back. They are responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress, such as the stress hormone cortisol, the fight or flight hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, and steroid hormones (i.e estrogen, testosterone). The adrenal glands also help to maintain electrolytes, salt and water balance, and the metabolism of carbohydrates by regulating blood sugar.
You should be aware by now that mental and emotional stress can have a negative effect on the body and contribute to the development of dis-ease. If your nutritional profile is not looking good on top of being extra stressed, then the body is even less able to endure an added workload. But don’t worry, there’s good news for you and your oh so special adrenal glands that influence and fuel your moods, thoughts, and passions. But before we cut the raw vegan cheesecake, here’s a little breakdown of how the adrenal glands work for you.
The adrenal glands have two parts: the medulla and the cortex. The Medulla secretes the fight or flight hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) which work to increase metabolism to adapt to stress; the cortex adjusts natural sugar metabolism and regulates steroid hormone levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and aldosterone. If you’re stressed out, the adrenal glands can become exhausted of hormones leaving you feeling tired, alter your weight, and create all sorts of uncomfortable and, well, kinda strange changes.
Some common symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction are:
- An under active adrenal gland (Addison’s disease).This is characterized by discoloration of the skin, darkening of the skin on the knees, genital area, mouth, elbows, skin folds, dark creases in the hand, decreased body hair, loss of appetite, mood swings, dizziness or fainting, inability to cope with stress and nausea, and feeling uneccesarily cold all the time. Also includes chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and weight loss.
- An overactive adrenal gland (Cushings Disease). This is characterized by weight gain in the upper body (but with thin limbs), muscle weakness, dark spots on the face, and swollen eyelids. If you’re adrenal glands are overactive, you may compromise your immune system and have a greater tendency to get ill. This also show up as inappropriate hair growth on the face in women, pink or purple stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms, fragile skin that bruises easily, and acne. Not so cute.
Foods and vitamins/minerals that enhance and support adrenal gland function: Vitamin B Complex – supports function, Vitamin C – protects nervous system, Potassium – stabilizes nerves, Chlorophyll – purifies the blood and increases oxygen to cells. You can also eat broccoli, cantaloupe, cranberries, celery, cucumbers, endives, garlic, guava, citrus fruits, peaches, pears, strawberries, raspberries, or jackfruit. All of these fruits, along with some other supplements and herbs all work to support, protect, and maintain the function of your adrenal glands. The hormones require a delicate balance in order to maintain properly, so make sure you get plenty of the foods listed and if needed, supplementation.
We live in a stressed out, fast paced, and overworked society; it’s no surprise that many people find themselves burnt out from time to time from coping with the madness. When we administer mind body medicine such as meditation and affirmations, we give our bodies permission to be at peace and our hormonal state only naturally becomes a reflection of that. Neglecting to do so, and remaining uninformed on how to nourish ourselves optimally will cause imbalances and the possibility of developing a chronic condition. So make sure to do yourself and everyone else a favor today: eat your fruits and veggies and take a chill pill! –XoXo Nicola signing in for Raw Girl
Enzymes: Why Raw Foodists Think They Are Better Than You

You may have heard about the whole “enzyme” thing before, but you may not know exactly what enzymes are and how can they make you feel and look better? Enzymes are complex proteins that act as catalysts in almost every biochemical process taking place in the body. So, in our bodies they make things happen all around from breathing to talking. To get a little deeper, enzymes are either digestive, metabolic, or food enzymes. Food enzymes, which are what are important to support our argument, are enzymes we get from consuming raw foods that initiate the digestion of food in the mouth and upper stomach. So when you eat a delicious red apple, there are enzymes within that apple that are already intact and ready to help the apple digest itself in your body (predigestion). The digestive enzymes in our body have three main jobs: digesting protein ( protease enzymes), carbohydrates (amylase enzymes), or fats (lipase enzymes).
When food is cooked above 118 Degrees F, the enzymes are destroyed and the body is left to provide all of the enzymes to digest that meal; which depletes your enzyme supply and uses a great deal of energy that could have been conserved. Digestive enzymes are manufactured by the pancreas to break down cooked foods and over time put strain on the body. Think about it this way, if your pancreas has to continuously create enzymes that should have been in your food to break it down, over time this could result in inhibited function of the pancreas! According to Dr. Edward Howell, a pioneer in enzyme research, the result is a shorter life span, illness, and lowered resistance to stress of all kinds. In addition he added that in humans and animals who eat primarily cooked food diets, the pancreas organs are enlarged and other glands and organs including the brain shrink! All of this in tandem with consumption of the full light energy and nutrition of foods contributes to the reasons why raw foodies are able to maintain high energy, stay disease-free, and sustain a very youthful appearance for many years.
If you are ever feeling indigestion or bloating, enzymes may be the answer. Important to note, foods that are undigested sit in the intestines, rot, and create a toxic environment in your colon. Add more food on top of that, and you’ve got a recipe for some serious gas. Besides getting enzymes from raw foods there are enzyme supplements you can buy at your local health food store which you can use to optimize your digestion and alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Make sure to get recommendations on enzyme supplements that deliver results. You can also boost your enzyme intake by eating fermented foods where they are found in abundance. Don’t forget, it’s important to also chew your food thoroughly so that your body can better utilize the enzymes in your food and optimize digestion and assimilation.
Now that you know a little more about enzymes, perhaps you can understand why those grass-eating hippie-loving raw vegans think they are better than you flesh lovers. They are playing for team Veggie and we got a whole lot of enzymes and life force going on! *(Neck roll, finger snap!)* It’s up to you whether or not you choose to sit on the sidelines sick and sulking or get in the game of optimal health. –XoXo Raw Girl
Get Over Your Ego & Clean Your Colon!

In the United States alone 60 to 70 million people are affected by some type of digestive disease. Among the most commonly diagnosed are chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticular disease. Digestive diseases are responsible for over 13.5 million hospitalizations, and cost the United States 97.8 billion on medical care and $44 billion on indirect costs ($141.8 billion annually). Beyond digestive conditions, there are numerous other diseases begin with too much waste building up in the colon, the bodies’ sewage system.
I’ve often heard people saying they are avoiding watery food, or cleansing meals because it will make them go to the bathroom. Many people have this irrational fear of having to defecate while in public! My response to that is; would you rather carry it around in your body to clog up your colon, stink up your insides, and create a toxic state (which WILL affect your mental state)? The main complaint that I hear when it comes to colon cleansing is that many can not accept the idea of an enema, colonic, or any sort of contraption of which involves the rectum and insertion. While it may require some re-wiring of the brain and bravery in your efforts to be consistent, colon cleansing can have dramatically rewarding benefits. You’ll be surprised at some of the waste that you have been carrying around, sometimes for years. If you want to maintain optimal health, remain disease-free, lighten your load, and feel more at peace, it’s important for you to move past the ego and begin to harness the power of regular colon cleansing. ~XoXo Nicola, signing in for Raw Girl
Some benefits of regular colon cleansing include:
- More efficient digestion
- Clearer Skin
- Slimmer waist
- Flush out parasites
- Boosts your energy
- Helps to regulate your sleep
- Literally feel “lighter”
- Increases your mental sharpness
- Avoid long-term chronic disease (health begins and ends in the colon)
For 10 Methods To Keep Your Colon Clean, check out this past post: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2011/04/07/1-health-issue-in-america-maintaining-a-healthy-colon/
Raw Girl’s 40 Day Soul Fast
“Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food.” ~Dallas Willard
About two months ago, I kept getting a “hunch” that I needed to do a fast. Not a fast for health reasons. A fast to confirm and deepen my relationship with God, the ultimate force. Right at that time, a friend of mine who is actually a meat-eater, was doing the Daniel fast for 40 Days. The Daniel fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s diet that consisted of only fruits, vegetables, and drinking only water for a period of 21 days. Additional restrictions include no wine, no breads, meat or sweeteners.
I knew my soul was craving a 40 Day fast and after speaking to my friend I thought that was it, I would do a Daniel fast for 40 Days too! But in the weeks after my encounter with her, I allowed myself to get lazy about it. It’s too long I thought. Then a couple of weeks later God made it pretty clear that I was not going to get away with avoiding a 40 Day fast. I was in New York at the beginning of May, and another friend who knew nothing about my desire to fast and subsequent laziness, gave me a Christian book called The 40 Day Soul Fast. I almost laughed out loud. AHA! Here was another sign, and this time I knew that I could not ignore it. The next day, May 7, 2012, I began my 40 Day journey. During the 40 Days I chose to be 100% raw and read excerpts from the book, as each chapter was dedicated to a day of the fast. Funnily enough, at the exact same time by happenstance, my mother and father decided to embark on a vegan fast together for 40 Days.
During the fast, at times I would feel like I was going through the motions. Probably because I was. I ate raw food, focused on prayer, meditation once a day, attended Bible study, read the book, listened to an awesome CD of gospel tunes made for me by a friend. Nothing seemed to be HAPPENING. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I continued to go day by day and eventually my impatience was replaced with devotion to being present and engaged. The fast ended on June 15th and it seemed to happen so suddenly I was left wondering what I had gained although I had noticed the immediate effects of meditating. Now a week following I have been inundated with daily blessings, miracles, and a deep sense of peace. It’s an amazing sense of grace that has emerged from feeling an intimate connection with THE SOURCE. Post-fast, I am continuing to cultivate that relationship with continued daily practice of meditation. Health is beyond just the body, it’s the soul/spirit, body, mind. All must be nourished in order to create optimal wellness, so it’s important to find what mindfulness practice works for you an incorporate it.
I happen to be Christian, and in the Bible the power of fasting is advertised regularly through the struggles and triumphs of many biblical figures. Across all religions examples can be found of how fasting unleashes extraordinary power and connection with THE FORCE. The great news for veggie lovers is that the way we eat already connects us with the divine flow. My mother, who after fasting for 40 Days on a vegan diet has now become a vegan, said that she is amazed by how at peace a vegetable diet has made her feel. Yes, we are what we eat, and when we eat plants we become one with the stillness of nature. A raw food lifestyle can accelerate your spiritual journey even further, intentionally or unintentionally. Years ago when I went raw and also happened to begin meditation simultaneously, I experienced an increase in synchronicity, heightened energy, and noticed that things I desired or thought about seemed to be drawn effortlessly to me. All that said, fasting is not for the faint of heart. Listen to your body, mind, and soul. If you are feeling cluttered, overwhelmed, disconnected, want to break bad habits, or just want to discover or renew your relationship with the Divine source, I highly recommend a spiritual fast. -XoXo Raw Girl
For more insights on fasting, check out this past post Wise Ones on Fasting.
Surviving a Healing Crisis During Detox
Dearest Veggie Lovers: This is an article written by Nicola, a lovely new addition to the Raw Girl team. I think this is an important topic to discuss. If you’ve ever done a cleanse you should know all about healing crises. If you have not, I recommend you read this article and also check out a past post on How to Conduct a Stress-Free Fast to give you tips on minimizing intense reactions during cleansing. Hope you enjoy it, summer is here and it’s a great season to eat light and cleanse. Happy detoxing! -XoXo Raw Girl
Detoxification is a sacred practice which has been used by many people all over the world since the dawn of time. From a 10 day juice fast to 10 day water fast with cayenne pepper, lemon, and maple syrup (master cleanse) , to a 100% raw foods diet, cleansing is dynamic and diverse in its methods. Taking the time and exercising the discipline needed to cleanse can be a wildly rewarding experience for anyone willing to take on the challenge and can sometimes offer major spiritual transformation and discovery.
This article is not geared towards convincing you to embark on a fast or adopt a particular eating habit. This is intended as a tool for those who have taken up the challenge of cleansing and may have had trouble seeing it through. Or you may just be ready to take it to the next level. In all modes of detoxification, the cleanser will experience what is called a healing crisis. A healing crisis can be described as a variety of symptoms from migraines, irritable moods, intense cravings, strong emotional outbursts, reliving unpleasant memories, skin breakouts, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc. For many, this part of cleansing is a roadblock, because they may not be emotionally ready to deal with the many feelings that arise during this part of the cleansing process. This however, is a very important part of the process of purification and a great opportunity to bravely face many of the challenges that are buried deep within.
What is taking place physiologically, is the body, efficient organism that it is, is taking full advantage of its fasting state and quickly dumping toxins that have been tucked away in the cells into the blood stream for excretion. These toxins have been in places that the body did not have the time to cleanse or excrete previously because of preoccupation digesting heavily cooked or other food. It is important that anyone that embarks on any extended fast or cleanse is made aware of the challenges that will arise because it will better equip them to be ready to deal with them instead of being surprised and more likely to retreat to old ways of living, thinking, and eating. The other side of the coin is, once the healing crisis is over its usually met with an increased sense of well-being, relief, and energy levels.
Some ways to manage the healing crisis when it is upon you, is to have positive affirmations on hand which speak to and magnify the experience you wish to have. For example : “I am strong enough, abundant enough, wise enough, to journey into the unknown.” Repeating this to yourself until you start to feel it can change your whole mind set. A nice sea salt bath with aromatherapy oils, an emergency home enema, colon hydrotherapy, massaging yourself, getting a professional massage, doing light yoga, or just simply sitting with your feelings and breathing through them are all great methods for coping with the healing crisis. Once you are in the throes of a crisis, whatever you do to aid the rate of your detoxification will help reduce the symptoms sooner. If you get a sudden craving for something you know you should not be eating, flooding the system with lots of water or freshly prepared juice can often offset the craving. Each person will have a unique way in which they deal with a healing crisis, its best to experiment and find out what works best for you. Sometimes it may be as simple as allowing yourself to cry and release old pent-up feelings that you never before were brave enough to allow through. Seeing the detoxification process through is a sacred process with the power to heal and change your life!
We must remember that cleansing is a holistic practice which involves not only body, but mind AND spirit. As we are in the summer season, now is the best time to consider undergoing some sort of cleanse that is custom to your needs. This could be increasing your raw food consumption, and definitely increase your physical exercise. We must remember that we are the creators of our own life, and that every step we take to invest in our holistic wellness is a win-win situation for ourselves and for our world. Ultimately, remembering to be gentle and loving towards ourselves as we undergo our “internal housecleaning” is essential for our success. I can say that it has worked for me on many occasion during healing crises, however its an ongoing process and just as our health improves so must our creativity in maintaining it as well. EMBRACE YOUR PROCESS! ~Nicola, Signing in for Raw Girl
Juice!:Cucumber Lime Cocktail
Had fun last weekend using ingredients left in the kitchen and mint from the garden to create this very refreshing summer juice. -XoXo Raw Girl
Ingredients: 2 limes, 2 large cucumbers, 1 carrot, 3 baby apples or 1 1/2 -2 regular sized apples, a couple mint leaves.
Juice everything but the mint. Strain juice into blender and blend juice with mint leaves. Serve & Enjoy!