Tag Archives: Living la Vida Raw

Raw Girl’s Garden Tour

The other day I embarked on a tour of the garden! Check out the video below to see all the veggies. Hope you all have a safe and fun-filled holiday weekend!  -XoXo Raw Girl


How to Make a Watermelon Mojito

Watermelon Mojito

Today is Day 3; the last day of this watermelon fast is finally here! Last night I got creative and concocted a watermelon mojito. This morning I continued to be inspired and whipped up an equally refreshing blend of watermelon, lemon juice, with a hint of cilantro. I feel like this fast is turning me into a watermelon bartender! Feeling good today, glad to be coming down of the fast tomorrow because I have an acting gig and need to keep my energy up on set. As promised here’s the recipe for the mojito. I’m going to try the watermelon soup from my last post tomorrow and see if it’s any good, will report back. Beginning tomorrow, my infatuation with all things watermelon is going to end for a little while. – XoXo Raw Girl

Watermelon Mojito

4-5 cups chopped watermelon

1/2 lime juiced (use the whole thing if you want it tangier)

2 – 3 sprigs of fresh mint

1 teaspoon grated ginger

Blend & enjoy!


How Many Ways Can You Eat a Watermelon?

Watermelon Soup

It’s Day 2 of the Watermelon Fast. W-Day number one has come and gone, and I have nothing on my mind but watermelon so I figured I might as well blog about it.  If you are on the Watermelon fast journey now or if you plan to attempt it later, you may ask yourself: how many ways can you eat a watermelon? I decided to research some recipe combinations that may add just a little bit of variety to the watermelon fast. Two have cucumber or cucumber juice incorporated, so that may be cheating. Might save the watermelon soup for Thursday when I am coming down off the fast. I plan to spice it up tonight and make a smoothie with watermelon, lime, and mint! Bring on Day 3, I’m ready. Are you with me? -XoXo Raw Girl

Watermelon Slushy

  • Watermelon Slushy -watermelon, ice cubes, lime juice. Blend!
  • Watermelon Soup – 3 cups watermelon, 1/2 lime juiced, 1/4 cup cilantro, 1 small cucumber diced. Blend!
  • Watermelon Smoothie – watermelon, fresh mint, lemon juice, ginger. Blend!
  • Watermelon Juice – watermelon, cucumber, lime. Juice!

The Ultimate Beauty Salad

Last week I had a great time hanging out with a good friend, and she was game to try one of my salads. I warned her it would be one of the best salads she’d ever had. We got together a bunch of stellar ingredients, and while making it I realized that the salad was packed full of veggies that offer the amazing beauty minerals that I have been writing about recently. Below is a list of the ingredients in the salad and the nutrients they offer to optimize your beauty. Besides being good for you this salad was lip-smacking good! Have fun experimenting and make your own version using some of the foods rich in beauty minerals listed in previous posts. – XoXo Raw Girl

The Ultimate Beauty Salad

To prepare, wash all veggies thoroughly. Wash mixed greens and arugula and toss together in a large salad bowl. Chop up green and yellow squash, red bell peppers, and olives.  Add toppings to greens, pour on olive oil, add in sea salt and curry, and squeeze the wedge of lemon. Massage the veggies with your hands for a few minutes. Add in a couple teaspoons of nutritional yeast and toss together. Use a veggie grater to finely grate beets on top, sprinkle in some pumpkin seeds, and add in fennel leaves for decoration. Enjoy!


  • Mixed Greens – Vitamin A
  • Arugula – Sulfur
  • Red Bell Peppers – Silicon
  • Avocado – Sulfur
  • Fennel – Vitamin A, C, sulfur
  • Pumpkin Seeds – Sulfur
  • Beets – Vitamin A, Calcium, Phosphorous
  • Green & Yellow Zucchini – Vitamin A
  • Olives (black and green) – Sulfur
  • Wedge of Lemon (squeeze juice)
  • Olive Oil (extra virgin, 2-3 capfuls) – antioxidants
  • Yellow Curry (1 teaspoon) – antioxidants
  • Celtic Sea Salt ( a couple pinches)
  • Nutritional Yeast (3-4 teaspoons) B-complex Vitamins, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous etc.
The copyright of this recipe is owned by Esosa Edosomwan AKA  Raw Girl AKA Chef Eazy E. Permission to republish this recipe in  any format must be granted by the author in writing.

For more on beauty minerals, check out these past posts:

Minerals 4 Beauty: SILICON

What beauty mineral can prevent bone deformities, brittle nails, thinning of hair, and help maintain glowing skin? Silicon is one of most powerful and interesting minerals because it has transformative properties. If you are looking to perfect your personal physical appearance, many believe that consuming silicon-rich foods can help you do just that.

Silicon is present and working all over our bodies in  blood vessels, muscles, nails, skin, etc. The highest concentrations of silicon are found in our hair and nails.  It is also present in parts of the body where there is active growth. Silicon rich diets help to increase bone density, and prevent cavities and bleeding gums.  If your diet is in need of a silicon boost or if you have a silicon deficiency you may experience brittle  nails and hair, dental cavities, weak tendons and ligaments, and lackluster skin quality to name a few. If you are a vegan or at least a “whole foodist” the good news is that diets high in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are most likely to ensure an adequate supply of silicon to keep your body healthy. Many people on diets consisting of refined and processed foods are silicon deficient and don’t even know it! I’ll be back on Monday and will share my recipe for The Ultimate Beauty Salad, which is full of veggies that supply beauty minerals. -XoXo Raw Girl

Here’s a partial list from David Wolfe’s book “Eating for Beauty,” of silicon-rich foods with a few extras added for good measure:

  • Horsetail
  • Hemp Leaves
  • Nettles
  • Mature blades of grass (in superfood powders)
  • Alfalfa
  • Radish
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Burdock Root
  • Cucumbers (in skin)
  • Bell Peppers (in skin)
  • Tomatoes (in skin)
  • Oats (steel cut oatmeal is best)
  • Raw Cabbage
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Cherries

Watermelon Does a Body Good : 3 Day Summer Fast

Summer is officially here, and if you’re in the DMV, the recent heat advisories have been no joke. Hopefully you’re taking precautions when necessary by hibernating indoors, and staying hydrated. Another great way to beat the heat is have in your arsenal some beverages and foods that can help cool you down. Watermelon will do just that.

Most of us know that watermelon is mostly water, about 92% to be exact, but may not know that 8% of watermelon is lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the heart, prostate, and boosts overall skin health. Watermelon also provides our bodies with almost 25% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin C, and packs in a great serving of Vitamin A.

Not only can watermelon quench your thirst, consuming it can help to stop the inflammation that contributes to diabetes, colon cancer, arthritis, and asthma. Beyond all that, my most shocking discovery was that watermelon may have viagra like effects? Yep. According to Dr. Brahma Patil director of Texas A&M Fruits and Vegetable Improvement Center, consuming watermelon helps to relax the blood vessels and therefore increase blood flow which is necessary for peak sexual performance. Interesting…I’ll take that as more evidence that fruits and veggies most definitely do a body good.

Of course you can eat watermelon the simplest way and chop it up into pieces, but my favorite new thing to do is juice it. You can also blend it and get the same effect. Thanks to a suggestion from John Jai via our Facebook page I am embarking on a 3 Day Watermelon Fast! Starting Monday June 27  and winding down June 30th. Excited to try it, check back for a followup post to see how it went.

Watermelon fasts are great for cleansing the blood, supporting the kidneys, cleaning colon, healing cysts, canker sores, tissue inflammation, and reducing hypertension. You can get a little creative by juicing watermelon or blending with lemon, lime, ginger, and/or other herbs to make a watermelon smoothie. Fasting on watermelon alone is not recommended for people with hypoglycemia or diabetes. Interested in joining the Watermelon Fast? You have the weekend to get those watermelons together and get on the program! Email rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com or hit me up on Facebook, lets cleanse together! -XoXo Raw Girl

Eat Something Sexy: 10 Raw Food Aphrodisiacs

Photo credit: 10000besides.com

Who says you can’t be a sexy raw foodie?  When people think of raw food or raw foodists for that matter, they most often do not think of either as sexy. However many raw foodies are proving just the opposite; if we are what we eat and our diet helps us to remain vibrant, youthful, and energetic, we most certainly can bring sexy back. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are a great deal of raw vegan foods that can help anyone do just that  because they happen to be natural aphrodisiacs.

For ages many cultures have deemed certain foods because of their aroma, appearance, or powers of stimulation, the magical and mysterious label of aphrodisiac. These luscious foods are not only packed with nutrition, they can be used to seduce a potential lover, enhance lovemaking,  increase sexual desire, and in some cases were used to cure impotence and infertility. Below is a list of sexy raw foods, that can add a little passion, flavor, and spice back in your love life.

  1. Arugula One of the oldest known aphrodisiacs, arugula, also known as “rocket seed”  has been used in this capacity since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Romans. This spicy and earthy flavored lettuce is rich in Vitamin A, C, and iron, and apparently clears the mind while simultaneously  increasing power and energy.  Try tossing this into a mixed green salad on a dinner date;  you may skip the dessert.
  2. Avocado This creamy textured fruit has a feminine shape  but it’s actually more associated with male sexuality. The avocado tree, which grows with the fruit hanging in pairs was referred to as “Ahuacuatl” or testicle tree by the ancient Aztecs. Avocados are so sexy in fact, they were banned by Spanish priests in the middle ages. Beyond their titillating properties, avocados can boost immune function, are known to help anti-aging, and are a great source of B6 and potassium.
  3. Almonds Men take note: apparently the smell of almonds turns women on. For ages, almonds have been considered fertility symbols; they also contain high doses of vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber.
  4. Asparagus Considered an aphrodisiac primarily because of its shape, asparagus was often fed as a prenuptial meal to brides in many cultures. On the nutrition front, asparagus gives your body a nice dose of Vitamin E, which  stimulates sex hormones and boosts sexual powers.
  5. Banana This raw food is packed with nutrition providing the body with potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, and also the bromelain enzyme said to enhance male libido. Also deemed an aphrodisiac because of its phallic shape, Hindus regard it as a symbol of fertility, and Central Americans drank the sap of the red banana to promote sexual desire.
  6. CacaoIn my opinion, you have not tasted the true power of this aphrodisiac until you have experienced raw chocolate. This superfood, also known as the “food of the gods”  is one of the most well known aphrodisiacs because of its uncanny ability to stimulate the body and help the brain produce serotonin, which makes us feel in a nutshell, pretty darn good. Cacao also helps to reduce risk of cancer as it absorbs free radicals from the body, can strengthen your cardiovascular system, stimulate your immune system, and reduce chronic fatigue.  Add on top of that the fact that it can be truly orgasmic to the taste, and you’ve got yourself a serious aphrodisiac.
  7. FigsThis fruit, which is one of the oldest recorded fruits on the planet, is said to emulate female sexual organs when cut open. In ancient times, the Greeks associated figs with fertility and the beautiful Cleopatra ranked figs among her favorite fruits to consume. Some sources say that figs not only give you great nutrition for sexual health, as they are loaded with manganese, magnesium, vitamin E, and zinc, but also they may have the power to increase sexual stamina.
  8. Ginger Root This root with a spicy kick has been classified an aphrodisiac due to its scent and ability to stimulate the bodies circulatory system which increases sexual desire and also sensitivity in the erogenous zones.
  9. Goji Berries These “happy berries” as they were called in ancient China, have been considered a food source that boosts male fertility for centuries in Asia. In Chinese medicine goji berries are used to strengthen the adrenal system which controls most of the working of the sex hormones. Other modern studies in Beijing have shown that goji berries may contain polysaccharides which help to protect sperm cells. These berries, nowadays known as a “superfood” pack an incredible amount of nutrition including: Vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, C, and E, antioxidants, fiber, and one of the highest levels of beta-carotene of any fruit. Besides helping you get your groove on, these berries will benefit your cardiovascular health and give your body a nice dose of nutrients!
  10. Peruvian Maca This root which can be consumed in the powder form is another “superfood” that makes you want to “turn out the lights.” Nutrition wise, it packs a real punch with Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, essential fatty acids, minerals, enzymes, sterols, and phytochemicals. Incan warriors consumed maca before battle to increase their stamina and strength, but were prohibited from having maca when invading a city, in order to protect the women from the raging sexual libido. Consuming maca can give a general sense of well-being, decrease stress, increase sex drive, and increase adrenaline. Sounds like a thoughtful Valentines Day gift for a significant other that will leave you reaping some benefits as well.

Photo credit: lizi-liza.blog.cz

There are a host of other aphrodisiacs that didn’t make my top ten list including: vanilla, basil, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, chili peppers. Remember, one of the key components to producing amorous feelings within ourselves is possessing optimum health and cultivating balance. At the end of the day our health has a direct effect on our sex drive and reproductive systems. So if you’re desperately searching for a way to bring sexy back, try starting with giving your body optimal nutrition and taking care of you, the best way you can. -XoXo Raw Girl

10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil 4 Beauty

In sanskrit the coconut palm is known as “kappa vrishka” which means the tree that supplies all that is needed to live.

So here’s a list of ten fabulous ways to use Coconut Oil. Like I mentioned in the previous post, don’t forget that you can eat it! The recommended daily intake is around four tablespoons. You can eat it straight, blend it into smoothies, or even salad dressings and desserts. This list  below should give you some ideas of how to use the jar of coconut oil in your bathroom. Got more ideas of how to use coconut oil for beauty? Post them on our Facebook page! -XoXo Raw Girl

10 Uses 4 the Miracle that is COCONUT OIL:

1. Face Cream

It has been established that lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid that is abundant in coconut oil, improves acne, making it a good option for some with oily and combination skin.

2. Make-up Remover

Coconut oil is an effective makeup remover and a great natural moisturizer!

3. Face Mask

Add a bit of honey (a natural antibacterial) to coconut oil and apply to your face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse.

4. Lip Balm

Apply directly to chapped lips. You also can transfer a small amount to a container for lip moisture on the go, but be careful now that its officially summer! Heat liquefies the oil, and you don’t want your fabulous tote dripping as you go.

5. Body Moisturizer

Keep your skin soft and supple and apply coconut oil after a bath or shower to lock in moisture.

6. Bath Soak

Pour a little coconut oil into your bath with other oils and bath salts and enjoy a relaxing soak.

7. Body Scrub

Add a tablespoon of brown sugar or raw sugar to three tablespoons of coconut oil for a delicious body scrub.

8. Foot Treatment

If you have calluses or rough heels, exfoliate with a pumice stone right before bed. Slather coconut oil on your feet and put on a pair of socks to lock in moisture overnight.

9. Cuticle Cream

Apply to cuticles, then push them back with an orange stick.

10. Deep Conditioner

Massage warmed coconut oil to your scalp and hair. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse.

The Trials & Tribulations of Staying Vegan in France

In front of Carlton Hotel in Cannes.

Bonjour! Raw Girl finally has her raw vegan swag back. I am on Day 3 of green juicing and I am starting to feel normal again. Cannes was an amazing experience, the beach, the films, the people, the shopping! The only drawback for me was the food. I was worried before leaving because my last run in with French food while visiting Paris, was difficult, and I was perpetually hungry and to add insult to injury, didn’t speak a word of French.

This time, thanks to my handy dandy Rosetta Stone, I knew the basics, and in addition to getting the Bonjour, Bonsoir, and Enchante’s down, I also mastered the phrase, “Je suis vegetalien.” I am vegetarian. I don’t even know if the French have a word for vegan! Once I would say my catch phrase, I would then have to explain to the waitress or waiter that for me that also meant no dairy or meat. Each and every time, I would get this horrified (but totally sympathetic) look from the waiter who then would work with me to try to dream up a somewhat edible vegan concoction on or off their current menu. It was a task. It seemed I was perpetually hungry for the entire trip. Thank God the French love quinoa and mache (my new lettuce love), because I was able to find these at some restaurants.

Before the festival was in full swing, I went to a grocery store and got some rations for salads, but once the networking mayhem began there was no time to be in my kichenette whipping up vegan friendly food. So what did I do? Improvise. I ended being mostly vegan, instead of mostly RAW during the trip. It was not a picnic since I do not like the heavier feeling of cooked foods, but it really was the only way to survive in such a fast paced festival environment. Apparently no meal is complete in France without bread, cheese, or meat. Seriously, almost every salad had all three, and there were never any vegetarian options UNTIL…I stumbled upon Cafe Florian.

Was heading for a meeting about my film project, and me and the colleague I was with couldn’t find anything veggie friendly at the place she chose (not even a salad). So we wandered down one of the lovely winding streets of Cannes and found Cafe Florian, which I sensed may be veg friendly from the bright green decor. When we sat down and I glanced at the menu, I almost cried. FRESH VEGGIE JUICE! Quinoa! Salads without meat and cheese! I was in heaven. Cafe Florian became my hot spot whenever I was close by, and then later I also discovered an awesome Indian place, which I knew would have veggie options, and the food was amazing. Besides that I became addicted to this incredible coconut sorbet that was vegan and had shreds of real coconut in it. YUM. At the end of the trip I ended up meeting this French entertainment lawyer who I discovered later was vegan. I wished I had a chance to chat with him in-depth about staying vegan in France, because from the cuisine it would seem right to assume that French vegans do not exist. Will be looking him up next time I’m there. Was a glorious trip, and I am thankful to say I survived and now that I am back to one. The first thing I did after sleeping for almost two days straight was buy some coconuts. Never been so happy to see a Whole Foods in my life! -XoXo Raw Girl


Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Seeds!

A couple of months ago, I finally added chia seeds to my array of supplements.  My vegan friend always makes these awesome chia seed smoothies for me during my stay in Brooklyn, and I was dying  to buy them so I could replicate. When I hit up the VegFest in NYC I had to do a happy dance when I was able to get a large bag from Nutiva for five bucks! Awesome deal! I started to delve further into the nutritional value of chia seeds, and discovered that they were a great addition to my post workout smoothies because of the easily absorbable protein they provide.

Chia seeds are native to Southern Mexico and Guatemala, and are from a species of flowering plant that is in the mint family. In pre-Columbia times, chia was a staple in Aztec and Mayan diets and even used as a survival ration. The seeds are rich in omega-3’s even more so than flaxseed, and they offer a great dose of nutrients including: calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium etc. In addition as I mentioned already, they are a good source of protein, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, 1 oz of chia seeds provide 9% of the Daily Recommended Value for protein and 42% dietary fiber. The protein from chia seeds are easily digested and absorbed very quickly by the body which helps with muscle regenration and makes it ideal for body builders, athletes, and vegan workout junkies like myself . Chia seeds also have three to ten times the oil content of most grains, and provide  the body with good fats.

Beyond just the fabulous nutritional properties, chia seeds can be used as remedies for wounds.  In Mexico and South America these super seeds have been used to treat wounds, including those from a gun shot! Eating chia seeds regularly can assist in lower blood pressure and glucose levels and their energizing quality can also give you an energy boost that will have you zipping productively through the day. Also because of their filling properties and nice dose of fiber, chia seeds can be an aid to those looking to slim down. Sound good? Well if so, the great news is you can receive the nutrition from the seeds without grinding them. To add to a smoothie let set in water or in the liquid used for the smoothie for a minimum of 5 minutes, and it will blend easily. Or you can let the seeds sit in pure water for 30 minutes, and it will form a gel that can then be scooped out and added to smoothies, puddings, etc. So, if you’re looking for another great supplement to add to post-workout smoothies, or just another veggie protein source, look no further than ch-ch-ch-chia seeds! -XoXo Raw Girl

Today’s  Mid-day  Post-Workout Smoothie (this is very yummy, and provides me with a nice dose of protein from the hemp,chia, spinach, and superfood blend): 1 Thai coconut (water and meat), 2 bananas, 1 cup blueberries, small handful spinach, Tablespoon of chia seeds (soaked for 5 minutes in blender with coconut water) , Hemp Protein powder, My  Favorite Cacao Superfood Powder (awesome has everything in from spirulina to maca to probiotics and tastes, for real like chocolate)