Tag Archives: Living la Vida Raw

Raw & Vegan Foods That Can Help Weather The Storm

I hope everyone on the East Coast is staying safe and warm. For those of you lovely followers reading from all over the world that do not know, Hurricane Sandy is headed our way, and she sounds like she means business. If you are on the East Coast I hope you have prepared! Power outages are bound to happen, and we hope and pray that the damages to homes, and the death toll is low. Things you should do to prepare include: getting a full tank of gas, removing outdoor furniture that can be easily tossed by the wind, and have on hand supplies like flashlights, candles, and a list of emergency numbers. Last but not least, you got to have food on hand in case there are days without power. Whenever a disaster like this hits, the first thing people say is stock up on canned food. For those of us who left the processed food world years ago, this just ain’t happening. Make sure if the power goes out you minimize going in and out of your fridge to keep it cool. If you have a back up cooler with ice for some food, that can help. Worst part about the power going out is letting a fridge full of greens go to waste! The good news is, there are some veg friendly foods you can stock up on to help you weather the storm if you run out of your fresh food. Some will perish sooner than others, but most will get you through more than a couple of days especially if dried or dehydrated:

Dried Fruit

Nuts & Seeds: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans etc.

Fruits w/ peels or skin: oranges, pears, apples, avocados, melons, bananas (if you buy them unripe, you’ll have them for a few days)

Fruit & nut bars, fig bars, raw or vegan energy bars etc.


Dehydrated snacks: kale chips, flax crackers etc.

Miso: great for making broth and soups and easy to prepare.

Beans & Seeds: you can always soak and cook beans, and if the ish really hits the fan, you can use water to sprout them and add to meals.

Quinoa: great complete protein thats quick to prepare and keeps you full.

Dried Superfood Powders: can come in handy and can be mixed in water or juice and give you a lot of nutrition.

Without a blender or a juicer things can get rough, so hopefully the above ideas give you something to snack on. If you get greens and other fresh produce they will only last for a little while when your power goes out. Wishing you and yours a safe week, and praying those of us in harm’s way weather this storm. I’m determined to blog even in hurricane season so I’ve scheduled posts for the blog in advance. Which means even if my power goes out you’ll still get some writing from Raw Girl. Yes, I know I’m gangsta! Sending you lots of veggie love and wishing you peace in the middle of the storm. -XoXo Raw Girl 

11 AM EST Today Raw Girl on the Radio!

Good morning Veggie Lovers:

Today my radio show Healthy Living in a Toxic World will premiere on WKCW 1420 AM and on Blog Talk Radio simultaneously at 11 AM EST. This morning’s show focuses on Bernando LaPallo who I wrote about in the past. Bernando was 109 years old when I first interviewed him for this pilot episode, and now he is 111 years old! You can listen in via the blog talk radio link below at 11 AM, and if you miss it, the show should be archived for a few more weeks. Would love your feedback. Please post comments on the blog or Facebook or send me direct mail rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com. Twelve more incredible episodes coming soon. Below is the show schedule so you know what to look out for, on Blog Talk Radio, the show will air every Saturday at 11 AM for the next 13 weeks. -XoXo Raw Girl



Healthy Living Logo


Longevity Series, How to Quit Smoking Naturally, Natural Solutions for ADHD, The Power of a Plant Based Diet, Colon Health: What is a Colonic, Simple Ways to Reduce Stress, The Benefits of a Vegan Diet, Internal Parasites, Effective Exercise, The Benefits of Juicing.


  • Show 101 Longevity Series. Featuring Bernando La Pallo, 109 year old raw foodist
  • Show 102 The Benefits of Juicing. Cherie Calbom – The Juice Lady
  • Show 103 How to Quit Smoking Naturally. Yuma Bellomee, Naturopath
  • Show 104 Internal Parasites. Timothy Sehoon, Parasite Specialist
  • Show 105 Effective Exercise. Mocha Lee, Celebrity& Group Fitness Trainer
  • Show 106 Natural Solutions to ADHD. Alice Maher, Holistic Practitioner
  • Show 107 Longevity Series. Featuring Mimi Kirk, PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian over 50
  • Show 108 The Power of a Plant Based Diet. Dr. T. Colin Campbell,  Researcher/Author
  • Show 109 The Power of Adequate Sleep. Dr. James Maas, International Authority on Sleep
  • Show 110 Colon Health: What is a Colonic? Scott W. Web, Colon Hydrotherapist
  • Show 111 The Benefits of a Vegan Diet. Victoria Moran, Author/ Lifestyle Coach
  • Show 112 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress. Alice Maher, Holistic Health Counselor
  • Show 113 Longevity Series. Featuring Annette Larkins, “The Ageless Woman”

Veggie Love: Mung Bean Sprouts

Very recently I posted on the benefits of sprouting. I’ve been big on it every since I had a lovely conversation which you will hear soon with Annette Larkins, who is deemed “The Ageless Woman” about the benefits of sprouts. Some of you shouted out mung bean sprouts as your all time favorite, and I was particularly intrigued by these (not to playa hate on any of the other wonderful sprouts), because of their high vitamin C content that was used in ancient times to ward off disease.

The Chinese have been hip to harnessing the benefits of mung bean sprouts for over 3,000 years. So the rest of us are a little late to starting preaching the goodness of mung. This low calorie food is high in protein and fiber, and has very little to no fat. This makes them a great addition to soups, salads, and stir fries, that adds some more bulk to the meal without adding in excess fat or calories. Mung bean sprouts have pure forms of vitamin A, B, C, and E, along with K, calcium, iron, magnesium, pottassium, phosphorous, and zinc. One cup contains 1/4 the daily recommended value for vitamin C and 15% the recommended value of folic acid which is great for pregnant women because it prevents birth defects in children.

Ninety percent of what mung bean sprouts consists of is water, so eating them will boost your hydration a bit, and the fiber in them can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and decrease your risk for heart disease. Not bad for a little Chinese bean named Mung! If you decide to give these wonderful sprouts a try you can sprout them yourself or make sure you purchase sprouts that are not stringy or discolored. As fresh as you can find is always the best. If you missed the last post on The Benefits of Sprouting check it out here: http://wp.me/pHXQG-1bZ-XoXo Raw Girl

Blog Vacay: It’s My Birthday

Dearest Readers:

Today is my birthday. I’m taking a short vacay from the blog. Be back soon. Will answer pending questions when I am back. For now, give me the best present ever and VOTE for Raw Girl in the BlackWeblog Awards.


-XoXo Raw Girl

Mineral Must-Have: Magnesium

So there’s always this talk about superfoods, meat eating vs non meat eating, and all sorts of other philosophical debate over what and how the best way is to eat. Very seldom do we actually break it down to the basics of what specific nutrients there are and how much we actually need. Not only that, even if we do know the names of the many vitamins and minerals essential to maintaining our health…what do they actually do? Well, insufficient amounts of just one mineral, magnesium, can result in anxiety, asthma, anorexia, birth defects, hardened arteries, mental disorders, hyperactivity, hypertension, hypothermia, insomnia, menstrual pain, muscle weakness, tremors, seizures, AND it’s been linked in studies to be associated with increased risk of cancer development. I think its important for you and me and everyone we know to know more about magnesium, where it’s found, and how much we need.

Magnesium is involved in activating hundreds of biochemical actions in the body. Some of these very important functions include food metabolism, adjusting cholesterol levels in the body, reactions that make ATP (energy the body uses), and many more. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Magnesium is also intrinsically involved in nerve and muscle function. When it is ingested, magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine. Magnesium is attributed with boosting the immune system, keeping heart rhythm steady which makes it in important mineral in maintaining cardiovascular health. The thing about magnesium, is that it is depleted through the kidneys. Meaning, when you urinate, you lose magnesium. This makes it extra important to consume magnesium rich foods frequently. The use of diuretics can speed the depletion of magnesium as well.

From my own personal experience, after discovering just how critical and life changing this mineral is, decided to purchase a magnesium supplement which also had calcium and potassium in it. At the time I was suffering from extreme mood swings, excessive food binges, and just an overall feeling of fatigue. As soon as I starting taking the supplement, I kid you not, the next day my appetite was under control. I then realized that my body urging me to consume consume consume was actually it nutritionally calling out for more of some combination of calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It blew my mind. Remember that it is important to not get so focused on one nutrient whether it be magnesium or protein. Instead we should be focusing on getting a wide range of foods in our diet to ensure we have optimal health. Learning about vitamins and minerals is just one additional tool that can allow us to see earning signs where we may be imbalanced.  -XoXo Nicola, Signing in for Raw Girl

Food Sources of Magnesium

Mustard greens, blackstrap molasses, turnip greens, sea vegetables, green beans and collard greens, spelt, cucumber, bell peppers, celery, kale, cantaloupe, cacao,  brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and a variety of seeds, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and flaxseeds.


Caffeine Cravings: Get Your Coffee Fix Naturally

Caffeine is without a doubt one of the most used and abused drugs on our planet. Obviously this issue may seem unimportant, because caffeine is so widely accepted in our fast paced society. More than one person has asked me about ways to naturally avoid a caffeine habit; shout out to my lovely colleagues Emma and Ja’Tovia, for reminding me to address this very important issue. FYI, caffeine is a DRUG, and a member of the class of methylxanthine chemicals. Unlike alcohol, which depresses the nervous system, caffeine stimulates it and increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, kidney function, amount of stomach acid, gastrointenstinal function (can act as a laxative), and brain activity. Overconsumption or even just regular ongoing consumption of caffeine can lead to heart problems, anxiety, inflammation in the stomach and intestines, irritability, and insomnia. Caffeine also depletes minerals in your body and blocks proper absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and iron which can later lead to osteoporosis, anemia etc. Beyond that if you over consume caffeine it can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, adrenal exhaustion and more.

Ok, so I’m sure after that long list of side effects you may be thinking about breaking up with your longterm fling, mr. coffee. I know he made you feel great, but the relationship obviously comes with some annoying and possibly life threatening side effects. So, why don’t I give you some tips on some other tall dark and handsome drinks you can date to find a suitable alternative. I promise you’ll find the one you are looking for somewhere in these recommendations, and you’ll be ready to make that breakup official.

If you are a die hard coffee drinker, it may be good to try herbal coffee drinks that give you the taste without the caffeine and supplement with things like spirulina to give yourself a natural energy boost. At the end of the day, none of us can neglect one of the most important functions to boost and regenerate our bodies, sleep. If you are sleep deprived and coasting on coffee to keep you going, it is going to have effects on your concentration, mood, and ability to loose weight. I run only on natural energy, and although nowadays people think I’m strange, it’s the best way to go because I can actually feel when I am tired and in need of serious rest. Rather than joining the slew of walking zombies drugged up on caffeine to “feel awake” I highly suggest you experience what it truly means to be energized by cutting out caffeine and (Gasp!) getting enough rest. Yeah, I said it. -XoXo Raw Girl

Spirulina is usually the first thing I recommend as a way to boost energy and replace caffeine. Just last week in the grocery store, for whatever reason an older woman asked me where the coffee beans were. I let her know that I don’t drink coffee, because I do not need to, and after a short conversation with me, she gave up on the coffee beans and headed instead to the supplement isle to pick up some spirulina. Adding spirulina to your juice or smoothie in the morning is not only going to boost your energy, it will also boost your immune system and give you a whopping dose of nutrients to keep you functioning optimal throughout the day. This is great for mothers who are always on-the-go and you can feed it to your kids too, and they will be less susceptible to catching common colds and other sicknesses at school. Remember that spirulina is potent so start with a teaspoon and work up the amount as you get used to it.

Herbal Coffee is a way to get the flavor of coffee without adding additional caffeine to your diet. These blends include herbs, nuts, etc. and so may give you a nutritional boost without spiking your energy. Of course you will have to experiment and find the brand that suits your taste buds the most. I discovered several brands online that sounded pretty good and come in a variety of flavors like Roastaroma, Pero, and Teeccino.  Teeccino herbal coffee and other brands can usually be found in most health food stores and consists of ingredients like carob, barley, chicory root, dates, figs, roman seeds, almonds, and dandelion root.

Carob / Cacao Substitutes are interesting ways to get a dark beverage with some coffee-like qualities without going straight for the coffee beans. Carob actually has a deeper richness and depth of flavor and does contain vitamins and minerals along with the taste. You can try mixing carob powder hot water, non-dairy milk (like almond) , and sweetner of choice to make your own creamy carob coffee substitute, and do the same with cacao powder or nibs if hot chocolate gives you enough of a fix. Some people even try mixing cacao and carob together or mixing cacao with other herbal coffees. Great thing about carob: it forms alkaline in the body, while coffee is acidic.

Kombucha is one of my go-to drinks when I am exhausted or just want an energy boost to get through the day. I choose to go for the green kombucha that has spirulina in it, and it energizes me every time. If you can brew Kombucha in your home, more power to you. I’m too lazy, but I have recently found a locally brewed brand I am in love with and have experienced its immediate benefits which include keeping skin clear, cleansing liver, boosting energy, suppressing appetite and more. Sometimes if I have a bottle of kombucha in the morning I am bouncing off the walls and not even hungry until mid afternoon. It amazes me every time.

Yerba Mate is another drink I go to if I am in a bind. I am VERY sensitive to caffeine, so I only drink this is I am really really sleep deprived and have to keep going. It is a tea that comes from South America and contains about half the caffeine of coffee. Keep in mind it still contains caffeine, just less, so if you are weaning yourself off of it completely, try not to get hooked on yerba perpetually.

Rooibos African Teas are my favorite black teas that have a deep dark flavor that is almost coffee-like, and also happen to be caffeine-free. They are sold everywhere from Starbucks to grocery stores, and you can experiment to find a brand you like.

Green Juice & Smoothies are my go-to energy boosters in the morning I am a big advocate of vegetable juice as the best natural high ever. If your up for something new try starting your day with fresh vegetable juice and see how your energy begins to change. You can also do smoothies in the morning with spirulina fruit and non-dairy milks and get the same effect. Or add in some cacao powder and have an energizing chocolate shake. You  may be surprised! After about a week you will probably feel good enough that your break-up with coffee will be official and you may not even have a desire to hook up with coffee ever again. Coffee-who?

The Amazing Benefits of Sprouting

So for one of the radio show episodes I got the opportunity to interview Annette Larkins, one of my anti-aging SHE-ROES previously featured on this blog. If you haven’t check out the post on Annette please do, she is a clear, living example of the power of raw foods. While gleaning every nugget of information and longevity secrets from her that I could, I asked her about superfoods. She’s not a fan of superfoods, (You guys know I totally am!), and she said that if I began eating more sprouts, I may feel I need less of those superfood supplements. Well, I’m always one to take the advice that works for me and run with it. I’m keeping my superfoods, but the past week I also started sprouting again in these sprout trays and yielded a couple baggies full of sprouts that I’ve been adding into salads. After doing some research on the benefits of sprouting, I see why Annette considers sprouts a superfood.

Sprouting is literally the process of taking a dormant seed to a live plant. During this germination process, any nutrients in the seed that hinder nutritional advantages of the food are removed. An example of this is something called phytic acid, which binds calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc and makes it harder for the body to absorb and irritates your digestive system! Sprouting gets rid of this and other nutrient blockers. It also boosts the digestibility of food. If nuts or legumes cause you gas, soaking or sprouting will alleviate that and make them both able to be consumed gas-free. This is due to the fact that when you sprout beans you break down the complex sugars that would cause the gas in the first place. Beyond being easier for the body to assimilate sprouts are superfoods because during the sprouting process their nutritional value skyrockets. More so than even full-grown plants, sprouts have the greatest concentration of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, and chemo-protectants with fight toxins, stop cells from mutating, and boost immunity.

In addition to all of these jazzy reasons why sprouts are the bomb dot-com, in the 1920’s American Professor Edmond Szekely classified sprouted seeds and baby greens as the most beneficial foods, like on the planet, and recommended that 25% of daily food intake consisted of them. He called them: “life generating ‘bio-genic’ foods that offer the strongest support for cell regeneration.” Indeed sprouts can be a good source of omega-3’s, when grown to later stages when leaves are visible they have been proven to be effective in treating protein deficiency anemia,  and their supply vitamin B complex and vitamin C can be increased by the process of sprouting from 100% to 2000%. Apparently the Chinese used to carry around mung beans, because of just this, and sprout them on long journey’s because the high vitamin C content in a highly absorbable form was enough to prevent scurvy. Sprouting also increases the amounts of carotene, and even just a good handful of sprouts has enough protein to ensure veggie lovers get their required protein intake without the fat, cholesterol, and calories that come with meat protein. Other nutrients available in sprouts include vitamins A,D, E, and K, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, ad zinc. If you have never tried sprouting, it is much easier than you think and you can incorporate sprouts into salads, meals, and green smoothies.  You can use a mason jar, with a fancy sprouting lid if you have one, or (ghetto-fab version) use an onion bag or some sort of cheesecloth type of bag and cover top of jar by rubber banding in place. I have sprouting trays, which have various levels and allow the sprouts to be in the dark and holes to drain out water after rinsing. Among all of the options online, I couldn’t decide on a decent sprouting video, so google how to sprout, find one that you like, and get your sprout on! -XoXo Raw Girl

Juice! Lemon Asparagus Flusher & Benefits of the Aphrodisiac Asparagus

Got a little creative with the juice this morning. Had some asparagus and thought I’d throw it in my juice, and discovered afterwards that asparagus is great for detoxifying the body. Decided to make the juice with no apple, but it still had a refreshing mild taste and the lemon makes it more palatable.

Strangely enough this veggie is a member of the lily family. Due to its suggestive shape, it’s considered an aphrodisiac which can get you, um, a little excited to say the least as it increases libido. For all the grown folks check out my past post on raw aphrodisiacs if your naughty and want to eat something sexy. Besides its potential ability to leave you a little aroused, asparagus contain vitamin C, vitamin A (betacarotene), iron, potassium, manganese, selenium, fiber, protein, antioxidants, and is a particularly potent source of vitamin K which is necessary for the synthesis of a protein that strengthens your bone composition.

What makes asparagus great for detox is the fact that it is a natural diuretic, which means it promotes the formation of urine in the kidneys and helps to flush the body out. I combined this juice with cucumber and celery and lemon, which are all great additions that make this juice a great addition to a detox plan, or just on a regular day when your feeling up to it.  Asparagus also has a high amount of folate which is essential for pre-conception and early stages of pregnancy and can help to prevent birth defects, and contains inulin a compound that aids digestion and provides food for good bacteria in the body. Below is a nice summary of some additional benefits and the recipe for the juice. If you’re detoxing, need a boost to dull or acne prone skin, or juice want to try something new, I recommend juicing some asparagus. You can also of course eat asparagus steamed or raw. Whatever way you choose, I’m sure you’ll bring your sexy back, the veg way.  -XoXo Raw Girl 

Additional Benefits of Asparagus: 

  • Improves mood, fights depression
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Stimulates milk production in nursing mothers
  • Cleanses the body & aids in detoxification
  • Prevents kidney stones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates hair growth (good superfood for hair loss)
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Reduces risk of heart disease
  • Energizes and helps with chronic fatigue

Lemon Asparagus Flusher

1 Lemon

7-9 stalks of Asparagus

1 whole head of celery

1 Long English Cucumber or 1 Regular Cucumbers

Juice all ingredients, strain, serve, enjoy! 🙂

How to Break a Fast! Increasing Mindfulness & Maximizing Your Benefits

Dearest Readers:

If you have not check out past posts on Fasting please do. My personal go-to for the first day of breaking a fast is to eat simple liquid foods, like fresh fruit juices: watermelon juice, fresh pineapple juice, fresh squeezed orange juice, or vegetable broths (miso is usually my broth of choice because it is a light fermented food that promotes good bacteria). Depending on how long the fast–for instance if the fast was longer than 3 Days— I will stay on liquid/blended meals for two days and then begin to introduce solid fruits. When you introduce solids be sure to savor your food and chew thoroughly so it’s easier for your body to break it down. Savoring your food is a part of “mindfulness,” and includes taking a moment to enjoy the taste and flavors, and having a deep gratitude to the Source for providing your meal.  Breaking your fast is crucial to retaining the benefits you worked hard for, and keeping your body in balance. Go slow, listen to your body, and plan ahead. -XoXo Raw Girl

So a friend of mine calls me the other day and says to me “Nicola I just love what you guys are doing with Raw Girl and you have inspired me so much that I’ve embarked on my own liquid fast.” I was ecstatic. There is nothing better than hearing that something that you are a part of has inspired another to take control of their health. When I asked her how long she had been fasting, she told me that she was on day eight! I felt so uplifted to hear the news, because I have been on extended fasts myself in the past and after day three it really becomes easy sailing from there. Not only that, there are tons of mental, physical, and spiritual breakthroughs which can occur during extended periods of fasting. She was amazed at her progress, just was a little unsure of how to incorporate solids back into her life. At this stage in the game, the biggest and probably most CRUCIAL step in maintaining the benefits of a fast is how to go about incorporating solid foods again.

Fasting of all sorts is an amazing way to take control of your health but also presents a great opportunity to improve your relationship to food. My own personal journey with fasting was born out of a need to address a serious binge eating problem that I would occasionally have due to what I thought was simply a psychological deficiency (but later found out it may have had more to do with a nutritional deficiency). Fasting was something that I just started to do because I was blown away by the benefits, but I wasn’t resourceful enough at the time to be strategic about the way that I introduced solid foods back into my life.  Which, I quickly discovered through experience is a crucial element to reap the overall benefits of the fast.

When our bodies go into a fasting state, especially for prolonged periods of time longer than three days, then the digestive system goes to sleep. All of the energy that the body was using to digest the foods that you’ve been constantly eating suddenly is now diverted into a deeper cleansing of the body. It’s sort of like that extra time you suddenly have during spring break (if you’re in school) and you get to finally get into the nooks and crannies of your living space to clean everything out that you didn’t have the time to get to before. The biggest mistake that people make when breaking fast is eating a big, hard to digest meal. To your digestive system, It’s a lot like being awakened from a deep soothing slumber with a bucket of ice being thrown at you. Not gentle, and um…not easy to digest. Again, your system has been diverted from its usual digesting duties, and its very important that it is gently reintroduced to simple easy to digest foods like simple fruits or vegetables. This is in order to give the digestive system time to start producing the enzymes again needed to get the job done which had ceased to be produced upon fasting. Failure to do this can result in the digestive lining becoming irritated and even damaged if this process is not respected.

Here are a few rules of thumb and tips for breaking a fast correctly:

  • You should spend at least 1 day breaking fast for every 3 days of fasting
  • Write out a “breaking the fast” plan and be ready to implement( Buy food before hand and have a systematic plan in place to avoid eating whatever is available/overeating)
  • Drink lots of water between meals
  • LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you are still feeling full when it comes time to eat again, don’t force yourself to eat, just drink some juice or some water and let your body do its thing.

This is very important, so I will reiterate: spend at least 1 day breaking a fast for every 3 days that you fast. After all the hard work and discipline you’ve exercised in fasting, it’s so worth the extra push to break fast correctly, and in the process renew your appreciation for the food you are consuming. Fasting has been such an amazing journey for me, which is ongoing and ever evolving. Since I began, the process has dramatically improved my relationship with my food and portion sizes. Learning how to be truly mindful with my food has played a big role in that. I encourage you to plan a customized fast which fits your needs; there are so many options for you to choose from that will increase your energy, vitality, and health! – Nicola, Signing in for Raw Girl

For more on Fasting check out these past posts:

How to Design Your Own Fast

Tips for a Stress-Free Fast

Wise Ones on the Benefits of Fasting

Main Street Vegan: Blog Giveaway Winner!

Veggie Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! Congrats to the lovely Raw Girl reader Nicole Ivers! You won the free copy of Victoria Moran’s book, Main Street Vegan. Please email me at rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com with your address so I can ship the book to you. Thank you to all who entered. More awesome giveaways of great products for subscribers coming very soon so stay tuned. Below is Nicole’s winning entry. -XoXo RawGirl

Am I a vegan?  No, not yet but I’m trying to change my life.  I started running (ok, more like jogging), went vegetarian, and then just recently completed my first triathlon (at 35).  And I love to juice! I’m in almost the best shape of my life. What’s left? Going vegan – with the help of Main Street Vegan! Please pick me! ~ Nicole Ivers