Tag Archives: Natural Beauty

Anti-Aging SHE-RO # 7

Up until now, I have not had the pleasure of interviewing any of my Anti-Aging She-roes, simply because I don’t know them or have direct access to them. I am excited this week to highlight model Pat Evans, who’s fierce look caused quite a stir in the world of fashion, and who is still gorgeous, as she has aged gracefully.

During my time in undergraduate studies, I was a fashion design major, and made it my mission to also study the history of people of color in fashion. In fact, I wrote a thesis on just that, focusing on the time period between 1950 and 1980. The images that I came across of Pat, were inspiring to me, she had shaved her head completely bald and was incredibly stunning. Needless to say, it was a great honor and pleasure to interview her, she is a beautiful example and inspiration for all of us that we can create and uphold our own standards of beauty. -XoXo Raw Girl

What are the most important factors you believe can help with aging beautifully? Growing old is mandatory, acting your age is optional. I still play games with 4 yr old children! I’m very active and I don’t like to be what is called starched. I love laughter…it keeps me healthy and it is good for the spirit.

What is your skin care regimen like? I wash my face with facial gel and  then I rinse it thirty times with very warm water and after with cold water. I use a good moisturizer as well.

What is your exercise regimen like and do you think it plays any part in how great you look? I was a martial artist when I was in NYC, I studied Seido Karate, I was a dancer for a very long time, and now I am a lead dancer at Pow Wow. I am Nanticoke Lenape Native American.

Your look really took the modeling industry by storm in the late sixties, how did you manage to stick to your own perception of beauty despite naysayers and racial barriers? And I’m also curious to know…what in particular made you decide to shave off all your hair? Was it planned or a spontaneous decision? Racial Barriers sometimes can be people of color not accepting you. Some people have become hair worshipers and believe it holds their entire being. I’ve known women that would not go out if their hair did not look great. My thought was “What if there were no hair?” Hair is NOT your crowning glory.

How would you define natural beauty? Natural beauty is a great smile and a good heart and spirit.

What advice would you give to aspiring  models of color today? My advice to any model: KEEP YOUR MORALS.

Natural Beauty Highlight: Nia Reid

In this Natural Beauty Highlight I chose to feature model Nia Reid, a colleague  who could almost be one of my anti-aging she-roes, but she’s too young. If you knew her real age, you would understand where I’m coming from because you probably guessed she was in her early twenties, maybe younger. Sorry, think again. I thought of Nia because in the past we have had extensive conversations about health, and she does regularly incorporate raw foods and cleansing to optimize her beauty and well-being. – XoXo Raw Girl

Are you raw and/or vegan &  if so what made you transition into eating raw/vegan? No, I am not 100% raw or vegan. I try to do about 40% raw 60% cooked and if I have cooked food and nothing raw with it, I take vegan enzyme supplements that break the cooked food down and send it to the right places in my body.

What kind of regular detox or cleansing do you do if any? Every once and a while, I will either do the master cleanse for a couple of days or some form of juicing. Usually the beginning of Spring ( I take spring cleaning literally!) Or when I feel like I have been eating something not good etc… It just depends.

What are some of the most immediate benefits you experienced: mental, physical, and/or spiritual you have received from changing your lifestyle to a healthier one?

The benefits I feel from changing my lifestyle to a healthier one or rather just living a healthier lifestyle are: My skin is nice, beautiful, and supple. I heal a lot faster, my hair is healthy and grows faster. I don’t really feel weighed down by what I eat cause I make a conscious decision to eat only what’s good for my body. Even if I must have something sweet, I make sure that its real chocolate or healthier sweets (if there is such a thing!) that won’t do damage and I will eat it in moderation. Also, just in general, I feel ALIVE, like my cells are being fed by eating healthier.


Do you supplement? And if so, what supplements do you take?
I have protein/fruit shakes in the morning and I take folic acid vitamins, natural enzymes, and liquid chlorophyll.

What do you believe defines true beauty?….And how do you personally maintain a positive self-image and concept of beauty while working in the modeling industry?
Not to sound like an after school special but what I define as true beauty is how you feel within. If you truly tap into the beauty inside, it has no other escape but out. True beauty radiates outward coming from the source of something beautiful within. I choose to maintain this concept dealing in the modeling industry, where surface is everything; but it’s only possible because I know who Nia is. Meaning I am concerned with being the best Nia I can be. There is no competition, even if there are like fifty or more girls at a casting. If they want me, then they want me and I am hired for the job. It has nothing to do with the other girls there. I look at them as company to speak to while I am auditioning!

What is your skin care regimen like?
My skin care regimen consists of me using a natural astringent, then washing my face with a natural soap and heavy moisturizer. Especially at night because as we age, we tend to lose the fatty lipids in our skin that help keep our skin supple and hydrated when we are young, which gives off that natural glow look. So as we age, it’s important to pack on the moisture at night where our skin can absorb it and keep hydrated.

How important is your spiritual life & do you think that it has anything to do with your natural beauty & staying young?
I definitely feel like having a spiritual foundation adds years on your life and keeps you youthful as you age. Feeling full of love, life, God, etc… whatever or whomever you want to salute keeps you focused on the inside instead of the outside. And if you focus on spreading love and happiness to others and being spiritually grounded within, there is no way that it will not radiate outward as unbelievably beautiful. I guess that’s the feeling people get when they sometimes meet people who have that inner glow–it’s almost like an aura  follows them and other people  pick up on that vibration.

What do you do for a living and what drives you? I am currently a working model and enjoy spreading my love and knowledge of the industry. What I offer to aspiring models is an inside look at a working models life,  and tips on how to break in and make a successful career. I’m also in the process of writing my first book about my experiences as a model to help others as they build their careers, and will soon have my own blog on word press. In addition, I am conscious of the environment, preserving the planet, and choose to use natural beauty products–hair and skin care–that I make myself at home.  Last but not least, I have also started a clothing line with the mantra “Fashion made simple.” Any woman could wear my clothes and go from day to evening simply and always be fashionably chic! Look and feel good.

Vote for Raw Girl for Wet N’ Wild Cosmetics Contract!

Hey gang: Today was officially V-day! Had a great time performing in NYC in support of the V-Day movement, women in Haiti and Congo, and the Nomi Network. I’ll be back in full effect next week .

But today I need ur help…that is if you read this before 12 pm Friday! Yours truly, Raw Girl is almost a semi-finalist in a competition on Talenthouse for a cosmetics contract. Right now with only 5 more votes,  I will be in the top 100 contestants. From that pool judges will choose a winner who will receive a cosmetic contract with Wet N’ Wild cosmetics.  Above is the photo I submitted. Would love your support! To vote for me text the code: YT6C3F to the number 53037, voting is free and you will receive a confirmation immediately! Voting ends Friday 1pm EST! -XoXo Raw Girl

Natural Beauty Highlight: Kompalya Thunderbird

Although she most recently  spent most of her time behind the scenes as a radio host, this foxy raw lady in her mid-thirties, still gets holla’d at on the street corners by twenty year olds. When I first met Kompalya years ago, I assumed we were the same age and was shocked to learn otherwise. I appreciated her positive energy, and she was among the fabulous raw foodies who inspired me to change my lifestyle. The best tip I got from her was reading African Holistic Health by Dr. Llaila Afrika. She said if you really want to go raw, read this book. It worked for me. After reading  it I immediately threw out things in my cabinets and started to detox. People thought I was crazy because I started to get paranoid about processed foods, and rightly so. Who wants to know that they are also consuming bleach and paint thinner when they eat their cottage cheese?  Ew. Anyhow, thankfully, this lovely lady has allowed me to interview her and find out how she stays healthy, young, and beautiful. – XoXo Raw Girl

How long have you been raw and/or vegan & what made you transition into eating raw? Are you 100% and if not, why not? What kind of detox process did you go through since starting on this path, ie: fasting, cleanses etc?
I have been raw for five years, it was a natural transition from eating vegan foods that began to stimulate indigestion.  I found raw foods tasty and fit my life style highly during my yoga training.  At that time I was training in Kemetic Yoga and one of the principles was eating more raw plant-based foods as those in times of Antiquity.  RAW foods have a long history that date back the long before the Americas.

I slowly began to comprehend the true Divine principles of Yoga and no longer wanted to consume food that was processed mainly for profit.  Also, an understanding of how the animal kingdom is being treated lead me to forsake meat all together.  The challenging part was to stop wearing our friends, ie, leather, suede etc…

During the first five years I was 100% raw, however due to heavy work demands within the artistic field I did begin to delve in to vegan food again.  I can honestly say it is very harsh on the body. Once you are raw for a long period of time your body chemistry begins to change the slightest in take of sugar made me sick!  My cells and organs could feel the difference and my immunity would weaken almost immediately after eating something processed.

I did not do a detox prior to becoming raw, before being raw I was vegan for 12 years. I felt no need for a harsh detox mainly due to the eating regime I follow. Such as, no eating after 6pm.  I will eat larger portions of food during the day before 3 PM.  I will take healing smoothies in the morning that consist of herbs and vitamins I need for the day.  Drink lots of water and stay away from junk.  I would do a liver flush once a month along with an enema if I felt the need for it.  I will also take my minerals since the soil is so depleted of it at this moment in our history.

What are some of the most immediate benefits: mental, physical, and/or spiritual you have received from changing your lifestyle?
The immediate benefits of being RAW (or vegan) is clarity of mind.  I found it easier to concentrate and stay focused.  I was no longer the angry woman filled with volatile emotions. I noticed an immediate change soon after I cut red meat from my diet.  My weight remained at a steady level for years before changing.  Sorry for any of the MEN reading, but my menstruation was no longer as painful and my moods swings left automatically, if like magic.  I noticed a serious difference in my choices in how I looked at myself and the world.

Do you supplement? And if so, what supplements do you take? I use supplements, at this time I take liquid vitamins from an organic company. I felt my energy level increase a lot after taking organic liquid vitamins.

What do you believe defines true beauty? I love this question!! Esosa thank you for asking women this question! To me the true definition of beauty is defined by the essence of our character the deeds we have done for others, the process in which we manifest our true divine selves in this world and how we reach to others.  We are all beautiful and no one culture holds the blue print to beauty.  We can all rest in the bosom of who we truly are when we reach into our wisdom pool and share it with the world.  True beauty to me is not in the cars we have, the homes we live in, but within the essence of our being! Allowing our inner light to match with the outer world we radiate in beauty.

What is your skin care regimen like? I have no skin care regime, never have never will. I drink lots of water, use natural soap or some times just tea tree oil and lemon mixed together.  Good skin comes from within.

What do you think is the most challenging part about maintaining a raw diet long-term? Have you found it difficult to interact socially: family and other relationships?
It is arduous to maintain a RAW life style long-term. My long-term stresses came from working long hours in the entertainment field and being surrounded by many who did not take health as seriously as I did.  This put a strain not only on my physical body, but in many of my work environments.  I was ostracized, made fun of, talked about and called names by many with whom I worked for and with.  Some tried to comprehend the lifestyle; others did all that I mentioned above.

I realized not everyone is meant to be RAW and at times it is best to tell others you are vegetarian, it eases peoples apprehensions and still allows you to be yourself.  The challenging part was not always having the time necessary to bring my own food to work, which left me at the whim of society. Cooked processed, non organic food.

Dating also became difficult, because many men I met felt they would lose their strength if they are on a complete RAW plant-based diet.  It also became apparent that a few would try to change my diet instead of understanding what the RAW living lifestyle truly is.

I do believe the world is changing for the better. Many people are awakening to the fact that food is a commodity and many corporations are not invested into our health, but profit.  We have to focus on the good changes and collaborate with those who are evolved on the path and those beginning the journey!

How important is your spiritual life & do you think that it has anything to do with your natural beauty & staying young? My spiritual path is important to me, it is like my older sister guiding me along my earth walk.  I am not sure if my spiritual path has anything to do with me staying beautiful or young.  I could be crippled and still be on a spiritual path.  I could be ugly and still be on a path.

Kompalya Thunderbird is a performing artist who has performed in England and in many Off- Broadway Productions in the NYC area.  Her talents in performance lead her to have a successful radio program on Progressive Radio Network for over two years.

Her successful radio program included an annual one month holistic health initiative. Which allowed many non-conventional doctors and holistic practitioners to give advice on natural remedies from colds to cancer.  Her healing practice in Reiki has allowed her to view dis-ease from a different perspective.  “Reiki practitioners have no doubt on the mind, body, soul connection to health and the amazing benefits of healing the energy field”.

Reiki works well in eliminating toxins in the body and in conjunction with regular medical practices. Kompalya has been practicing Reiki since 2003. If anyone is interested in further information on Reiki please contact Kompalya at reikiwisdom@gmail.com.

Natural Beauty Highlight: Khepera Fleming

A dear friend and mother of three who has mastered the art of looking youthful (she doesn’t really have to try), and raising healthy (not to mention insanely talented) vegan children, Khepera Fleming is a beautiful soul residing in the Brooklyn area.  If you’re wondering if her picture is airbrushed, that answer is no–that’s how stunning she is live and in the flesh.  I caught up with her to find out how she stays on track with her diet and to glean advice that may be helpful for parents to hear about raising children on a vegan diet.

How long have you been a vegan? If you were a meat eater previously what made you decide to change your diet?  What were some of the benefits spiritual mental or physical you received by changing your diet?I have been vegan for 18 years.  As a child I suffered with constipation and poor digestion due to a diet of heavy starches and my inability to digest animal protein.  In my teenage years I was very lethargic, consistently depressed and suffered painful menses. I became sick and tired of being sick and tired so I began a search which brought me to Chinese Herbalogy, I purchased and took a 14 day cleanse that shifted my paradigm. I was renewed with crystal clear understanding that I could not go back to my old eating habits. I realized my diet was killing me.  For many years I felt imprisoned in a body that caused me a great deal of stress and as I removed the animal proteins, the denatured grains and introduced juicing and more living foods I emerged from the fires with joy, energy, conscious awareness of self in relationship to the plant animal kingdom and great deal of spiritual strength knowing that the power to heal myself is within me. There is wisdom in the phrase “Heal Thyself Know Thyself.”

What are staples in your diet? What are vegan dishes your kids enjoy? Greens of all sorts are a main staple, quinoa, sea vegetables.  My children love lentils and beans. They love all the fabulous dishes that one can make with beans and lentils. Bean burritos or tacos with lots of veggies brown rice and plenty of guacamole. Chick pea or lentil patties, kale salad with seaweed, Tofu, whole grain pancakes with fresh fruit, power shakes with sea moss, spirulina, veg protein.

What supplements do you use regularly, if any?

Flaxseed oil, B-complex, Spirulina

What crucial advice would you give to mothers who want to raise their children vegan? Do your research and stay away from processed foods.  There are a variety of vegan-packaged foods, which are quite inviting but are loaded with sodium, sugars and preservatives. You will have to put time and energy into food preparation and meals should be made from whole foods giving precedence to organic.  You must keep in mind that children are growing and it is my belief that whole foods are best and if given a variety you don’t need lots of supplements.  In our modern world we have come to rely on fast foods, which include packaged foods, and microwavable foods and both are deadly to the growing children as they are simply denatured. Keep it simple plenty of dark leafy vegetables, root vegetables, lots of seasonal fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts (watch out for allergic reaction to some) oils, etc.  Most importantly teach your children so they carry the legacy of eating well and they do not succumb to peer pressure.  Also, remember food is medicine so as a mother you’re also the healer in the family especially if you’re responsible for the meals so the healthier the meals the healthier the children.

Were you vegan during all of your pregnancies? How did your diet or supplementation change during this time? I was vegan throughout all three pregnancies with no cravings for animal protein. I always get asked that.  The only difference is I ate more because my body demanded it. I ate basically the same but I included a prenatal vitamin and I increased my greens and liquid intake to increase my energy and flush my system.

Is it difficult for your kids to interact with the other children who have S.A.D. (Standard American) diets? Their interaction can be difficult because my children’s views on animal consumption involve a conscious understanding of their relationship between themselves and the plant and animal kingdom.  They can become physically ill if they watch friends or family members consume animal products.  Holidays can be tough, although now we are thought of and something vegan is prepared for us.  I’ve come to find that many of their friends eventual try and end up truly loving vegan food.  My 9-year-old daughter, Ajahee, who is a model and aspiring actress, is very vocal with her friends about her vegan lifestyle and she says she never feels indifferent about it. She loves it.

What is your beauty/skin care regimen like?
For years I used products from the health food store just whatever appealed to my senses.  Most recently I was introduced to a skin care line that promised definite results so I tried it and fell in love with Arbonne International, which is now my home based business; I am an independent consultant and district manager in the New York area. Arbonne’s 450 products are botanically base, pure and beneficial.  I use the NutriminC re9 system, which is the best product I ever used on my skin. It gives hydration, luster and youthful skin. I love it.

I love the Arbonne natural foundation I bought from you! It’s so light and enhances natural glow. How do you define natural beauty? I feel natural beauty comes from ones soul.  It’s a great feeling when you meet a pure soul I always walk away saying he/she is beautiful.  Usually that person’s lifestyle explains their inner beauty; maybe they’re truly growing their souls through conscious eating, meditation, yoga, giving, loving but whatever it is it shows.  Natural beauty defines itself there’s a certainty that whatever is good comes from nature (Neter) God/Goddess.

How long ago did you do a parasite cleanse and what did you do to cleanse? I contracted a severe parasitic infection upon moving to NYC and working long hours in Manhattan eating most of meals out even though I chose healthy meals. I did a parasite cleanse over 10 years ago. I was referred to a Naturopath in my area who put me a series of herbal flushes, a kidney liver flush every morning, followed by herbal tea concoction three times a day, followed by weekly colonic irrigation. I followed a strict diet of fresh squeezed green veg juices, whole grains, steamed vegetables and salads.  I stuck it out for 30 days and was healed. I now maintain my body system with herbal bitters so I am not so susceptible.

What were your symptoms prior to cleansing?If you have never had one pray you never get one.  Parasites rob your life force. I became lethargic, my skin broke out severely, I craved sugar, probably to increase my energy, my thinking was cloudy and I had itching in personal body parts. Not a pretty sight. I was IRRITABLE all the time.

I agree, it really is not pretty! How long did it take you to see improvements in your health?Following the protocol I saw results in two weeks and by months end I was completely healed. It’s not easy I had a great supportive friend at the time that helped through the rough periods. I remember taking relaxing baths and just seeing myself healed.

Fabulous Vegan-in-Training

One of Khepera’s daughters: Ajahee, an insanely talented nine-year old who acts, models, dances, sings, and writes her own music and screenplays! Watch out world, this little vegan-in-training is going to be fabulous when she grows up.

Ajahee is currently represented by Product Model Management in New York.

Interested in finding out more about Arbonne? You can email Khepera at: ksekkm@yahoo.com.

Taking a raw girl vacay to start work on another film. Back on Monday with videos on sprouting, raw pancakes (yum!), and other goodies. Stay tuned!

– XoXo Raw Girl

9 Ways to Get More Bang for Your Beauty Without Spending a Buck

Somehow, we have all been duped into believing we need a product for every separate beauty endeavor. We have to have several types of moisturizer, face washes, and scrubs for different parts of our body. One of the first things I did when I started going raw is simplify. Not only is this good for your health but it eases some strain on your wallet to boot. I tossed out products full of chemicals and parabens, and started to search for all-natural options to my once full medicine cabinet.  When I started to get concerned about what I was putting on my body being as pure as the food I was consuming, I realized that a lot of products could be used for both. Below is a list of some versatile items that can offer double duty and add a little extra wiggle room to your budget.

1. Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil – Awesome total body moisturizer which can also be used in the kitchen. If used as a moisturizer it protects the skin against the aging effects of free radicals, minimizes wrinkles, and can clear up dark spots on the skin. It can also be used as an excellent conditioner.  Most oils when heated turn rancid, coconut oil happens to be the most heat-resistant oil and therefore the best for cooking. The chained fatty acids in coconut oil have the ability to internally kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses in the body.

2. 100 % Natural Shea Butter – I heart shea butter. It’s like ten products in one.  Shea butter is made from the nuts of karite trees in West and Central Africa. I use it as a moisturizer  and also on my hair. A lot of people with locks use beeswax or other products that can leave residue in the hair, but I am extremely particular about avoiding chemicals or anything that may damage my hair (which might be why it grows like wildfire). Shea butter has been used to heal burns, scars, sores, dandruff, dermatitis,  stretch marks, and also protects the skin from environmental and free radical damage. In addition it contains cinnamic acid which protects the skin from UV rays.  Also works as a conditioner and makeup remover. If I was stranded on a deserted island, I could live easily with shea butter as my only beauty product. Isn’t it a lot more glamorous to be rescued skin glowing and protected from uv rays, hair conditioned and shimmering in the sunlight, and body moisturized and scar-free? I think so.

3. Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil – Another fabulous oil that you can take out of the kitchen into the bathroom. Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer or night cream, best when applied to damp skin so you don’t feel “greasy.” If you need to exfoliate, mix olive oil with sea salt and use as a scrub. Awesome to use to remove eye makeup, and can also prevent wrinkles in the process! Also can be used as a deep conditioner, and dandruff controller that can be massage into the scalp after shampooing. And don’t forget after all that if you need to make a quick, easy, and tasty salad dressing you can put a capful or two of olive oil with a squeeze of lime or lemon and some sea salt. What more can a girl ask for?

4. Essential Oils – These oils are powerful! In particular, Young Living Essential Oils, which are the highest grade, and can be taken externally and internally are magnificent. If you are feeling tired or lethargic during the day you can rub a couple drops of peppermint behind your ears and on your temples and inhale. You will feel alive in seconds. You can also add peppermint to your tea. A lot of the oils are nice to add to baths as well. The most miraculous thing is that you can relieve headaches, cramps, fatigue and a myriad of other symptoms with these oils in addition to using them for  aromatherapy to promote psychological and emotional wellness. Ladies: the Young Living essential oil blend called Dragontime, is incredible and when rubbed over your tummy can relieve menstrual cramps. It has helped me get through a day effortlessly that would have quickly turned sour without relief. Forget midol this works well and it’s also better for you.

5.  Oats, Citrus, Honey – Of course you can eat these things, but you can also make a banging facial mask out of them too. Check the archives I included the recipe for the mask recommended to me by makeup artist Ryan B. Anthony. It is awesome for exfoliation and leaves your skin glowing. You can tell everyone that is truly a 100% natural glow–because they will ask!

6. Avocados – I may just have to write a veggie R&B love song in the style of Barry White in honor of avocados. They truly are my first, my last, my everything. I love love love avocados! They make great additions to smoothies. Guacamole is my favorite, and it’s good to know that after I get down with my guac and finish scraping my bowl, I can also mash up a side plate and moisturize my skin with an avocado mask.

7. Watercress – For skin spots, watercress juice can be applied externally. Watercress juiced along with other veggies helps control inflammation of acne because of its high Vitamin A content. Try cantaloupe or honey melon juice which helps flush out toxins mixed with watercress.

8. Bentonite Clay – Internally this clay can be used as a natural detoxifier, to clean the colon, and to regulate elimination. Externally bentonite clay masks draw toxins out of the skin and will leave you glowing.

9. Cucumbers – Juicing cucumbers is refreshing and always makes a good base that can be mixed with other veggies. Cucumber juice has high water content and helps to flush out the body and also cools body temperature. On your face, we all know the age-old tip that cucumber slices over the eyes can reduce puffiness. In addition to that cucumber when blended or juiced makes an awesome toner. It can be mixed with celery juice, honey and or lemon, or even a bit of apple cider vinegar.

Hope you’ll give some of these tips a try, it’ll give you some extra dough for those stilettos you’ve been eyeing without sacrificing your diva glow. I’m going to get my veggie mask on!

– XoXo Raw Girl

Natural Beauty Highlight: Dele Ogundiran

Photo By Smash Photo LB (http://smashphotolb.com)

True appreciation of beauty, whether in the form of self-acceptance or celebrating the incredible traits of others, can be hard to come by. All too often, women have an issue with other women that are attractive, but at the end of the day the solution and the problem begins with the person you look at everyday in the mirror when you wake up. There will always be playa-haters, naysayers, and drama queens, but thankfully, there will also always be goddesses, princesses, and true Queens who know their worth and have no problem celebrating yours.  I decided to start a highlight of truly beautiful women who are attractive on the outside, but their character, spiritual life, or just personalities put them in the realm of radiating true beauty.  California-based actress, writer, and producer Dele Ogundiran was one of the first women that came to mind, and she was gracious enough to let me interview her.

What do you believe defines true beauty? Natural beauty is innate. It can’t be bought, it can’t be plastered on, nipped or tucked on or in. Natural beauty just is. Like God. It just is. It comes from inside a person.

What kind of skin care regimen do you have? I don’t necessarily have a regimen, but when I wear makeup I remove it with a cleanser. Cleanser of choice:  Revita Lift Cream Cleaser. I wash my face (as with the rest of me) with ivory soap. Its my absolute favorite soap to bathe with. I use a loofa sponge. That is the extend of my skin care regimen… oh… when I get a pimple… I always squeeze it to remove the oily buildup and then wash the area and apply peroxide. Peroxide tends to seal my skin, like a small wound. In about a week or so my skin us usually back to a pre-pimple state.

What are staples in your diet?
If you are a vegan or have any other dietary constraint, how did you transition into that? I am not a vegan. Growing up I ate all kinds of meat except pork. Then again, there was a period of time in junior high school when I used to get a hero sandwich, made with ham. Outside of this period, I ate all types of meat. Thankfully, 99% of the time I ate a nutritiously balanced home cooked meal. I didn’t have a lot of sweets (cookies, candy, etc.) in my diet as I grew up. I went about 5-6 years without eating any meat or chicken. I only ate fish.  I started adding meat/chicken back into my diet about 2 years ago.  Presently, staples in my diet: pineapples, steel-cut oatmeal, almond milk, plantains (usually boiled with black eye peas), collard greens, a tomato based peppered stew (a Nigerian dish), okra (had lots of in growing up), yucca, mixed vegetables, sweet potato, blue potatoes, whole grain rice, black eye peas, zucchini, squash, chicken (for about a week and a half a month), salmon (for about a week during the month. I usually take a week off eating any type of flesh during the month.

What kind of exercise regimen do you have? (laughing) I don’t exercise. Okay that’s not funny, because I should. But I don’t.

How important is your spiritual life & do you think that has anything to do with your natural beauty? My spiritual life, my relationship with God is very important to me.  I think it has everything to do with my natural beauty. Prayerfully, that which radiates from within me (from the way I think of myself, my perspective on God, my relationship with him, and his gifts (which includes other people and things) manifests as “natural beauty”.

What is your favorite physical or character trait about yourself that you appreciate most?
Favorite Physical Quality: My skin color
Favorite Character Trait: I am industrious

Photo By Smash Photo LB (http://smashphotolb.com)

For more information about Dele and her work as an actress, visit her website: www.dele.biz

Ryan B. Anthony Says…

I had the pleasure of meeting this talented makeup and hair artist/ celebrity stylist, when he did my makeup for a film. Not only did he turn the makeup out, he fashioned my locs in styles that were incredible, and gave me some tips on making a natural exfoliator that leaves my skin glowing every time I use it.  I modified it a bit, to work with what I had available and onhand in the kitchen.

Ingredients: honey, lemon, sugar, oats

Pour honey into container, squeeze in lemon, and mix in sugar and oats until thick consistency. Apply to face as a scrub and rinse with lukewarm water. Followup with your personal moisturizer. You skin will glow and feel softer than a baby’s bottom!

For more info or to contact him, visit Ryan’s blog: http://ryanbanthony.blogspot.com/