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Tag Archives: vegan
Juice! Sandy’s Cilantro Detox and Benefits of Cilantro
Sandy’s Cilantro Detox
1 Bunch Green Kale Leaves (5-7 Leaves)
1 head of Celery
1 or 2 Limes
handful cilantro
handful parsley
1 apple (optional)
Juice, strain, serve. Enjoy! 🙂
To pay homage to the unfortunate Hurricane headed for the East Coast as I wrote and scheduled this post last week, I’ve named today’s juice Sandy’s Cilantro Detox. Cilantro also known as coriander is a lovely addition to a juice or smoothie. Full of antioxidants this herb also has a nice amount of vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, C,E, B6, K, phosphorous, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, manganese. The iron and magnesium make cilantro great for fighting anemia. Ladies! Take note, adding cilantro into your diet once a month prior to the onset of PMS may be beneficial because it can relieve menstrual cramps and reduce hormonal mood swings of the condition I like to call Vegan Bi&% Syndrome. In addition to this, along with aged garlic and chlorella, cilantro is great at removing heavy metals from your body like mercury, aluminum, and lead. Incorporating cilantro in your diet will also natural remove accumulated pesticides from your body as well. Other benefits include reducing cholesterol, aiding production of digestive enzymes, promoting liver function, disinfecting and detoxifying the body, relieving arthritis, reducing nausea, lowering blood pressure, reducing cellulite, lowering blood sugar, and being an effective natural fighter of salmonella. Keeping all of these awesome benefits in mind, you may not want to reserve cilantro only for your salsa. Toss it in your juice, smoothie, or salad for a fresh green taste with great nutritional benefits to boot. -XoXo Raw Girl
Principles of Proper Food Combining (Cont’d)
Dear Veggie Lovers: Below is a guest post from a new contributor, Lulu. You may want to read this article and also read my past post on the basic principles of food combining HERE. The biggest food combining mistake most of us are trained to make while eating the Standard American Diet is combining dense carbohydrates (like bread & rice) with dense proteins (beans, meat). If you are are experiencing problems with gas while eating raw foods, it may have to do with the fact that you are not combining your meals well. Learning to food combine is an essential as eating the right foods for optimal health, so don’t take it lightly. -XoXo Raw Girl
The food combining system is simple and easy to understand. Basically, food combining is based on the discovery that certain combinations of food may be digested with greater ease and efficiency than others. Correct food combination leads to an immediate improvement in health by lightening the load off the digestive organs. Better nutrition is achieved because of better digestion, better assimilation, less fermentation and less gas. So-called food allergies often disappear as a result of proper food combining. In his book Food Combining Made Easy, Dr. Herbert Shelton explains that starchy foods have to be eaten alone because starches are digested with enzymes different from those used for any other food group.
Dr. Shelton has found that combining green, leafy vegetables with every food group produces favorable results.There are several benefits of adding greens to other foods. Besides having high nutritional value, greens contain a lot of fiber. The fiber in the greens slows down the absorption of sugar from fruit. This makes drinking green smoothies, for example, possible, even for people with high sensitivity to sugar. Vegetables such as carrots, beets, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, eggplant, pumpkin, okra, peas, corn, green beans, do not combine well with fruit due to their high starch content. While these veggies are nutritious, their high starch content makes them unsuitable for use in sweet smoothies.  If you do not want to mix sweet fruit into your green smoothies, you can use non-starchy vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, avocados, celery and others. You can also consider using low–glycemic index fruit such as berries (any kind), apples, cherries, plums, and grapefruit.
Any non-starchy vegetables (greens) may be combined with proteins or starch. Tomatoes should especially not be used with starches. The use of fat (avocados) with starch is considered acceptable, provided a green salad is included in the meal. Since avocados are high in fat, they tend to slow down the digestion of foods that normally require a shorter digestion time. They are only a fair combination with sub-acid and acid fruit. They are usually considered a poor combination with sweet fruit, especially dried sweet fruit.
Dr. Vivian Vetrano says that exceptions may be made in combining avocados with fresh sweet fruit, such as bananas, but that they should not be combined with dried sweet fruit, unless the fruit has been soaked overnight. The next best combination for the avocado is taking it with sub-acid or acid fruit. Avocado should never be used with nuts, which are also high in fat, nor should they be used with melons.
Melons are best eaten alone or with other melons. They are more than 90 % liquid and leave the stomach quickly if not delayed and fermented by combining with other foods. This is because the sugars in melons are in a less stable form and decompose quicker than those of other fruits. Alfalfa sprouts may be combined as a green vegetable. During the sprouting process, the carbohydrate and protein components of the sprouting seed tend to diminish, and the composition becomes more like a green vegetable instead of a legume, grain or seed.
In summary, all raw, fresh, whole, ripe fruit; chlorophyll, vitamin, and mineral-rich raw, leafy green vegetable, sprouted seeds and raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are valuable. Eat lots of them according to food-combining rules. Do not complicate them with oily dressings and your body will easily adjust and progress toward optimal health. -XoXo Lulu, signing in for Raw Girl
The Amazing Wonders of Spirulina!
The word superfood is tossed around in common health lingo so often it’s hard to tell what is worth its weight in gold. Nowadays, everything seems to be deemed a “superfood” by doctors and health authorities alike. The word superfood is really an unscientific term to loosely describe and market a food or foods that offer incredibly high nutritional value. Nature is truly the body’s best healer and many fruits, vegetables, and herbs have nutritional content that is of value to anyone looking to obtain optimal health. But the word superfood, I feel, should be reserved for foods like spirulina, which when incorporated in your diet can have extremely profound affects on your energy level, nutrient intake, boost immunity, and promote healing and prevention of disease.
So what is this superfood spirulina? Spirulina is a blue green algae, a one-celled organism that gets it’s name from the Latin word helix or spiral, that has been consumed in Africa, Asia, and Mexico dating all the way back to the 9th century. It is the cousin of another algae called chlorella which is actually great for ridding the body of heavy metals like mercury but doesn’t have the same nutritional profile of super spirulina. What makes it so super? To start off spirulina has all eight essential amino acids that the body needs, with an additional bonus of ten of twelve non-essential amino acids included. For those that don’t know, whenever all eight essential aminos are available in any food, that makes it a protein powerhouse. Spirulina is 65-71% protein compared to around 22% in beef, and it’s protein is in a highly digestible form. What makes this an extremely golden plant source of protein is all the additional nutrients that come along with it. Essential minerals including potassium, calcium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, iron, and phosphorous are all in spirulina adding additional nutritional bang for your buck. Add to this nutritional profile, folic acid, niacin, B vitamins including super essential B12, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin E, carotenoids (which convert to vitamin A), and chlorophyll and you’ve got a great deal of nutrients needed to get you through your day. Chlorophyll, which has an almost identical molecular structure to human blood, is an important ingredient that gives super healing power.
Just to give you a taste of these healing powers, spirulina increases antioxidant protection, fights free radicals, slows the aging process, curbs appetite and promotes weight loss, supports healthy cardiovascular function, improves the digestion process and gastrointestinal health, creates beneficial flora in the digestive tract, and makes the body produce more red and white blood cells which kill germs and viruses. It can also relieve allergies, sinus issues, lower cholesterol, lower risk of stroke, heart disease, and risk of contracting cancer. To take it even further not only is this miracle food great for fighting candida, colds, allergies, influenza, measles and mumps, studies have shown that it can inactivate the virus associated with AIDS and HIV.
Spirulina has virtually no calories, and the small percentage of fat it contains are in the form of essential fatty acids. Due to all these amazing nutrients, spirulina can give any Plain Jane an energy boost that transforms her into Wonder Woman. Are you a working mom? Take spirulina and give some to your kids. You’ll be more energized and your kids’ immune systems will be strong enough to withstand viruses and colds that get passed around at school. Business woman and multi-tasker on-the-go? Spirulina taken at the beginning of your day can give you the energy boost you need to finish the projects on your plate. Are you addicted to caffeine to give you an energy boost? Try spirulina instead and you will feel naturally energized and get a nutrition boost that trumps any multivitamin on the market. Do you workout a lot? Spirulina can boost athletic performance. Did I mention that it can protect the body from harmful radiation? This legit superfood has a laundry list of health benefits too long to expound upon, the best way to truly know it is to try it for yourself.
You can find spirulina in powder form online or at your local health food store which can be mixed into liquids or pill form. Whatever method you choose to consume it keep in mind that the best way to take spirulina is gradually. Spirulina can have different effects on the body, one being a cleansing reaction if too much is taken too soon. In powder form, starting with as little as a teaspoon and later building up to a tablespoon or more is advised. It’s best if you slowly begin increasing over time as your body adjusts. Spirulina is great to add to smoothies or juice in the morning because it is so energizing. Take it at night and you may not be able to sleep. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, or are pregnant its smart to consult with your doctor before incorporating spirulina into your diet. If you have really severe allergies to seafood or iodine, it’s best to not consume spirulina. Whatever method and frequency you choose, I can personally vouch for the fact, that spirulina is truly a superfood that has the potential to enhance your health and boost your quality of life. -XoXo Raw Girl
Raw & Vegan Foods That Can Help Weather The Storm
I hope everyone on the East Coast is staying safe and warm. For those of you lovely followers reading from all over the world that do not know, Hurricane Sandy is headed our way, and she sounds like she means business. If you are on the East Coast I hope you have prepared! Power outages are bound to happen, and we hope and pray that the damages to homes, and the death toll is low. Things you should do to prepare include: getting a full tank of gas, removing outdoor furniture that can be easily tossed by the wind, and have on hand supplies like flashlights, candles, and a list of emergency numbers. Last but not least, you got to have food on hand in case there are days without power. Whenever a disaster like this hits, the first thing people say is stock up on canned food. For those of us who left the processed food world years ago, this just ain’t happening. Make sure if the power goes out you minimize going in and out of your fridge to keep it cool. If you have a back up cooler with ice for some food, that can help. Worst part about the power going out is letting a fridge full of greens go to waste! The good news is, there are some veg friendly foods you can stock up on to help you weather the storm if you run out of your fresh food. Some will perish sooner than others, but most will get you through more than a couple of days especially if dried or dehydrated:
Dried Fruit
Nuts & Seeds: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans etc.
Fruits w/ peels or skin: oranges, pears, apples, avocados, melons, bananas (if you buy them unripe, you’ll have them for a few days)
Fruit & nut bars, fig bars, raw or vegan energy bars etc.
Dehydrated snacks: kale chips, flax crackers etc.
Miso: great for making broth and soups and easy to prepare.
Beans & Seeds: you can always soak and cook beans, and if the ish really hits the fan, you can use water to sprout them and add to meals.
Quinoa: great complete protein thats quick to prepare and keeps you full.
Dried Superfood Powders: can come in handy and can be mixed in water or juice and give you a lot of nutrition.
Without a blender or a juicer things can get rough, so hopefully the above ideas give you something to snack on. If you get greens and other fresh produce they will only last for a little while when your power goes out. Wishing you and yours a safe week, and praying those of us in harm’s way weather this storm. I’m determined to blog even in hurricane season so I’ve scheduled posts for the blog in advance. Which means even if my power goes out you’ll still get some writing from Raw Girl. Yes, I know I’m gangsta! Sending you lots of veggie love and wishing you peace in the middle of the storm. -XoXo Raw GirlÂ
11 AM EST Today Raw Girl on the Radio!
Today my radio show Healthy Living in a Toxic World will premiere on WKCW 1420 AM and on Blog Talk Radio simultaneously at 11 AM EST. This morning’s show focuses on Bernando LaPallo who I wrote about in the past. Bernando was 109 years old when I first interviewed him for this pilot episode, and now he is 111 years old! You can listen in via the blog talk radio link below at 11 AM, and if you miss it, the show should be archived for a few more weeks. Would love your feedback. Please post comments on the blog or Facebook or send me direct mail rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com. Twelve more incredible episodes coming soon. Below is the show schedule so you know what to look out for, on Blog Talk Radio, the show will air every Saturday at 11 AM for the next 13 weeks. -XoXo Raw Girl
Longevity Series, How to Quit Smoking Naturally, Natural Solutions for ADHD, The Power of a Plant Based Diet, Colon Health: What is a Colonic, Simple Ways to Reduce Stress, The Benefits of a Vegan Diet, Internal Parasites, Effective Exercise, The Benefits of Juicing.
- Show 101 Longevity Series. Featuring Bernando La Pallo, 109 year old raw foodist
- Show 102 The Benefits of Juicing. Cherie Calbom – The Juice Lady
- Show 103 How to Quit Smoking Naturally. Yuma Bellomee, Naturopath
- Show 104 Internal Parasites. Timothy Sehoon, Parasite Specialist
- Show 105 Effective Exercise. Mocha Lee, Celebrity& Group Fitness Trainer
- Show 106 Natural Solutions to ADHD. Alice Maher, Holistic Practitioner
- Show 107 Longevity Series. Featuring Mimi Kirk, PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian over 50
- Show 108 The Power of a Plant Based Diet. Dr. T. Colin Campbell,  Researcher/Author
- Show 109 The Power of Adequate Sleep. Dr. James Maas, International Authority on Sleep
- Show 110Â Colon Health: What is a Colonic? Scott W. Web, Colon Hydrotherapist
- Show 111Â The Benefits of a Vegan Diet. Victoria Moran, Author/ Lifestyle Coach
- Show 112 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress. Alice Maher, Holistic Health Counselor
- Show 113 Longevity Series. Featuring Annette Larkins, “The Ageless Woman”
Veggie Love: Mung Bean Sprouts
Very recently I posted on the benefits of sprouting. I’ve been big on it every since I had a lovely conversation which you will hear soon with Annette Larkins, who is deemed “The Ageless Woman” about the benefits of sprouts. Some of you shouted out mung bean sprouts as your all time favorite, and I was particularly intrigued by these (not to playa hate on any of the other wonderful sprouts), because of their high vitamin C content that was used in ancient times to ward off disease.
The Chinese have been hip to harnessing the benefits of mung bean sprouts for over 3,000 years. So the rest of us are a little late to starting preaching the goodness of mung. This low calorie food is high in protein and fiber, and has very little to no fat. This makes them a great addition to soups, salads, and stir fries, that adds some more bulk to the meal without adding in excess fat or calories. Mung bean sprouts have pure forms of vitamin A, B, C, and E, along with K, calcium, iron, magnesium, pottassium, phosphorous, and zinc. One cup contains 1/4 the daily recommended value for vitamin C and 15% the recommended value of folic acid which is great for pregnant women because it prevents birth defects in children.
Ninety percent of what mung bean sprouts consists of is water, so eating them will boost your hydration a bit, and the fiber in them can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and decrease your risk for heart disease. Not bad for a little Chinese bean named Mung! If you decide to give these wonderful sprouts a try you can sprout them yourself or make sure you purchase sprouts that are not stringy or discolored. As fresh as you can find is always the best. If you missed the last post on The Benefits of Sprouting check it out here: http://wp.me/pHXQG-1bZ. -XoXo Raw Girl
Natural Remedies for the Candida Blues
Candida is a word we are hearing thrown around more often in conversations. Before I was like candi-who? It kind of sounds like a dirty word. Now I know all too well about this imbalance that is quickly becoming the least talked about health epidemic in our nation. These days pretty much all us have it or have had some symptoms, it’s about what degree from mild to severe. Candida is a group of single-celled organisms that live in our bodies and are actually good for us until our body gets out of balance because of diet, stress, or medications that throw it out of whack. Candida overgrowth is literally a “genus of yeasts” or in lamens terms a gang of fungus who have been granted permission to hang out  and bring their friends en-masse anywhere in your body that’s cozy. Candida usually grows in warm moist areas of the body, and the most common candida condition is yeast infections which can affect both men and women, but also includes nail fungus, athletes foot, thrush (on the tongue), and may be the culprit with some prostate issues. In its most aggravated and full-blown state cancers especially and AIDS deal with aggressively overgrown candida. Which is why many have been able to reverse cancer and some holistic healers (namely Dr. Sebi who says all diseases are born from mucus)  has been able to reverse HIV/AIDS.
When candida starts to flourish in the body it’s really like your once upon a time friend who decides to invite a bunch of unwanted guests who are now sleeping on your comfortable couch and require a fire marshal and an eviction notice to get them out of your apartment. Dealing with candida overgrowth just by wishing it away does you no good. You need to strap on some combat boots and be prepared to make some changes to get your body back in balance. Depending on the severity of the condition this is not a short-term thing, you may need to make some serious lifestyle amendments.
So you want to know how you managed to say yes and let in that frenemy name Candida who is now eating all your sweets with his buddies?  Well, our bodies thrive on bacteria. I learned recently from  a colon hydrotherapist who was very knowledgeable about bacteria that the metabolic waste of our good bacteria is serotonin! So part of the reason why people who are backed up or literally full of sh&% are also in a crabby mood is because the good bacteria is not present in their bodies to give them that natural happy boost. Same with candida, when yeast is overgrown there’s not enough good bacteria present in your body to give you that feel good natural serotonin.
There are numerous reasons in our modern day culture that this condition affects millions and the numbers keep growing. First off, Â it doesn’t help that doctors are prescribing antibiotics these days like candy at a Halloween party. Seriously, it seems to be the cure-all for anything nowadays. It may help alleviate short-term symptoms but long-term know that it wreaks havoc on most bodies’ and kills all of the good and bad bacteria in the gut leading to more problems that have to be addressed including candida. Another major factor involved is the Standard American Diet which is basically a trial that most are failing to see how long someone can last before getting ill while subsisting primarily on carbs, animal protein, frakenfoods, and sugar.
All of those things feed yeast, and your good old friend Candida basically throws a party when you consume them. The thing is you won’t feel like partying much because you may be experiencing fatigue, headaches, poor memory, or mental fogginess, and perhaps weight gain. Not exactly a reason to cut the cake. Â Last, but not any less important is STRESS. I forget all the time how important our emotions are for sustaining our well-being. In my own family I have seen how every single one of us is now dealing with some sort of health condition/struggle following my brother’s passing. Stress is no joke; it can kill you. Not meaning to scare you I’ll also add that in rare cases if fungus enters the bloodstream and is left unchecked, up to 50% of people affected die from this condition. Crazy!
I recently went to my doctor, who by the way is one of the best doctors on the planet. This woman should teach other doctors how to do their jobs. She can actually write me a prescription for things to treat anything that I can find in Whole Foods, and can suggest lifestyle changes or food elimination to help, but she also knows about all the typical medications prescribed. God must have sent me this woman. Anyway, to cut to the chase my consumption of brown rice in moderation the past two years  has finally reared its evil grainy head. That in tandem with elevated stress in my life taking its toll. Looking back I really started to notice the slight imbalance literally a month after my brother passed. It took me awhile to figure it out, but all of this together diet issues and stress of loss has been causing ongoing yeast imbalances in my body. So, it’s time to buckle down and cut brown rice out of my diet altogether. Back to being 100% carb-free! Quinoa still doesn’t bother me, and wild rice soaked is a great raw option I plan to try. The good news is after being a drama queen and thinking it was really bad, it was a relief to discover that my case is super minor and manageable compared to a lot of people suffering out there who have it ten times worse. Thanks to my doc, and of course my own research, I’ve gotten some great lifestyle recommendations that I’m sharing:
Cut out Dairy, Meat, Processed Foods, & Sugar (including natural Sugars). I think this is self-explanatory. You just can’t have it. You want the yeast to die off right? Remind yourself in the thick of the cravings why you must stay away. They say that some low-level sugar fruits may be added like berries, grapefruits, or granny smith apples, but even these should be consumed with caution. You also need to eliminate sugary or starchy veggies like carrots, potatoes, or beets.
Incorporate More Fermented Foods & Find a Great Probiotic. I’m dying to try coconut water kefir which is a naturally fermented beverage made from young coconut water. There’s also things you can eat like fermented cabbage, namely sauerkraut and  kimchi, and drinks like kombucha, brewed from the scoby organism, and  rejuvelac, which is made from fermented wheat berries. All of these foods along with a good probiotic supplement are going to help you crowd in your good bacteria friends, while you starve the yeast and they die off.
Stress-Less. Back to hot yoga I go! Breathing and meditation are great. We can’t predict when those tragic things in life will happen to us, but we can try to handle them as they come with grace.
Drink Lots of Water. Staying hydrated is important and keeping the cycle of replenishing fluids and flushing out toxins going.
Exercise Every Day. This is a prescription I like! The reason this is necessary for recovery is that sweating is one of our primary sources of eliminating toxins from the body.
No Alcohol. Wine, beer, and hard liquor will all make candida worse and allow the yeast to thrive. So if you are a drinker, sorry to be the one to have to tell you to cut it out.
The thing about dealing with candida is that its very similar to battling a parasite infection. There is a withdrawal period and the yeast will create cravings for carbs and sugars because that is what keeps them alive. You may also feel irritable and extra hungry even for the green stuff you are eating to starve the yeast. As I write this I’m already feeling withdrawal and its only been a day. If you can survive a full week, the cravings should start to dissipate as the yeast dies off. Cave in and eat anything sweet, and you will be back to square one. It’s tough, but you will make it through. I will too…although I will be having vivid dreams until the end of this year about eating bananas, mangoes, and a million other things.
If you are a woman and experiencing yeast infections, a vaginal suppository that has boric acid as an ingredient is great for that. Candida suffers can also try things like consuming bitter grapefruit seed extract. Oregano oil is another one that is thrown around, but my doc says it can be very harsh on the system. I’m sure I’ll be following up with more revelations or tips as I work through this. I’m aiming for at least three months, six months would be ideal but may be impossible, of no sugar in any form (God help me besides maybe one apple in a green juice), and seeing how I feel as I go along. -XoXo Raw Girl
Juice! Sweet & Sour Watercress
For my morning pick-me-up, I  made this juice yesterday which was pretty yummy so I’m sharing. I call it sweet and sour because the lime and carrot and apple play well together. Over the weekend I made a version of this without carrot and apple and with more cucumber and a little ginger.  That one is more medicinal, but still good for those that can handle greens straight up. I’ve been in love with watercress for awhile so there is already a past blog post on some of the groovy nutrients watercress provides. Read here if you missed it, and also get another juice recipe with watercress in it.
For those dealing with acne, eczema, or other skin irritations, making a juice with watercress will do your body good. Watercress is full of antioxidants, great for anti-aging, and is considered a liver tonic, which is part of why your vegan glow will get a boost when you consume it. Don’t forget watercress is also a great addition to a salad when you get bored of the same ol’ greens. Mix it up by tossing in some watercress, and the peppery taste will literally spice up your life a bit. –XoXo Raw Girl
Sweet and Sour Watercress
1 English Cucumber
1 head of Romaine
5-6 Leaves of Kale
Handful of Watercress
1 Lime
1 Carrot
1 Apple
Juice all ingredients. Strain, serve, enjoy!
Raw Girl’s Birthday Wish
Exactly a week from today on October 15th, is my birthday. Yep, Libra is in the house! I’m getting all sappy and reflective and thinking about the meaning of my life and all that Oprah-like stuff. I woke up this morning totally NOT feeling like blogging, but I sat to write anyway. Then I came across the lovely news that YOU ALL have helped Raw Girl in a Toxic World make it to the finals in the BlackWeBlog Awards!!!!! Yes, the competition started with 10 blogs in that category and Raw Girl is in the top 5!! I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for this pre-birthday present. Voting has started and will continue until October 23rd, and  I would definitely love for my birthday to WIN Best Health/Wellness Blog. As your gift to me, please VOTE. If all of you lovelies voted, we’d be sure to win. The ballot is live now and you can VOTE HERE.
Each year that passes in my life I feel I learn something new. This year I celebrate a new year of life, but it’s bittersweet because exactly a day before my birthday last year, our family buried my dear brother. Health means so much to me, it is truly a priority of mine to do everything in my power to live the most optimal life so I can be fully present in the lives of those I love. Beyond guarding your health though, life happens. We never know when our time is coming and the one thing that is for sure is that all of us want to make an indelible mark on the work in some way big or small. We want to feel that our voice is heard, that somebody saw us, and even more so that somebody loved us. In the end it’s only the love that lasts, it’s the good intentions that linger, and the selfless thought that truly counts. We can do things, and amass accomplishments all day long, but without that love, it doesn’t have the power to touch someone’s life forever. As I’m sifting through my birthday AHA! moment I am hoping that the love and desire I have to help people live the healthiest lives possible has come through to YOU.
I’ve started thinking about what I really want for my birthday. If I could list material things and lovely pleasures I would want to experience in the next week it would include things like a night out at the opera to see Don Giovanni (Kennedy Center to be exact), a hot yoga class or two, unlimited coconut water, dinner and dessert! at Pure Food and Wine, and perhaps a mini-shopping spree. Since I cannot have my brother back in physical form, which would be at the top of my list,  and I am on a budget at the moment…I’m mining for a less material birthday wish. What I have come up with thus far, is that this year, I wish to find the deepest expression of love for myself. That may sound strange but everything is to be said about true self-esteem, and being able to root your happiness in a lasting way that is not swayed by others criticisms, what job you have, what relationship you are in, what designer shoes you wear, or how much money is in the bank. It’s the kind of self-love that only can happen from being filled up in your spirit. From that and with that, really I feel anything is possible. Thank you  all for continuing to read, thank you for your comments,  your support, your letters, and your encouragement. You all inspire me to keep going and I continue to learn a great deal by showing up every week to write. This blog as come a long way in the past three years, and that in itself, is a birthday wish come true. -XoXo Raw Girl
Mineral Must-Have: Magnesium
So there’s always this talk about superfoods, meat eating vs non meat eating, and all sorts of other philosophical debate over what and how the best way is to eat. Very seldom do we actually break it down to the basics of what specific nutrients there are and how much we actually need. Not only that, even if we do know the names of the many vitamins and minerals essential to maintaining our health…what do they actually do? Well, insufficient amounts of just one mineral, magnesium, can result in anxiety, asthma, anorexia, birth defects, hardened arteries, mental disorders, hyperactivity, hypertension, hypothermia, insomnia, menstrual pain, muscle weakness, tremors, seizures, AND it’s been linked in studies to be associated with increased risk of cancer development. I think its important for you and me and everyone we know to know more about magnesium, where it’s found, and how much we need.
Magnesium is involved in activating hundreds of biochemical actions in the body. Some of these very important functions include food metabolism, adjusting cholesterol levels in the body, reactions that make ATP (energy the body uses), and many more. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Magnesium is also intrinsically involved in nerve and muscle function. When it is ingested, magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine. Magnesium is attributed with boosting the immune system, keeping heart rhythm steady which makes it in important mineral in maintaining cardiovascular health. The thing about magnesium, is that it is depleted through the kidneys. Meaning, when you urinate, you lose magnesium. This makes it extra important to consume magnesium rich foods frequently. The use of diuretics can speed the depletion of magnesium as well.
From my own personal experience, after discovering just how critical and life changing this mineral is, decided to purchase a magnesium supplement which also had calcium and potassium in it. At the time I was suffering from extreme mood swings, excessive food binges, and just an overall feeling of fatigue. As soon as I starting taking the supplement, I kid you not, the next day my appetite was under control. I then realized that my body urging me to consume consume consume was actually it nutritionally calling out for more of some combination of calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It blew my mind. Remember that it is important to not get so focused on one nutrient whether it be magnesium or protein. Instead we should be focusing on getting a wide range of foods in our diet to ensure we have optimal health. Learning about vitamins and minerals is just one additional tool that can allow us to see earning signs where we may be imbalanced.  -XoXo Nicola, Signing in for Raw Girl
Food Sources of Magnesium
Mustard greens, blackstrap molasses, turnip greens, sea vegetables, green beans and collard greens, spelt, cucumber, bell peppers, celery, kale, cantaloupe, cacao, Â brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and a variety of seeds, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and flaxseeds.