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Tag Archives: vegan
Raw Girl’s 10 Favorite Snacks On-The-Go
Thank you to the lovely reader who messaged me via the Facebook page and asked about snacks. When you’re working hard for your money at a nine to five, I know it’s hard sometimes to keep your stomach from grumbling in between breakfast and your lunch break. If you are not well equipped when you leave your home you will definitely be vulnerable to temptations, or just plain hungry and cranky. No one likes a cranky vegan.
I’ve experienced that low blood sugar cranky vegan meltdown, which is why I try as much as possible to plan ahead. The world is getting more conscious and veg friendly but we still have a long way to go. If you’re a vegan and you get caught in the wrong city or rest stop, all you may have is a McDonald’s to run into and God knows any self-respecting veggie lover wouldn’t be caught dead eating a fast food salad. We have needs. We want our greens organic, we want them fresh, and sometimes we want them local. Catch a veggie diva in the wrong town or at work with no snacks, and you could be walking on eggshells.
How do you avoid the meltdown? You prepare. Find some snacks to bring along with you that you love and find satiating. Although nothing can replace a good solid meal, a snack can usually save you from reaching the brink of veggie desperation. I’m not really a huge snacker except for when I’m on film sets. On a normal day I usually eat only twice a day and maybe have some fruit or handful of nuts in between. If I workout hard I may get the munchies and eat more or add in additional liquid meals. When you start the day with superfood smoothies, veggie juice, or drinks that give you a lot of nutrients, you will definitely feel less hungry later on.
Below are ten “snacks” I like. Just because I love them doesn’t mean you should eat them! Find snacks that work for you, and prepare in advance when you know you’re going to need that extra energy boost. If you work at an office, leave snacks in bulk, so that you are pleasantly surprised when you need them. Remember you may not be hungry when you think you are. Learn to read your bodies’ signs. Sometimes dehydration is mistaken for hunger. And don’t underestimate, good old, plain fruit. We’ve been programmed to feel like it’s not a snack unless it’s in a package. In this world of lovely vegan bars and treats, grabbing a piece of fruit may seem old school, but sometimes it’s the best way to go. – XoXo Raw Girl
- Bananas – This is my number one snack on the go. Why? First off they are quick and easy to eat. And if you didn’t already know, bananas are packed with nutrients like potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and more. All these lovely ingredients make for a snack that will give you a sufficient energy boost if you have a lag in your day, if you’re on-the-move, or even as a pre-workout meal.
- Nori – I have nori or dulse (another sea vegetable) at least once a day. It’s now a staple in many of my salads. This sea vegetable which can also be eaten alone provides the body with Vitamin A, folate, iron, calcium, and protein. If you are vitamin or mineral deficient eating more sea vegetables will greatly assist in helping your body get the nutrition it needs to thrive.
- Coconut Flakes – My mother got me hooked on this! We found these packages of dried coconut flakes, not the tiny shredded coconut but larger flakes. They aren’t sweetened or anything but for whatever reason chewing on them can be a bit addictive. They quickly became a staple of mine that I carry around in case I need a snack, if of course they can last long enough in my purse before I eat them all!
- Seedless Grapes – I personally think grapes are a severely underrated snack. I love them because you can take them on the go and they are mess-free especially when you compare them to fruits you have to peel. The other great thing about grapes is that they contain a large number of health boosting phytonutrients. One among these is Resveratrol, which studies have shown to increase expression of genes related to longevity.
- Goji Berries, Nuts, Seeds – It’s very rare to hear about a raw foodie who has never taken a raw trail mix on the go with an assortment of nuts and seeds. It’s a great, mess-free snack that can be somewhat filling, but I also always remind myself not to overdose on the nuts. Grab a few of your favorite nuts and seeds, soak them and dehydrate them or you can buy the packs that are already live in the grocery store.
- Raw Bars – There are so many “raw” bars to choose from nowadays. I won’t name any names because I really don’t like plugging brands too much. Some have nuts and seeds that are not soaked, so make sure you know what kind of bar you are eating, especially if your very sensitive to nuts.
Kale Chips – These are so good, and can satisfy a craving for something chip-like. Be economical and make them yourself in a dehydrator and use nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy kick or buy them in the store.
- Raw Chocolate – On rare occasions, I treat myself to some raw chocolate, and I’m never disappointed. You can always make yourself feel better after having chocolate because it has all those lovely antioxidants. Obviously bingeing on chocolate will have you bouncing around, but in moderation every now and then a good cacao high will get you through the day.
- Kombucha – I call this a snack because I drink Kombucha very often. It almost feels like a meal to me, because I feel full and energized after I drink it. My favorite kind has spirulina in it, so it’s a great pick me up if I happen to be drowsy.
- Raw Macaroons – I heart Macaroons, and they are so incredibly easy to make in a dehydrator. Besides the fact that they can be a nice light dessert, they are also great on-the-go. You can try vanilla, cacao etc. and there are brands you can purchase in health food stores, but you’ll save a decent amount of cash if you make the time to prepare them yourself.
Vegan #RealTalk: All Vitamin B12 Supplements Are Not Made Equal
Yesterday I went to pick up some supplements from the health food store and got a lesson that all vitamin B12 is not made equal. Standing in front of the B12 section I felt overwhelmed by the many options to choose from. A kind store clerk saw me trying to weed through the various options (in typical Libra fashion) and offered to save me from my indecision. I had a particular bottle already in my hand to purchase, but after I explained that I was vegan, he picked up another bottle.
The bottle I had in my hand, similar to the majority of brands on the shelf supplied B12 in cobalamin form. The nice store clerk explained to be that cobalamin usually doesn’t get easily absorbed by the body and what little that does won’t make a big difference. He looked around for another brand and pulled one from the shelf. “You want this one, it’s methylcobalamin. ” I then of course asked what was the difference. Apparently methylcobalamin is the easiest absorbed form of B12 for the body, and it is retained by the body in higher amounts. Upon doing further research I discovered that B12 in the form of cobalamin is not a natural substance occurring in nature. To top that off it contains a cyanide molecule (poisonous substance), which as any dunce would guess, does not do your body good!
B12 is a big MUST for vegans, and whenever I fall off of my supplementation I start to feel a big difference and see changes in my skin. Just in case you forgot, Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails, maintains a healthy digestive system, converts carbs to glucose to boost energy and decrease fatigue, and regulates the nervous system which reduces depression, stress, and brain shrinkage. Who does not need all these things? In addition B12 in the methylcobalamin form can help to normalize your circadian rhythm leading to better sleep, or even needing less sleep.
Most people, even meat-eaters don’t get enough B12, but us veggie lovers are at greater risk. I’ve experienced first hand what B12 depletion feels like and it’s not pretty. I’ve also seen self-proclaimed “health experts” or vegan experts who look like they are dying, probably because they are missing out on some crucial supplementation. Make sure to find the best supplement you can and stay current. It’ll do wonders for keeping onlookers basking in your vegan glow. Shine on! -XoXo Raw Girl
JUICE! Lemon Pear Refresher
3 Pears
1 Lemon
6-7 Stalks of Celery
4-5 Carrots
Juice, strain, and serve. Enjoy the blissful buzz, and don’t forget to share the love. -XoXo Raw Girl
****Warning: Drinking fresh juice may cause weight loss, get rid of acne, boost your energy, and increase your overall sexiness and magnetism. Drink at your own peril!****
Anti-Aging SHE-ROE #11: Annette Larkins
The picture to the left is what introduced me to Annette Larkins years ago. If you’ve read my past posts you know that I am a coconut fiend! I would have one a day if I could. So when I saw this photo of a FAB woman sipping on coconut water, I needed to know who she was immediately. I had been meaning to get around to writing a post on her, but it slipped my mind until recently a friend messaged me the video of her below, and a reader posted a comment on the blog about her.
Who would not want to be in their seventies and have youthfulness and vitality that surpasses that of some in their thirties? The woman has had NO PLASTIC SURGERY, and often times gets mistaken for the daughter of her husband who is around her age! When I imagine my ideal self at seventy I look at someone Annette Larkin for inspiration to fuel the dream. Yes, I plan to be that size four wearing, head turning grandmother who still gets cat called in the streets. Annette began her journey as a vegetarian, while her husband owned a meat shop! She then transitioned into raw and has been 100% for over 20 years. As you will see in the video she eats primarily from her own garden, and drinks rain water. That I thought was super cool and interesting. She has authored a two-part booklet series called Journey to Health that can be found on her website via the link below.
The power of the RAW vegan lifestyle is real, and stories like this continue to reinvigorate my inspiration for leading this lifestyle. It can be tough when people constantly question your choices or simply taunt you for being a vegetable lover. Know that if you choose this path, just like Annette, you will have the last laugh, although by then it may not be too funny. Annette’s husband who now regrets not joining her on her health quest years ago now lives with the help of medication. There’s nothing funny about watching loved ones and friends suffer from diseases or lack of mobility as they get older, but we each have one life to live. What you do with yours, is your choice. EAT TO LIVE. -XoXo Raw Girl
To learn more about Annette, please visit her website: http://www.annettelarkins.com/
The Queen of Southern Fried Needs to Go VEGAN
If you missed this bit of news in January of this year, Paula Deen, Queen of all things southern fried and buttery, went public with the fact that she has type 2 diabetes and has known for several years. I heard about this and was not surprised. The woman has a recipe for Fried Cheesecake for heaven sakes. We all love food personalities that offer fun and easy ways to prepare good food, but you cannot push butter dipped, fried, and sugar laden foods on people and expect them to thrive.
What Paula has done is make an empire off of Southern home cooking and the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) which consists of butter, heavy cream, salt, sugar, flour, and all things processed while sacrificing the long-term health and well-being of her fans and now, even herself. Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain called her “the worst most dangerous person to America,” and further asserted “when you’ve been cheerfully selling this stuff knowing all along that you have type 2 diabetes it’s in bad taste, if nothing else.” Today, I was reminded of Paula Deen when I came across comedienne Kristen Wiig’s SNL skit. It had me DYING with laughter. You can check out the video via the link below. She applies butter as lip gloss at some point in the video. It’s too much hilarity.
I laughed until my sides ached, but when I finished the video, I felt sorry for Paula Deen. No one should have to live with diabetes or any debilitating disease. I hope that somehow she stumbles upon the documentary Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days and watches it. If she does she may learn that raw foods can completely reverse her condition, and maybe she would even venture over to the veggy team. That would be revolutionary. The former Queen of Southern Fried could become a Vegan poster girl, and may lead some other folks lost in the land of butter and cream to the veggie promise land. Until then, Team VEGAN is definitely winning. Those of us who do it right get to satisfy our taste buds, are getting the nutrients our bodies’ need, look younger, feel energized, and would never touch a Southern fried anything. -XoXo Raw Girl
Click here to watch the SNL skit: http://eater.com/archives/2012/03/11/snl-parodies-paula-deens-lawsuit-diabetes.php
The FDA to Approve Genetically Engineered Salmon? GROSS.
Today I was calmly going about my day when I received an email from moveon.org that turned my smile into a frown, which progressed to full on outrage. The FDA is getting ready to approve genetically engineered salmon?!! For a vegans and vegetarians who don’t eat fish, you may think so what? But there are a lot of people who swear off cow and chicken because of the horrible conditions these animals are reared under in the U.S. and they consider fish a viable, safe option. This will not be so anymore if this passes.
If the FDA gets away with this, and is able to sell unlabeled salmon that is genetically engineered to the public, they will do more. You give a dog an inch, they want to take the whole bone. It is time for us consumers to wake up and demand that our right to safe consumable food not be infringed upon. If we do not stand for it, no one will. These gangsters also known as the FDA, Monsanto, and all the giant super “food” companies selling us high fructose corn syrup, salt, industrial materials, and sugar by the tons will win. They will win and more of us, and our loved ones will be in the hospital dying or hooked to pharmaceuticals for the rest of our lives. Please read the letter below and join me in signing this petition. No one is allowed to sell me GMO ANYTHING without my permission. -XoXo Raw Girl
Dear MoveOn member,
The FDA is on the brink of approving genetically engineered salmon for human consumption. This would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States.
The salmon is engineered to produce growth hormones year-round that cause the fish to grow at twice the normal rate. The government already requires labels to tell us if fish is wild-caught or farm-raised—don’t we also have a right to know if our salmon is genetically engineered? Without labels, we’ll never know.
More than forty countries, including Russia and China, already require labels on genetically engineered foods. As Americans, we firmly believe that we deserve the same right to know what we are eating.
That’s why I created a petition to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on SignOn.org, which says:
Commissioner Hamburg, we urge the FDA to require the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. We have a right to know about the food we eat and what we feed our families, but under current FDA regulations, we don’t have that ability when it comes to genetically engineered foods.
Polls show that more than 90% of Americans support mandatory labeling. Such near-unanimity in public opinion is rare. Please listen to the American public and mandate labeling of genetically engineered foods.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
It’s Vday! Making a Love Juice
Happy Valentines Day veggie lovers! Hope that everyone shares the love with the special people in their lives, and THE most special person, YOU. Remember that choosing to eat foods full of life force is definitely a way to show yourself some love on a regular basis, and can also help you stay in that love vibration. I’m juicing today and will most likely make some Love Juice which includes some red fruits and veggies I have in the kitchen right now, recipe below. Feel free to have fun and make your own versions of love juice! I want to hear about them, post them on the Facebook page or comment right here! It can be a juice or smoothie. A smoothie with raw cacao sounds pretty groovy right now…Hmm…perhaps dessert?
Enjoy the rest of your day, and don’t forget to take your lovely self out for some exercise. Walk, run, dance, or perhaps do some yoga, and make sure to get in your greens for the day. I promise it’ll fuel your love fire. -XoXo Raw Girl
Love Juice
1/2 medium-sized beet , 1/2 lemon, 1 red pepper, 2 red apples, 7-8 carrots, ginger
Run all ingredients through a juicer. Strain and serve 🙂
****REMINDER***** that tomorrow, Wed @ 7pm, the next episode of Healthy Living in a Toxic World will air on www.newdradio.com. This episode will be about PARASITES, and I am interviewing an integrative nutrition counselor who has done international research on finding natural cures to kill parasites. You don’t want to miss it.
Blueberry Banana Coconut Smoothie & Yogurt
Yesterday morning after my super intense weight training class, I came home to make my post-workout smoothie and posted about it on Facebook. Shout out to Brooke on the Raw Girl Facebook page, who wanted the recipe. So funny thing is, I started out making a smoothie…and I ended up making yogurt which was equally as delish, just a lot thicker. I’m sure you’re wondering how this happened? Well, I put in the ingredients listed below as usual, but what was different was the coconut. If you pick up a young Thai coconut that is smaller than the others, usually that coconut is more developed. The coconut meat inside is thicker and harder to remove, but it’s totally possible to get out if you put a little extra muscle into it. My coconut yesterday morning had some thick coconut meat going on, so when I blended everything together I got…blueberry banana coconut yogurt. Another way to make this happen, on purpose, is to add an avocado! This works for any fruit smoothie concoction and automatically will give you a creamy yogurt-y consistency if that’s what you’re in the mood for. All that said, recipe below for smoothie. If you want yogurt add an avocado, or get a small young Thai coconut with thick coconut meat inside! Want to up the ante, do like I do and add in some superfood powders. -XoXo Raw Girl
1 Young Thai Coconut
2 ripe bananas (1 works as well)
1/2 cup to 1 cup of blueberries
Put bananas and blueberries in blender. Hack open Thai coconut while keeping your fingers and extremities in tact! (There are a lot of great videos on how to do that. If your interested and have never done so, go to You Tube and search “How to Open a Young Thai Coconut” and tons of videos will pop up to give you an idea.) Pour coconut water into blender. Scrape the inside of the coconut and add the coconut meat into the blender. Blend, pour, enjoy!
****REMINDER******* My health radio show Healthy Living in a Toxic World airs tonight online at 7pm via www.newdradio.com. Anyone can tune in and listen. Tonight’s episode is on How to Quit Smoking Naturally, and I will be interviewing Holistic Health Counselor and Naturopath, Dr. Yew.
The Skinny on Weight Loss
So let’s say your goal is to lose weight? For whatever reason: health concerns, vanity, comfort….I get asked this quite often. Your thinking that putting yourself on a “vegan diet” may help you reach your goal. You are right and wrong. Our world is so consumed with fad diets and quick fixes, and if you’re approaching veganism as a diet, you’re going to fall into the same trap as all the Weight Watchers fanatics of our world. I think we need to shift the way we think about weight and dieting. For lasting change, we need a lifestyle change, not a diet. You need to take the time to get in tune with your own body and discover what fruits and veggies you love and try new ones! Everyone wants the quick fix and for someone to tell you exactly what is right for you to eat. I think that takes the beauty out of the journey of learning to eat consciously, a journey that allows you to really get in tune with how your body responds to certain foods and also experimenting and expanding your food choices.
When I think about weight…I think WASTE. People find that the more that they eat fresh vegetables and fruits, the “weight” just falls off. Why? Because you are literally flushing your system out, and you are eating foods that are high in water content and fiber as well as lovely nutrients. Over time, if you are eating this way you may hit a plateau and then changing up your workout routine and challenging your body fitness-wise will help you break through that. What I tell people who are eating everything and anything from meat to processed foods, is to try taking the simple step of replacing big breakfasts with a green juice or smoothie and getting in a least one big salad a day. Want to up the ante a bit more, make that morning smoothie a power smoothie and add in some super food powers or a powder supplement that has a lot of nutrients. This gives your body time to process food from the day before in the morning, and jump starts your day!
Doing this will start to make you feel different. You will start to feel more energized and therefore make better food choices and have energy to spare to get back on a good exercise regimen. A good friend of mine in New York years back who was overweight took me up on this advice and when I saw him months later, I barely recognized him! For all the already mostly raw foodies, the only thing that can really add weight to your frame is eating a lot of nut heavy foods. Other than that, its pretty much a lifestyle that should naturally allow you to reach and maintain a healthy weight as long as you are getting enough variety of foods and nutrients.
At the end of the day, I think it’s always more important to focus on how you look and feel, rather than how much you weigh. My former trainer is a great example. This woman weighs more than me but is leaner and ten times stronger than I am by far. Working with her brought home the message that everyone, especially women need to embrace if they are looking to lose weight. Strength building and muscle-building are going to help you NOT hinder you. As you gain muscle you will be leaner, stronger, and burning more fat throughout the day. Now, I’m all about weight training at least 3-4 times a week, and my primary concern is what my body fat percentage is, not my weight.
The last point that is very important is a spiritual and psychological component. If you are overweight, you may have destructive eating habits that take the place of processing your emotions in a healthy way. This is nothing to ignore, because resolving these core emotional issues can be the catalyst to your transformation. Everything works from the inside out. Start within, don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself, and there’s no way you cannot reach your goal. –XoXo Raw Girl
Dear Raw Girl: Going Vegan & Weightloss
Dear Raw Girl: Do you think it is possible to be vegan and maintain the same weight? – Ashley Akunna
Ashley thank you for the question, I think this is a concern that a lot of people have. I can completely understand wanting to maintain your current weight. If you choose to adopt a mostly plant-based diet and were not eating that way prior, yes you may lose weight or WASTE initially. Really your body is going to be flushing out unnecessary junk in your colon and waste sometimes stored up from years of eating processed food, meat etc. What I experienced personally, and have heard from other vegans/raw foodists is that after some time of being consistently vegan the body adjusts, and will normalize at what is a healthy weight for you. Some people say that they gain weight back at this point. It’s like the body has to go back to one, and reset before returning to balance. In addition, the change from meat-eater to vegan is not as drastic as going from meat-eater to raw foods. As a vegan who isn’t predominantly raw there’s still a lot of options that will keep “meat on your bones,” especially if you’re still eating carbs and meat substitutes. So you may not have anything to worry about.
What you should ask yourself is what is more important? Maintaining the weight you are at now…or going with the flow and choosing to be the best, most energized, and healthiest version of you that you can be? Our culture can be quite weight obsessed instead of focusing on what counts…how do you feel, are you productive, energized, and dis-ease free? Instead of focusing on my weight, I have always chosen to focus on the latter. -XoXo Raw Girl
Have a question? Email me at rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com