Making a Green Smoothie!

I am gearing up for my annual fast into the new year!  Last year it was 10 days. This year I think I may do 3 days of blended foods, 7 days of liquids/juice only, and 3 days coming off of the fast with blended foods and perhaps veggie broth as well. The target start date is December 23rd, and I will start coming off the fast on January 2nd.  Trying to get mentally prepared and incorporating more liquid foods into my diet. Today I made a Tropical Green Smoothie. Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 date, 1 mango, water from 1 Young Thai Coconut, 3-4 Kale Leaves.

When making green smoothies, it is recommended to use about 60% fresh fruit and 40% green leaves. Take care not to include any starchy vegetables such as: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, corn. These types of vegetables require the body to use different enzymes to break them down, and if mixed improperly can lead to fermentation and gas. Check out the video below and hopefully you’ll be inspired to concoct a green smoothie of your own! -XoXo Raw Girl


3 Responses to Making a Green Smoothie!

  1. Babygirl says:

    This smoothie actually looks good. Very nice post

  2. That green smoothie sounds amazing. I’m making one today of organic mango, banana, swiss chard. Yum!

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