Natural Cures: Diatemaceous Earth for Detox & Parasites

Diatemaceous Earth is an amazing substance I discovered through a girlfriend of mine who had some crazy run-ins with some bugs and needed something that would be quick, effective, and most importantly natural. This substance which is a mouthful to pronounce, is composed mainly of silica, occurs naturally, and is mined all over the world. Not only is DE good for killing pests such as fleas, ticks, roaches, and slugs (perfect as an organic pesticide), but its also extremely safe for human consumption and helps fight off parasitic infections, cleans the colon, and aids in overall detoxification of the body. Many bread manufacturers actually use DE in their products to prevent pests from eating them. One of the most amazing things about DE is how it actually works. On a microscopic level, DE has a honeycomb structure with razor sharp edges which gets caught into the exoskeleton of the pests and literally slices them up and dries them out. They are made of fossilized diatoms of prehistoric algae which look like cylinders. As these millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they attract and absorb fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E.coli, and heavy metals. These are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body.

DE is easily ground up into a fine powder very similar to talcum, and is usually simply taken with a glass of water. Now before you jump out of your seat to go and quickly purchase some (which is super affordable by the way) it is important to know that if you consume DE you MUST take FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth. There is also Industrial DE which is used mainly as a pool filter and has a more crystallized form of silica which you do NOT want to take. So FOOD GRADE not INDUSTRIAL…alright we get the picture. Anyways, food grade diatomaceous earth is composed of 80-90% Silica which is an important trace element that plays an important role in mineral absorption, as an antioxidant and is great for healthy skin, hair, and nails. And not only that, there are NO negative side effects. My girlfriend noticed after a month of taking one heaping tablespoon every morning that not only did she have increased energy levels but her nails were growing strong, and she was detoxing more heavily. It also helped with that bug problem too.

Diatemaceous Earth is one of those substances that is good for just about everything and has multiple uses for your body, around the house, and in the yard all at the same time. I’ve just purchased my own and I’m excited about it’s cleansing properties, which are useful this time of year. Silica is a trace element that is very important in preserving skin, bone, and cartilage health. DE is 80-90% silica which is what makes it such a great wound healer. If you happen to have any pets, you can also rub it on their fur to keep away any pests. Below is a brief outline on some more of the goodness Diatemaceous earth offers. Based on this list, you may agree it’s something worth trying. – XoXo Nicola, signing in for Raw Girl

● Assists in natural weight loss ● Stimulates metabolism ● Kills Parasites ● Aids healing of external wounds (sprinkle on top) ● Fights acne ● Cleans colon ● Kills household pests (fleas, ticks, bed bugs) ● Aids in calcium absorption (due to silica content) ● Lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol ● Relieves sore joints. ● Promotes healthier skin and hair● Promotes healthier teeth and gums, and harder nails. ● Helps to detox from mercury, viruses, drug residues and common causes of intestinal infections ● Fades age spots and prevents premature aging ● Raises energy levels ● Improves lung functioning

2 Responses to Natural Cures: Diatemaceous Earth for Detox & Parasites

  1. T.A. El Amin says:

    Keep on sending out these life-changing messages. The Ancestors are pleased with your work in helping to heal their progeny. Asante` Sana! Peace and Blessings.

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