5 Things to Remember When Detoxing!


  1. Chug, chug, CHUG that H2O!!! It’s amazing how powerful pure water can be to flush out toxins and rejuvenate. The majority of us already don’t drink enough water so try to double your water intake while you are cleansing.
  2. Leave them desserts alone. If you have a roaming eye like mine,  if there’s any semblance of room in your belly when the meal is done you can’t help but make a beeline for the sweets. Even if they are “raw” chocolate covered somethings, take a chill pill and and save your sweet tooth for after you’ve reached the end of the detox and have successfully got your vegan glow swag back. The point of the detox is to give you digestive system a break. I promise if you can stick to your tough love regimen, you’ll feel so much better and have more excitement when you can devour that macaroon you’ve been eyeing. It’s called delayed gratification.
  3. When you conduct any sort of cleanse, emotions may arise. Don’t be surprised if you have a full on Bridget Jones hysteria moment. Let the sobs, venting, and giggles commence. We sometimes use food to ignore what we are feeling. Our bodies also can store trauma in unexpected places, so as you release toxins, you may need to release resentment or anger with it. Breathe through it, don’t judge it, and when you reach the other side of the detox rainbow you’ll feel miraculous.
  4. It’s always more fun when you have a buddy! Even if you just have that awesome friend you can call and ramble to about how you really need chocolate right now, a buddy is always a wonderful thing. We all need support, and letting others (you trust) into your process will also force you to be more accountable for reaching the end goal. So partner up and let the hunger games commence!
  5. Things fall apart to come back together. Our external world is very much a reflection of our internal world. During or post-detox perhaps you realize you are in the wrong line of work. Or maybe you are hit with the realization that some relationships have taken their course. It’s amazing how a clean body temple can also lead to profound clarity of mind. Follow your gut and don’t be afraid of the new opportunities or shifts that arise.

~ XO Raw Girl

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