Remedy #1: Salt. Everyone knows that Candida loves sugar and the acidic environment an excess of it can cause in the body, but did you know they hate salt? Unrefined, Himalayan pink salt to be exact. This is why Salt Water Flushes are one amazingly simple thing you can do to chase these organisms out of your body. In conjunction with a Candida diet or fast from the S.A.D diet, a week of salt flushing has an incredible healing and cleansing effect on all your tissues and organs. Drink 32oz of warm water with 2 teaspoons of pure salt dissolved in it. Do this on an empty stomach in the morning. Peristalsis should be triggered within 2 hours as the salt solution makes its way from your mouth down to your digestive tract removing all the toxins it meets as it flushes through. Expect to be left feeling light, energetic and free as your body is cleansed of old, dead Candida cells along with other toxic material trapped inside.
Remedy #2: Baking Soda. To continue with the alkalinizing process that disrupts Candida colonies in the body, Baking Soda is indispensable. Taking a few teaspoons of it in warm water before bed helps to corner Candida when its most active – at night. You will find instant relief with this procedure when done along with a Candida diet; but make sure you use a high-quality baking soda from the health food store. And in addition to drinking the solution, bathe with baking soda to ‘up the ante’ on the detox. Run a hot bath and pour a half cup in the water, relax for as long as you can take it – around 15 minutes for starters as the bath can be very cleansing and may cause itching, headaches and rapid heartbeat as the toxins leave your body through the water. Take a quick cold shower and wrap up in a warm towel afterwards and go to sleep.
Remedy #3: Herbs. Medicinal Herbs are not the friends of Candida. Turmeric, garlic, ginger, moringa and spirulina taken in tea, powder or eaten in their original form send yeasts packing. Unlike some expensive pill supplements, the raw herbs go right into your system and give the Candida cells a run for their money. The yeasts have no way of avoiding the direct contact with a heaping tablespoon of anti-fungal turmeric coming down to meet them with the help of a large glass of filtered water. And of course we all know about garlic, not much of a secret, but its power in forcing Candida to surrender is not valued enough, I think. Imagine a nice cocktail with all of the above blended with water and taking throughout the day during a Candida diet cleanse. The fungus will cease to have a secret life in you. It and all its friends’ covert activities in your body will be brought to light, uprooted and healed.
– Sia
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