All New IG TV Show: Health Bytes!

Hey lovelies! 2019 is here, and I’ve got more new content for you. Hopefully you’ve already subscribed to my new podcast, and yesterday I also launched the first season of my IG TV show Health Bytes! If you do not follow me on instagram, head on over to @therawgirl and hit follow so you can keep up with the weekly episodes. Each week I’ll also be posting the transcript from the show, here on the blog. Please send in comments, questions or topic ideas for season two, I would love your feedback. -XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl

EPISODE 1: The Dangers of Health Fads

OMG have you tried keto yet? What about the low fat or low carb craze? If you can’t keep up with the latest health fads and are overwhelmed with the massive amounts of contradicting information out there, this one’s for you boo! Welcome to Health Bytes!

I’m not sure if you noticed but every year there’s a new health fad being pushed as the latest way to lose weight, stay healthy, OR to binge on a bunch of foods that aren’t so great for you. Whether it be the keto craze, the myth that fat is bad for you, or the obsession with low carbs, following health fads can miss the mark for several reasons. Let me break it all the way down for you :

TO start, the problem with health fads is that they are usually about getting results quick and not about maintaining your health or longevity. I get it!  We live in a YOLO society, but when you are 80 and have heart disease, you may regret the years you spent on an Atkins diet. At the end of the day, healthy living should not be a race. and the diet we adopt should provide us with immediate health boosting benefits as well as supply adequate nutrients to keep us healthier as we age. Of course, you diet may adapt as you age to accommodate your bodies’ needs, but following a fad can set you up for building a nutritional foundation that is on shaky ground.

Another problem with fad diets: they are not personalized and do not account for specific conditions. I personally believe in bio individuality. We are all uniquely designed and have specific genetic makeups. It’s incredibly important that our diets take those factors into consideration, and also provide the right balance of nutrients to help us heal if we have a specific disease or imbalance. Our diets should be individualized, and should also include some of the healthiest versions of ancestral foods based on where our families originate. When we keep some of the good foods our fathers father ate before us, we are maintaining nutrients in our diets that honor our genetic makeup.

Last but not least, one problem with adopting health fads is that when the craze is happening, there is rarely adequate evidence based research to demonstrate the full repercussions the diet may have on your health long-term. When we get so focused on the immediate short term goals of weight loss we can sacrifice more important aspects such as cardiovascular health. We all know several health fads that were all the rage; only to find out years later research has debunked them as myths. I’m sure you know of the low fat craze which swept America, only to find out later that healthy fats are incredibly important for maintaining good cholesterol and heart health. For instance, research studies have recently shown that low carb diets that are high in animal protein actually decrease longevity.

The moral of the story? Before you jump on the latest health fad, think twice and do your research. It’s a much better use of your time to consult with a nutrition specialist one on one and build a lifestyle that is tailored to you and includes a balanced intake of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

I’m Esosa E. Clinical Nutritionist & Founder of, until next time, your wealth is in your health!


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