IG TV Episode 3: 4 Ways to Slow the Aging Process

 Are you like me, and don’t ever want to have to get BOTOX? This one’s for you boo…Welcome to HealthBytes!

We’ve been led to believe that aging is a completely natural part of life’s cycles; but what if that wasn’t necessarily the whole truth. What if just by making lifestyle shifts we could : prolong the quality of our lives, have more energy AND slow down the aging process. Here’s 4 Simple ways to keep it tight and right well past 70

  1. Reduce the amount of free radicals in your diet.  – This means you eliminate fast foods, fried processed foods, and focus on whole nutrient dense stuff full of life force. The more raw, steamed, or baked foods the better. If you don’t want to look like a potato chip at 85; don’t eat them.
  2. Start the practice of intermittent fasting. Not only has eating within a restrained window of time been proven by research to extend your lifespan, it also activates autophagy. Autophagy is basically a really gangsta clean up and repair of dead cells. While your body fasts, you regenerate your cells and remain fabulous.
  3. Stimulate the vagus nerve. So the vagus nerve is a part of our nervous system and is responsible for communication between the gut and brain. When our parasympathetic nervous system is turned on, our body is in digest and rest mode. Most people have their sympathetic nervous system turned on which is fight or flight mode. When the body is in fight or flight, it cannot heal! Simple way to stimulate the vagus nerve: take a hot to cold shower.  If you can handle it an extremely cold 60-90 second burst during your morning shower will not only energize you, but put your body into healing mode.
  4. Reduce your refined sugar intake. When the body takes in sugar, it triggers a process called glycation – sugars latch onto protein molecules and because of this they get stiff and malformed. Some of the main proteins affected by this are collagen and elastin, which are KEY in keeping our skin youthful and supple. -XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl 

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