The Benefits of Superfood Chlorella

If you’re about that #AgelessLife; strategic supplementation is key.

An awesome way to ensure adequate nutrition daily is to incorporate superfoods into meals. One of my favorite superfoods that sometimes gets slept on is Chlorella! 

Why is chlorella the bomb dot com?!

It is a green algae and cousin of spirulina that is high in protein (around 50-60%) with all nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and more than 20 vitamins and minerals including potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorous, B Vitamins including a potentially active form of B12 (essential for plant-eaters), vitamin C, D,E, and K. 

Chlorella is a great source of antioxidants, and one of the highest forms of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the life blood of plants and has a structure similar to the hemoglobin in our blood. Chlorella’s high levels of chlorophyll have been shown to protect the body against ultraviolet radiation treatments while removing radioactive particles from the body so it’s excellent for those who are going through chemo.

Chlorella also works to synergistically balance and normalize body functions while supporting immunity, and has strong detoxification properties which aid the body in removing heavy metals, waste, parasites and other toxins. 

It can even improve body odor or bad breath y’all! In addition to being a super detoxifier, chlorella has been shown to prevent development of cancerous cells, can help to rebuild nerves in the brain after serious nerve damage,, eliminate constipation, and help to rebalance gut flora which aids in treating digestive and colon related diseases.

It’s also helpful for weight loss and correcting insulin resistance. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers state, “Chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose levels.” Chlorella benefits you by helping to regulate hormones, metabolism, improving circulation and promoting higher levels of energy.

Research continues to reveal that chlorella may also slow the aging process! A study published in the journal Clinical Laboratory revealed that chlorella greatly reduces oxidative stress, caused from pollution, stress and a poor diet.

Pretty dope for spirulina’s cousin huh?! 

Have you tried Chlorella? What are your favorite superfoods? Comment below or on my Instagram @therawgirl ! -XO




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