Birth Control

Them: You need birth control to resolve your PMS issues.
Me: 🙄

Chile in case you hadn’t heard, hormonal birth control wreaks havoc on women’s bodies! And we are often not given enough information to thoroughly assess the potential dangers of long term use. Below are some of the dangers you may be unaware of. 👇

A study conducted at the Department of Public Health, University of Oxford, Institute of Health Sciences, UK showed that women who took oral hormonal birth control for at least two years took an average of nine months to get pregnant compared to three months for those who had used condoms to avoid pregnancy.

Researchers in Denmark have found that hormonal birth control causes a 70 percent increased risk of depression. Those same researchers, in a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, found that women who use hormonal birth control, including pills, the patch, the ring, and hormonal IUDs, have up to three times the risk of suicide as women who have never taken hormonal birth control. The risk for suicide was highest with use of the patch, followed by an IUD, the vaginal ring, and pills.

Combination hormonal birth control pills that contain desogestrel or drospirenone continue to increase the risk of blood clots which are likely to occur in the legs or lungs. A clot in the leg can travel through the circulation system and cause a pulmonary embolism which can cause damage to the lung or at worst, death.

Depo-Provera, the birth control shot which uses the hormone progestin to prevent ovulation, comes with an increased risk of decreased bone density. A decrease in bone density can lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.

Many of my clients are seeking alternative natural methods because of the damage BC has done to their bodies over time. I can’t tell you the number of clients who have spent years on birth control and once off got a surprise diagnosis for fibroids or endometriosis. It’s maddening. 😡 If you are experiencing health issues as a result of BC and need help transitioning off, sign up for a free meet & greet for my Hormone Balancing Academy.-XO

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