How acupuncture can support healing


Chile I have to confess….I’m currently in a committed lifelong relationship…

With Acupuncture!

I’m obsessed with acupuncture for maintenance of good health, and to support the body getting back to one when it’s out of balance. If I’m feeling off; my Chinese medicine doc is the first person I consult for non-urgent health matters, and at Raw Girl Coaching we often recommend acupuncture treatments to our clients to support their healing journeys.

Acupuncture treatment was first documented in China over 2,500 years ago; practitioners use their knowledge of meridians and the issue presented by the patient to insert thin needles into specific points on your body that can stimulate healing. Qi or chi is your life force energy that travels through channels in the body called meridians.

The insertion of thin needles at specific points along these meridians releases any blockages or disruptions in chi (or qi) and gives the human body an energy boost and blocks pain receptors. It also encourages the parasympathetic nervous system to take over, allowing heart rate to slow down and blood pressure and cortisol to reduce.

This practice balances the overall energy or “qi” (pronounced “chee”)  of a person’s body, and can boost organ functioning. You will be amazed at the number of ailments acupuncture can be used for. Some amongst others include: chronic pain, digestive issues, gastrointestinal disorders,  menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, infertility, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, asthma,  sport injuries,  weight loss, acne, migraines, high and low blood pressure, morning sickness,heartburn/indigestion problems and many more.

More research is needed, but some preliminary studies show that this ancient treatment can have positive effects for reducing anxiety and depression as well!

Friendly reminder: Be sure to book an appointment with a licensed acupuncturist when receiving acupuncture treatments. It is a supportive healing tool, but getting the best acupuncturist you can find can increase the effectiveness of your treatments. -XO

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