Prioritize your period health

Hey girl hey,

Did you know that the state of your period is a very important indicator of your overall health status? You may have been told most of your life that crazy PMS, heavy bleeding, migraines, vomiting, intense and painful cramping and more are completely normal, and you should deal with it. 

Sis, this is not true!

When you are given solutions, guess what the doctor prescribes? Birth control of some kind which worsens underlying hormonal imbalance while hiding your unsavory symptoms in the short term. 

The past two years at Raw Girl Coaching, we dedicated an entire program to helping women get their periods all the way together and the results have been amazing. I have seen even the most extreme cases, ie: women bleeding for over a month at a time, women who cannot urinate properly, or women who have been regularly hospitalized have a complete reduction in all of their unsavory period symptoms within two to three months, sometimes sooner. 

Our amazing Glow-Up stories gave me more faith that God can heal anything, and drove home the feeling that we have to do better when educating women about their cycles.  

Just in case you missed some of the amazing Glow-Up stories on the podcast this past season, I’m linking them below so you can hear firsthand how our clients are thriving after using diet, lifestyle, and supplements to address hormonal imbalance. 

If you’re comfortable, email me at and let me know if you have ever struggled with your period, and what you did or are doing currently to get your hormones back on track! 



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