Author Archives: rawgirl

Brazilian Fruit: Cashew!

Cashew in Brazil is next level!

I’ve always loved using cashew nuts for nut milks, icings, and even vegan cheese, but never actually knew what a cashew fruit looks like. Cashew nuts grow inside the seeds that hang from cashew apples. The fruit of a cashew tree has a stalk, and here in Brazil, they use all of it. The stalk of the fruit is used for making juices and sweets–you can literal order cashew juice! From the cashew nut you can also extract and make an edible oil, and from the roasted kernel a flour can be made. The false fruit sometimes called a cashew apple which is highly perishable and is high in vitamins A & C,  can be eaten raw, cooked, or even used to make liquor.

If you are eating a high percentage of raw food, take care to eat a balanced amount of cashews or nuts in general to ensure the fat content of your diet isn’t too high. Cashew nuts are high in carbohydrates and low in fiber but packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants including vitamins E, K, and B-6, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium



Silva, S., & Tassara, H. (1998). Fruit in Brazil. São Paulo, SP: Empresa das Artes.

Brazilian Fruit: Açaí

Happy to be in the land of Açaí  🙂 

Açaí  bowls were already my favorite and in my opinion are better than ice cream on a hot summer day. Not only do you get fruit that is packed with anti-aging antioxidants, acai contains a generous amount of vitamin A, some calcium, and smaller amounts of trace minerals like chromium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. 

Just in case you’ve never heard of it the ORAC test measures the antioxidant content of foods and gives each an ORAC  (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) score. In the case of acai, 100 grams of frozen pulp has an ORAC of 15,405, whereas the same amount of blueberries has a score of 4,669. 

Funny enough acai is not a berry, it actually contains a pit like apricots so it’s considered a drupe. Because fresh acai berries have a short shelf life and aren’t available outside of where they are grown, they are exported and sold as a frozen fruit purée, dried powder or pressed juice. 

The dopest part about the way acai is prepared in Brazil is it is more commonly used with savory meals. 



Silva, S., & Tassara, H. (1998). Fruit in Brazil. São Paulo, SP: Empresa das Artes.


Free Course: Self-Care 101

It wasn’t until I was wheels up and exhaled that I realized how desperately I needed a break. Traveling for me is a form of self-care. It gives me oxygen. It ignites my curiosity again and allows me to explore my passion for all things healthy, fashion, and food in other cultures. For several years now I’ve gone without real good quality vacations while I was studying towards my Masters. Meaning I may be traveling but I am working at the same time. I’m determined and thankfully have more support to take a REAL moment to breathe again before reaching a breaking point. If you are in need of TLC, find a way to say YES to your self-care and do something for you that makes your heart sing today.

PS Before I left for vacay I created a self-paced FREE Self-Care 101 course that includes a lecture I gave a few months back. It ain’t self-care as you think of it – I address it from a holistic perspective.  Feel free to sign up and share the love with someone you know needs it.  Tchau for now! XO    

FREE Self-Care 101 Class

The Benefits of Coconut Water (& Hello from Brazil!)

Holy Smokes, I’m in Brazil! 

I’ll be here for the next couple weeks and am excited to share info about some incredible tropical fruit and foods available in several posts per week so buckle up! One of the things I was looking forward to most on my bae-cay 😉 is having access to coconuts 24-7! I’m obsessed. 

Apparently coconuts first arrived in Bahia in 1553 and then their growth spread all along the coast of Brazil. There are so many dishes that use coconut here from cassava and tapioca puddings, tapioca cous cous, beiju molhado, canjica (porridge), and much more. My favorite way to eat a coconut is fresh, drinking the water and eating the meat (when I’m not managing my macros as coconut milk and meat are higher in fat. 

Coconut water which forms naturally in the fruit is 94% water, very little fat,  high in potassium around 600 mg, and low in sodium. A diet rich in potassium is key for lowering blood pressure, dealing with sugar cravings, adrenal fatigue and much more. Research has shown that coconut water can lower blood sugar levels and improve health markers in animals, and has an antioxidant effect to modify free radicals so they do not cause harm. Beyond all this coconut water is the perfect post-workout drink for replenishing electrolytes post-workout because it contains potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. In two separate research studies, researchers found that coconut water restored hydration after exercise better than water and equal to high-electrolyte sports beverages. XO

Also check out this Past Post on 7 Natural Ways to Replenish Your Electrolytes Post Workout.



Haddy FJ, Vanhoutte PM, Feletou M. Role of potassium in regulating blood flow 

and blood pressure. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006

Mar;290(3):R546-52. Review. PubMed PMID: 16467502.


Ismail I, Singh R, Sirisinghe RG. Rehydration with sodium-enriched coconut

water after exercise-induced dehydration. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public

Health. 2007 Jul;38(4):769-85. PubMed PMID: 17883020.


Saat M, Singh R, Sirisinghe RG, Nawawi M. Rehydration after exercise with

fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. J

Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci. 2002 Mar;21(2):93-104. PubMed PMID: 12056182.

Neem as Natural Birth Control

I first got hip to neem as natural birth control years ago in conversation with an Ayurvedic doctor. Interestingly enough, neem has already been used as a contraceptive in India for thousands of years. Neem is a spermicide, and is my top choice for a natural birth control for any card carrying progressive woman as it can be taken by both men and women. YEP, ladies you heard me right – how bout we get bae involved! 

Why I prefer it is because it does have some research behind it– although most of the testing has been done on animals. To use it and make it completely fool-proof ideally: the female partner would take neem during her fertile window, the male partner would also take it, AND for additional protection neem oil can also be inserted in the vagina during or after sex. It is possible for men alone to take it, or women alone to take it and still prevent pregnancy. For the fertility window to be safe you can track your cycle and take neem for 7 days total. Most women have a 28-day menstrual cycle, which  means you have about 6 days each month when you can get pregnant. How long should Bae take it? Animal studies showed 66.7 percent reduction in fertility after 6 weeks, 80 percent after 9 weeks, and 100 percent after 11 weeks. Using a dose of 900-1000 mg daily of a Neem leaf during that period would be ideal. 

Research conducted on 20 married soldiers from the Indian Army over the course of one year showed that a daily oral dose of several drops of neem seed oil placed in gelatin capsules prevented pregnancy in each of the wives during the period of the study. The effect took 6 weeks to become 100% effective. The effects were reversed within 6 weeks after subjects discontinued taking the capsules. During the study, none of the men experienced any negative side effects and retained their normal capabilities and desires. (Vietmeyer, 1992). In the studies I found, 3 mg of neem leaf extract immobilized and killed 100% of spermatozoa within 20 seconds. Newer studies showed that neem oil contraceptive kills sperm in the vagina within 30 seconds and remains active for five hours without causing irritation.

To watch a testimonial I found of a woman who has used this method for five years, click HERE. XO



Link to overview:

Gp. Capt. K.C. Sinha and Lt. Col. S.S. Riar. 1985. Neem oil—an ideal contraceptive. Biological Memoirs 10(1 and 2):107-114.

N.L. Sadre, Vibhavari Y. Deshpande, K.N. Mendulkar, and D.H. Nandal. 1983. Male antifertility activity of Azadirachta indica in different species. Pages 473-482 in H. Schmutterer and K.R.S. Ascher, eds. 1984. Natural Pesticides from the Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) and other tropical plants. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany.

Shakti N. Upadhyay, Charu Kaushic, and G.P. Talwar. 1990. Antifertility effects of neem (Azadirachta indica) oil by single intrauterine administration: a novel method for contraception. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences 242:175-179.

Suryawanshi, Jyotsna, A. Natural contraceptive for male and female.International Journal of Biomolecules and Biomedicine (IJBB), 2011, Jul 30. Vol. 1, No.2, p. 1-6

How to Survive PMS

Ladies! Why in the world is there no manual for how to survive PMS? 

Despite having horrible PMS in my teens; I didn’t start studying it in depth until working with so many women who have painful, heavy cycles, that may include bonus horrors like migraines and cramping. When I work with a client, asking about menstruation can give me important information about the state of her diet and health. 

FYI – During your luteal phase (the stage after ovulation): fluid accumulates in and around your cells and your weight can increase 1-3 pounds, emotions may go on a complete rollercoaster from fear to anger, you may also feel fatigued, and have cravings for sweets. 

Water retention causes potassium to be excreted, and sodium to be retained which can make you feel tired and irritable. To restore this mineral imbalance, reach for a large green salad (and other potassium rich foods) rather than potato chips. The sugar and classic chocolate cravings can be triggered by an inadequate amount of B vitamins and Magnesium. A week before your period starts, your body responds intensely to insulin and has less glucose circulation in the bloodstream–leaving less glucose supply for your brain. This can leave you with what I used to call vegan b%$*& syndrome. 

If you have horrible PMS, you may need to work with supplements to restore balance. Diet wise, reducing all processed foods with excess refined sugar and salt, and foods with a ton of hormones like dairy can also go a long way. Instead, eating potassium rich foods, Mg rich foods like cacao, dark leafy greens, foods rich in B vitamins (blackstrap molasses are a fav remedy),  and taking your daily multivitamin can help a great deal. Drop an AMEN below or on my instagram profile if this short PMS tutorial was helpful!

The Dangers of Birth Control

Chile in case you hadn’t heard…Birth control wreaks havoc on women’s bodies!

Most women are unaware that hormonal birth control actually SHUTS DOWN your ovaries. If we asked men to take something that forced them to stop producing sperm what do you think they’d say? When you are on the pill, you’re ingesting hormones every day. This means that when your hypothalamus scans your body, it sees that your body already has a certain amount of hormones available, and it tells your pituitary to chill. So your pituitary gland stops communicating to your ovaries to get to work. This brain and ovary connection then lies dormant, and your ovaries not only stop producing eggs, but they stop producing estrogen and progesterone almost entirely. This is how the pill prevents pregnancy; basically through a straight up SHUT DOWN. Your ovaries actually shrink by up to 50% and begin to resemble that of a woman in menopause!

Many of my clients are seeking alternative natural methods because of the damage BC has done to their bodies over time. There are different types of contraceptive pills which all contain synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, or both. 

Side effects may include: spotting, nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, migraines, weight gain, mood changes, missed periods, decreased libido, vaginal discharge, changes to eyesight. Some of the nutritional side effects include depletions in: folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12, vitamin C and E and the minerals magnesium, selenium and zinc. If using the copper IUD it’s important to supplement with zinc, as the heightened absorption of copper depletes zinc in the body. 

When taking BC, it’s important to supplement all of nutrients being depleted, and maintain a diet high in whole foods..ideally hormone-free to maintain balance. In another post this week I’ll discuss a natural option that has no long-term negative side effects. -XO


Palmery M, Saraceno A, Vaiarelli A, Carlomagno G. Oral contraceptives and

changes in nutritional requirements. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013

Jul;17(13):1804-13. PubMed PMID: 23852908.


Vegan Gluten-Free Flatbread & Pizza Crust

If you really enjoy cooking, but hate being in the kitchen all day long, you’ll understand why I’ve been focused on creating meals that can serve dual purpose. I love to have one recipe that I can use for multiple dishes, or slightly modify to create more variety. This flatbread recipe is one of those go-to’s that I have used to create bread, pizza crusts, and with a bit more tweaking…pancakes! It’s a keeper. Did I mention it only takes 10-15 minutes in the oven? I’m totally serious. If you are staying away from refined carbs, almond flour bread is a wonderful way to have your bread, eat it too, and not get that heavy carby feeling after your meal or bloating (if you have gluten sensitivity). Keep in mind you can also use this recipe to make a sweeter bread (I’ve done so by adding chopped dates and walnuts), or keep it more neutral or savory. Feel free to experiment with it add tweak as your taste buds require. XO


3 cups almond flour

1.5 cups tapioca flour

Chia egg – 2 Tablespoons chia mixed with 6 Tablespoons water

1/2 tsp salt

Everything bagel seasoning 1-2 tsp (Trader Joes has an awesome one)

1/3 cup or as needed of coconut, almond, or hemp milk

1/4 cup Pumpkin seeds (optional for flatbread to press pumpkin seeds on top of bread before baking)


Set your oven for 425 degrees Fahrenheit. In a small bowl or cup add chia seeds and water and allow chia egg to soak until gel-like. Mix all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Add chia egg and pour in 1/3 cup of nut milk and mix thoroughly. Add small amounts of additional milk if needed but not too much so the batter becomes runny. Form a dough for bread once ingredients mixed and knead the dough using your hands and adding some additional flour to ensure it doesn’t stick. Placing the dough on parchment paper, use a rolling pin to roll our the dough to the desired shape of your bread. Add additional everything bagel seasoning on top and if preferred also press in pumpkin seeds. If using as a pizza crust, can skip the seeds. Once finished, place parchment paper on a sheet pan. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Serve and Enjoy!

If you are preparing a pizza, you can use my Avocado Pesto Sauce for a different take, (as pictured above with sauteed leeks and spinach added as topping), or use a low sodium homemade or store bough tomato based pizza sauce and add all of the toppings you desire.

7 Nutrition Tips to Lengthen Telomeres & Slow the Aging Process

Lengthening Telomeres to Slow Aging

I became fascinated with longevity in my early twenties by accident when I kept coming across information about incredible men and women in their “golden years” who had the strength and vitality of people half their age. Women like Annette Larkins, Mimi Kirk, Karyn Calbrese,  and more became my Anti-aging SHE-roes and the seed for my inspiration which blossomed into implementing rituals in my own diet and lifestyle and creating my online course Staying Ageless 30+.

There are so many components of lifestyle and nutrition that need to come together to achieve long term incredible vitality and youthfulness, and in my last Insta post I started the conversation about telomeres which have been a point of research for me lately. I know, your probably like…”What the heck is a telomere?”

Telomeres are protective caps on our DNA which shorten as we age. Research has proven that our chronological age really doesn’t matter, is our biological age that is the true marker of our health status and that can be determined by the length of our telomeres.  In short, if we are able to lengthen our telomeres we can slow or reverse aging.  The telomerase enzyme was found in research to be the key enzyme that increases telomere length. When telomerase ezyme activity is not present, our telomeres begin to shorten.  Cancer cells actually have a high expression of telomerase activity which is what makes it spread so quickly.

What are a few things you can do TODAY to begin lengthening your telomeres? Below is a short list of some basic but effective things you can incorporate in your diet or lifestyle. Keep in mind that finding interventions that are tailor to your needs, chronic conditions, body type, medications, and sensitivities is always key. -XO

  1. Reduce oxidative stress by through eating whole nutrient dense foods high in antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory, and avoiding very strenuous physical activities like ultra marathons, triathalons etc. which put a great deal of stress on the body that can actually accelerate aging.
  2. Take astragulus root which is an adaptogen that helps mitigate the stress response and also activates telomerase enzyme  expression in the body because of two compounds found in it: cycloastragenols and astragalosides. Scientists have created a compound from extracts that has the same effects called TA-65 which is expensive to say the least, and not as natural as just taking plain old astragalus. With all herbs caution should be taken if you are taking medication, and it is best to find the dose that works for you under the supervision of a practitioner.
  3. Supplement with a good multivitamin to ensure you have adequate levels of B vitamins and vitamin D which all support telomerase expression.
  4. Incorporate reishi mushroom as an elixir or supplement as it  deactivates telomerase activity in cancer cells, while promoting expression in healthy cells. Another bonus of reishi, is that it has been shown to improve sleep quality.
  5. Turmeric is a very potent anti-inflammatory and useful in the quest to lengthen telomeres because inflammatory markers are related to shortened telomeres or low telomerase activity.
  6. Meditating has a strong correlation with the lengthening of telomeres in scientific studies. This may be because it combats stress and promotes a balanced cognitive expression.
  7. Exercising regularly is something we know can slow the aging process and research backs up the fact that exercisers are frequently even as much as 10-20 years younger than their non-exercising counterparts! More on this in my past post 10 Fundamentals of Self-Care.

Enrollment ended yesterday, but there are two spots now available in my program Staying Ageless 30+ which starts next Sunday, June 30th, so if you are a women 30+ looking to determine the right diet and exercise for your body, interested in creating lasting healthy rituals, and ready to begin your transformation with group and one-on-one support, schedule a call with me HERE. Limited times available!


Ludlow AT, Gratidão L, Ludlow LW, Spangenburg EE, Roth SM. Acute exercise activates p38 MAPK and increases the expression of telomere-protective genes in cardiac muscle. Exp Physiol. 2017 Apr 1;102(4):397-410. doi: 10.1113/EP086189. Epub 2017 Mar 14. PubMed PMID: 28166612; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5378631.

Rathore M, Abraham J. Implication of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation on Telomere Stability. Int J Yoga. 2018 Sep-Dec;11(3):186-193. doi: 10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_51_17. Review. PubMed PMID: 30233111; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6134740.

Salvador L, Singaravelu G, Harley CB, Flom P, Suram A, Raffaele JM. A Natural Product Telomerase Activator Lengthens Telomeres in Humans: A Randomized, Double Blind, and Placebo Controlled Study. Rejuvenation Res. 2016 Dec;19(6):478-484. Epub 2016 Mar 30. PubMed PMID: 26950204; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5178008.

Tolahunase M, Sagar R, Dada R. Impact of Yoga and Meditation on Cellular Aging in Apparently Healthy Individuals: A Prospective, Open-Label Single-Arm Exploratory Study. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:7928981. doi: 10.1155/2017/7928981. Epub 2017 Jan 16. Erratum in: Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:2784153. PubMed PMID: 28191278; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5278216.


Kelp Noodles with Avocado Pesto Sauce

Continuing with the theme of quick and easy meals, this week, I’ll give you recipes for two amazing dishes you can make using the Avocado Pesto Sauce recipe I shared last week. This first one is so easy, it’ll make you want to cry with joy, as it takes minutes to prepare!

Kelp noodles have become one of my favorite dishes. Not only are they nutritionally dense and full of vitamins such as A, vitamin K, kelp noodles also contain minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. They are also an excellent natural source of iodine, which is important for metabolism, optimal thyroid function, and hormone balancing. Kelp noodles can be incorporated in a wide range of diets because they are low calorie, fat-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free, as the core ingredients include water, kelp, and sodium alginate which is a naturally occurring salt in brown seaweed.

Kelp Noodles with Avocado Pesto Sauce


Kelp noodles

wedge of lemon or lime

Salt and pepper to taste

Avocado Pesto Sauce

Prep: remove your kelp noodles from plastic baggy (usually filled with water) and place in a bowl. Pour boiling water over the noodles until immersed and squeeze in fresh lemon or lime juice. Do not skip this step as it makes the noodles softer and less crunchy. Let noodles soak for a minimum of 15-20 minutes. You can also soak these the night before in the same manner if you wish. Make your avocado pesto sauce as outline in the recipe HERE by blending all of the ingredients together.

After noodles have soaked for 20 minutes minimum, strain the noodles and place in a mixing bowl. Add avocado pesto sauce until the noodles are coated and mix into noodles thoroughly. Add toppings you like:  added cherry tomatoes, sunflower shoots, crumbled pistachios, almonds, and additional salt and pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy! -XO Raw Girl

P.S. only two days left to register for my eight week transformative program Staying Ageless 30+! For more info about the program or how you can work with me to achieve your health goals, sign up for a call HERE.