Author Archives: rawgirl

Got VEG? DC & MD Book Signings


This weekend!!! Come one, come all 😊🙏🏾✨ I’ll be signing copies of my latest book GotVeg? How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet @turningnatural. Come get your copy & grab some of their delicious healthy grub. I’ll be at the DC location FRIDAY and the Maryland Location on SATURDAY visit them on Instagram for the addresses 👉🏽@turningnatural –Hope to see you there!!! XO ❤️❤️



The Healing Power of Acupuncture

Last week, I braved the elements and ventured over to a traditional Chinese medical clinic for a session of acupuncture. My first experience with acupuncture was years ago, when I was living in Brooklyn and training for a marathon and got seriously injured. After one session with a therapist my ankle and knee healed very rapidly. If you are like I was at first, the idea of getting poked with needles in order to promote your health may seem a bit cray-cray. However, my most recent session really opened my eyes to that fact that there is nothing crazy about it at all. In fact acupuncture not only balances the organs and the overall energy or “chi” of the body, in is effective in treating numerous conditions including: chronic pain, digestive issues, gastrointestinal disorders,  menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, infertility, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, asthma,  sport injuries,  weight loss, acne, migraines and more. If you want to see some incredible testimonials just get on YouTube and search for acupuncture. More research is being conducted, but acupuncture can also have a very positive effect on relieving stress, anxiety, and even depression.

So how does this work? There are a lot of different scientific theories floating around about why acupuncture produces results, but the basic idea is that the insertion of thin needles releases any blockages or disruptions in chi (or qi), which then travels through channels in the body called meridians. Think about your body like a vehicle. When any part of the vehicle is not functioning optimally it affects the flow and eventually whether or not the car will run properly. When our organs are either overworked or weak, because of the wrong fuel (diet), or other factors, eventually we get clogged up in some areas and may show outward signs of imbalance. Acupuncture acts like a retuning of our overall energy flow so that balance can be restored.

If you are still a skeptic, don’t knock it until you try it.

~Xo Raw Girl

On the Cover of Wellness Warehouse Magazine

imageHappy New Year veggie lovers! Hope you are still sticking your health resolutions even though we are already mid-January. I am excited to be featured on this month’s cover of Wellness Warehouse magazine in South Africa. If you are in that part of the world, pick up you copy at any of the many locations and also check out my article inside “Be Your Own Health Guru!”

Looking forward to a healthy, happy 2016!

~Xo Raw Girl

Give the Gift of Health: Two E-books for the Price of One!

GOT VEG AUTHOR PHOTOTis the season of giving! Was so excited to giveaway ebooks the past two weeks so I’ll be offering a special until the end of 2015.  For the month of December when you purchase  Parasites Be Gone! or Raw Girl’s 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Wellness, and Rejuvenation you will receive a free ebook copy of my new book Got Veg? How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet. If you would like to send your purchase as a gift to a friend or family, include their email address in the special instructions when you purchase. Wishing you a happy & healthy holiday season from South Africa!

XO Raw Girl

Green Smoothie On-the-go!


Spinach, apple, banana, mint 😊💪🏾✨🙌🏾✨

Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Diet

Just in case you hadn’t heard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 600,000 people each year. The good news is that research has proven that heart disease can not only be reversed, but cured all together with lifestyle changes, and adopting a plant-based diet. Removing animal products from the diet literally removes the ongoing contributing factor to cardiovascular disease and  allows the body to heal because most saturated fats and cholesterol are found in meat and dairy products.

Dean Ornish was the first to conduct a groundbreaking study that proved that a vegetarian diet in tandem with lifestyle changes can reverse heart disease. He studied a total of 47 patients and half of the subjects were prescribed medication along with the standard diet of “lean meats” including fish and poultry, and also not allowed to smoke. The experimental group were put on a low fat vegetarian diet, brisk walking as exercise three times per week, no smoking, and stress management exercises. After one year the findings were groundbreaking. The control group had not improved, most had their condition worsen, and still needed medication to function. In the experimental group within weeks chest pain disappeared, cholesterol levels dropped, and in 80% of patients the arteries were reopening.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic conducted another groundbreaking twenty year study and had the same astounding results. The seventeen patients from his study who stayed on the diet and kept up with the lifestyle changes did not have a single cardiac episode over the consecutive twelve years. “After 5 years on Dr. Esselstyn’s plant-based diet, the average total cholesterol levels of his research group dropped from 246 milligrams per deciliter to 137 mg/dL (Above 240 mg/dL is considered “high risk,” below 150 mg/dL is the total cholesterol level seen in cultures where heart disease is essentially nonexistent.) This is the most profound drop in cholesterol ever documented in the medical literature in a study of this type.”

What these studies prove is that contracting heart disease is in large part the result of a sum of choices. Luckily our bodies allow us to  choose something different. But why wait until the your arteries are clogged and the veggie hits the fan?


Esselstyn, C. (2007). Prevent and reverse heart disease: The revolutionary, scientifically proven, nutrition-based cure. New York: Avery.

Falk, L., Bisogni, C., & Sobal, J. (2000). Diet change processes of participants in an intensive heart program…Dean Ornish Lifestyle Heart Trial. Journal of Nutrition Education, 32(5), 240-250 11p.

Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease. (2011, May 6). Retrieved November 21, 2015, from


Win a Free Copy of Got Veg?!



 #GOTVEG GIVEAWAY !!! Starting September 7th until September 28th, 2015 enter to win a FREE EBOOK copy!!!  

I’m excited to give away some free books packed with information and inspiration sure to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle. To enter the contest:

  1. Sign up for the Raw Girl email list here:
  2. SHARE this post with 5 friends on Facebook or Instagram (Tag me on Instagram @therawgirl or on Facebook
  3. Email a picture and 400 words or less about your personal health journey

Winners will be announced every Sunday and will receive their ebooks the same day! XO

Got VEG? Now Available For Purchase!!!


It’s finally here!!! My new book Got Veg? How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet is now available for purchase in ebook PDF format via the blog. I’m so excited to share this because it really is the resource I wished I had when I decided to embark on a healthier lifestyle!! To purchase the book and get your printable copy emailed to you within 24 hours CLICK HERE.

If you prefer a version of the book compatible with e-readers like Nook and Kindle stay tuned. I’ll be announcing the online book retailers that are carryingit in the coming weeks. If you are interested in purchasing a hard copy version of the book you will be able to do so in the first week of September. If you cannot wait you can always buy the PDF version now and order your print book in September. Thank you all for continuously supporting the blog! Looking forward to hearing your feedback, and wishing you radiant health!!!

-XO Raw Girl



New Release Date – Got VEG?

GOTVEGHi Everyone!

I know that many of you are awaiting the official release of my new book “Got Veg? How To Thrive On A Plant-Based Diet” and believe me when I say that I am just as anxious to get the book in your hands and is why I am really disappointed to let you know there has been a slight delay beyond my control. The book will be available very soon, but the publisher needs more time. Right now my release date is being re-assigned. As it becomes available on different platforms I will let you all know.

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted pre-orders; you will receive your book as soon as the book is released! I appreciate your patience.

Also, a big THANK YOU to all who have helped to spread the word about my new book…please keep sharing!! ~ XO

Video: Battling Acne Naturally