Author Archives: rawgirl

Sprout Love: Fenugreek

fenugreek05On my weekly farmers market visit, I’ve fallen in love with my sprout guy, or rather his product, because he has around fifteen varieties of sprouts to choose from. Just in case you didn’t know, eating sprouts is wonderful for your health, and offers a nice veggie source of protein.  Each week I’ve been experimenting with different varieties to add to salads and wraps for additional nutrition. Although you can grown them easily yourself, if you’re anything like me running from one engagement to the next only to discover your budding sprouts have been neglected, having a sprout guy is so much better. Last week I was drawn to try fenugreek sprouts because of their long list of health benefits and extensive nutritional profile. If you are a sprout-pro, by all means grow them yourself: around 4 Tablespoons of fenugreek seed can be soaked for six hours, and will take three to five days to grow.

Fenugreek is a very aromatic seed, considered a sister herb to garlic, and one of the oldest medicinal herbs on the planet cultivated in Asia and the Middle East. Fenugreek in all forms is an important part of Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic traditional medicine. The seeds are generally used as a spice, the dried or fresh leaves as herbs, or the sprouts as vegetables. In addition to protein, calcium, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium, fenugreek also has a nice amount of B vitamins which are essential for maintaing peak energy and keeping the metabolic process running smoothly.

The list of health benefits from consuming fenugreek are wide an varied. Fenugreek naturally lowers cholesterol and promotes heart health, is a rich source of antioxidants which helps with beauty and anti-aging, can boost weight loss thanks to being 75% comprised of soluble fiber, improve digestion, beautify the skin and hair with nutrients that can ward off dandruff and increase hair growth, and get this ladies can help regulate menstrual cycles and symptoms that plague women during PMS and menopause. Although fenugreek is not recommended for pregnant women, it is beneficial for mothers who are nursing because it stimulates the production of milk. Add to all of these wonderful benefits the fact that fenugreek is a well known aphrodisiac which can boost libido and sexual performance, and you’ve got one pretty hot sprout! The sprouts are slightly bitter and do taste best when you mix them with another variety. Hope you will give this little known sprout some love. I’ve never found fenugreek in a grocery store, but it may be possible. You can also order the seeds and grow them yourself, or find your own personal farmer’s market sprout guy. -XoXo Raw Girl  

Juice! Cucumber Melon Cooler

Photo on 2014-05-24 at 16.46

Did you know you can juice melons? In this recipe you can try honeydew melon or cantaloupe, they both will work.  Melons in general are great for alkalinizing the body because of their high water content. They are a great addition to your diet if you are trying to lose weight, keep your skin clear, stay hydrated,  or just get your daily fruit and veg. -XoXo Raw Girl 

Cucumber Melon Cooler

2 Large English Cucumbers

1/4 -1/3 Cantaloupe

2 Apples

Juice, Strain, Enjoy!

Simple DIY Facial for Radiant Skin


We all have bad skin days every now and then, but in order to maintain healthy glowing skin most of the time, it’s necessary to frequently engage in rituals that show your face some tender loving care. A great way to do so is by booking spa time and getting a facial that can help suck dirt out of your pores and leave you with a firmer more radiant complexion. In the event that you either don’t have time or the extra cash for a spa session, here’s a simple do it yourself facial that incorporates some food ingredients you may already have lying around your kitchen. For more great skin tips and recipes to support detox check out my  e-book The Acne-Free Diet, which includes a 3 day detox, and my 7 Day Detox for Beauty, Weightloss & Rejuvenation. -XoXo Raw Girl 

1) Cleanse your face. Start the process with clean skin, using whatever cleanser you normally like for your daily skincare regimen.

2) Prepare a bentonite clay mask with apple cider vinegar. Apply the mask and let sit for 5-10 minutes or until dry. Bentonite clay can  be used topically on the skin to heal acne, eczema, wounds, or insect bites and specified brands can also be taken internally to assist with healing anything from heavy metal poisoning, food allergies, food poisoning, mucus colitis, spastic colitis, digestive disorders, viral infections, stomach flu, parasites, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, arthritis, anemia, and more. This miraculous clay has been used by indigenous people since the dawn of time, and even animals in the wild have been observed eating the clay or rolling in it to heal wounds. It gets its name from Benton, Wyoming because although bentonite clay can be found throughout the world, the largest concentrations of it actually are in the Great Plains in the U.S. So how exactly does it work?  Well, the clay itself has a negative electrical charge. When it absorbs water it expands and becomes like a porous sponge. Toxins and impurities have a positive charge, so they are drawn to the clay and bound. This obviously makes for an effective home skin treatment that will leave your face feeling so fresh and so clean. If you are experiencing a break out, this mask will do wonders and can even be used as on-the-spot treatment to shrink pimples overnight. You can find the clay at health food stores, vitamin shops, or online. Want to make the clay more effective? Use apple cider vinegar to mix your mask instead of water.

3) Exfoliate and hydrate your skin with a honey scrub. Following your bentonite clay mask the skin can feel a little dry. Honey is an antibacterial natural moisturizer and humectant which has the ability to pull moisture from the air and retain it. I find it’s best to use wild organic honey. To exfoliate and hydrate at the same time try preparing a mask with honey, oats, and a wedge of lemon or honey, raw sugar, and lemon. The use of oats or sugar will help exfoliate, while the lemon is great for exfoliation, toning, fighting acne, and anti-aging due to the vitamin C content which is instrumental in the bodies’ production of collagen. Gently apply scrub to skin and let sit for 3-5 minutes. Rinse, moisturize, and bask in your newfound glow.

Raw Girl Heads West


As I recently announced via the Facebook page, Raw Girl is heading West to LaLa land or Los Angeles again this week! Please forgive me and standby for more posts in the near future after I am done moving and settling into my new home. I had a wonderful two week visit recently and got to sample some amazing, and only one (not-so-amazing) raw food restaurants. In the picture above the top two dishes featured are raw nori nolls with “caulihemp rice” and the red enchilada from Rawvolution. The bottom two dishes are the raw pad thai and tiramisu from Cafe Gratitude. The food at Cafe Gratitude was delicious, fresh, and came with an inspiring affirmation. I had their raw Pad Thai made from kelp noodles and finished it off with tiramisu that was to die for. Overall experienced wonderful service, ambience, and food. Will definitely be heading back there in the near future.

Chipotle Breakfast WrapWhile in Los Angeles I also fell in love with a veg spot called LifeFood Organic. It has a great cafe style ambience, perfect for setting up shop and using wifi. I also met some wonderful yogis and health enthusiasts while in their sampling their food. Everything is in to-go boxes and preprepared but don’t let that fool you into thinking the food isn’t amazing. Had a Chipotle Breakfast Wrap that was absolutely incredible (still having dreams about it). The “wrap” was the best imitation of a tortilla I have ever tasted raw and the incredible veggies in it had just the right combinations of flavors and textures. I like that LifeFood also has an amazing smoothie and juice selection, and a wide array of tonics, elixirs, and shots for wellness. FYI a lot of their desserts are made with all natural honey because they try to avoid using processed agave. They also had a few dishes that were raw but not vegan because they incorporated raw dairy.

The only place that disappointed me royally was M.A.K.E. Matthew Kenney Culinary. Not only was the service almost unbelievably bad, me and my guest got our starters and half of the ingredients that was supposed to be in our salads were missing. The coconut bacon in my salad was crunchy and looked more like a cracker. I’ve had coconut bacon before so I was a bit bewildered. Confused we asked the waitress about our orders and she replied that she could get some of the toppings and bring them as sides. Yikes! We ended up stopping our meal at the first course, and although we were prepared to unhappily foot the bill for a horribly made overpriced salad, luckily it dawned on them how bad the service was so they gave us a complimentary pass to leave. It was a huge disappointment after all of the hype I heard. Me and my guest left hungry and ended up venturing over to Rawvolution which was at a lower price point with better gourmet food, great service,  and a wonderful ambience.

At Rawvolution I had their red enchilada with ancho chili wrap, romaine, guacamole, salsa, mango salsa, and oregano cashew mayo. It was an absolutely delicious party in my mouth, one of the best raw enchiladas I have ever tasted. My friend tried the California Crunch nori roll with caulihemp rice, avocado, mushrooms, walnut taco meat, sprouts, paprika sauce, and jalapeno powder. I tried some and it was equally incredible. If you’ve never stopped in Rawvolution, I highly recommend it on all fronts, and even if you have a raw newbie with you, they may end up converted like my friend was. Can’t wait to get back to LA and try some more of their delicious food. -XoXo Raw Girl 

Juice! Cucumber Pear Zinger


Cucumber Pear Zinger

1 Head of Celery

1 Large Cucumber

2-3 Pears

Ginger Root (as much as you like)

Juice, strain, enjoy! 🙂 

-XoXo Raw Girl 

Finding Your Inner Bliss

As humans our optimal state is one of unconquerable euphoria. The root of being is pure consciousness: blissful, limitless, and abundant. We are able to access it through the thoughts we conjure up in our heads. With our minds we are able to orchestrate our own Earthly existence. With virtuous thoughts we create enjoyable experiences, and with impure thoughts we harvest seeds of doubt thus bringing chaos and blockage into fruition.  How do we rid ourselves of potential darkness and despair? Well I say, “When in doubt, cut it out!”

Operating from a place of fear and anxiety affects the chemical makeup of the brain altering not only the thoughts we have in the present moment but also those of the future. When we tense up in thought we prepare the body for danger. Worry is the minds way of tricking the body into believing that it is in harms way. From constant worry our body becomes accustomed to being in reaction mode. We are unable to make rational decisions and fall victim to irrational behavior.

“Bliss or pure consciousness contains infinite potential; it is open to any outcome. When you experience this quality, you are no longer bound by fixed habits and beliefs. The horizon seems open, the future full of possibilities.  The greater your experience of pure potential, the more creative you become.”~Deepak Chopra.

This week I challenge you to dig deep and get to the root so you can live blissfully.



To read more about Sihnuu visit here.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Health Enthusiasts

1. Embrace Moderation. We all have our vices. For some it may be sugars, refined carbs and flours, or salt. If you’re a raw foodist, you may need to chill on the nuts. Moderation is about overcoming the urge to binge eat or overeat any one thing, no matter how great it is for you. Our bodies desperately need diversity in our diets in order to function optimally and our digestive systems always work better when we know and listen to the voice that says: “Put the fork down.”

2. Don’t Preach to the Choir. I know you are super excited about your new raw, vegan, or macrobiotic lifestyle but that doesn’t mean you have to go around proselytizing it like an evangelist. One size doesn’t necessarily fit all; our bodies are so varied and so it’s always more attractive and better for your blood pressure levels if you avoid debating whose diet is the best over dinner. The best persuasion: gracing others with your energetic presence and letting them come to you with questions about how you get your all-natural glow on.

3. Be a DIVA. Generally we can be discouraged from having standards because it makes us look like, well, DIVAS. But if your mission is to be energized most of the time, there are certain things you should not except as acceptable food. Drink lots of pure or energized water. Find the freshest organic produce available. Just say no to GMOs. If you eat non-organic fruit from time to time it won’t kill you, but if you minimize this or at least avoid the fruits and vegetables in the “dirty dozen,” it’ll keep your body from being loaded with yet another toxin in the form of pesticides.

4. Practice Adequate Additional Supplementation. B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, iron, sulfur, and biotin are all extremely important in bodies’ process of converting our food to energy. It’s important to consume whole food sources and super foods that contain these nutrients and also find high quality supplements you can take to ensure daily optimal nutrition.

5. Live La Vida Toxin-Free. Nowadays, there are a million and one ways to “cleanse.” Heavy metal cleanses, parasite cleanses, colon cleanses, liver flushes, you name it and you can find it in your local health food store. These are all great from time to time if your body is out of balance or you need to address a pressing health concern. But a veteran health enthusiast knows that having daily lifestyle practices really can boost his or her health that extra mile like: shower filters, regular juicing or fasting, avoiding products with chemicals. Engaging in regular cleansing of the colon, the bodies’ sewage system, is a must for staying healthy and avoiding chronic diseases. There is so much toxicity in our world today so it’s important to stay well informed and then take whatever little steps you are comfortable with that keep you toxin-free. Even if it’s just biting the bullet and throwing out any toxic cleaning and beauty supplies in your bathroom.

6. Get Off The Couch. Just in case you missed the memo, research has show that those who love to move their bodies are around nine years younger than their non-exercising counterparts. Fitness King, Jack LaLanne, who stayed active into his nineties once said: “Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.” If you are a highly effective health enthusiast you know that staying at the top of your game means that you must refuse to neglect your workout regimen. Worse case scenario you fall off every now and then, but you always find yourself back in the gym, at the yoga studio, or on the trail with renewed commitment because you love the payoff in vitality.

7. Insist on Beauty Sleep. Sleep is another precious commodity we undervalue in our culture. We are obsessed with “grinding” to get ahead and often sacrifice much needed R&R for promotions. Effective health enthusiasts are willing to get a little gangsta about their sleep. Lights off, phone off, and do not disturb signs will be used if necessary. Adequate amounts of rest and relaxation always lead to a more productive, happier version of you. Not only does sleep affect performance, learning retention, and brain functioning, sleep plays a major role in boosting our immunity, weight loss, and preventing the onset of many diseases. The best way to get adequate sleep is to attempt as much as possible to stick to a sleep schedule and go to bed and wake up around the same time daily.

-XoXo Raw Girl 

7 Natural Remedies That Kill Internal Parasites

Although it sounds crazy and a little scary to think about WORMS in our bodies, the fact is that 99.8% of people will be exposed to or experience health issues related to parasitic infection. You can get parasites from your pets, other people’s pets, from kissing or having intercourse with a person who has parasites, from contaminated drinking water (and a lot of drinking water is infected, especially tap water), from walking barefoot on contaminated soil, from improperly cooked or handled meat, improper hygiene, infected fruits or vegetables, and the list goes on. If you are a loyal reader of this blog you know that I’ve explored this topic before, but because of the overwhelming response, I want to address it again. -XoXo Raw Girl

So, what are parasites? Parasites are organisms that live in our bodies and feed off of our life force. They are worms that suck us dry by preventing nutrients from our food from nourishing our bodies, can cause damage internally to organs, and can cause a host of other symptoms that you and your doctor will most likely mistake for something else entirely. These can be anything from stomach and intestinal complications like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut, mood and anxiety issues, sleep disturbances, weight issues either via excessive hunger, or excessive weight loss, skin disorders like acne or rashes, food allergies, and excessive fatigue or lack of energy. Essentially, parasites can slowly but surely erode your quality of life. Below are a few key herbs and foods that can help you rid your body of parasites. If you choose to conduct an over the counter parasite cleanse, ensure that it at the very least includes cloves, black walnut, and wormwood in the list of ingredients.

 Cloves destroy parasitic eggs before they have a chance to develop. They are more powerful when purchased whole and ground up for consumption as they tend to lose their anti-parasitic properties rather quickly. Cloves contain powerful antimicrobial agents that travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. Cloves are tremendously effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi, including Candida.

Black walnut hull is very effective at removing dead parasites and other parasitic wastes from the body. It is available in a powdered form, in capsules, as well as in tinctures. Black walnut hull has been used for centuries to expel various types of worms, including parasites that cause skin irritations such as ringworm. It also oxygenates the blood, which also helps kill parasites. Black Walnut hull is very effective against tapeworms, pinworms, Candida albicans, and malaria. It is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels, and facilitating the bodies’ natural detoxification process.

 Wormwood is one of the most powerful weapons in the parasite killer arsenal. It is an extremely bitter herb that is quite difficult to down, but the effects are well worth it. It acts as an anesthetic that numbs the parasites, thus forcing them to release their grip on the body. The herb is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood is the second most bitter herb known to man and has been proven a powerful herbal remedy for malaria. The herb is now being used by locals in Malaria ridden countries and has proven even more effective than drugs without the danger of side effects.

Consuming Raw or Aged Garlic is one of the most effective ways to kill parasites. Garlic is an effective remedy for many types of parasites, from one-celled species to larger varieties such as hookworms and pinworms. Garlic is known to slow and kill more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of bacteria, as well as some of the most potent viruses known to humans. All effective parasite cleanses always include garlic. It can be hard to consume large amounts of raw garlic, so another way to successfully include large amounts of garlic in your diet is to consume aged, odorless garlic pills.

Apple Cider Vinegar increases stomach acid if taken prior to your meals. This will keep the stomach free of parasites and will also ensure that you will kill off any larvae you inadvertently eat with your meals. A great way to incorporate apple cider vinegar is to add it to salad dressings or prepare a simple “apple cider vinegar tonic” which is apple cider vinegar diluted in pure filtered water and drink this concoction first thing in the morning and several times throughout the day.

Coconut Oil has an abundance of medium chain fatty acids, which after converted by the body, create a substance that efficiently kills parasites, yeasts, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

Pungent Spices such as: turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, chilies, horseradish, and cayenne, all make parasites run for cover. While conducting your cleanse you can use all or some of these spices freely to add flavor and aid you in kicking some parasite but. 

Want to learn more about parasites and natural remedies? Check out my latest book Parasites, Be Gone! which includes in depth research, personal antidotes,  and a two week cleanse to get you started on the path to becoming parasite-free.

Dear Raw Girl: Colonics & Maintaining Energy?

Recipe! Absolutely Yummy Raw Raspberry Bars

Raw Raspberry Bars FINAL

 We made it! Today is Day seven of our 7 Days of Raw Fast! I hope you enjoyed the experience and had fun playing with raw food. Hopefully you loved it enough to consider increasing the amount of organic fruits and vegetables in your diet no matter what else you choose to eat. To celebrate our final day I whipped up a raw dessert recipe via Rawtarian. Below’s the recipe reposted.  -XoXo Raw Girl 

Raw Raspberry Bars

Shortbread Bars

2 cups dried, shredded coconut

1/2 cup cashews

1/4 cup maple syrup (or honey or agave nectar)

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Raspberry Jam

1 1/2 cups raspberries

1/2 cup dates


1. Process all white shortbread ingredients in food processor. Process briefly until you get a crumbly consistency, similar to the white topping in my photos. (Mixture should stick together when pinched.)

2. Take 3/4 of the white mixture and press it down firmly into your pan/molds. Refrigerate immediately so the bars can start firming up. (Set remaining 1/4 white mixture aside, to be used later.)

3. Blend all raspberry jam ingredients together until a smooth, jam-like consistency is reached. If using frozen raspberries, you may need to add an optional 1-2 tablespoons water to the jam mixture to help it blend.

4. Get your white bars out of the fridge, and smooth the raspberry jam on top of the bars using the back of a spoon. Place back in refrigerator.

5. Refrigerate bars for at least 1 hour so that the jam can firm up a little bit.

6. Sprinkle remaining white crumble mixture on top of the bars.

7. Place in freezer for at least 3 hours to firm up.  Your raw raspberry bars are now ready.