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Author Archives: rawgirl
Benefits of Romaine & Juice! Romaine Cucumber Mint Lime Twist
Lately I’ve had a lot of romaine lettuce stocked up that I have been putting to use in creative ways. I love to juice it, toss it with other greens in a salad, use it for lettuce wraps, or blend it in a green smoothie. When you think of romaine you may automatically assume it doesn’t have much nutrition to offer because it doesn’t have the deep green coloring of other super greens like kale. Do not be deceived, romaine lettuce actually does have some great nutritional benefits! Not only does romaine consist of 17% protein, it is a complete protein and contains all 8 essential amino acids! It also has 21% of your recommended daily allowance of calcium. Add it to a green smoothie with papaya, another calcium rich fruit and you’ll have a smoothie with way more calcium than in a glass of milk. Romaine also has 167% the daily recommended value of vitamin C. My favorite nutritional benefit of romaine that I never knew until now is that it has around 44% the daily allowance of omega-3 fatty acids which are crucial to our balancing our diets that tend to be high in omega-6’s, minimizing stress, and preventing inflammation related diseases. In addition to all this, throw in super servings of vitamin A & K, and minerals like magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Every veggie has its place, and romaine is definitely not a green vegetable to discard as useless. If you’ve relegated your romaine to wimpy salads or ignored it all together, I challenge you to give it another chance. It’s high water content also makes it a nice hydrating addition to juices and smoothies as a base. Below is a recipe for the juice I had this morning, you’ll find a few more juices I’ve put together in the past with romaine as a main ingredient in the blog archives. Happy Juicing!
Romaine Cucumber Mint Lime Twist
Ingredients: 1 head of Romaine Lettuce, 1 large cucumber, 2 limes, handful of mint, 1 apple.
Juice all ingredients, strain and pour into blender. Blend juice with mint leaves, and serve. Enjoy! 🙂
Callers & Email Questions Needed for Radio Show ASAP!
Dearest Veggie Lovers, I am back on the air. My radio show Healthy Living in a Toxic World will begin airing all over Northern Virginia in September via WKCW 1420 AM. You can learn more in the new tab on the sidebar of the blog. Right now I am looking for people willing to call in and ask health questions (you will be on-air) or email questions that I can use for the shows. Many of you have emailed me questions, and I may contact you directly to get your permission to feature the questions and answer in the show. If you are interested in being a caller or want to email a question for the radio show please email rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com by this Friday latest! So appreciate your contribution to the show, can’t wait to share it with you. -XoXo Raw Girl
Quick Meal-on-the-Go: Raw & Vegan Lettuce Wraps!
Last week I had a bunch of romaine lettuce left in my fridge along with tons of zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc from the garden. Rather than juice all of it, I chose to make some yummy lettuce wraps. These are an awesome, quick n’ easy to make meal that can be very satisfying. Below are my versions, one is raw, and the other vegan (has cooked lentils in it). Whatever versions you choose, have fun with it, and get creative with your veggie choices! -XoXo Raw Girl
Ingredients: Romain Lettuce, Zucchini, Avocado, Tomato, Cucumber, Green Pepper, Rosted Nori Krinkles.
Wash all veggies thoroughly. Use a grater and grate zucchini into a bowl. Dice cucumber, green pepper, and tomatoes and add to bowl. Add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, dash of Braggs Liquid Aminos, dash of curry, and a pinch of sea salt (optional). Use fork to mix together. Grab one head of romaine lettuce and chop off bottom. Wash leaves and choose some that are the right size to suit your tastes. Tip: If you peel back a couple layers you’ll get smaller leaves that hold your filling better. Place your chosen lettuce leaves on your serving plate and scoop in filling. Chop avocado and add on top, and sprinkle roasted seaweed or nori krinkles as a final touch. Serve & Enjoy!
Ingredients: Romain Lettuce, Lentils, Zucchini, Tomato, Red Pepper, Lime.
Cook regular lentils or red lentils, whichever you prefer. To make 100% raw use sprouted lentils. Add in sea salt to taste. Dice raw zucchini, tomato, red pepper and season with dash of Braggs and a pinch of black pepper. Mix thoroughly, then stir into lentils. Cut a small lime in half and squeeze over blend. Grab one head of romaine lettuce and chop off bottom. Wash leaves and choose some that are the right size to suit your tastes. Tip: If you peel back a couple layers you’ll get smaller leaves that hold your filling better. Place your chosen lettuce leaves on your serving plate and scoop in filling. Serve & Enjoy!
Dear Raw Girl: Weight Loss, Anemia, Stomach Pain, Think I Have Parasites?
Dear Raw Girl: I am currently in a lot of distress due to what I believe are upper intestinal parasites. I have not been diagnosed by a doctor, but have all of the symptoms I have read through online searches. After having no appetite for about a month, I have lost 15 pounds. This is not good as I am already thin. This morning I passed what appears to be a parasite. I google pics and it looked very similar to what came out of me. I am guessing this is the reason for all of the stomach problems I have been having (feels like stomach is in knots, hungry but can’t eat cause I feel full, body aches, very allergic all of sudden, itchy hands & feet, all of sudden anemic, etc). Of course I went to the doc and he prescribes meds for heartburn and indigestion. This was before I found what I believe is a parasite in my stool. I go to the doc Monday for him to officially test for them. After taking the heartburn meds for weeks, I am still miserable. I read where you stated pure cranberry juice will kill them. My question is how long and how much of it do I need to consume? Will I see them in my stool? After researching, it appears the doc will prescribe antibiotics. I prefer a natural way of ridding them from my body. I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks in advance :-). -N.C.
Hello N.C. –
First off, kudos to you for following your hunch and basically diagnosing yourself! We live in a world unfortunately, in which it is completely necessary for you to do some ground work. It’s great that you already have your doctor involved, but as you know he or she will only diagnose medications to mask your symptoms, not address the root problem. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, but I am more than happy to give you my friendly parasite killing advice. It definitely sounds like you have parasites, and if you passed something that is sign enough. You stated that you were given meds for heartburn and indigestion that have done nothing. My opinion is that you should stop taking those meds immediately, because the side effects could do further damage to your well-being and they are not solving your core issue of being infected with parasites. From your symptoms it sounds like you definitely have hookworms and perhaps others. Hookworms in particular cause malnutrition and anemia, itchy feet, weight loss, stomach or chest pain, and sometimes vomiting. Look it up to get a better idea, but that sounds like spot on what you are experiencing.
After you are tested, perhaps they can tell you how extreme your condition is? I’m not sure how those parasite tests work, but I would base it on how you feel. There are plenty of posts on the blog that you can read that outline foods that can aid in killing parasites. Generally speaking for most kinds if you start cutting out starches and sugar, eat very green, incorporate garlic, and do an over the counter (2-week) parasite herbal cleanse, you may start to pass worms. It helps to know what kinds of worms you are dealing with an tailoring your attack that way. Now that we know you most likely have hookworms, work that angle. As it says in my other posts, adding in the regimen of drinking apple cider vinegar diluted in water throughout the day on its own can help you to pass worms. I suggest to type in parasites in the Raw Girl archives and read the past blog posts available to get an idea of other remedies you can use. It’s best to address the issue with an herbal cleanse as well as shift in diet so you are not trying to kill worms and still feeding them simultaneously, and also to remember to incorporate colon cleansing and foods that increase good bacteria in the gut. You are right, your doc will most likely just give you a prescription for antibiotics. This can cause more issues because it will take away good and bad flora, and can in most cases bring the buggers back later even worse than what you are experiencing now.
Pure cranberry juice is one of the things that can help you, yes, I don’t have an amount you should or shouldn’t drink; you could just try to drink a glass in morning or evening, or take some throughout the day along with water. Rather than zeroing in on just one type of juice my tactic is usually to come at it from many angles. If it’s a really horrible case and you want some immediate relief, perhaps you should try taking food grade diatomaceous earth daily for at least seven days and drink plenty of water. Coupled with diatomaceous earth you will need to take clove pills daily to kill eggs, as DE does not kill the parasite eggs. You can take anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon an add to juice, water, or smoothies. There’s an article available on the blog about that too. Take some initiative as you have already done now that you’ve properly diagnosed yourself and I gave you some additional direction, and create your own cleanse or find a good Naturopath that can guide you through one. With some fierce effort and the will to be rid of the buggers, you will prevail! May the parasite-killa force be with you.
-XoXo Raw Girl
Have a question for the Dear Raw Girl segment? Feel free to inbox me via the Facebook page or email rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com and I’ll make an effort to get to your question in a timely manner.
6 Simple Ways to Overcome Binge Eating
You are having one of those bad days. Whether it’s a break up, job loss, or just general stress, for many of us bingeing is how we cope. Add to that the determination to stay on a healthy path, and you sometimes have the tug of war between denial and gluttony. You may feel horrible about yourself, but don’t. The binge eating phenomenon is partially a product of the scary processed frankenfoods on your market today that never existed. The scientists that work on these unnatural flavorings and additives for processed foods have admitted that their goal is create tastes and flavors that make you want to eat more. That coupled with the fact that your body is craving food for nutrients and the processed foods are nutrient-less is a recipe for binge eating! You may want to stop, but your body has not gotten the nutrition it needs, and the chemicals cue you to want more. It’s a vicious cycle.
I know first hand about the dangers of extreme bingeing, because when I was in college from my sophomore to junior year I struggled with bingeing. My last year of college I finally got control of my eating issues by seeing a therapist and dealing with emotional trauma. At the time I would say I had an eating disorder, but now looking back I would say it was a combination of several things: emotional trauma from a less than perfect childhood, stress, parasites, and the inability to confront my emotions head on. When you are an extreme binger, most times you binge instead of allowing whatever emotions are arising to just be. On the more average spectrum, bingeing may be the result of restrictive dieting or cravings when transitioning from an old lifestyle to a new one. At either extreme, I think there are several things you can do to keep yourself from overeating yourself into sickness or messing up your healthy regimen. Below are some tips from a Raw Girl who is proud to say she no longer has the urge to binge! -XoXo Raw Girl
Don’t Diet, Commit to Lifestyle Changes. If you are approaching healthy living, veganism, or raw foods as a diet, just like any fad, your zeal will come and go and all that will be left is you with indigestion and an empty tub of Haagen-dazs you said you wouldn’t eat. I’ll say it again don’t diet! Your lifestyle change should be about transitioning to healthier behaviors and taking care of yourself, emotionally, physically, spiritually. That is the only way to have lasting effective change.
Find Healthy Subsitutes for Junk Foods You Love. In the beginning and even later, it’s all about substitutes. When you are going from meat to vegan you may go the fake meat route to help you get there. I’m a sweet tooth girl, or at least I used to be in extreme (parasites!) So when I was transitioning I found raw sweets, which are even more rich and satisfying than junk food, and that did it for me. Now if I need some ice cream, I grab a small pint of raw hazelnut (YUM) icrecream that will never ever have me yearning to binge on some Breyers. It’s important to know your taste buds and what you crave most and find things that fulfill that. You may be a more crunchy/salty person, so its about raw or vegan chips, crackers, nuts. Make an effort and there’s no way you won’t find something satisfying. For every type of junk food there is in the world, there is a more satisfying and nourishing raw or vegan alternative. That I can put my money on.
Deal With Your Emotions. The rule I have had for years now, since dealing with bingeing issues is to not eat when I am stressed, angry, sad. You have to start training your body to not seek emotional relief from food. Talk it out with a friend, journal, scream, dance, find a way to release that energy without grabbing three extra portions of something you know you shouldn’t be eating. You can binge on “healthy” foods too, and even if it’s better than the junk you used to eat, you are going to be doing damage to your digestive system and your colon if you over consume in excess. Not to mention, you shorten your life span. Studies have show that eating less as we get older increases our longevity.
Find Nutritional Balance. Some cravings are the result of an addiction to the unnatural flavors, and others may be because your body is lacking well rounded optimal nutrients. When you are getting off the junk food lifestyle you have to recognize that it can be as powerful as drug addiction. So give yourself room to mess up, but continue to stick with your resolve to be healthy, find substitutes, and after some trial and error your body will get sensitive enough that it may reject the foods you once loved. No matter what you eat whether you are a meat-eater or not, you need to make sure that your meals are giving your body the nutrients it needs. To get a boost I highly recommend adding in superfoods like spirulina, maca, seaweeds, cacao etc. because they are packed with nutrients. Now, I know that at times, I crave certain vegetables and fruits because my body needs the nutrients that are in them. once you get on the healthy path, you’ll be more in tune and rather than just letting your taste buds alone guide what you eat, your body will sometimes give you cravings to resolve imbalances.
#MOVETHATBODY & Find Your Spiritual Center. When you excercise your emotions and mood get an immediate boost from the increased levels of serotonin in your brain. Beyond a mood boost, working out is a good remedy for controlling your eating habits. Usually when you workout you feel better and are more inclined to make and sustain healthy food choices throughout the day. So get up and get moving, NO EXCUSES. Stress can also play a big part in the urge to binge. Exercise can combat this and so can mindfulness and spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, and prayer. Do what you have to do and find what works for you to help you stay calm in the midst of life storms. That way the next time a catastrophe hits, you’ll be centered enough to handle it without overeating.
Do a Parasite Cleanse. I know, I say this about everything, but seriously, if I could talk to my former self when I was dealing with this issue this would have been one of the first things I would tell the former me. Take a look at what kind of food you are binge eating. Are they mostly carbs and sugar? I have this theory that the majority of overweight people in our country that cannot stop eating are dealing with the fact that yes the foods are addictive, but also that their colon health as been further compromised by parasites from eating a bunch of junk which in turn heightens cravings. I can tell you firsthand that parasites will make you crave things to stay alive and feed off your nutrition. When you begin to eat green they are literally fighting for their lives and so suddenly although you haven’t touched bread in years, or had those cookies or whatever, the parasite inside you may drive you to feel you need that food. This is not a joke, and I wish more people were cleansing, because so many other health issues would cease from plagueing our population. Whether you think it’s parasites or not, do a cleanse anyway. Better safe and parasite-free than sorry and bingeing.
Importance of Adrenal Health & The Stress Factor
You’re stressed out. You cant get your day started without caffeine, and you can’t be satisfied until you get a high carb snack. This however, leaves you so wired that at the end of the day you cant even sleep. The cycle repeats. Whether it be you or someone you know (I’m sure you know a friend or two), it’s the typical profile of someone who suffers from adrenal gland issues. The adrenal glands (a.k.a. suprarenal glands) are hormonal glands that sit right on top of your kidneys on your lower back. They are responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress, such as the stress hormone cortisol, the fight or flight hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, and steroid hormones (i.e estrogen, testosterone). The adrenal glands also help to maintain electrolytes, salt and water balance, and the metabolism of carbohydrates by regulating blood sugar.
You should be aware by now that mental and emotional stress can have a negative effect on the body and contribute to the development of dis-ease. If your nutritional profile is not looking good on top of being extra stressed, then the body is even less able to endure an added workload. But don’t worry, there’s good news for you and your oh so special adrenal glands that influence and fuel your moods, thoughts, and passions. But before we cut the raw vegan cheesecake, here’s a little breakdown of how the adrenal glands work for you.
The adrenal glands have two parts: the medulla and the cortex. The Medulla secretes the fight or flight hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) which work to increase metabolism to adapt to stress; the cortex adjusts natural sugar metabolism and regulates steroid hormone levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and aldosterone. If you’re stressed out, the adrenal glands can become exhausted of hormones leaving you feeling tired, alter your weight, and create all sorts of uncomfortable and, well, kinda strange changes.
Some common symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction are:
- An under active adrenal gland (Addison’s disease).This is characterized by discoloration of the skin, darkening of the skin on the knees, genital area, mouth, elbows, skin folds, dark creases in the hand, decreased body hair, loss of appetite, mood swings, dizziness or fainting, inability to cope with stress and nausea, and feeling uneccesarily cold all the time. Also includes chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and weight loss.
- An overactive adrenal gland (Cushings Disease). This is characterized by weight gain in the upper body (but with thin limbs), muscle weakness, dark spots on the face, and swollen eyelids. If you’re adrenal glands are overactive, you may compromise your immune system and have a greater tendency to get ill. This also show up as inappropriate hair growth on the face in women, pink or purple stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms, fragile skin that bruises easily, and acne. Not so cute.
Foods and vitamins/minerals that enhance and support adrenal gland function: Vitamin B Complex – supports function, Vitamin C – protects nervous system, Potassium – stabilizes nerves, Chlorophyll – purifies the blood and increases oxygen to cells. You can also eat broccoli, cantaloupe, cranberries, celery, cucumbers, endives, garlic, guava, citrus fruits, peaches, pears, strawberries, raspberries, or jackfruit. All of these fruits, along with some other supplements and herbs all work to support, protect, and maintain the function of your adrenal glands. The hormones require a delicate balance in order to maintain properly, so make sure you get plenty of the foods listed and if needed, supplementation.
We live in a stressed out, fast paced, and overworked society; it’s no surprise that many people find themselves burnt out from time to time from coping with the madness. When we administer mind body medicine such as meditation and affirmations, we give our bodies permission to be at peace and our hormonal state only naturally becomes a reflection of that. Neglecting to do so, and remaining uninformed on how to nourish ourselves optimally will cause imbalances and the possibility of developing a chronic condition. So make sure to do yourself and everyone else a favor today: eat your fruits and veggies and take a chill pill! –XoXo Nicola signing in for Raw Girl
Synchronicity: A Road Map for Blissful Living
Skeptics are quick to say nothing happens for a reason. All occurrences in life are merely coincidences devoid of meaning. As I delved into raw vegan living and increased spiritual practices of prayer and meditation the synchronicity in my life jumped off the charts. It happened all the time. There is something about the peace induced by plant energy that can deepen your connection and awareness of the ultimate Source. I would think about doing something, going somewhere, or need something and it was almost like magic. Someone would appear seemingly out of the blue and give me what I needed, or be a connector to a certain person or place that was just what I was looking for. There is something about this unique concept, which was conceived by psychologist Carl Jung, that is extremely easy for some people and yet hard for many others to grasp. Jung called synchronicity ” an explanation for meaningful coincidences,” and this principle was meant to show the link between the mind and the external world of perception.
My thoughts, today, as I write this post led me to this principle. Specifically I started to think about how prayer and meditation are gateways to the unseen mystical side of our universe and God. If you cannot believe in a God or a force, you may have resigned yourself to believing that things just are the way they are, and that you are not meant to have the things you want or live the life of your dreams. Tapping into this gateway with spiritual practices or just the courage to believe, opens up your perception and becomes the catalyst for the good you seek to come to you. Just like the tale in the Alchemist, you may be led down unexpected paths or go through rough times, but all of these things teach you, strengthen you, and prepare you for that end goal. Or perhaps you are living your dream but devoid of true inner peace that real success brings. You may attribute everything in your life to mere luck or happenstance. It’s all about perception. With one shift, and a little bit of openness your same situation may be seen as a serious of “meaningful coincidences” that have brought you to the place you are right now. The only way you can know it, is it to give it a try.
The universe and God, are inherently good, despite the drama and chaos we’ve created in this world. Choosing to alter our perceptions can literally turn our lives upside down. I am a firm believer in the magic of synchronicity, and the power of God to lead me to my destined path and to help me fulfill the dreams and aspirations that were given to me by the Source. That dream you have is no accident. It is yours to fulfill, that is why it presses on your heart. I thought about this tonight as I near almost three years of writing on this blog, which once was just a dream. I hope today you may choose to take the first step towards a goal or dream you thought was dead and buried or challenge yourself further if you are someone who can’t believe in divine coincidence by playing devil’s advocate with your own beliefs. Renew your faith and chose to entertain the thought that anything is possible if you just believe. Then watch as the miracles and synchronicity begin to unfold, and follow the signs. -XoXo Raw Girl
The Power of Celery Juice
Celery is one of those dependable veggies that most often gets taken for granted. The word celery comes from the Latin word celeri which means quick acting, probably referring to the therapeutic properties of this powerful root vegetable. A great base for vegetable juice due to its high water content, celery has been considered a cure-all since ancient times. Besides being extremely hydrating, celery juice is highly nutritious and boasts a good amount of vitamin A, along with vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, and essential amino acids. I consider celery juice a staple in the Raw Girl super power boosting arsenal because it is extremely alkalinizing and can balance out the bodies’ PH level. It provides live sodium essential for the body that is soluble and organic, and is a great juice for athletes because it replenishes electrolytes in the body. Below’s a quick run down of some of the amazing benefits of celery juice:
- Fights cancer
- Lowers blood pressure
- Gets rid of LDL “bad” cholesterol and leave HDL “good” cholesterol intact
- Prevents stress, calms the nervous system and relaxes the body
- Regulates body temperature
- Boosts weight loss and reduces cravings for sugar
- Natural diuretic
- Eliminates toxins from the body
- Prevents constipation and reduces risk of kidney, urinary, and gall bladder stones
- Research has shown celery juice useful in treating numerous conditions such as: arthritis, rheumatism & gout, nerve disorders, blood disorders (such as acne and anemia), respiratory disorders, indigestion, insomnia, kidney and gall stones, stomach ulcers, treating neurological damage from parkinson’s disease and stroke, and more.
If you’ve put celery on the back burner, I suggest you start showing some celery love. Your body will say thank you. -XoXo Raw Girl
Natural Cures: Diatemaceous Earth for Detox & Parasites
Diatemaceous Earth is an amazing substance I discovered through a girlfriend of mine who had some crazy run-ins with some bugs and needed something that would be quick, effective, and most importantly natural. This substance which is a mouthful to pronounce, is composed mainly of silica, occurs naturally, and is mined all over the world. Not only is DE good for killing pests such as fleas, ticks, roaches, and slugs (perfect as an organic pesticide), but its also extremely safe for human consumption and helps fight off parasitic infections, cleans the colon, and aids in overall detoxification of the body. Many bread manufacturers actually use DE in their products to prevent pests from eating them. One of the most amazing things about DE is how it actually works. On a microscopic level, DE has a honeycomb structure with razor sharp edges which gets caught into the exoskeleton of the pests and literally slices them up and dries them out. They are made of fossilized diatoms of prehistoric algae which look like cylinders. As these millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they attract and absorb fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E.coli, and heavy metals. These are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body.
DE is easily ground up into a fine powder very similar to talcum, and is usually simply taken with a glass of water. Now before you jump out of your seat to go and quickly purchase some (which is super affordable by the way) it is important to know that if you consume DE you MUST take FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth. There is also Industrial DE which is used mainly as a pool filter and has a more crystallized form of silica which you do NOT want to take. So FOOD GRADE not INDUSTRIAL…alright we get the picture. Anyways, food grade diatomaceous earth is composed of 80-90% Silica which is an important trace element that plays an important role in mineral absorption, as an antioxidant and is great for healthy skin, hair, and nails. And not only that, there are NO negative side effects. My girlfriend noticed after a month of taking one heaping tablespoon every morning that not only did she have increased energy levels but her nails were growing strong, and she was detoxing more heavily. It also helped with that bug problem too.
Diatemaceous Earth is one of those substances that is good for just about everything and has multiple uses for your body, around the house, and in the yard all at the same time. I’ve just purchased my own and I’m excited about it’s cleansing properties, which are useful this time of year. Silica is a trace element that is very important in preserving skin, bone, and cartilage health. DE is 80-90% silica which is what makes it such a great wound healer. If you happen to have any pets, you can also rub it on their fur to keep away any pests. Below is a brief outline on some more of the goodness Diatemaceous earth offers. Based on this list, you may agree it’s something worth trying. – XoXo Nicola, signing in for Raw Girl
● Assists in natural weight loss ● Stimulates metabolism ● Kills Parasites ● Aids healing of external wounds (sprinkle on top) ● Fights acne ● Cleans colon ● Kills household pests (fleas, ticks, bed bugs) ● Aids in calcium absorption (due to silica content) ● Lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol ● Relieves sore joints. ● Promotes healthier skin and hair● Promotes healthier teeth and gums, and harder nails. ● Helps to detox from mercury, viruses, drug residues and common causes of intestinal infections ● Fades age spots and prevents premature aging ● Raises energy levels ● Improves lung functioning
Natural Cures: Diet Changes to Ease Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Recently, I started to do some research on the condition known as fibromyalgia to help a family friend. Prior to this research I had heard of this dis-ease but never knew exactly what it was. After learning the symptoms, which are definitely not pretty, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Fibromyalgia is the name of a condition that consists of chronic, widespread muscular pain. It is said that there is no known cause for the pains that may be aching, stiff, throbbing, or burning in any location all over the body. As if fibromyalgia wasn’t bad enough to deal with on its own it is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, and palpitations. Brain chemistry imbalance (of serotonin and neurotransmitters), hormone imbalance, disordered sleep, and nutritional deficiencies are issues that are quite common for those affected. Poor digestive functioning and the need for detoxification may need serious attention as fibromyalgia can sometimes lead to development of leaky gut syndrome or candida overgrowth. Since this is a disease that is dealing with inflammation, it is no surprise to me that diet especially paying attention to foods that rectify nutritional imbalances is one solution that can provide long-term relief to those suffering from this condition.
Some of the minerals and vitamins that need to be added to the diet include foods high in magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Foods high in magnesium are particularly important and include foods like: dark leafy greens, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, papaya, bananas, lentils and more. Omega-3’s are particularly important in the form of cold water fish (if you are a meat-eater) or veg friendly flaxseed oil to assist in reducing inflammation. It’s important to avoid foods that are aggravating and can increase inflammation like caffeine, meat, high fat dairy products, junk foods, sugar (which will also increase candida growth). Valerian Root is a great remedy to have on hand to ease sleep when experiencing pain or just insomnia, and incorporating fermented foods will combat any candida growth and keep the good bacteria going in the gut. Below are five dietary changes that may greatly help those suffering with fibromyalgia to get their symptoms under control. Always take care when implementing any changes to consult with your physician or naturopath/holistic practitioner. If you or someone you know has this condition and has tried the traditional medicine route, but never tried a diet/lifestyle change, I urge you to give it a chance. You have nothing to lose, and your health and livelihood to gain. -XoXo Raw Girl
- Low-glycemic Diet. This is about managing blood sugar imbalances/ spikes in glucose levels to curb inflammation and ease pain.
- Vegetarian, Vegan or Raw Foods Diet. A BMC Complimentary and Alternative Medicine published study confirmed that when thirty patients were put on a mostly raw foods diet for four months that consisted of raw fruits and veg, flax oil, carrot juice and very limited whole grains, their condition improved. It’s no doubt that a vegetarian lifestyle in whatever extreme you choose may be very effective in reducing or even eliminating symptoms. Raw foods take it up a notch because you would be increasing the fiber, vitamins, and minerals in your diet, while avoiding a great deal of artificial sweeteners or chemicals in processed foods that may be aggravating the condition.
- Gluten-Free Diet. Some doctors believe that those with fibromyalgia are at greater risk for food sensitivities. Cutting out gluten in the form of wheat products, barley, rye, oats, may assist in calming your symptoms.
- Elimination Diet. This diet would be a trial and error where you discover what foods aggravate your condition and completely cut them out of your diet. This is important whatever dietary change you choose because each person has their own set of triggers. It’s up to you to find yours.
- Organic Diet. Just as those with fibromyalgia may have an increased disposition for food sensitivities, increased sensitivities to chemicals may be an issue as well. To combat this it’s important to try to reduce the number of pesticides, or chemically engineered additives that may be lurking in non-organic processed foods.
Enzymes: Why Raw Foodists Think They Are Better Than You

You may have heard about the whole “enzyme” thing before, but you may not know exactly what enzymes are and how can they make you feel and look better? Enzymes are complex proteins that act as catalysts in almost every biochemical process taking place in the body. So, in our bodies they make things happen all around from breathing to talking. To get a little deeper, enzymes are either digestive, metabolic, or food enzymes. Food enzymes, which are what are important to support our argument, are enzymes we get from consuming raw foods that initiate the digestion of food in the mouth and upper stomach. So when you eat a delicious red apple, there are enzymes within that apple that are already intact and ready to help the apple digest itself in your body (predigestion). The digestive enzymes in our body have three main jobs: digesting protein ( protease enzymes), carbohydrates (amylase enzymes), or fats (lipase enzymes).
When food is cooked above 118 Degrees F, the enzymes are destroyed and the body is left to provide all of the enzymes to digest that meal; which depletes your enzyme supply and uses a great deal of energy that could have been conserved. Digestive enzymes are manufactured by the pancreas to break down cooked foods and over time put strain on the body. Think about it this way, if your pancreas has to continuously create enzymes that should have been in your food to break it down, over time this could result in inhibited function of the pancreas! According to Dr. Edward Howell, a pioneer in enzyme research, the result is a shorter life span, illness, and lowered resistance to stress of all kinds. In addition he added that in humans and animals who eat primarily cooked food diets, the pancreas organs are enlarged and other glands and organs including the brain shrink! All of this in tandem with consumption of the full light energy and nutrition of foods contributes to the reasons why raw foodies are able to maintain high energy, stay disease-free, and sustain a very youthful appearance for many years.
If you are ever feeling indigestion or bloating, enzymes may be the answer. Important to note, foods that are undigested sit in the intestines, rot, and create a toxic environment in your colon. Add more food on top of that, and you’ve got a recipe for some serious gas. Besides getting enzymes from raw foods there are enzyme supplements you can buy at your local health food store which you can use to optimize your digestion and alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Make sure to get recommendations on enzyme supplements that deliver results. You can also boost your enzyme intake by eating fermented foods where they are found in abundance. Don’t forget, it’s important to also chew your food thoroughly so that your body can better utilize the enzymes in your food and optimize digestion and assimilation.
Now that you know a little more about enzymes, perhaps you can understand why those grass-eating hippie-loving raw vegans think they are better than you flesh lovers. They are playing for team Veggie and we got a whole lot of enzymes and life force going on! *(Neck roll, finger snap!)* It’s up to you whether or not you choose to sit on the sidelines sick and sulking or get in the game of optimal health. –XoXo Raw Girl