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Author Archives: rawgirl
The Trials & Tribulations of Staying Vegan in France
Bonjour! Raw Girl finally has her raw vegan swag back. I am on Day 3 of green juicing and I am starting to feel normal again. Cannes was an amazing experience, the beach, the films, the people, the shopping! The only drawback for me was the food. I was worried before leaving because my last run in with French food while visiting Paris, was difficult, and I was perpetually hungry and to add insult to injury, didn’t speak a word of French.
This time, thanks to my handy dandy Rosetta Stone, I knew the basics, and in addition to getting the Bonjour, Bonsoir, and Enchante’s down, I also mastered the phrase, “Je suis vegetalien.” I am vegetarian. I don’t even know if the French have a word for vegan! Once I would say my catch phrase, I would then have to explain to the waitress or waiter that for me that also meant no dairy or meat. Each and every time, I would get this horrified (but totally sympathetic) look from the waiter who then would work with me to try to dream up a somewhat edible vegan concoction on or off their current menu. It was a task. It seemed I was perpetually hungry for the entire trip. Thank God the French love quinoa and mache (my new lettuce love), because I was able to find these at some restaurants.
Before the festival was in full swing, I went to a grocery store and got some rations for salads, but once the networking mayhem began there was no time to be in my kichenette whipping up vegan friendly food. So what did I do? Improvise. I ended being mostly vegan, instead of mostly RAW during the trip. It was not a picnic since I do not like the heavier feeling of cooked foods, but it really was the only way to survive in such a fast paced festival environment. Apparently no meal is complete in France without bread, cheese, or meat. Seriously, almost every salad had all three, and there were never any vegetarian options UNTIL…I stumbled upon Cafe Florian.
Was heading for a meeting about my film project, and me and the colleague I was with couldn’t find anything veggie friendly at the place she chose (not even a salad). So we wandered down one of the lovely winding streets of Cannes and found Cafe Florian, which I sensed may be veg friendly from the bright green decor. When we sat down and I glanced at the menu, I almost cried. FRESH VEGGIE JUICE! Quinoa! Salads without meat and cheese! I was in heaven. Cafe Florian became my hot spot whenever I was close by, and then later I also discovered an awesome Indian place, which I knew would have veggie options, and the food was amazing. Besides that I became addicted to this incredible coconut sorbet that was vegan and had shreds of real coconut in it. YUM. At the end of the trip I ended up meeting this French entertainment lawyer who I discovered later was vegan. I wished I had a chance to chat with him in-depth about staying vegan in France, because from the cuisine it would seem right to assume that French vegans do not exist. Will be looking him up next time I’m there. Was a glorious trip, and I am thankful to say I survived and now that I am back to one. The first thing I did after sleeping for almost two days straight was buy some coconuts. Never been so happy to see a Whole Foods in my life! -XoXo Raw Girl
Minerals 4 Beauty: SULFUR
Sorry I’ve been M.I.A! Today I am headed to the French Riviera—Cannes, France to be exact for the Cannes Film Festival! That’s right, I’ve got a short film in the Cannes Short Film Corner (Check out my new website which also has a teaser for my short film “50 Bucks in Argentina” www.esosae.com)and I am going to network it up and also get a much needed vacay from the U.S. Promise to take my video camera; it should be a very interesting challenge trying to stay raw vegan in France. But I am a healthy food magnet and down for it, so let the games begin! I also packed my little handy magic bullet blender and a super food powder so that I’m not lacking on vitamins. Hope to have some fun footage to show you…Alright back to the post for today. Lately I’ve been very interested in beauty minerals—-basically the most essential minerals that keep our skin clear and give us that youthful glow. Will cover more minerals when I get back. -XoXo Raw Girl AKA Esosa E.
What key beauty mineral can be used to treat acne and pimples, helps to heal scars and wounds, makes your skin, nails, and hair strong and radiant, and can also help you improve your memory? The answer is SULFUR. That’s right, sulfur is also known as “the beauty mineral” because it is so crucial to maintaining the beauty of our bodies. To start off sulfur must be present for your bodies to produce collagen–which we all know is essential–as it keeps our skin soft and supple. Sulfur has a long history of use as a beauty mineral; apparently Ancient Romans soaked in sulfuric baths to prevent aging and prevent pain. Because sulfur is necessary to promote the flexibility of connective tissues, adding more sulfur to your diet can help those who work out. It actually reduces the amount of lactic acid that builds up in the muscles, can relieve or eliminate muscle cramps, and promotes healing and recovery of injuries faster! Going back to beauty, sulfur is found in keratin, a fibrous protein that makes up about 98% of your nails. So if you ever find yourself with brittle nails that break easily, you definitely need to increase your sulfur intake. Because of its glorious beauty benefits sulfur can be found in over the counter beauty products and in prescribed medications use to treat a range of skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
Beyond beauty, getting adequate amounts of sulfur also helps increase calmness, mental concentration, and boosts your memory.Now that you know how important sulfur is to beauty, here are some fruits and vegetables that have good amounts of sulfur to get you started: AVOCADOS, papaya, coconut, pineapple, banana, watermelon, watercress, garlic, onions, bok choy, cabbage, and spirulina –which is a blue-green algae that can be bought in powder or pill form. We’ll get into more beauty minerals when I return from France….Au Revoir!
Raw Food Energy = Sacred Feminine Energy
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way! On a quiet day, if you listen carefully, you can hear her breathing.”
–Arundhati Roy
Inspired today by an interesting and in hindsight disconcerting experience in relation to my feminine energy. I started to ruminate on how nature is very feminine in cycle as we go from season to season, and vegetation dies and is birthed over and over. The more I stay on the raw path, the deeper sense of intuition I seem to feel—a certain opening to spirit energy that gets cloudy when my diet isn’t as clean. That connection tends to speak to me and guide me, but I sometimes I don’t trust it enough to give in fully.
In my ruminations today it dawned on me that giving into a plant-based diet is in essence making the choice to commune with that sacred feminine energy wholly and completely. Our planet is in disaray and polluted with too much masculine energy as we continue to create chaos through wars, killing, raping, pillaging and then doing it all over again. I struggle personally with the sense that many men I meet want to keep me in a box—some sort of strange socially constructed idea of femininity inspired by pornography that relegates women to mere objects to be used for sexual pleasure, or whose sexuality is meant to be postured for the entertainment of men. Our culture denigrates all that is sacred; and food and sex are so connected. Just like fast food, sacred feminine energy and nature are literally pimped out for all they can offer in the fastest, most convenient way. Feelings, respect, and divine communion are lacking in our toxic world. And if you are someone with pure intentions who yearns for just that, it can be hard to know how to maneuver your way through our fast food fast sex culture.
In truth feminine energy just like the energy of plant life is sacred, and this is what gives it power. People can argue all day about why its okay or not okay to eat meat for various reasons, but when it gets down to it, there is no doubt that there is a dramatic shift in consciousness that can happen just merely from changing what you eat. I recently watched a great video of David Wolfe speaking about just that, and saying that above all, food, has the greatest power to transform our energy. Gabriel Cousen’s tweeted a couple weeks ago: “Consciously or unconsciously, people tend to choose the diet that reinforces and reflects their own mental and spiritual state of awareness.”
I do believe that to be true, and also that our diets inform our relationship with sacred feminine energy and nature. If there were more vegans in the world, we would have more resources, and I bet a calmer, more civil world. All that said, from now on I am choosing to consciously engage in that sacred feminine/ goddess voice, and look for a way to express it although it may not be “the box” people want me to be in. Rather than engage in fast food or fast sex, I’ll be raw foodie on the divine path for life because I also know that the greatest gifts, relationships, and health benefits come from deep commitment, exploration, and willingness to allow time to blossom a planted seed. -XoXo Raw Girl
“Throughout humanity’s societies, the Sacred Feminine has been identified with the qualities of wisdom, justice, beauty, and compassion. She is also the irresistible power that destroys old forms and brings new ones into being. The Sacred Feminine –an essential part of both women and men– is the dimension of soul to which we are connected through our instincts, our feelings, and the longing imagination of the heart.”
“Salvation is the freeing of the soul from it’s bodily fetters; becoming a God through knowledge and wisdom; controlling forces of the cosmos instead of being a slave to them; subduing the lower nature and through awakening to Higher Self, ending the cycle of rebirth and dwelling with the Neters who direct and control the Great Plan.” -Ancient Egyptian Proverb
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Seeds!
A couple of months ago, I finally added chia seeds to my array of supplements. My vegan friend always makes these awesome chia seed smoothies for me during my stay in Brooklyn, and I was dying to buy them so I could replicate. When I hit up the VegFest in NYC I had to do a happy dance when I was able to get a large bag from Nutiva for five bucks! Awesome deal! I started to delve further into the nutritional value of chia seeds, and discovered that they were a great addition to my post workout smoothies because of the easily absorbable protein they provide.
Chia seeds are native to Southern Mexico and Guatemala, and are from a species of flowering plant that is in the mint family. In pre-Columbia times, chia was a staple in Aztec and Mayan diets and even used as a survival ration. The seeds are rich in omega-3’s even more so than flaxseed, and they offer a great dose of nutrients including: calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium etc. In addition as I mentioned already, they are a good source of protein, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, 1 oz of chia seeds provide 9% of the Daily Recommended Value for protein and 42% dietary fiber. The protein from chia seeds are easily digested and absorbed very quickly by the body which helps with muscle regenration and makes it ideal for body builders, athletes, and vegan workout junkies like myself . Chia seeds also have three to ten times the oil content of most grains, and provide the body with good fats.
Beyond just the fabulous nutritional properties, chia seeds can be used as remedies for wounds. In Mexico and South America these super seeds have been used to treat wounds, including those from a gun shot! Eating chia seeds regularly can assist in lower blood pressure and glucose levels and their energizing quality can also give you an energy boost that will have you zipping productively through the day. Also because of their filling properties and nice dose of fiber, chia seeds can be an aid to those looking to slim down. Sound good? Well if so, the great news is you can receive the nutrition from the seeds without grinding them. To add to a smoothie let set in water or in the liquid used for the smoothie for a minimum of 5 minutes, and it will blend easily. Or you can let the seeds sit in pure water for 30 minutes, and it will form a gel that can then be scooped out and added to smoothies, puddings, etc. So, if you’re looking for another great supplement to add to post-workout smoothies, or just another veggie protein source, look no further than ch-ch-ch-chia seeds! -XoXo Raw Girl
Today’s Mid-day Post-Workout Smoothie (this is very yummy, and provides me with a nice dose of protein from the hemp,chia, spinach, and superfood blend): 1 Thai coconut (water and meat), 2 bananas, 1 cup blueberries, small handful spinach, Tablespoon of chia seeds (soaked for 5 minutes in blender with coconut water) , Hemp Protein powder, My Favorite Cacao Superfood Powder (awesome has everything in from spirulina to maca to probiotics and tastes, for real like chocolate)
Need a Natural Beauty Boost? Try Papaya!
As they say you are what you eat! Well if you are what you eat you also are what you put on your skin. Although it may seem a little quirky there are plenty of ways to boost your beauty naturally using and products you can find right in your kitchen! I was doing research and came across a fruit I didn’t even know could be used as a beauty remedy, PAPAYA. Yes, who knew but this amazing tropical fruit is not only great in a fruit salad, but it can help brighten your skin naturally, treat wrinkles, age spots, remove dead skin, and even treat ACNE.
Papaya is a fruit native to South and Central America. If you did not know papaya is a very nutrient dense fruit packed with beta carotene, vitamin A & C, iron, calcium, folate, potassium, fiber, and more. Just eating it will make your skin glow–but the coolest thing is that the nutrients in it are also very beneficial to maintaining flawless skin. A small papaya contains around three times the daily recommended value of vitamin C –which is essential for maintaining collagen and keeping our skin soft and youthful. The Vitamin A helps your body when forming new skin cells, and it contains a beneficial enzyme that not only eases digestion but also exfoliates the skin and removes dead cells. Because of this papaya is a common ingredient in a lot of anti-aging and anti-acne skin lines and it’s conditioning abilities make it great to use in creams, shampoos, and conditioners. The skin of the papaya has been used to heal wounds and even get this–surgical incisions! It can also be used to ease swelling and to combat dry skin.
Here are a few papaya beauty remedies you can whip up at home. For acne: try making a papaya mask using one teaspoon of honey, one egg (for those who are not vegans), and one teaspoon of papaya oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to your skin. Also for deep cleansing apply a papaya mask followed by papaya vinegar heavily diluted in water afterwards. Leave the mask on for ten to twelve minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. For age spots & acne you can use the fleshy side of green papaya skin from a mature green papaya on problem spots. For wrinkles use papaya to get rid of old skin cells, which can make wrinkles deeper. Use a papaya powder which you can find in health food stores to smooth out your skin. For a general natural beauty glow, I like to keep it simple and mash or blend some papaya and mix with honey or plain yogurt to make a mask and leave on for 10 minutes. Make sure when using papaya to not leave on for extended periods of time or the acidity may irritate your skin. If the home remedies are too hippie-esque for you, don’t worry, you can always find some great natural products with papaya as a main ingredient. So, yes, papayas can be added to your beauty routine, but don’t forget that just eating them is good for beauty as well! -XoXo Raw Girl
P.S. When you eat papayas, you can use those seeds for something. Apparently the seeds when consumed in small amounts on empty stomach regularly can kill parasites!
P.S.S. For more natural beauty ideas check out this past post 9 Ways to Get More Bang for your Beauty Without Spending A Buck: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2010/03/01/9-ways-to-get-more-bang-for-your-beauty-without-spending-a-buck/
#1 Health Issue in America: Maintaining a Healthy Colon
If every person in this country was tested nutritionally and had their colons cleaned out, 95% of our medical profession would have to seek other means of employment.” The Healthview Newsletter
If you didn’t know, colon health is most likely the number one wellness issue in America today, period. The majority of diseases begin with the accumulation of waste in our colon or our “bodies’ sewage system.” How often do we see men and women with distended bellies nowadays? I cringe because I know that those distended bellies, are full of waste that will cause disease. Checking out someone’s waistline, can be a general indicator of their overall health. Even if your tummy isn’t protruding, your body still may be storing waste from junk foods in other ways that are unhealthy and could lead to long-term disease. Why wait until then? Beyond dis-ease if everyone wasn’t so full of #$%#, literally, the world would be a more peaceful, civil place. When your colon is backed up you can get sick of course, but also, all that waste DOES affect your emotions and can make you more a more agressive, reactive, and emotionally volatile person.
So what can you do to clean your colon? You can always take up the habit of colonics and enemas, but for those who get squeamish at the thought of those options, there are a variety of foods and herbs that can help you keep your colon clean. When I recently interviewed Bernando LaPallo, an 109 year old raw foodist on my radio show and asked him how he keeps his colon clean, his response was simple: eat the right foods–fruits and veggies–and your colon will stay clean. Below is a list of 10 ideas for cleaning house and maintaining a healthy colon longterm. -XoXo Raw Girl
10 Ways to Clean House & Keep Your Colon Healthy
Pysillium Husk . This fiber acts like a brush and helps to scrub waste out of the colon and absorb toxins in the bowels. It is actually the husk of the see of the Plantain! ( I thought that was groovy) When taken, one must take care to drink a lot of water, as it can cause digestive problems or dehydration if liquids are neglected. The husk swells when it comes in contact with water or liquids and forms a gelatin-like mass in the colon. Psyllium has been used to treat constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. You can incorporate this weekly by adding it to juice, water, etc.
Flaxseed is similar to psyllium husk as it absorbs water and expands as it moves through the colon, removing waste and toxins. You can sprinkle ground flaxseed on smoothies, yogurt, fruit and other meals to get that daily dose of fiber.
Bentonite Clay. When used internally (make sure you buy the kind that can be taken internally) bentonite will clean out your colon and kill parasites (parasites cannot reproduce in the presence of clay).
Fiber rich foods such as: kale and other leafy greens, blackberries, prunes or prune juice can be regularly incorporated in your diet to keep you regular. Also making sure to eat a large variety of fruits and veggies will also give you the fiber you need.
Salt Water Flushes. I never had the stomach for this–for some reason salt water flushes make me hurl, but some people love doing salt water flushes and they do work really well.
Herbs. Senna Leaf (which is a very common ingredient in laxatives) can be taken in many forms including pills and tea. I learned from a friend who performs colonoscopies that intake of Senna is okay in moderation, but overuse actually will stain your colon.
Enemas or Colonics. Yes many people dread the thought, but there really isn’t anything to be scared of. You’ve got nothing to lose but a whole lot of waste! Whenever considering a colonic, always make sure it is not machine based. The procedure should be gravity method (meaning the water flows naturally and not pushed into the colon by a machine), and if you think you may have any colon issues, check with a doctor to ensure that you have no polyps or growths on the colon before you undergo a colonic. The difference between colonics and enemas? Colonics are a gallon or more of water, enemas can be self-administered at home with smaller amounts of water.
Fasting. Taking a break from food altogether allows your digestive system time to rest and leaves room for your body to get rid of old waste. Whether you fast on green juices or water, eventually, your body will rid itself of unwanted toxins.
Parasite Cleanse. Of course you know I had to mention this! Parasites actually aggravate waste problems in your colon because they can make you crave certain foods in excess. In essence, parasites thrive in a murky intestinal environment, so if you get rid of the waste, you’ll be one step closer to getting rid of the buggers.
Probiotics & Fermented Foods. Once you clean your colon, it’s important to keep the good bacteria in your gut and take a probiotic supplement (acidophilus) and/or regularly incorporate fermented foods such as: miso, yogurt (if you’re a vegetarian or meat-eater), sauerkraut etc.
VEGGIE LOVE: What is Mache?
When I hit up the grocery store, it is inevitable that I will buy several types of greens for the week. I try to change it up and but most weeks I have love affairs with various combinations of arugula (right now arugula is my main green lover–it’s a committed but open relationship), spinach, kale, and a variety of mixed greens. Last week while choosing which greens to get down with besides arugula, I came across Mache. It looked pretty so although I knew my arugula might get a little jealous I added it to the greens for the week and made a variety of salads with mache mixed in.
So what is Mache? Pronounced “mosh.” Well it’s a sweet nutty flavored lettuce sometimes referred to as “Lamb’s lettuce” grown in France. Mache grows very low to the ground so it cannot be mechanically harvested,which makes it more costly to produce, and probably explains why a lot of people might not have heard of it. On the plus side, this pretty lettuce has great nutritional value: 150g or one 5 oz serving of mache contains 95% of the daily recommended value for vitamin C, and 100 g contains half the daily recommended value of Vitamin B9. The high B9 content makes it a great green that is naturally anti-stress, anti-fatigue, and anti-depression. In addition to the potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, and iron it provides, mache also contains a notably high amount of beta carotene, which is anti-aging. I tried it once, and now that I know I get a nice dose of nutritional bang for my buck, an all natural face lift, and little R&R to boot, I am definitely going to add it to the list of greens I love. -XoXo Raw Girl
NYC Vegetarian Food Festival This Weekend!
I’m taking a road trip back to my second home in Brooklyn this weekend so I can be in NYC on Sunday to attend the Vegetarian Food Festival. The festival was organized by Sarah Gross, founder of Rescue Chocolate, and Nira Paliwoda, event planner and foodie, who wanted to create an event for all of the conscious eaters in the city to come together!
There will be food samples from some of NYC’s best vegetarian/vegan chefs and restaurants, information, speakers, raffles, prizes, and did I mention FOOD SAMPLES. I am planning to go early and to go on an empty stomach because there is bound to be too much good vegan food to snack on. The best part about it is its FREE. If you are in NYC or if your up for a road trip this weekend, don’t miss this awesome event. I’m sure your taste buds will thank you. – XoXo Raw Girl
For more information on the schedule and location visit their website: http://nycvegfoodfest.com
6 Reasons Why to Get Down with Mangoes: “The King of Fruit”
We’ve had a short spurt of beautiful weather down here in the DMV, and I’m hoping that soon the good weather will be here to stay. Whenever it gets warmer, I find myself longing for one of favorite fruits: mangoes! They are awesome to peel and eat or blend into smoothies. Although I eat them frequently, I never knew what nutrients I was getting. To my pleasant surprise, mangoes have a lot to offer beyond just being sweet and flavorful.
Mangoes are native to India, and belong to the same family as cashews and pistachios (I never would have guessed this). They are known widely as the “king of fruit” because they are packed with nutrients including, but not limited to: amino acids, vitamin A, C (1 cup has around 75% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin C), and E, beta carotene, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and B Vitamins. Sound good? Below are six more reasons why you may want to get down with a mango. -XoXo Raw Girl
- Promotes Good Digestion. The soluble fiber in mangoes prevent constipation, and also mangoes contain digestive enzymes that soothe the stomach and help to digest proteins.
- Keep Your Eyes Healthy. Apparently one cup of mangoes contain 25% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A. This will help prevent night blindness, dry eyes, softening of the cornea, or any itching and burning in the eyes.
- Prevent Cancer! In a study conducted that Food Science and Human Nutrition Department of Florida they found after testing mango juice for antioxidant and anticancer activity that mango juice inhibits the growth cycle of cancer cells. In addition consuming mangoes or other foods which are high in soluble fiber is scientifically linked with a lower risk of contracting cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Get that Vegan Glow. Mango is a fruit that will help keep your skin flawless, as it is known to help unclog pores if the pulp is directly applied to the skin. Also eating mangoes with keep your skin smooth and of course give you that vegan glow!
- An Anemic’s Best Friend. Mangoes are great for anemic and pregnant women because of their iron content.
- Parasite Killa! Last but never least, to my delight mangoes are another addition to a parasite killa’s arsenal. A study in mexico tested the effectiveness of plant extracts against giardia and found that mango has anti-giardia properties. Giardia is the most common parasite people are infected with because it is water-borne and spreads through our drinking water sources. I’m definitely keeping some mango ammo handy, from now on!
Navigating Food Allergy Drama
This past year, I have run into way too many people who have told me that their bodies have an issue with digesting fruit or veggies and so they must avoid raw foods in general. This always makes me incredibly sad, because I cannot imagine a life without my fruit and veg! There seems to be many reasons why this may happen: for some people, it was clear to me they had parasites (which can cause food allergies), another trend was a food intolerance that started when someone moved to the U.S. after being born and raised on fruit and veggies from another country, and the last variant I encountered was people who straight up could die if they ate peanuts or whatever because literally moments afterwards their breathing was restricted etc. In the first two instances, I think that it points to the fact that there may be another underlying issue.
One of the key points I’ve discovered is that the majority of people who actually think they have a food allergy, really have a food intolerance. With food allergies, all of the symptoms occur within a few minutes to an hour of eating. Some experiences that accompany an allergic reaction include itching in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing and breathing. Then, once the food is in digestion phase, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may begin. It’s usually the latter symptoms, that happen when food is being digested that get confused for being a food allergy, when really, it’s an intolerance.
My theory, especially in the case of those who were able to eat a fruit or vegetable in another country and now cannot, is that there might be substances whether they be additives or herbicides on the food that are causing the intolerance, and that it may not be the food itself in some cases. My mother is a good example of this because for years she told us she was allergic to peanuts. But now, years later she’s discovered that if she buys the natural peanuts still in their shells, the way she was accustomed to eating them when she grew up, she has no reaction at all! Of course, everyone is unique so that can’t be true for all cases. But, there happen to be a range of conditions that can mimic food allergies including:
- Food Poisoning: If you eat food that is contaminated, and have no idea it may cause something that seems like an allergic reaction.
- Lactose or Gluten-Intolerance: It seems like a great deal of people are actually lactose or gluten-intolerant and do not know it. Although they may feel strange symptoms when digesting certain foods, they continue eating them and ignore warning signs or attribute it to some other kind of digestive problem.
- Histamine Toxicity: Apparently some natural substances (histamine in this case) in foods can cause reactions resembling allergy. It can reach high levels in certain fish (especially tun and mackerel), cheese, and some wines. In the case of fish, this may be because the fish is contaminated! When the body has an allergic reaction it usually releases the chemical (neurotransmitter) histamine. So if you eat foods that happen to have high levels it could trigger an allergic reaction response. In addition to this tidbit, something I found interesting is also that Histamine levels can be very high when the body is chronically dehydrated; so if perhaps you are over-caffeinated and your body needs water, your levels will go up and may cause some seeming allergic reactions.
- Food additives: This would be when chemicals or compounds are added to food in order to change coloring, taste or preserve food for bacteria cause reactions. Consuming enough of these can produce allergic reactions. For example apparently eating large amounts of food with MSG can cause flushing, sensations of warmth, light-headedness, facial pressure, headache, and pain in the chest. Also sulfites, which used to be sprayed on fruits and veggies but was banned by the FDA (wow, they did something good), can cause problems with breathing or aggravate an underlying asthmatic condition.
- Other gastrointestinal diseases: Some gastrointestinal diseases such as gallstones, Crohn’s disease, and others cause allergic reactions to food that mimic allergic reactions as well and can cause nausea, vomiting, pain or diarrhea.
All that said, if you think you have a food allergy, you should get tested by your doctor to make sure it is legitimate. If you have an intolerance, try to get to the root of what is causing it. In some cases, a parasite cleanse probably couldn’t hurt, and also taking bentonite clay internally has been said to help with food allergy situations as well. But I’m sure that there are foods and enzymes that can help address digestive disorders and help bring the body back to one. The jury’s still out on my end and I’m going to keep reading and looking into answers as to how fruits and veggies cannot be consumed by so many people and what can be done about it! Will keep you posted on what I discover. -XoXo Raw Girl