Author Archives: rawgirl

Vote for Raw Girl for Wet N’ Wild Cosmetics Contract!

Hey gang: Today was officially V-day! Had a great time performing in NYC in support of the V-Day movement, women in Haiti and Congo, and the Nomi Network. I’ll be back in full effect next week .

But today I need ur help…that is if you read this before 12 pm Friday! Yours truly, Raw Girl is almost a semi-finalist in a competition on Talenthouse for a cosmetics contract. Right now with only 5 more votes,  I will be in the top 100 contestants. From that pool judges will choose a winner who will receive a cosmetic contract with Wet N’ Wild cosmetics.  Above is the photo I submitted. Would love your support! To vote for me text the code: YT6C3F to the number 53037, voting is free and you will receive a confirmation immediately! Voting ends Friday 1pm EST! -XoXo Raw Girl


I recently got down with an asian pear on a film set. It was introduced to me by another actress, a good friend of mine, as we were waiting around to shoot. We found one in a street market in Queens. I loved it, hope you’ll give Kenzie’s fabulous recipe a try it looks so yummy I could eat it off the page! -XoXo Raw Girl

I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of spring and is starting to get excited about all the seasonal fruits and veggies that are just around the corner. I know I am. Today I want to talk about Asian Pear: a fruit with a bit of an identity crisis, but all is forgiven by its sweet and crisp taste.

When first biting in, you may think you are actually eating an apple. It is crunchier than a pear and many have the roundness of an apple; but Asian Pears tend to be a bit juicier than your traditional apple and have more of a pear-ish color. They have a really fresh and satisfying taste—truly delicious. There are many types of Asian Pears, but most come from Japan. Here in the U.S., ours are come from Washington, Oregon, and California. You can find them in Asian Markets almost year round, major health stores (like Whole Foods) during summer months, and if you’re in the Northwest maybe a local farmers market.

So how are they good for you? Asian pear is loaded with Vitamin C—an antioxidant that protects cells against damage, helps wounds to heal, fights infections, promotes healthy bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels, and aids in the absorption of iron. The fruit also has a good amount of Vitamin K, which can increase bone mass, promotes good blood flow, and protects against liver and prostate cancer. Asian Pear is also loaded with other vitamins and minerals in small amounts, including Vitamin E, B Vitamins, Potassium, Magnesium, and some protein.

So how about some pie?

Raw Asian Pear Pie

 Crust: 2 cups almonds, 1 cup pitted dates, 2 Tbs maple syup, 1 teaspoon salt; Filling: 3-4 chopped asian pears, 1 orange pitted and seeded, 2 Tbs maple syrup, ¼ cup water, raisins or other dried fruit, 1 Tbs cinnamon

For crust, blend the almonds to make flour. Take out 3 Tbs of flour then add dates and syrup until dough is formed. Pour the 3 Tbs of almond flour into the bottom of your pie dish; this prevents the crust from sticking. Start molding the piecrust into the pan evenly.

For the filling, add the orange, maple syrup, cinnamon and water to Vitamix and blend. Then add the Asian Pears and pulse lightly—you don’t want to blend the apples, just chopped, rough, and solidified with the filling mixture. Pour mixture into crust. Top with raisins or dried fruit. You can let the pie sit in fridge overnight for really marinated apples. But if you can’t wait that long, it’s just as good!

This is a delicious take on “traditional” apple pie. You still have the crunch of apples, but with a great pear taste—and it’s 100% raw. This pie is also great for staying with the Veggie Love theme: share the love with a group of friends and feel fabulous with every bite.

Sharing the love with a mouthful of pie….Kenzie, Signing in for Raw Girl

New Article: Natural Ways to Detox from Heavy Metals

In our toxic world, there are so many poisons and contaminants that can hamper our health and do serious damage to our bodies in the long run. One that many forget about, although they may have fillings, is heavy metals. As I started to detox regularly, I became interested in learning more about heavy metal detox and what natural methods were available.  There are a variety of cleanses that can be purchased; but through my research I compiled a few sources that can be consumed regularly or taken over a specific period of time to rid the body of heavy metals including: chlorella, cilantro, liquid activated zeolite, and bentonite clay (which you can buy in two forms: one type to ingest, and the other for external use–I love bentonite masks!)

If you have metal fillings, or have never considered a heavy metal cleanse, check out my latest article via the link below. – X0X0 Raw Girl

Click here to read the full article:

Raw Girl M.I.A. for V-DAY

Hey Raw Foodies & Vegan Lovers:

I know, I know…Raw Girl has been M.I.A. again this week, but at least I can say it’s for a noble cause so I hope you will forgive me. Yours truly has been in rehearsals for the Vagina Monologues which will be on Broadway this coming week, Thursday, April 1st at the Jerry Orbach Theater. Proceeds from the show will go to the V-Day Safe House for women in Haiti, the City of Joy in the Congo for victims of rape and sexual violence, and an organization I work with the Nomi Network, which has the mission of eradicating sexual slavery. I will be playing a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda, and a survivor of sexual slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To learn more about this movement and how you can support please visit:

 If you know anyone in the NYC area, please pass along this info! Tickets are available via under Vagina Monologues. I will be on vacay for the show from this coming Wednesday to Friday but coming up is: more veggie love, how to make miso soup, and more. Stay tuned!

– XoXo Raw Girl

Natural Beauty Highlight: Kompalya Thunderbird

Although she most recently  spent most of her time behind the scenes as a radio host, this foxy raw lady in her mid-thirties, still gets holla’d at on the street corners by twenty year olds. When I first met Kompalya years ago, I assumed we were the same age and was shocked to learn otherwise. I appreciated her positive energy, and she was among the fabulous raw foodies who inspired me to change my lifestyle. The best tip I got from her was reading African Holistic Health by Dr. Llaila Afrika. She said if you really want to go raw, read this book. It worked for me. After reading  it I immediately threw out things in my cabinets and started to detox. People thought I was crazy because I started to get paranoid about processed foods, and rightly so. Who wants to know that they are also consuming bleach and paint thinner when they eat their cottage cheese?  Ew. Anyhow, thankfully, this lovely lady has allowed me to interview her and find out how she stays healthy, young, and beautiful. – XoXo Raw Girl

How long have you been raw and/or vegan & what made you transition into eating raw? Are you 100% and if not, why not? What kind of detox process did you go through since starting on this path, ie: fasting, cleanses etc?
I have been raw for five years, it was a natural transition from eating vegan foods that began to stimulate indigestion.  I found raw foods tasty and fit my life style highly during my yoga training.  At that time I was training in Kemetic Yoga and one of the principles was eating more raw plant-based foods as those in times of Antiquity.  RAW foods have a long history that date back the long before the Americas.

I slowly began to comprehend the true Divine principles of Yoga and no longer wanted to consume food that was processed mainly for profit.  Also, an understanding of how the animal kingdom is being treated lead me to forsake meat all together.  The challenging part was to stop wearing our friends, ie, leather, suede etc…

During the first five years I was 100% raw, however due to heavy work demands within the artistic field I did begin to delve in to vegan food again.  I can honestly say it is very harsh on the body. Once you are raw for a long period of time your body chemistry begins to change the slightest in take of sugar made me sick!  My cells and organs could feel the difference and my immunity would weaken almost immediately after eating something processed.

I did not do a detox prior to becoming raw, before being raw I was vegan for 12 years. I felt no need for a harsh detox mainly due to the eating regime I follow. Such as, no eating after 6pm.  I will eat larger portions of food during the day before 3 PM.  I will take healing smoothies in the morning that consist of herbs and vitamins I need for the day.  Drink lots of water and stay away from junk.  I would do a liver flush once a month along with an enema if I felt the need for it.  I will also take my minerals since the soil is so depleted of it at this moment in our history.

What are some of the most immediate benefits: mental, physical, and/or spiritual you have received from changing your lifestyle?
The immediate benefits of being RAW (or vegan) is clarity of mind.  I found it easier to concentrate and stay focused.  I was no longer the angry woman filled with volatile emotions. I noticed an immediate change soon after I cut red meat from my diet.  My weight remained at a steady level for years before changing.  Sorry for any of the MEN reading, but my menstruation was no longer as painful and my moods swings left automatically, if like magic.  I noticed a serious difference in my choices in how I looked at myself and the world.

Do you supplement? And if so, what supplements do you take? I use supplements, at this time I take liquid vitamins from an organic company. I felt my energy level increase a lot after taking organic liquid vitamins.

What do you believe defines true beauty? I love this question!! Esosa thank you for asking women this question! To me the true definition of beauty is defined by the essence of our character the deeds we have done for others, the process in which we manifest our true divine selves in this world and how we reach to others.  We are all beautiful and no one culture holds the blue print to beauty.  We can all rest in the bosom of who we truly are when we reach into our wisdom pool and share it with the world.  True beauty to me is not in the cars we have, the homes we live in, but within the essence of our being! Allowing our inner light to match with the outer world we radiate in beauty.

What is your skin care regimen like? I have no skin care regime, never have never will. I drink lots of water, use natural soap or some times just tea tree oil and lemon mixed together.  Good skin comes from within.

What do you think is the most challenging part about maintaining a raw diet long-term? Have you found it difficult to interact socially: family and other relationships?
It is arduous to maintain a RAW life style long-term. My long-term stresses came from working long hours in the entertainment field and being surrounded by many who did not take health as seriously as I did.  This put a strain not only on my physical body, but in many of my work environments.  I was ostracized, made fun of, talked about and called names by many with whom I worked for and with.  Some tried to comprehend the lifestyle; others did all that I mentioned above.

I realized not everyone is meant to be RAW and at times it is best to tell others you are vegetarian, it eases peoples apprehensions and still allows you to be yourself.  The challenging part was not always having the time necessary to bring my own food to work, which left me at the whim of society. Cooked processed, non organic food.

Dating also became difficult, because many men I met felt they would lose their strength if they are on a complete RAW plant-based diet.  It also became apparent that a few would try to change my diet instead of understanding what the RAW living lifestyle truly is.

I do believe the world is changing for the better. Many people are awakening to the fact that food is a commodity and many corporations are not invested into our health, but profit.  We have to focus on the good changes and collaborate with those who are evolved on the path and those beginning the journey!

How important is your spiritual life & do you think that it has anything to do with your natural beauty & staying young? My spiritual path is important to me, it is like my older sister guiding me along my earth walk.  I am not sure if my spiritual path has anything to do with me staying beautiful or young.  I could be crippled and still be on a spiritual path.  I could be ugly and still be on a path.

Kompalya Thunderbird is a performing artist who has performed in England and in many Off- Broadway Productions in the NYC area.  Her talents in performance lead her to have a successful radio program on Progressive Radio Network for over two years.

Her successful radio program included an annual one month holistic health initiative. Which allowed many non-conventional doctors and holistic practitioners to give advice on natural remedies from colds to cancer.  Her healing practice in Reiki has allowed her to view dis-ease from a different perspective.  “Reiki practitioners have no doubt on the mind, body, soul connection to health and the amazing benefits of healing the energy field”.

Reiki works well in eliminating toxins in the body and in conjunction with regular medical practices. Kompalya has been practicing Reiki since 2003. If anyone is interested in further information on Reiki please contact Kompalya at

How to Make a Cleansing Cocktail


So I had a blast while on vacay in Brooklyn with my good friend Khepera and her beautiful children and we made a cleansing cocktail. The highlight of making this video was her little two year old screaming throughout because he wanted to help her make the juice! I’m feeling like doing some spring cleaning and it’s getting warm outside so juices and fresh coconut water are so in, and heavy foods are out for me right now. My long time fetish is coconut water. If someone figured out how to make that come from a tap I would be in heaven. Anyway, I hope you start your own spring cleaning and give this fabulous cocktail a try. Feel free to add apple to sweeten. I drank mine straight and still found it to be delicious. Enjoy! -XoXo Raw Girl



Handful of kale leaves, 3 stalks celery, 3 carrots, 2 or 3 broccoli stalks, handful parsley, 1/4 beet, 1/4-1/2 ginger root, *apple (optional)

New Article: The Benefits of Fermented Foods

Miso Soup - My Version is Coming Soon!

Fermented foods can do wonders for your health. When I first started on the raw path, I drank Rejuvelac religiously and within a month my skin went from acne ridden to clear as day. There are many benefits that come with consuming  fermented foods, but the key is the good bacteria which promotes a health gut and can help keep our bodies parasite free and operating optimally. Check out the new article I wrote on fermented foods via the Suite 101 link below, and if you don’t already, seriously consider adding some of these dairy-free fermented foods in your diet:

  • Rejuvelac
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

To read the full article visit:–maintaining-good-bacteria-in-the-gut

– XoXo Raw Girl

How to Make Raw Blueberry Banana Pancakes

Hey raw vegan party people! So I had a blast dreaming up this raw pancake recipe. They are yummalicious and since making these I have come up with several other delectable variations that I promise to share (raw apple cinnamon pancakes are also delish). Back in the days when I was on the S.A.D.D. (standard American death-trap diet) I used to love pancakes and french toast, but now the thought of all that white flour and bread makes my stomach queasy.  There were a bunch of raw pancake recipes I came across. Most consisted entirely of nuts. I decided to make a version that was less nut heavy and ground the oat seed or “oat groat” into a flour and added that into the recipe.  In order to make these you need a dehydrator and a high-speed blender, and you are ready to go! The longest part is the dehydration, but its easy if you start the day before. It takes no time to blend the batter and you can just leave them in the dehydrator and go about your business. Trust me, It’s worth the wait ;). -XoXo Raw Girl



2 bananas, 2 cups almond flour (made from grinding raw almonds), 2 cups oat flour (grind oat groats into flour), 1/2 -3/4 of a small container of organic blueberries, 1/2 cup agave nectar, 1 tablespoon vanilla, 1/4 cup flaxseed meal, 1/2 cup water (or as needed)

First grind your almonds into almond flour, and grind your oat groats into oat flour.  If you have less oats than nuts you can use a 3 cups to 1 cup ratio—3 cups almonds and one cup oat groats, feel free to play around with it. Put all ingredients except for flaxseed into blender and blend. Stop and use wooden spoon or spatula to mix in ingredients, then blend again until smooth.  Pour batter into a bowl and mix in flaxseed meal to thicken batter. Set dehydrator for 115 degrees and portion out your pancakes onto teflex sheets after coating with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. Dehydrate for 6 hours minimum then flip off of teflex sheet and let the other side dehydrate for another 4.5-6 hours. When done they should not be gooey, but firm and little flexible. Serve with fruit and grade B maple syrup if needed. They will already be sweet so you may eat them as is!

Makes around 8-9 medium size pancakes. Enjoy!

Fashion Designer Donna Karan Was a Raw Foodie

Donna After Going Raw

Fashion week is over, but I’m still mourning the loss of one of my favorite designers, Alexander McQueen.  His was usually the only collection I religiously checked up on. This year I started browsing other designers to prep myself for the fact that next year, there will be no Alexander McQueen genius to scope. While checking out other collections, I couldn’t help noticing Donna Karan’s post-show picture on the runway, looking like she’d gained back the majority of weight she lost in 2003.

A couple years ago, probably mostly for the vanity reasons of being thinner ( sigh-fashion), Donna adopted the raw food diet and had a raw chef on call making her delectable dishes daily. Apparently in addition to shocking the fashion world with her new figure she reported that she felt more energized and was enjoying more optimal energy and health. But…I think her “diet” was a clear example of the fact that nothing works long-term unless you are committed to changing your lifestyle. I’m sad Donna fell off the wagon, the fashion world in general has an air of toxicity on many levels—having a sexy raw foodie designer in the midst might have injected a short fizzled focus on true health in the fashion industry. Well, regardless,  the collection was pretty bad ass so at least she’s bringing sexy back in that way. – XoXo Raw Girl

How to Sprout Step-by-Step

Hey fabulous vegan lovers:

Sorry that Raw Girl was M.I.A. yesterday! I am on day two of another film shoot 🙂 Almost done. Here’s a short video which breaks down step-by-step how I sprout wheat berries which I use to make Rejuvelac. There are many other ways to sprout. Sometimes I use a sprouting tray, others recommend using a glass jar and then growing the sprouts in a dark cupboard. Do what works for you; this method was the bootleg method that I used when I first started going raw using a bowl and covering with a plate. A dark environment without too much humidity is key, and rinsing is necessary to ensure they do not mold. Happy Sprouting! 😉 -XoXo Raw Girl
