Tag Archives: Living la Vida Raw

#1 Health Issue in America: Maintaining a Healthy Colon

If every person in this country was tested nutritionally and had their colons cleaned out, 95% of our medical profession would have to seek other means of employment.” The Healthview Newsletter

If you didn’t know, colon health is most likely the number one wellness issue in America today, period. The majority of diseases begin with the accumulation of waste in our colon or our “bodies’ sewage system.” How often do we see men and women with distended bellies nowadays? I cringe because I know that those distended bellies, are full of waste that will cause disease. Checking out someone’s waistline, can be a general indicator of their overall health. Even if your tummy isn’t protruding, your body still may be storing waste from junk foods in other ways that are unhealthy and could lead to long-term disease. Why wait until then? Beyond dis-ease if everyone wasn’t so full of #$%#, literally, the world would be a more peaceful, civil place. When your colon is backed up you can get sick of course, but also, all that waste DOES affect your emotions and can make you more a more agressive, reactive, and emotionally volatile person.

So what can you do to clean your colon? You can always take up the habit of colonics and enemas, but for those who get squeamish at the thought of those options, there are a variety of foods and herbs that can help you keep your colon clean. When I recently interviewed Bernando LaPallo, an 109 year old raw foodist on my radio show and asked him how he keeps his colon clean, his response was simple: eat the right foods–fruits and veggies–and your colon will stay clean. Below is a list of 10 ideas for cleaning house and maintaining a healthy colon longterm. -XoXo Raw Girl

10 Ways to Clean House & Keep Your Colon Healthy

  1. Pysillium Husk . This fiber acts like a brush and helps to scrub waste out of the colon and absorb toxins in the bowels. It is actually the husk of the see of the Plantain! ( I thought  that was groovy) When taken, one must take care to drink a lot of water, as it can cause digestive problems or dehydration if liquids are neglected. The husk swells when it comes in contact with water or liquids and forms a gelatin-like mass in the colon. Psyllium has been used to treat constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. You can incorporate this weekly  by adding it to juice, water, etc.
  2. Flaxseed is similar to psyllium husk as it absorbs water and expands as it moves through the colon, removing waste and toxins. You can sprinkle ground flaxseed on smoothies, yogurt, fruit and other meals to get that daily dose of fiber.
  3. Bentonite Clay. When used internally (make sure you buy the kind that can be taken internally) bentonite will clean out your colon and kill parasites (parasites cannot reproduce in the presence of clay).
  4. Fiber rich foods such as: kale and other leafy greens, blackberries, prunes or prune juice can be regularly incorporated in your diet to keep you regular. Also making sure to eat a large variety of fruits and veggies will also give you the fiber you need.
  5. Salt Water Flushes. I never had the stomach for this–for some reason salt water flushes make me hurl, but some people love doing salt water flushes and they do work really well.
  6. Herbs. Senna Leaf (which is a very common ingredient in laxatives) can be taken in many forms including pills and tea. I learned from a friend who performs colonoscopies that intake of Senna is okay in moderation, but overuse actually will stain your colon.
  7. Enemas or Colonics. Yes many people dread the thought, but there really isn’t anything to be scared of. You’ve got nothing to lose but a whole lot of waste! Whenever considering a colonic, always make sure it is not machine based. The procedure should be gravity method (meaning the water flows naturally and not pushed into the colon by a machine), and if you think you may have any colon issues, check with a doctor to ensure that you have no polyps or growths on the colon before you undergo a colonic. The difference between colonics and enemas? Colonics are a gallon or more of water, enemas can be self-administered at home with smaller amounts of water.
  8. Fasting. Taking a break from food altogether allows your digestive system time to rest and leaves room for your body to get rid of old waste. Whether you fast on green juices or water, eventually, your body will rid itself of unwanted toxins.
  9. Parasite Cleanse. Of  course you know I had to mention this! Parasites actually aggravate waste problems in your colon because they can make you crave certain foods in excess. In essence, parasites thrive in a murky intestinal environment, so if you get rid of the waste, you’ll be one step closer to getting rid of the buggers.
  10. Probiotics & Fermented Foods.  Once you clean your colon, it’s important to keep the good bacteria in your gut and take a probiotic supplement (acidophilus) and/or regularly incorporate fermented foods such as: miso, yogurt (if you’re a vegetarian or meat-eater), sauerkraut etc.

NYC Vegetarian Food Festival This Weekend!

Hey Veggie Lovers:

I’m taking a road trip back to my second home in Brooklyn this weekend so I can be in NYC on Sunday to attend the Vegetarian Food Festival. The festival was organized by Sarah Gross, founder of Rescue Chocolate, and Nira Paliwoda, event planner and foodie, who wanted to create an event for all of the conscious eaters in the city to come together!

 There will be food samples from some of NYC’s best vegetarian/vegan chefs and  restaurants, information, speakers,  raffles, prizes, and did I mention FOOD SAMPLES. I am planning to go early and to go on an empty stomach because there is bound to be too much good vegan food to snack on. The best part about it is its FREE. If you are in NYC or if your up for a road trip this weekend, don’t miss this awesome event. I’m sure your taste buds will thank you. – XoXo Raw Girl

For more information on the schedule and location visit their website: http://nycvegfoodfest.com

Navigating Food Allergy Drama

This past year, I have run into way too many people who have told me that their bodies have an issue with digesting fruit or veggies and so they must avoid raw foods in general. This always makes me incredibly sad, because I cannot imagine a life without my fruit and veg! There seems to be many reasons why this may happen: for some people, it was clear to me they had parasites (which can cause food allergies), another trend was a food intolerance that started when someone moved to the U.S. after being born and raised on fruit and veggies from another country, and the last variant I encountered was people who straight up could die if they ate peanuts or whatever because literally moments afterwards their breathing was restricted etc. In the first two instances, I think that it points to the fact that there may be another underlying issue.

One of the key points I’ve discovered is that the majority of people who actually think they have a food allergy, really have a food intolerance. With food allergies, all of the symptoms occur within a few minutes to an hour of eating. Some experiences that accompany an allergic reaction include itching in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing and breathing. Then, once the food is in digestion phase, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may begin. It’s usually the latter symptoms, that happen when food is being digested that get confused for being a food allergy, when really, it’s an intolerance.

My theory, especially in the case of those who were able to eat a fruit or vegetable in another country and now cannot, is that there might be substances whether they be additives or herbicides on the food that are causing the intolerance, and that it may not be the food itself in some cases. My mother is a good example of this because for years she told us she was allergic to peanuts. But now, years later she’s discovered that if she buys the natural peanuts still in their shells, the way she was accustomed to eating them when she grew up, she has no reaction at all! Of course, everyone is unique so that can’t be true for all cases. But, there happen to be a range of conditions that can mimic food allergies including:

  • Food Poisoning: If you eat food that is contaminated, and have no idea it may cause something that seems like an allergic reaction.
  • Lactose or Gluten-Intolerance: It seems like a great deal of people are actually lactose or gluten-intolerant and do not know it. Although they may feel strange symptoms when digesting certain foods, they continue eating them and ignore warning signs or attribute it to some other kind of digestive problem.
  • Histamine Toxicity: Apparently some natural substances (histamine in this case) in foods can cause reactions resembling allergy. It can reach high levels in certain fish (especially tun and mackerel), cheese, and some wines. In the case of fish, this may be because the fish is contaminated! When the body has an allergic reaction it usually releases the chemical (neurotransmitter) histamine. So if you eat foods that happen to have high levels it could trigger an allergic reaction response. In addition to this tidbit, something I found interesting is also that Histamine levels can be very high when the body is chronically dehydrated; so if perhaps you are over-caffeinated and your body needs water, your levels will go up and may cause some seeming allergic reactions.
  • Food additives: This would be when chemicals or compounds are added to food in order to change coloring, taste or preserve food for bacteria cause reactions. Consuming enough of these can produce allergic reactions. For example apparently eating large amounts of food with MSG can cause flushing, sensations of warmth, light-headedness, facial pressure, headache, and pain in the chest. Also sulfites, which used to be sprayed on fruits and veggies but was banned by the FDA (wow, they did something good), can cause problems with breathing or aggravate an underlying asthmatic condition.
  • Other gastrointestinal diseases: Some gastrointestinal diseases such as gallstones, Crohn’s disease, and others cause allergic reactions to food that mimic allergic reactions as well and can cause nausea, vomiting, pain or diarrhea.

All that said, if you think you have a food allergy, you should get tested by your doctor to make sure it is legitimate. If you have an intolerance, try to get to the root of what is causing it. In some cases, a parasite cleanse probably couldn’t hurt, and also taking bentonite clay internally has been said to help with food allergy situations as well. But I’m sure that there are foods and enzymes that can help address digestive disorders and help bring the body back to one. The jury’s still out on my end and I’m going to keep reading and looking into answers as to how fruits and veggies cannot be consumed by so many people and what can be done about it! Will keep you posted on what I discover. -XoXo Raw Girl

Be a Caller on Raw Girl’s Radio Show!

Dear Veggie Lovers:

I am in need of questions for the recording of several radio shows ASAP!  If you are also interested in being a live caller please also include your phone number in the email. Excited about the range of shows coming up and some pretty fantastic guest interviews. Stay tuned for more information about where to listen.  If you would like to have your question answered On-Air, please send any health related/vegan/lifestyle questions to rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com. Appreciate your participation! –XoXo Raw Girl

Raw Girl on the Radio!!!

Happy March veggie lovers! I’ve been M.I.A. shooting a film, and today is my first day back in blogging mode. Even more exciting…I’m going to be on the radio! That’s right, yours truly, will be launching very soon, a health radio show called “Healthy Living in a Toxic World.” We are recording the pilot episode this weekend focusing on the topic of longevity, and are in need of questions from you.

Please email any general health questions or questions about longevity to rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com and your question may be answered on the radio show. If I don’t get to it in the first episode, I will include it in later episodes or in the “Dear Raw Girl” segment on the blog. The show will be airing on multiple radio stations  in the DMV area and also will be available to listen to live online. Check the blog for updates! -XoXo Raw Girl

The Break-Up Fast: Loss as a Tool for Transformation

“Fast and your light will break forth like morning…[and your] healing shall spring forth speedily.” – Isaiah 58: 6-11 (paraphrased)

Have you noticed that when unexpected  loss shows at up at  your door, you tend to overeat? This is true for a lot of us. The concept of vegging out on comfort food is worn like a badge of honor nowadays, when processed food is plentiful and sugar addiction is the norm. In the past I was among the loyal cadre of folks that used food as the drug of choice to remedy my woes. Ever since I embraced balance and changed my diet and eating habits, the opposite seems to be the case. Loss, which used to throw me into stuff my gut til’ it aches mode, now causes me to lose my appetite and retreat into fasting mode.

I recently got dumped. Like drop my heart in the bottom of your shoe dumped. In the midst of my processing the situation and mending my broken heart, my appetite seemed to naturally vanish. In order to prevent from starving myself,  I decided to go ahead and officially fast, so that at least my body would be nourished. While wallowing in my own experience I thought it would be interesting to research the effects of fasting on loss or any sort of depression. I found that fasting has been for ages used since Biblical times to bring the body, mind, and spirit back into balance while processing loss.

I love the Bible quote from Isaiah, the idea that fasting will “break your light forth like new morning.” The operative words for me are “light” and “new.” Yes indeed fasting not only purges the body, it renews the spirit and in fact can bring the mind into an altered state of consciousness. Opening up the inner light that gets dimmed from wrong thinking, wrong eating, or just the chaos that is this modern world. Those who fast know that in the midst of a fast there can be moments of intense bliss and interconnectedness with life around us in ways that heal our unseen wounds physical and emotional. Combined with solitude, fasting brings us face to face with the chaos that we have surrounded ourselves with and can break the addictions we have whether it be drugs, alcohol, dysfunctional relationships, or even food. All of these addictions are born from that feeling of lack; a sort of unconscious spiritual deprivation that we all look to fill with people and things. There have been documented case after case of people using fasting to quit smoking, drinking, or to heal terminal diseases naturally.

Uncannily enough, just as I began the fast, my phone would not charge. I discovered that I needed to replace the battery. The loss of communication, really put me into a different place than before. In the past, I fasted in tandem with the daily texting, facebooking, and emailing via phone. With that gone, I felt a certain sense of quiet and freedom simultaneously. It forced me to look at how much of my life is spent in my present moment, rather than consumed in cyberspace.  All of this prompted me to venture on a retreat into the wilderness. My father’s church happens to own a spiritual solitude retreat called Spiritual Wilderness Solitude in Harmony Haven, Virginia, and funnily enough although I have visited, I never myself undertook the process of staying there alone for an extended period of time. It was day one of the fast, that I received the inner guidance, that I had to go, sometime soon.

Now I am a fan of solitude, I do actually spend a lot of time by myself, and am not one of those people who feels uncomfortable going to the movies alone or spending time in meditation. But this idea of being in the middle of nature no phone reception, no lighted highways, and far enough from civilization that silence was really SILENCE, on purpose, is a new concept. I’m almost afraid to venture into that space, and what I may discover about myself. But I will do it…very soon, and I will let you all know how it goes.

Visionaries such as Christ and Buddha used fasting and solitude to obtain mystical revelations. The act of fasting to me feels like the deepest form of prayer…its a sensation that seems to align the spirit immediately to receiving healing, opens the universal gateway for  help in the time of need and solutions to any kind of problem. So the next time you loose a loved one, are mending a broken heart, fall sick with any kind of disease or drug addiction, or maybe just need answers, consider fasting perhaps accompanied with some meditation and  solitude as a remedy. What began as a break up may be the catalyst for a deeper connection with life and spirit than you can fathom. – XoXo Raw Girl

For more on fasting, check out my article Juice Fasting: The Ultimate Tool for Anti-Aging and Spiritual Awakening:


And also…this previous post which offers Tips for a Stress-Free Fast:


5 Reasons to Drink Green Juice

1. A Large Dose of Chlorophyll. You are what you eat, and chlorophyll is the building block of our bodies. More of it means more oxygen flowing, more vitality, and more energy!

2. Trace Minerals & Enzymes. Boost your digestion, encourage detoxification, and give your body the minerals its been missing out on!

3.More Veggie Bang for Your Buck. Juicing allows you to consume a wider variety of vegetables in larger quantities, and the nutrients are absorbed easily in juice form.

4. It’ll Make You Happy. Green juice and fasting help our bodies and spirits get through the icky stuff and clear the way for divine connection and inner peace. So basically, you’ll get a free dose of Zen with each glass of greens.

5. Keep Your Body Alkaline. Green juice consumption will help you ward off health problems, and fight any imbalances in the body. Disease can only live in an acidic state, and drinking green juice regularly will help to keep your body alkaline.

-XoXo Raw Girl

Back to One: The End of the Year Cleanse


Sometimes it really feels good to reset and revamp. It’s not like setting the clock back, but more so starting from where you are and undergoing a process of renewal. I’ve been feeling like in many areas of my life this process of going “back to one” is happening, and thus, it felt like an awesome time to take on a cleanse. As the end of the year approaches (can you believe how fast it went by) cleansing allows us to rejuvenate our bodies, while letting our minds and spirits reflect on the time that has passed and our next steps.

I chose this time to take on a gentle two-week full body herbal detox in a box that cleanses my skin, liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood and lymphatic system. Also combining this with a parasite cleanse and seven-day liquid fast  so that I can move into the new year, with my body reset and full of vitality, and mind ready to take on new tasks.

Just as I am resetting my body through fasting and detox, I find that the New Year is a great time to reset my mind. It’s important to me to spend adequate time ruminating on the goals I accomplished, and also look at where I fell short to examine what new approaches or what character flaws may be standing in my way. Most people make resolutions that lose their legs by the second month of the year. In order for us to set goals that stand the test of time, we have to examine our motives and really connect to how our goals will increase the quality of our lives and also touch others.

We also can change the way we look at our goals and ourselves, by not only focusing on where we want to be, but also who is it that we have to become to get there? That shift in thinking alone, made me realize that in order to get to where I am going it won’t be through just daily actions, but also continuous self-evaluation and development of my character. Below is a list of New Year’s back to one actions that may inspire you to get “Back to One.” – XoXo Raw Girl

  • Create a vision board for 2011 in all important areas of your life: finances, spiritual, career, relationships, health. Place it in a visible place and look at it daily.
  • After you’ve created this vision board or wrote down your goals spend time visualizing how achievement of these goals will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.
  • Write a letter to yourself that describes in detail what goals you would like to accomplish in all areas of your life and what  kind of person you have become at the end of 2011. Seal it and do not open until the end of 2011. (I did this last year and it was amazing!)
  • Take on a Fast or Cleanse. Fasting can be as simple as abstaining from certain foods you are trying to cut out of your diet or going full-out and doing fresh juices only, blended food only, or even raw food only periods.
  • Clean House. This one feels really good. I hate going into the New year with too much baggage. Taking a day or however long to reduce the clutter in your life not only make room for more good to come, it frees up more mental space!

For more on juice fasting, check out these previous posts:

Tips for a Stress Free Fast


The Benefits of Juice Fasting


Making a Green Smoothie!

I am gearing up for my annual fast into the new year!  Last year it was 10 days. This year I think I may do 3 days of blended foods, 7 days of liquids/juice only, and 3 days coming off of the fast with blended foods and perhaps veggie broth as well. The target start date is December 23rd, and I will start coming off the fast on January 2nd.  Trying to get mentally prepared and incorporating more liquid foods into my diet. Today I made a Tropical Green Smoothie. Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 date, 1 mango, water from 1 Young Thai Coconut, 3-4 Kale Leaves.

When making green smoothies, it is recommended to use about 60% fresh fruit and 40% green leaves. Take care not to include any starchy vegetables such as: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, corn. These types of vegetables require the body to use different enzymes to break them down, and if mixed improperly can lead to fermentation and gas. Check out the video below and hopefully you’ll be inspired to concoct a green smoothie of your own! -XoXo Raw Girl


The Art of Raw Snacking : Spicy Kale Chips

Hey Gang:  A quick side note before I delve into my raw snack. I’m on my third week of physical therapy. My back is still a bit wonky. I thought it was getting better, and then last week had a major relapse. It’s been tough to stay in my raw girl blogging mode, although I am still eating raw of course, and the heat around here has pushed me to eat even closer to 100% raw. So bear with me and forgive me for my absence. Hoping that very soon I will be back to normal. – XoXo Raw Girl

People ask me all the time how I survive on raw foods and what snacks I keep around to keep me going. I’m not too much of a snacker, but I have developed and ongoing arsenal of small meals to grab on-the-go if necessary. Especially for road trips when all that there is to find in convenience stores is fast processed foods of various kinds. To avoid having a raw foodie breakdown and eating something you regret, only to suffer the consequences later, it’s definitely best to have something on hand to stop your tummy from growling.  The key to snacking in my opinion is to treat it like a meal and be cognizant if what you are eating needs more time to digest. I do snack on dehydrated nuts from time to time, but you have to remember that depending on what meal you are planning to eat next, your body may need sufficient time to digest the first “snack.” For example: I wouldn’t snack on a bunch of nuts and then eat a huge bowl of fruit afterward. That, my friends is a recipe for gas/indigestion. In that case I would probably eat the fruit first, wait awhile and then eat the nuts. Keeping it simple and eating foods that combine well keep you gas-free and still fill you up. If you are already in tune with your body, it’s good to snack on things that you crave. I find that very often I am craving a particular dried fruit or veggie and it is because my body really needed that at the moment.

My new ultimate favorite crave is SPICY KALE CHIPS. I really can’t get enough. Not only are they crunchy and slightly cheesy, thanks to the nutritional flakes, they also provide the double duty of helping me ward off mosquitoes by providing a healthy serving of Vitamin B1.

I’ve read a bunch of recipes for kale chips, some that profess to be crunchier than others depending on whether or not the kale is coated with a batter prior to dehydrating. I haven’t tried the recipe that professes to produce the crunchiest kale chips ever, but I have modified my own version of the regular kale chip that is crunchy enough for me, and slightly spicy.

Spicy Kale Chips

Ingredients: 2 bunches of kale, organic olive oil,  two teaspoons red pepper,teaspoon sea salt

Making kale chips is super easy. First you wash the kale thoroughly and get rid of stems (the stems aren’t fun to chew on when dehydrated).  I always use a Veggie Wash to remove unwanted dirt/bacteria/pesticides. Then coat the kale with 2-3 capfuls of organic olive oil and add spices. Add sea salt and red pepper, and 1 capful or two of organic apple cider vinegar. Massage the veggies til everything is worked in.

Once that’s done, I take heaping tablespoons of nutritional flakes and mix into kale. Do this with a spoon because if you use your hands, you’ll get more flakes on your hands than on the kale, which you don’t want. The nutritional flakes give the kale an awesome almost cheesy flavor once dehydrated. Then you pop the kale into the dehydrator  for at least 6-8 hours or until crispy enough for you. I usually prepare the kale and let it  dehydrate over night. It’s also good to do at least two bunches at a time, or you’ll be left wishing you made more! Remember that it shrinks considerably when you dehydrate it.

Another raw snack I like:

Zucchini “Chips”: I just chop up raw zucchini maybe add a little seasoning and eat with hummus. In this photo I added in some sun dried tomatoes, which were made by dehydrating tomato slices.