Tag Archives: Living la Vida Raw

Paul Nison: The 100% Raw Debate

Today when I was looking through some you tube videos, I stumbled upon these videos featuring raw food chef and author Paul Nison. I thought it was very interesting that after 15 years of being a raw vegan, Paul decided to incorporate raw dairy into his diet. I personally would never go from raw to eating dairy (I was always lactose intolerant), but I’m not 100% raw, so I would easily incorporate cooked vegan foods before I went to eating foods from the animal kingdom. The biggest point that struck home for me in watching this video is that so many people are caught up on being 100% raw and champion their diet like a religion.  They are obsessed with being able to say that they are 100% raw and keep this up, even if it may not be the best thing for them personally. Paul confesses to the fact that he was shoving himself with dehydrated foods and nuts to overcompensate and stay raw in the winter. I mean really, you can’t have a little veggie broth??

I was 100% raw in the first year I started on this path, and got caught up in the feeling that I needed to stay that way even though I really wanted to get down with some miso soup or veggie broths in the winter. So, by my second year I decided to stop trying to force myself into 100% and go with the flow, while of course, eating as much raw as possible. My personal philosophy now is the more raw the better, (I stay in the 90% raw range and higher in the summer), but I will eat some things cooked like quinoa, steamed veggies, even brown rice in moderation (kills parasites), and  light veggie broths from time to time. That said you will NEVER EVER see me getting down with processed foods or animal products.

If you are going to eat animal products, it would definitely be in your best interest to find the most organic source available. We all need to make sure that as we embark on our personal journeys to health, we don’t get caught up in sticking to something just for the sake of our egos and at the expense of our health.  Paul makes another great point that regardless of our diet, we should all be monitoring our blood work and checking for possible nutrient deficiencies. At the end of the day, most of the food in this world is toxic because of the additives, chemicals, hormones etc., and organic raw fruits and veggies give us access to optimal nutrition and healing–especially when our bodies are already are in a disease state—even when we combine them with cooked foods. So please, get down with the veggie, but get down in a way that makes perfect sense to you and no one else. At the end of the day, I know  that my diet has given me a way to stay ageless, acne-free, and have the energy I need to pursue my dreams, so this Raw Girl is staying on the raw vegan path. – XoXo Raw Girl


Heres an interview with Paul Nison many years before:


Raw Girl @ Raw Food Festival in MD

Come one come all! Yours truly is going to be joining in a Raw Food Festival in MD on June 6th, and the dish I will bring is my world famous lip smacking carrot cake.  I came up with the recipe for my carrot cake after trying several raw carrot cakes and never finding one that really hit the spot like I needed it to. Feel free to RSVP, the event is open to the public. Trust me you don’t want to miss out on the free raw samples and live food prep! Plus, you’ll get to see my raw glow up close and personal. If you tell me your one of my readers, I’ll even do a little jig right then and there. Will send out another reminder when it gets closer. Hope to see you! Taking a raw vacay weekend, be back on Monday with more fuel for your raw fire 😉  -XoXo Raw Girl

Conventional Produce With High Level of Contaminants

So, you’re on a serious budget because your paycheck is skimpy,  your stimulus check hasn’t shown up in the mail,  and that bag of organic produce is now looking extra pricey. Or perhaps, you are  stranded in the middle of nowhere on a road trip and all you can find is conventional produce. Below is a list of fruits and veggies that should be, if possible, AVOIDED when NOT ORGANIC because of the high levels of contaminants/pesticides:

  • Green & red bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries (US grown)
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Apricots
  • Green beans
  • Grapes
  • Cucumbers
  • Cantaloupes
  • Spinach

If all else fails, and you have to get down with the conventional, you can also mix 1 ounce of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 gallon of water and use this solution to rinse your produce. If the veggie or fruit is waxed, make sure to peel off the waxed skin before eating!  – XoXo Raw Girl

The Basic Principles of Proper Food Combining

Food combining is a huge issue affecting raw foodies, vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters alike. It’s just that most people don’t realize it. Before I even went completely  raw, beginning to properly combine my food was the first baby step which GREATLY enhanced my health. Prior to learning about food combinations and how the body breaks down different substances I believed like everyone else that anything and everything can go together. If you can imagine it and mix it together you can eat it. This belief for most, not all, leads to one thing, and one thing only…GAS.

Yep, I said it. Flatulence, burping, fatigue after eating, upset stomach, bloating etc. all of these things are signs of gas trying to escape and our system being backed up with food or overloaded with foods that are improperly combined and create an acidic internal environment. If disease can only exist in an acidic environment, then of course, proper food combining, which allows food groups to digest properly would assist in maintaining the opposite,  a healthy alkaline body.

Below is a list of some of the basics of food combining. I personally, do not fret too much about food combining when it comes to combining within fruit groups, but I do fret over the larger broader rules involving NOT mixing dense carbs and protein. As far as fruits, I do take care however not to mix citrus with other fruits much. Some people really do have stomach’s of steel and may think they do not need to follow these rules, but its most likely that they are not in tune with their bodies and therefore cannot feel the effects. Or…they just pass gas a lot and think it’s normal! We are all unique so listen to your body and do what works for you. -XoXo Raw Girl

1. Drink Liquids Alone. I know, I know, it make no sense at all right? Since we were children all of us were taught that eating and drinking were okay, but actually, not completely the case. Obviously if you are choking, please take a large gulp of water and spare your life at the expense of proper food combining. In normal eating situations, it’s actually best to wait 15 minutes after you drink something to begin eating or to drink liquids after the food you were eating is finished digesting! Why? Well imagine your tummy churning away at food, and working hard to break everything down into the smallest particles and here comes an ocean wave of water which dilutes the hydrochloric acid and flushes some of the food that hasn’t completely been broken down yet out of the stomach. Get the picture?

2. DO NOT COMBINE DENSE PROTEINS (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, avocado, dried beans, nuts, seeds) WITH DENSE CARBOHYDRATES (bread cereal, corn, crackers, grains, potatoes, pasta, yams) This one I had to put in all caps because it’s the most common food combining blunder. So many of our traditionally accepted S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) meals break this rule in a major way ie: hamburgers with french fries, or any sort of meat bread combination, rice & beans etc.

3. Fruits ALONE. This rule, when I follow it properly, definitely works wonders for remaining gas-free. You’ve got to wait enough time after eating fruit to eat something else, and it really is best not to combine food with other meals. At restaurants they love to break this rule and make you thing you’re getting an “exotic” salad with greens mixed in with fruit. Many seem enticing, but remember that these different food groups need different enzymes for the body to digest. So although upfront your kale-mango salad may be a party of flavor in your mouth, you’ll be having a  pity party later when your stomach is churning.

4. Avoid Combining Acid Fruits (Citrus, pineapple, pomegranates, strawberries) with Sweet Fruits (Bananas, Dates, Figs, Prunes, Raisins) This is a rule I break from time to time,  usually  with bananas. I love pineapple and banana together and sometimes have mixed in strawberries and banana in a smoothie and didn’t feel any weird side effects. I was glad because I love those fruit combinations enough that I would break the rule if I had a craving. Hey–a girl’s gotta have her smoothies!

5. Melons and Watermelon Alone. Both Melon and Watermelon contain more water content than other fruits and do not take long to digest and so should be eaten alone. I have broken this rule as well though, because I have made smoothies with melon. Like I said, these are just guidelines, feel it out and do what works for you!

Raw Restaurant Review: Cafe Green in DC

So I ventured out this evening to Cafe Green, a vegan restaurant that recently opened in the Dupont Circle area. While working on a photo shoot/ad campaign this week for the 2011 Ford Fiesta, I met one of the lovely waitresses from this restaurant who told me that they offered raw options. Needless to say, I got excited! Finally, a place in DC with some raw food options. It’s been tough being away from the INCREDIBLE restaurants and raw cuisine available in New York, that is so good it leaves you begging for more. When she mentioned that the menu featured raw pizza, I started craving it. Unfortunately, all of my excitement slowly turned sour once actually in the spot. When I arrived around 5 pm it was empty except for me, but people began to trickle in. No one was at the door to greet me, but the chef said hello when I came in and told me to head up the stairs. Being very perceptive about energy and the energy of those who prepare your food, I immediately noticed the energy wasn’t all that great in the kitchen.

Regardless, I took a seat and perused the menu and settled on raw pizza and the raw berry tart. The waiter was unable to tell me what ingredients were in the crust and so had to run and ask the chef ( a big no-no for any vegan restaurant serving people who are clearly ingredient-conscious). He returned to let me know that the crust was a sesame seed/flax combination.  Before the raw berry tart arrived, I imagined a delicious, obviously tart-like concoction with a raw whipped cream topped with berries. What I got, that melted the smile off my face to a confused curious grimace was literally flatbread with berries on it. I KID YOU NOT. Now, at this point, I know that the entrée is probably not going to be happening, but I go ahead and polish off the plate of flatbread which costs eight dollars, because I’m hungry. Then came my entrée, raw pizza, with a cucumber romaine salad, and kale chips. The first thing I noticed was that the crust for the “raw pizza” was the same flatbread used for the berry tart! I confirmed this with the waiter, and tried to hide my frustration with the lifeless plate of food in front of me. The “raw pizza” ( I must put this in quotations so as not to give other raw pizzas a bad name) consisted of a lifeless marinara sauce that needed basil BAD, with dried mushrooms on top and a yellowish cashew cheese that was questionable. The cucumber salad was horrendous, and made me want to run down into the kitchen and show the chef how a real salad is done in five minutes. It was lifeless, flavorless, and drizzled with olive oil and nothing else. The kale chips had some flavor, but why they were paired with a pizza, I will never know? All in all it felt like a meal of dehydrated foods taken out of a package and spread out on the plate. It most likely was.

After consuming the lifeless meal, I found myself unsatisfied and still hungry. When another colleague arrived she ordered a  kale mango salad, which looked okay, but the thought of the bad food combining made my stomach churn. She also decided to add in a thai vegan soup with tofu, veggies, and rice, and it looked better, so I gave it a little taste test. It was pretty good and had just the right amount of spice. This led me to believe that perhaps some of the cooked vegan dishes might have been safer—but I don’t mess with cooked food much, especially when eating out. All in all for raw food options, this Raw Girl is going to have to give Cafe Green an adamant thumbs down! Besides the great company I met and chatted with, I would never set foot in there again to order a raw meal. I left dreaming about the coconut smoothie I would make when I got home, and hoping that someone, somewhere, will bring a quality live food spot to the DC area. If not, I may just have to dust off my chef’s hat and show ’em how it’s done.

Dreaming of my own raw pizza…

– XoXo Raw Girl

New Article: Natural Ways to Detox from Heavy Metals

In our toxic world, there are so many poisons and contaminants that can hamper our health and do serious damage to our bodies in the long run. One that many forget about, although they may have fillings, is heavy metals. As I started to detox regularly, I became interested in learning more about heavy metal detox and what natural methods were available.  There are a variety of cleanses that can be purchased; but through my research I compiled a few sources that can be consumed regularly or taken over a specific period of time to rid the body of heavy metals including: chlorella, cilantro, liquid activated zeolite, and bentonite clay (which you can buy in two forms: one type to ingest, and the other for external use–I love bentonite masks!)

If you have metal fillings, or have never considered a heavy metal cleanse, check out my latest article via the link below. – X0X0 Raw Girl

Click here to read the full article: http://nutrition.suite101.com/article.cfm/natural-methods-to-detox-the-body-of-heavy-meta

Raw Girl M.I.A. for V-DAY

Hey Raw Foodies & Vegan Lovers:

I know, I know…Raw Girl has been M.I.A. again this week, but at least I can say it’s for a noble cause so I hope you will forgive me. Yours truly has been in rehearsals for the Vagina Monologues which will be on Broadway this coming week, Thursday, April 1st at the Jerry Orbach Theater. Proceeds from the show will go to the V-Day Safe House for women in Haiti, the City of Joy in the Congo for victims of rape and sexual violence, and an organization I work with the Nomi Network, which has the mission of eradicating sexual slavery. I will be playing a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda, and a survivor of sexual slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To learn more about this movement and how you can support please visit: http://www.vday.org/home

 If you know anyone in the NYC area, please pass along this info! Tickets are available via http://www.smarttix.com under Vagina Monologues. I will be on vacay for the show from this coming Wednesday to Friday but coming up is: more veggie love, how to make miso soup, and more. Stay tuned!

– XoXo Raw Girl

New Article: The Benefits of Fermented Foods

Miso Soup - My Version is Coming Soon!

Fermented foods can do wonders for your health. When I first started on the raw path, I drank Rejuvelac religiously and within a month my skin went from acne ridden to clear as day. There are many benefits that come with consuming  fermented foods, but the key is the good bacteria which promotes a health gut and can help keep our bodies parasite free and operating optimally. Check out the new article I wrote on fermented foods via the Suite 101 link below, and if you don’t already, seriously consider adding some of these dairy-free fermented foods in your diet:

  • Rejuvelac
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

To read the full article visit: http://nutrition.suite101.com/article.cfm/promoting–maintaining-good-bacteria-in-the-gut

– XoXo Raw Girl

7 Habits of Highly Effective Raw Vegans

I just finished reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which I always heard about but never picked up. It is a good read, but as I was plowing through the book, I started thinking to myself: what are 7 Habits of Highly Effective Raw Foodies?

And then, the light bulb went on over my head. Below is the list I came up with. There may be more or less, but these are the points I have found myself working on consistently since starting on the raw path.

– XoXo Raw Girl

1. Embrace Moderation A.K.A. Watch the Excess. Chill on the nuts. They are heavy and hard to digest if eaten in excess, especially if not soaked. A lot of raw recipes and raw restaurants feature dishes that are nut-heavy and will leave you feeling, well, a little bloated. Get creative and substitute or indulge from time to time but mostly keep your diet plant-heavy. If you used to be a sugar addict avoid excessive amounts of raw foods with sugar. Minimize use of large amounts of salt, even if it is Celtic or Himalayan.

2. Don’t Be Full of Sh%# A.K.A. Regular Colon Cleansing. Learning this tip that should have been taught to me in grade school changed my life. Everyone should be concerned with ensuring that their body sewage system (which the colon is)  is maintained and regularly cleaned out.

3. Be a DIVA A.K.A. Emphasize Quality. Drink lots of pure or energized water. Find the freshest organic produce available. If you eat non-organic fruit from time to time it won’t kill you, but if you minimize this it’ll keep your body from being loaded with yet another toxin from the pesticides.

4. Add Fuel to Yr Fire A.K.A. Practice Adequate Additional Supplementation and/or use of herbs. This means you are taking your B-12 regularly and using other supplements to provide daily optimal nutrition. Herbal bitters are wonderful, and using a range of other types of herbs in moderation and with care can really boost your overall health if it starts to lag.

5. Live La Vida Toxin-Free A.K.A. Ramp up on Detox. Mineral cleanse, parasite cleanse, shower filters, regular fasting, avoiding beauty products with chemicals… I think you get the picture.

6. Get Off The Couch A.K.A. Get Regular Exercise. General exercise is always good, but it’s also good to incorporate into your exercise regimen workouts that support detoxification: yoga, rebounding etc. Not only will you be foxy and centered if you practice either of these two exercises, but you will give your organs a nice toxin rinse in some of those yoga poses and boost your lymphatic system with the rebounding.

7. Insist on Beauty Sleep A.K.A. Rest it up! Adequate amounts of rest and relaxation always lead to a more productive, happier raw vegan. Although you may find you need less sleep, still make sure to get what you need and not eat anything too close to bedtime.

New Article: Finding Pure Energized Water Admist the Scarcity

For the past several months, I have been on a mission to find the best water source. When you really think about how crucial water is to the human body,  you will realize that optimizing your water intake alone without even changing our diet can do wonders for your health. After doing some research, I  decided to save up to purchase a water ionizer.  Recently I also discovered another much cheaper option that may allow me to drink oxygenated (but not ionized) water at home. In the past I drank reverse osmosis water occasionally, but I discovered that the pH of reverse osmosis water is actually acidic—and of course the goal is to create and maintain an alkaline environment in the body.  Outside of that I drank filtered water, which also isn’t horrible, but sometimes depending on the filter, you still may be getting a nice dose of toxins in that tall glass.

Several organizations have conducted studies on bottled water, and discovered that the majority of bottled water brands are just glorified tap water, sometimes even worse than tap. As far as distilled goes, it is at least a neutral pH. Some people say that it is not good long-term because it is stripped of natural minerals, but other official sources claim that it isn’t that big of an issue because most of our minerals come from the food we ingest. So for now, I am consuming distilled bottled water when on the go,  filtered water at home, and making Rejuvelac—a fermented beverage— more regularly which does wonders for flushing out the body (recipe for that coming soon). The ultimate goal is to purchase an  ionizer or another cheaper option which will deliver me pure, oxygenated water from the comfort of my home. Check out the article below for the full low down on water options:


-XoXo Raw Girl