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Tag Archives: vegan
Recipe! Absolutely Yummy Raw Raspberry Bars
We made it! Today is Day seven of our 7 Days of Raw Fast! I hope you enjoyed the experience and had fun playing with raw food. Hopefully you loved it enough to consider increasing the amount of organic fruits and vegetables in your diet no matter what else you choose to eat. To celebrate our final day I whipped up a raw dessert recipe via Rawtarian. Below’s the recipe reposted. -XoXo Raw Girl
Raw Raspberry Bars
Shortbread Bars
2 cups dried, shredded coconut
1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup maple syrup (or honey or agave nectar)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Raspberry Jam
1 1/2 cups raspberries
1/2 cup dates
1. Process all white shortbread ingredients in food processor. Process briefly until you get a crumbly consistency, similar to the white topping in my photos. (Mixture should stick together when pinched.)
2. Take 3/4 of the white mixture and press it down firmly into your pan/molds. Refrigerate immediately so the bars can start firming up. (Set remaining 1/4 white mixture aside, to be used later.)
3. Blend all raspberry jam ingredients together until a smooth, jam-like consistency is reached. If using frozen raspberries, you may need to add an optional 1-2 tablespoons water to the jam mixture to help it blend.
4. Get your white bars out of the fridge, and smooth the raspberry jam on top of the bars using the back of a spoon. Place back in refrigerator.
5. Refrigerate bars for at least 1 hour so that the jam can firm up a little bit.
6. Sprinkle remaining white crumble mixture on top of the bars.
7. Place in freezer for at least 3 hours to firm up. Your raw raspberry bars are now ready.
Coconut Morning Pick-Me-Up
I started whipping up this simple drink because I absolutely love starting my day with coconut. The dates give a nice natural sugar boost for morning energy and the spices just make it all that much yummier. -XoXo Raw Girl
Coconut Morning Pick Me-Up
1 Young Thai Coconut (water and meat)
3-4 Dates
Dash of Cloves (optional)
2-3 Dashes of Cinnamon
Blend, serve, enjoy!
Recipe! How to Make Raw Tacos
We are on Day 2, of our 7 Days of Raw Fast! Here’s an awesome recipe that is also versatile because you can use it different dishes. My version of it actually combines a few elements from a few different raw taco recipes I found. The best part about this dish is it takes little to no time at and you can save your leftovers to use as toppings for salads or in wraps. As the ‘taco’ shell you can use romaine lettuce or try collard greens. -XoXo Raw Girl
Raw Taco Meat
1 1/2 cups walnuts (soaked for 1-2 hours or un-soaked work as well)
1/3 cup sundried tomatoes (soak for 30 min to hour in warm/hot water to soften)
1 1/2 tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons of tumeric or curry
2 teaspoons Braggs
Taco ‘Shell’
Collard greens or romaine lettuce
Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until you get a taco meat like consistency. Fill in topping to collard greens or romaine lettuce and add additional toppings like avocado, fresh tomatoes etc. Enjoy!
Need a live demo? Check out this past post which features a video of Aiya of blackveganlove.com sharing how to make her version of this recipe.
7 Days of Raw Begins March 1st!
If your a fan on the Facebook page you know we are counting down to March 1st, when Blackveganlove.com and I will be hosting a 7 Day Raw Fast. The challenge is completely FREE all you need to do is like the Facebook page and stay tuned to the blog for new updates, recipes, and inspiration to make it through the fast. Spring is just around the corner, so this is a great way to get your all natural glow on, or jumpstart your health goals.
Just in case you are a complete newbie to raw foods, here’s a brief summary by my buddy Aiya of blackveganlove.com:
Raw Food = uncooked, unheated, enzyme active, nutritionally dense, goodness straight from Mother Nature herself. So whether it’s fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, pseudo grains, sprouts etc. none of them are prepared on a stove, in the oven, or heated beyond the 105-120 degree F range in a dehydrator. Vegan Raw Foodists create their dishes by blending, mixing, dehydrating, cutting, juicing, freezing, pureeing and chopping their food to come up with dishes that are both tasty and nutritious.
Hopefully you will be inspired to join in with us! If so, make sure you start planning your grocery list now and start stocking up on fresh organic fare before Saturday. -XoXo Raw Girl
The Art of Eating for Beauty
I’m sure you have at some point in your life heard the saying: “you are what you eat.” If you truly take that statement to heart you realize that with every meal you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself; the nourishment you choose can either fuel your body or leave you feeling and looking like you’re running on empty. When considering optimal health, we have to think about food for the mind, body, and spirit. We all want to feel beautiful or appreciated for the uniqueness that we are but beauty is much deeper than a pretty face. True beauty could be considered the fullest most energetic expression of one’s soul. Below are some simple ways you can step into your true beauty and fill yourself up with spiritual and physical nourishment. -XoXo Raw Girl
Eat Whole, Unprocessed Foods. If you are what you eat do you want to look like a stale bag of salt encrusted potato chips? Or would you prefer to radiate the energy from a fresh bowl of organic leafy greens? Sounds like an easy choice, but sometimes our taste buds get the better of us. Nowadays it is more important than ever to know that what you are eating is actually food, because the majority of packaged and to-go meals out there are full of chemicals, preservatives, harmful additives, or even hormones. Consuming these toxins does not only diminishes your outward appearance, it also has a direct effect on your emotional stability and joie de vivre.
Get Your Beauty Vitamins In. Food is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to alter our physical body, increase our magnetism, and boost our overall sexy factor. As David Wolfe so eloquently sums up in his book “Eating for Beauty,” there are a number of nutrients that are essential for maintaining and cultivating an attractive appearance including vitamin A, C, E, silicon, sulfur, and zinc. In addition to these you’ll want to make sure you get enough magnesium, manganese, iron, and B vitamins which are all essential for the proper functioning of metabolic pathways that convert our food into energy.
Embrace Silence. Meditation, in whatever form you choose to practice, is the ultimate food for the soul. Not only is meditation a stress reliever, it can actually boost your mental performance. Research conducted at the University of California, Santa Barbara found that college students trained in mindfulness performed better on verbal reasoning sections on the GRE and also had improvements in retention of material. The outcome of the study suggests that mindfulness improves overall cognitive function. In addition meditation helps to balance out emotions and moodiness, and has been shown in numerous studies to reduce the risk of depression.
Do Yoga. Not only is yoga is healing modality that can help release bodily toxins, improve flexibility, boost your immune system, and improve blood circulation, it is another incredible way to give your soul the food it needs. On your mat as your learn to focus, breathe, and move through challenges without letting your mental chatter get in your way, you slowly but surely free yourself up to be the fiercest most beautiful version of you, outside in the real world.
Pursue Your Purpose. When someone contracts a serious illness or chronic disease, they expect their doctor to prescribe medication, and if their lucky some lifestyle changes. Often times in addition to those recommendations, the best prescription is to simply find what you love and do it daily. It is far too common to find ourselves living a life that is not our own and neglecting our true passions and calling. To be the best, healthiest version of you, find what it is that makes your heart sing and do it NOW. Not next week, ten years from now, when you have more money etc. When you love what you do and are walking in your purpose you will be happy, and a good dose of happy is an essential ingredient for optimal health.
Want to get your vegan glow on just in time for spring? The 7 Days of Raw challenge begins on March 1st! Like the Facebook Page for details and updates.
5 Myths About Yoga You Should Ignore
As a yoga instructor I have tried countless times to win over the anti-yogi’s who have every excuse in the world NOT to do yoga. Here are the top 5 reasons why they say “I do not do yoga!” Along with their excuses I’ve included some compelling reasons why, if you are opposed to yoga, you may want to reconsider. I hope that once you have the scoop you will take a chance with yourself and get on the mat!
1. Yoga is for rich people. While yoga can be very expensive in some areas, there are plenty of yoga studios that offer work-for-trade programs. Karma yoga is a big deal at a lot of these spaces and they often offer opportunities to perform karmic duty in exchange for yoga classes. I can personally say that Karma Yoga at various studios around the city has saved my life and kept a lot of money in my wallet!
2. Yoga is not challenging. One of the most challenging things for most of us to do is relinquish power and control. It can serve as an obstacle for a lot of us to sit comfortably in our vulnerability and just be. For others, it can be a major task to sit in stillness without fidgeting about. Many people are also very surprised at the amount of strength and control it takes to hold certain postures and breathe through them. The great thing is that if you are doing it properly you will be challenged wonderfully (even if just a little bit) during your yoga practice because there is always a way to take your practice to a more rigorous level.
3. Yoga is a religion. Yoga is not a religion. I repeat, yoga is not meant to take you away from your religious practice. Yoga is all about tapping into our sacred source and opening channels within the body for self exploration and thus growing more deeply in your faith. People from all walks of life can practice yoga and make it their own while still engaging in religious activities.
4. Yoga is for girls. B.K.S. Iyengar, Dharma Mittra, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sting! Need I say more?? Yoga can serve as a full body work out for men since every part of your body is being worked during a well rounded practice. When committed to a regular yoga practice men can also receive improved focus, raised energy levels, and more positive thinking patterns.
5. I am not flexible enough to do yoga. This is really just the worst. If you are not flexible, yoga will increase your flexibility over time. Flexibility must begin in the mind before one can even think of it entering the body. In almost all instances the way we show up on our mats is a direct reflection of our cognitive process. Breath is also a major component in obtaining the optimal level of physical flexibility. When you come to practice with an open mind, the possibilities are endless.
~ Sihnuu Hetep
To learn more about Sihnuu, click here
Why Biotin is Essential for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Are you experiencing hypoglycemic conditions? Do you find yourself sometimes irritable, fatigued, or having brain fog if too much time passes between meals? You may have low blood sugar that could be caused by a range of dietary issues, one being a deficiency in biotin. Our bodies’ convert glucose into the energy in the process of glycolysis. When we run out of glucose and our body either breaks down glycogen (which is stored glucose) to make energy, or converts other available substances to glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis.
During both of these important metabolic pathways, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, there are many important steps that need different types of carboxylase enzymes to continue the processes. All of these enzymes are biotin dependent, meaning they need biotin to be present in the body in adequate amounts to function properly. Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps the body transform fat, protein and carbohydrates in your food to energy needed by the body. So if you happen to be deficient in biotin also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, your body will have problems creating more glucose when it needs it, and thus you experience low blood sugar levels. Pregnant women especially need biotin to ensure the health of their unborn child, and biotin is also a beauty nutrient as it plays a big role in maintaining healthy nails, skin, and hair.
Some good whole food sources of biotin include: swiss chard, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, almonds, walnuts, avocados, bananas, strawberries, goji berries, cranberries, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, coconut water, and egg yolks (if you are vegetarian). In addition to ensuring that you incorporate a wide range of these foods into your diet, it is never a bad idea to find a good B-complex supplement, because all of the B vitamins play extremely essential roles in maintaining optimal body functioning. If you have been exposed to heavy metals like mercury or arsenic these too can disrupt metabolic pathways and lead to hypoglycemic conditions. Remember that true health is never about one vitamin or supplement; however our bodies are so complex and dynamic when we are not giving it all of the nutrients it needs, even the micronutrients, we cannot function at our best. -XoXo Raw Girl
Nutritional Benefits of Eggplant
If you need a nice way to bulk up meals and are transitioning to veggie livin’, you may be trying everything from tofu to soy meat products to fill the void. Eggplant is a wonderful, whole food option that is low in calories and high in fiber and makes a great meat substitute without the added chemicals and preservatives in faux meat.
Eggplants belong to the nightshade vegetable family which also includes tomatoes and potatoes, and grow on vines. They are most comprised of carbs which are essential for optimal body functioning and energy, but one cup will only run you somewhere around thirty calories and two grams of fat.
If you are looking to lose weight, obviously consuming eggplant will assist you in cutting back on the wrong kinds of calories and getting a filling nutrient dense food with little to no fat. They contain very little protein so you would want to ensure to include them into a diet that includes other protein rich foods to find balance. Besides a good amount of fiber, eggplant contains manganese, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and smaller amount of B3 and B6, niacin, and folate. The added bonuses are omega-3 and omega-6, also known as the essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients and antioxidants which support proper brain functioning, prevent free radical damage, and have anti-cancer properties. If that all sounds groovy to you, thankfully there are many ways to skin an eggplant.
If you want to try them raw, eggplant bacon is a fun and easy to make with the use of a dehydrator. If you are more of a cooked foodie try adding eggplant into veggie stir fry dishes, or baking them. The only word of caution that comes with this veggie is that it has high levels of oxalates, which can crystallize and cause health problems. For the general health individual, this isn’t a problem, but if you have pre-existing kidney or gallbladder problems you should avoid eating them. -XoXo Raw Girl
DC Raw/Vegan Spot: District Tea Lodge (Cont’d)
Not too long ago I posted about District Tea Lounge because of their incredible tea and one of my favorite things in the universe: kombucha on tap. Since then I’ve been back often because I love the vibes and wanted to try a few things on their menu. In addition to the local kombucha, they tend to have a few raw dessert options, a super cheap “Buddha bowl” which will only run you nine bucks for a large bowl of organic veggies and quinoa, at least one raw meal option.
On the most recent trips back I tried the raw zucchini pasta with peanut sauce, the raw brownie, and the raw carrot cake bar. All were pretty good. I really enjoyed the zucchini pasta which was a really light and good alternative to a basic salad. A friend who I visited with me ordered a pu-erh tea, which is a special fermented black tea that originates from China and has almost as much caffeine as coffee. In the past it used to take up to fifteen years to properly age pu-erh teas, but with new technology the process can be accelerated. What struck me
about this tea was that it also has strong medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese herbalism it has been used to open the meridians and facilitate ‘blood cleansing’ and optimal digestion. Some studies also have shown that pu-erh may lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and increase metabolism.
If you haven’t visited District, I definitely recommend you check it out. It will be one of the places I will miss frequenting when I leave DC. -XoXo Raw Girl
To learn more about District you can visit their Website.